Search Help: Census of Canada, 1901


This research tool contains 5,371,315 records that are searchable by name. The database entries are in the original language used in the documents. This information was not translated.

Search Screen

The search screen enables you to search by name of person or by place. The 1901 Census was enumerated by census districts and sub-districts, and the records were compiled accordingly. Therefore, knowledge of the districts and sub-districts is of value in locating either an individual or a geographic location.

To assist with district names and sub-district descriptions, a list of 1901 Census Districts and Sub-districts is provided.

The search screen enables you to search by:

  • Keywords
  • Surname
  • Given Name(s)
  • Age
  • Province

By clicking on Hide/Show Advanced Search Options, you will also be able to search by:

  • District Name
  • District Number
  • Sub-District Name
  • Sub-District Number
  • Division Number
  • Page Number


Enables you to search any of the fields alone or in combination.

Surname and Given Name(s)

Enables you to search by name of person.


  • Enter numerical values only.
  • For children under one year of age, fractions were used (for example, for 2 months, "2/12" was indicated).

Province or territory

Drop-down list enables you to retrieve all the returns for a specific province or territory.

District Name

District Number

Sub-District Name

Sub-District Number

  • Assigned by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics.
  • Unique value within a census district.
  • Letters (A, B, C, etc.) were used instead of numbers.
  • Can be used with a district name or number to quickly retrieve results.
  • To determine a valid term, consult the list of 1901 Census Districts and Sub-districts.

​​​​​When you have entered your search terms, click on "Search". The number of hits found will be shown at the top of the results screen.

How to Interpret the Results

Your search results will be posted as a results summary list from which you will be able to obtain an item description.

Search Results Page

The search results page has a thumbnail image of the census record and displays the following information:

  • Census Year (e.g. 1901)
  • Item Number
  • Surname
  • Given Name(s)
  • Age
  • Province
  • District Name
  • Sub-District Name

From here you have two options:

  • Click on the underlined item number of a person to access the detailed description.
  • Click on either JPG or PDF to view the full image. You can print the images or save the images onto your computer.

Item Page

The item page has a digitized image of the actual census page available in JPG and PDF formats and contains the following fields:

  • Surname
  • Given Name(s)
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Birth Year
  • Place of Birth
  • Marital Status
  • Relationship
  • Occupation
  • Religion
  • Ethnic Origin
  • Nationality
  • Year of Immigration
  • Province
  • District Name
  • District Number
  • Sub-District Name
  • Sub-District Number
  • Division Number
  • Page Number
  • Family Number
  • Microfilm Number
  • Reference

To suggest a correction, click on the Suggest a Correction link to access an electronic form.

To return to the Search Results page, click on the Back button of your browser in the upper left corner of your screen.

How to Obtain Copies

Consult Access the Records for other options such as consulting census records on microfilms. Please do not submit copy requests because we do not provide copies of census records that are already digitized online.

Some of the original documents are very difficult to read. Therefore, some information in the database may be incorrect and/or incomplete. Please note that LAC does not provide transcription and translation services. Contact your local genealogical society for assistance.

Research Tips

The Research Tips section on our main census page includes basic and advanced search tips and strategies.  There are also instructions on how to search by place.


Library and Archives Canada gratefully acknowledges the contribution of without which this project would not have been possible.


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