Tableaux : Recensement du Canada, 1871

Ces renseignements ont été compilés en utilisant 9 documents sous forme de tableaux qui comprenaient un total de 211 questions:

  • Tableau 1 : Dénombrement des vivants
  • Tableau 2 : Dénombrement des morts des derniers douze mois
  • Tableau 3 : Établissements publics, propriétés immobilières et mobilières
  • Tableau 4 : Les terres cultivées et leurs produits
  • Tableau 5 : Bétail, produits animaux y compris les fourrures
  • Tableau 6 : Établissements industriels
  • Tableau 7 : Produits des forêts
  • Tableau 8 : Navigation et pêcheries
  • Tableau 9 : Produits des mines

La plupart des neuf tableaux ont été préservés. La plupart des tableaux « manquants » n’ont jamais été remplis, car ils n’étaient pas pertinents pour le sous-district, par exemple Tableau 8 (Navigation et pêcheries). Les tableaux numéros  2 et 6 comprennent des noms mais pas les autres tableaux. Ils sont liés au tableau no 1 par numéros de pages et de lignes. Afin de savoir quelques tableaux sont disponibles pour chaque sous-district, consultez :

Seul le tableau 1, peut faire l’objet d’une recherche par le biais de la base de données. Vous pouvez voir les autres tableaux par le biais de l’outil Numérisation de microforme.

Les tableaux sont organisés en ordre numérique pour chaque sous-district. Par exemple, sur la bobine C-10387, vous trouverez District 183, Comté Gloucester, Sous-district b-1, Bathurst, tableaux 1 à 8, suivi par Sous-district b-2, Bathurst, tableaux 1 à 8, etc.


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  • Districts 1 à 9
    Microfilm Numéro du district Nom du district Nom du sous-district Numéro du sous-district Numéro de division Tableaux manquants
    C-9888 1 Essex Malden A 1 9
    C-9888 1 Essex Malden A 2 8, 9
    C-9888 1 Essex Amherstburg B -- --
    C-9888 1 Essex Anderdon C -- --
    C-9888 1 Essex Colchester D 1 --
    C-9888 1 Essex Colchester D 2 9
    C-9888 1 Essex Gosfield E 1 9
    C-9888 1 Essex Gosfield E 2 9
    C-9889 1 Essex Mersea F 1 9
    C-9889 1 Essex Mersea F 2 9
    C-9889 1 Essex Pelée G -- 9
    C-9889 1 Essex Sandwich West H -- 9
    C-9889 1 Essex Sandwich I -- 9
    C-9889 1 Essex Sandwich East J 1 9
    C-9889 1 Essex Sandwich East J 2 9
    C-9890 1 Essex Windsor K 1 9
    C-9890 1 Essex Windsor K 2 --
    C-9890 1 Essex Maidstone L -- 9
    C-9890 1 Essex Rochester M -- 9
    C-9890 1 Essex Tilbury West N 1 9
    C-9890 1 Essex Tilbury West N 2 9
    C-9890 2 Kent Romney A -- 9
    C-9890 2 Kent Tilbury East B 1 9
    C-9890 2 Kent Tilbury East B 2 9
    C-9891 2 Kent Raleigh C 1 9
    C-9891 2 Kent Raleigh C 2 9
    C-9891 2 Kent Raleigh C 3 6,9
    C-9891 2 Kent Raleigh C 4 9
    C-9891 2 Kent Harwich D 1 9
    C-9891 2 Kent Harwich D 2 9
    C-9891 2 Kent Harwich D 3 9
    C-9891 2 Kent Harwich D 4 9
    C-9891 2 Kent Harwich D 5 9
    C-9892 2 Kent Dover E 1 9
    C-9892 2 Kent Dover E 2 --
