Recherche – Gramophone virtuel

Numéro d'OCLC
Vedette d'interprète
Van Eps, Fred, 1878-1960.
Van Eps Trio.
Van Eps, Fred, 1878-1960.
Van Eps Trio.
Van Eps Trio, banjo, piano, saxophone.
Kisses ; The rose of no man's land / Cowan ; Caddigan ; Brennan.
Vedette de compositeur
Cowan, Lynn F., 1888-1973.
Brennan, James A., 1885-1956.
Caddigan, Jack, 1879-1952.
Brennan, James A., 1885-1956.
Caddigan, Jack, 1879-1952.
Étiquette générique
Étiquette transcrite
His Master's Voice,
Berliner Gram-O-Phone Co.
Numéro de tirage
Numéro de face
Remarques sur l'enregistrement
Recorded: [ca Jan 1919], [Montreal, QC], Berliner Gram-O-Phone Co.
Comments: Additional information/information additionnelle: According to the label, "The rose of no man's land" introduced on this recording.
Discographical reference: disc; Canadian Music Trades Journal, release date.
Distributor: Berliner Gram-O-Phone Co.
Issue type: primary label.
Music publisher: New York : McCarthy & Fisher for Kisses|Leo Feist 1918/Jerry Vogel Music Co. 1945 for The rose of no man's land.
Other number: B, copy 1 ; B, copy 2 ; B, copy 3.
Released: [Apr 1919].
Comments: Additional information/information additionnelle: According to the label, "The rose of no man's land" introduced on this recording.
Discographical reference: disc; Canadian Music Trades Journal, release date.
Distributor: Berliner Gram-O-Phone Co.
Issue type: primary label.
Music publisher: New York : McCarthy & Fisher for Kisses|Leo Feist 1918/Jerry Vogel Music Co. 1945 for The rose of no man's land.
Other number: B, copy 1 ; B, copy 2 ; B, copy 3.
Released: [Apr 1919].
1 audio disc : 78 rpm, mono ; 10 in.
Populaire (musique)
Fox-trots (Musique)
Popular music.
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