Recherche – Gramophone virtuel

Terme(s) de recherche
5 résultat(s) trouvé(s) pour « Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera. ».
TitreInterprèteÉtiquette générique
Wagner :Die Walküre ; Act 3 ; Walkürenritt = Ride of the Valkyries /Wagner.Vocal Ensemble of the Metropolitan Opera ; Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York ; Artur Rodzinski, conductor.
Boris Godounov :Prologue (Conclusion) : Ma perche tu oi abbandoni? = But why dost thou abandon us? /Moussorgsky.Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera, with orchestra ; Emil Cooper, conductor.
Boris Godounov :Prologue (Beginning) : Ebbene! siete voi di stucco? = Well! are you made of stone? /Moussorgsky.Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera, with orchestra ; Emil Cooper, conductor.
Boris Godounov :Coronation scene : Salute ed ogni ben al nostre zar! = Health and long life to our czar! /Moussorgsky.Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera, with orchestra ; Emil Cooper, conductor.
Boris Godounov :Polonaise : Il vostre amor mi lascia indifferente = Your love leaves me indifferent /Moussorgsky.Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera, with orchestra ; Emil Cooper, conductor.
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