    C-9892 2 Kent Chatham F 1 9
    C-9892 2 Kent Chatham F 2 9
    C-9892 2 Kent Chatham F 3 9
    C-9892 2 Kent Chatham (Town) G 1 9
    C-9892 2 Kent Chatham (Town) G 2 --
    C-9893 3 Bothwell Howard A 1 2
    C-9893 3 Bothwell Howard A 2 9
    C-9893 3 Bothwell Howard A 3 8,9
    C-9893 3 Bothwell Orford B 1 9
    C-9893 3 Bothwell Orford B 2 9
    C-9893 3 Bothwell Orford B 3 9
    C-9893 3 Bothwell Orford B 4 6, 9
    C-9894 3 Bothwell Camden C 1 --
    C-9894 3 Bothwell Camden C 2 9
    C-9894 3 Bothwell Zone D 1 9
    C-9894 3 Bothwell Zone D 2 9
    C-9894 3 Bothwell Bothwell E -- --
    C-9894 3 Bothwell Sombra F 1 9
    C-9894 3 Bothwell Sombra F 2 9
    C-9894 3 Bothwell Dawn G 1 9
    C-9894 3 Bothwell Dawn G 2 --
    C-9894 3 Bothwell Euphemia H 1 9
    C-9894 3 Bothwell Euphemia H 2 9
    C-9895 4 Lambton Moore A 1 6, 8, 9
    C-9895 4 Lambton Moore A 2 9
    C-9895 4 Lambton Moore A 3 9
    C-9895 4 Lambton Moore A 4 9
    C-9895 4 Lambton Enniskillen B -- 8
    C-9895 4 Lambton Oil Springs C -- --
    C-9895 4 Lambton Petrolia D 1 7, 8
    C-9895 4 Lambton Petrolia D 2 8
    C-9895 4 Lambton Brooke E 1 8, 9
    C-9895 4 Lambton Brooke E 2 8, 9
    C-9896 4 Lambton Sarnia F 1 9
    C-9896 4 Lambton Sarnia F 2 8, 9
    C-9896 4 Lambton Sarnia F 3 9
    C-9896 4 Lambton Sarnia G 1 --
    C-9896 4 Lambton Sarnia G 2 9
    C-9896 4 Lambton Plympton H 1 9
    C-9896 4 Lambton Plympton H 2 8, 9
    C-9896 4 Lambton Plympton H 3 8, 0
    C-9896 4 Lambton Plympton H 4 9
    C-9897 4 Lambton Warwick I 1 8, 9
    C-9897 4 Lambton Warwick I 2 8, 9
    C-9897 4 Lambton Warwick I 3 9
    C-9897 4 Lambton Warwick I 4 9
    C-9897 4 Lambton Bosanquet J 1 8, 9
    C-9897 4 Lambton Bosanquet J 2 9
    C-9897 4 Lambton Bosanquet J 3 8, 9
    C-9897 4 Lambton Bosanquet J 4 9
    C-9897 5 Elgin West Aldborough A 1 9
    C-9897 5 Elgin West Aldborough A 2 7, 9
    C-9897 5 Elgin West Aldborough A 3 9
    C-9898 5 Elgin West Dunwich B 1 9
    C-9898 5 Elgin West Dunwich B 2 9
    C-9898 5 Elgin West Dunwich B 3 9
    C-9898 5 Elgin West Southwold C 1 9
    C-9898 5 Elgin West Southwold C 2 --
    C-9898 5 Elgin West Southwold C 3 9
    C-9898 5 Elgin West Southwold C 4 9
    C-9898 6 Elgin East Yarmouth A 1 9
    C-9898 6 Elgin East Yarmouth A 2 9
    C-9898 6 Elgin East Yarmouth A 3 9
    C-9898 6 Elgin East Yarmouth A 4 9
    C-9899 6 Elgin East St-Thomas B -- 9
    C-9899 6 Elgin East Malahide C 1 9
    C-9899 6 Elgin East Malahide C 2 9
    C-9899 6 Elgin East Malahide C 3 9
    C-9899 6 Elgin East Malahide C 4 4
    C-9899 6 Elgin East Dorchester South D 1 --
    C-9899 6 Elgin East Dorchester South D 2 9
    C-9900 6 Elgin East Bayham E 1 9
    C-9900 6 Elgin East Bayham E 2 --
    C-9900 6 Elgin East Bayham E 3 9
    C-9900 6 Elgin East Bayham E 4 9
    C-9900 6 Elgin East Vienna F -- --
    C-9900 7 Middlesex West Mosa A 1 9
    C-9900 7 Middlesex West Mosa A 2 9
