Recherche – Gramophone virtuel

Numéro d'OCLC
Vedette d'interprète
Jessner, Irene.
Reibold, Bruno.
RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra.
Jessner, Irene.
Reibold, Bruno.
RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra.
Irene Jessner, soprano ; Victor Symphony Orchestra ; Bruno Reibold, conductor.
Die tote stadt. Mariettas lied = The dead city. Marietta's lute song / Korngold.
Vedette de compositeur
Korngold, Erich Wolfgang, 1897-1957.
Étiquette générique
Ouvrage plus vaste
Tote stadt
Étiquette transcrite
His Master's Voice,
The Gramophone Company Limited.
Numéro de tirage
E.D. 64
Numéro de matrice
2A 048406
Numéro de face
Remarques sur l'enregistrement
Recorded: [ca. 194-?].
Alternate issues: [Victor] : 17366?; Victor : 17256 (primary label) (Argentina).
Comments: Red label with gold lettering.
Comments: Text transcribed from label/Texte transcrit de l'étiquette: Must not be used for radio broadcasting, nor publicly performed; Manufactured specially for the Gramophone Co. Ltd, Sydney, N.S.W.; [sung] in Italian with orch.
Comments: Additional information/information additionnelle: BIEM = Bureau International des Sociétés Gérant les Droits dẺnregistrement et de Reproduction Mécanique; Mechanical Copyright Protection Society stamp-like sigla with the letters MCPS appears in the central bottom half of the label.
Distributor: The Gramophone Company Limited.
Issue type: primary label.
Other number: HV 11478 ; S 34?; 17366 A.
Released: [ca. 194-?].
Alternate issues: [Victor] : 17366 ?; Victor : 17256 (primary label) (Argentina).
Comments: Red label with gold lettering.
Comments: Text transcribed from label/Texte transcrit de l'étiquette: Must not be used for radio broadcasting, nor publicly performed; Manufactured specially for the Gramophone Co. Ltd, Sydney, N.S.W.; [sung] in Italian with orch.
Comments: Additional information/information additionnelle: BIEM = Bureau International des Sociétés Gérant les Droits dẺnregistrement et de Reproduction Mécanique; Mechanical Copyright Protection Society stamp-like sigla with the letters MCPS appears in the central bottom half of the label.
Distributor: The Gramophone Company Limited.
Issue type: primary label.
Other number: HV 11478 ; S 34?; 17366 A.
Released: [ca. 194-?].
1 audio disc : 78 rpm, mono ; 12 in.
Operas - Excerpts.
Opéras - Extraits.
Date de modification :