    C-9900 7 Middlesex West Wardsville B -- 9
    C-9901 7 Middlesex West Ekfrid C 1 9
    C-9901 7 Middlesex West Ekfrid C 2 9
    C-9901 7 Middlesex West Ekfrid C 3 9
    C-9901 7 Middlesex West Metcalfe D 1 9
    C-9901 7 Middlesex West Metcalfe D 2 9
    C-9901 7 Middlesex West Caradoc E 1 9
    C-9901 7 Middlesex West Caradoc E 2 9
    C-9901 7 Middlesex West Caradoc E 3 9
    C-9901 7 Middlesex West Caradoc E 4 9
    C-9901 7 Middlesex West Strathroy F -- 9
    C-9902 7 Middlesex West Delaware G 1 9
    C-9902 7 Middlesex West Delaware G 2 --
    C-9902 8 Middlesex North Adelaide A 1 --
    C-9902 8 Middlesex North Adelaide A 2 --
    C-9902 8 Middlesex North Williams West B 1 --
    C-9902 8 Middlesex North Williams West B 2 --
    C-9902 8 Middlesex North Williams West B 3 --
    C-9903 8 Middlesex North Williams East C 1 --
    C-9903 8 Middlesex North Williams East C 2 --
    C-9903 8 Middlesex North Williams East C 3 --
    C-9903 8 Middlesex North Lobo D 1 --
    C-9903 8 Middlesex North Lobo D 2 --
    C-9903 8 Middlesex North Lobo D 3 --
    C-9903 8 Middlesex North McGillivray E 1 --
    C-9903 8 Middlesex North McGillivray E 2 --
    C-9903 8 Middlesex North McGillivray E 3 --
    C-9903 8 Middlesex North McGillivray E 4 --
    C-9903 8 Middlesex North McGillivray E 5 --
    C-9904 8 Middlesex North Biddulph F 1 8, 9
    C-9904 8 Middlesex North Biddulph F 2 8, 9
    C-9904 8 Middlesex North Biddulph F 3 8, 9
    C-9904 8 Middlesex North Biddulph F 4 8, 9
    C-9904 9 Middlesex East Westminster A 1 9
    C-9904 9 Middlesex East Westminster A 2 9
    C-9904 9 Middlesex East Westminster A 3 9
    C-9904 9 Middlesex East Westminster A 4 9
    C-9904 9 Middlesex East Westminster A 5 9
    C-9904 9 Middlesex East Dorchester North B 1 9
    C-9904 9 Middlesex East Dorchester North B 2 9
    C-9905 9 Middlesex East London C 1 9
    C-9905 9 Middlesex East London C 2 9
    C-9905 9 Middlesex East London C 3 9
    C-9905 9 Middlesex East London C 4 9
    C-9905 9 Middlesex East London C 5 9
    C-9905 9 Middlesex East London C 6 9
    C-9905 9 Middlesex East London C 7 9
    C-9906 9 Middlesex East Nissouri West D 1 9
    C-9906 9 Middlesex East Nissouri West D 2 9
  • Districts 10 à 19
    Microfilm Numéro du district Nom du district Nom du sous-district Numéro du sous-district Numéro de division Tableaux manquants
    C-9906 10 London London Ward 1 A -- 9
    C-9906 10 London London Ward 2 B -- 9
    C-9906 10 London London Ward 3 C 1 9
    C-9906 10 London London Ward 3 C 2 9
    C-9906 10 London London Ward 4 D -- 9
    C-9906 10 London London Ward 5 E -- 9
    C-9907 10 London London Ward 6 F -- 9
    C-9907 10 London London Ward 7 G -- 9
    C-9907 11 Norfolk South Houghton A 1 9
    C-9907 11 Norfolk South Houghton A 2 9
    C-9907 11 Norfolk South Walsingham B 1 9
    C-9907 11 Norfolk South Walsingham B 2 8, 9
    C-9907 11 Norfolk South Walsingham B 3 8, 9
    C-9908 11 Norfolk South Charlotteville C 1 9
    C-9908 11 Norfolk South Charlotteville C 2 9
    C-9908 11 Norfolk South Charlotteville C 3 9
    C-9908 11 Norfolk South Woodhouse D 1 9
    C-9908 11 Norfolk South Woodhouse D 2 9
    C-9908 11 Norfolk South Woodhouse D 3 9
    C-9908 12 Norfolk North Middleton A 1 --
    C-9908 12 Norfolk North Middleton A 2 9
    C-9909 12 Norfolk North Windham B 1 8, 9
    C-9909 12 Norfolk North Windham B 2 8, 9
    C-9909 12 Norfolk North Windham B 3 9
    C-9909 12 Norfolk North Windham B 4 8, 9
    C-9909 12 Norfolk North Townsend C 1 8, 9
    C-9909 12 Norfolk North Townsend C 2 8
    C-9909 12 Norfolk North Townsend C 3 8, 9
    C-9909 12 Norfolk North Townsend C 4 8, 9
    C-9909 12 Norfolk North Simcoe D -- 9
    C-9910 13 Oxford South Dereham A 1 9
    C-9910 13 Oxford South Dereham A 2 9
    C-9910 13 Oxford South Dereham A 3 9
    C-9910 13 Oxford South Dereham A 4 9
    C-9910 13 Oxford South Norwich South B 1 9
    C-9910 13 Oxford South Norwich South B 2 --
    C-9910 13 Oxford South Norwich North C 1 9
    C-9910 13 Oxford South Norwich North C 2 9
    C-9910 13 Oxford South Norwich North C 3 9
    C-9911 13 Oxford South Oxford East D 1 9
    C-9911 13 Oxford South Oxford East D 2 9
    C-9911 13 Oxford South Oxford West E 1 9
    C-9911 13 Oxford South Oxford West E 2 9
    C-9911 13 Oxford South Ingersoll F 1 9
    C-9911 13 Oxford South Ingersoll F 2 9
    C-9911 13 Oxford South Oxford North G 1 9
    C-9912 14 Oxford North Nissouri East A 1 8, 9
    C-9912 14 Oxford North Nissouri East A 2 8, 9
    C-9912 14 Oxford North Zorra West B 1 8, 9
    C-9912 14 Oxford North Zorra West B 2 8, 9
    C-9912 14 Oxford North Zorra West B 3 8, 9
    C-9912 14 Oxford North Embro C -- 8, 9
    C-9912 14 Oxford North Zorra East D 1 8, 9
    C-9912 14 Oxford North Zorra East D 2 8, 9
    C-9912 14 Oxford North Zorra East D 3 8, 9
    C-9913 14 Oxford North Woodstock E 1 8, 9
    C-9913 14 Oxford North Woodstock E 2 8, 9
    C-9913 14 Oxford North Brantford F 1 8, 9
    C-9913 14 Oxford North Brantford F 2 8, 9
    C-9913 14 Oxford North Blenheim G 1 8, 9
    C-9913 14 Oxford North Blenheim G 2 8, 9
    C-9913 14 Oxford North Blenheim G 3 8, 9
    C-9913 14 Oxford North Blenheim G 4 8, 9
    C-9914 15 Brant South or West Burford A 1 9
    C-9914 15 Brant South or West Burford A 2 9
    C-9914 15 Brant South or West Burford A 3 8, 9
    C-9914 15 Brant South or West Burford A 4 9
    C-9914 15 Brant South or West Burford A 5 9
    C-9914 15 Brant South or West Oakland B -- 9
    C-9914 15 Brant South or West Brantford West C 1 9
    C-9914 15 Brant South or West Brantford West C 2 9
    C-9914 15 Brant South or West Brantford West C 3 9
    C-9915 15 Brant South or West Brantford D 1 9
    C-9915 15 Brant South or West Brantford D 2 9
    C-9915 15 Brant South or West Brantford D 3 9
    C-9915 15 Brant South or West Brantford D 4 9
    C-9915 15 Brant South or West Tuscarora E 1 6, 9
    C-9915 15 Brant South or West Tuscarora E 2 6, 9
    C-9915 16 Brant North or East Dumfries South A 1 9
    C-9915 16 Brant North or East Dumfries South A 2 8, 9
    C-9915 16 Brant North or East Dumfries South A 3 8, 9
    C-9916 16 Brant North or East Brantford East B 1 8, 9
    C-9916 16 Brant North or East Brantford East B 2 8, 9
    C-9916 16 Brant North or East Brantford East B 3 8, 9
    C-9916 16 Brant North or East Paris C 1 8, 9
    C-9916 16 Brant North or East Paris C 2 8, 9
    C-9916 16 Brant North or East Onondaga D 1 8, 9
    C-9916 16 Brant North or East Onondaga D 2 8, 9
    C-9916 17 Haldimand Walpole A 1 --
    C-9916 17 Haldimand Walpole A 2 9
    C-9916 17 Haldimand Walpole A 3 8, 9
    C-9916 17 Haldimand Walpole A 4 8, 9
    C-9917 17 Haldimand Rainham B 1 7, 8, 9
    C-9917 17 Haldimand Rainham B 2 9
    C-9917 17 Haldimand Cayuga South C -- 8, 9
    C-9917 17 Haldimand Cayuga North D 1 8
    C-9917 17 Haldimand Cayuga North D 2 8
    C-9917 17 Haldimand Cayuga E -- 7, 8
    C-9917 17 Haldimand Oneida F 1 8
    C-9917 17 Haldimand Oneida F 2 8
    C-9917 17 Haldimand Oneida F 3 8, 9
    C-9918 17 Haldimand Seneca G 1 9
    C-9918 17 Haldimand Seneca G 2 --
    C-9918 17 Haldimand Seneca G 3 8, 9
    C-9918 17 Haldimand Caledonia H -- 9
    C-9918 17 Haldimand Dunn I -- 2, 8, 9
    C-9918 18 Monck Moulton, Sherbrooke A 1 9
    C-9918 18 Monck Moulton, Sherbrooke A 2 8, 9
    C-9918 18 Monck Dunnville B 1 9
    C-9918 18 Monck Dunnville B 2 9
    C-9918 18 Monck Canborough C -- 9
    C-9918 18 Monck Caistor D 1 8, 9
    C-9918 18 Monck Caistor D 2 8, 9
    C-9918 18 Monck Gainsborough E 1 9
    C-9918 18 Monck Gainsborough E 2 8, 9
    C-9918 18 Monck Pelham F 1 8, 9
    C-9918 18 Monck Pelham F 2 9
    C-9919 18 Monck Wainfleet G 1 9
    C-9919 18 Monck Wainfleet G 2 8, 9
    C-9919 19 Welland Humberstone A 1 9
    C-9919 19 Welland Humberstone A 2 8, 9
    C-9919 19 Welland Port Colborne B -- 9
    C-9919 19 Welland Bertie C 1 --
    C-9919 19 Welland Bertie C 2 8, 9
    C-9919 19 Welland Fort Erie D -- --
    C-9919 19 Welland Crowland E -- 8, 9
    C-9920 19 Welland Welland F -- 9
    C-9920 19 Welland Willoughby G -- 9
    C-9920 19 Welland Thorold H 1 9
    C-9920 19 Welland Thorold H 2 8, 9
    C-9920 19 Welland Thorold I -- 9
    C-9920 19 Welland Stamford J 1 8
    C-9920 19 Welland Stamford J 2 9
    C-9920 19 Welland Chippawa K -- 7, 9
    C-9920 19 Welland Clifton L -- 7, 8, 9
  • Districts 20 à 29
    Microfilm Numéro du district Nom du district Nom du sous-district Numéro du sous-district Numéro de division Tableaux manquants
    C-9921 20 Niagara Niagara A 1 --
    C-9921 20 Niagara Niagara A 2 9
    C-9921 20 Niagara West Ward B -- 9
    C-9921 20 Niagara Centre Ward C -- 8, 9
    C-9921 20 Niagara East Ward D -- 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-9921 21 Lincoln Grantham A 1 8, 9
    C-9921 21 Lincoln Grantham A 2 9
    C-9921 21 Lincoln Grantham A 3 --
    C-9922 21 Lincoln St Catherines B 1 9
    C-9922 21 Lincoln St Catherines B 2 7, 9
    C-9922 21 Lincoln St Catherines B 3 7, 9
    C-9922 21 Lincoln St Catherines B 4 7, 9
    C-9922 21 Lincoln Port Dalhousie C -- 2, 7, 9
    C-9922 21 Lincoln Louth D 1 8, 9
    C-9922 21 Lincoln Louth D 2 9
    C-9923 21 Lincoln Clinton E 1 9
    C-9923 21 Lincoln Clinton E 2 1, 9
    C-9923 21 Lincoln Grimsby F 1 9
    C-9923 21 Lincoln Grimsby F 2 9
    C-9923 22 Wentworth South Slatfleet A 1 8, 9
    C-9923 22 Wentworth South Slatfleet A 2 9
    C-9923 22 Wentworth South Slatfleet A 3 9
    C-9923 22 Wentworth South Binbrook B 1 8, 9
    C-9923 22 Wentworth South Binbrook B 2 8, 9
    C-9923 22 Wentworth South Barton C 1 --
    C-9923 22 Wentworth South Barton C 2 8, 9
    C-9924 22 Wentworth South Glanford D 1 8, 9
    C-9924 22 Wentworth South Glanford D 2 8, 9
    C-9924 22 Wentworth South Ancaster E 1 8, 9
    C-9924 22 Wentworth South Ancaster E 2 8, 9
    C-9924 22 Wentworth South Ancaster E 3 8
    C-9924 22 Wentworth South Ancaster E 4 9
    C-9924 23 Wentworth North Beverly A 1 8, 9
    C-9924 23 Wentworth North Beverly A 2 8, 9
    C-9924 23 Wentworth North Beverly A 3 8, 9
    C-9924 23 Wentworth North Beverly A 4 8, 9
    C-9924 23 Wentworth North Beverly A 5 8, 9
    C-9925 23 Wentworth North Flamborough West B 1 8
    C-9925 23 Wentworth North Flamborough West B 2 9
    C-9925 23 Wentworth North Flamborough West B 3 8, 9
    C-9925 23 Wentworth North Dundas C 1 --
    C-9925 23 Wentworth North Dundas C 2 8
    C-9925 23 Wentworth North Flamborough East D 1 8, 9
    C-9925 23 Wentworth North Flamborough East D 2 --
    C-9925 23 Wentworth North Flamborough East D 3 8, 9
    C-9926 24 Hamilton St Georges Ward A 1 --
    C-9926 24 Hamilton St Georges Ward A 2 7, 8, 9
    C-9926 24 Hamilton St Marys Ward B 1 9
    C-9926 24 Hamilton St Marys Ward B 2 7, 8, 9
    C-9926 24 Hamilton St Marys Ward B 3 7, 8, 9
    C-9927 24 Hamilton St Andrews Ward C 1 7, 9
    C-9927 24 Hamilton St Andrews Ward C 2 7, 9
    C-9927 24 Hamilton St Lawrence Ward D 1 7, 8, 9
    C-9927 24 Hamilton St Lawrence Ward D 2 7, 8, 9
    C-9927 24 Hamilton St Lawrence Ward D 3 7, 8, 9
    C-9928 24 Hamilton St Patricks Ward E 1 7, 8, 9
    C-9928 24 Hamilton St Patricks Ward E 2 7, 8, 9
    C-9928 25 Huron South Stephen A 1 8, 9
    C-9928 25 Huron South Stephen A 2 8, 9
    C-9928 25 Huron South Stephen A 3 8, 9
    C-9928 25 Huron South Stephen A 4 9
    C-9928 25 Huron South Hay B 1 8, 9
    C-9928 25 Huron South Hay B 2 8, 9
    C-9928 25 Huron South Hay B 3 9
    C-9929 25 Huron South Usborne C 1 8, 9
    C-9929 25 Huron South Usborne C 2 8, 9
    C-9929 25 Huron South Usborne C 3 8, 9
    C-9929 25 Huron South Usborne C 4 8, 9
    C-9929 25 Huron South Stanley D 1 9
    C-9929 25 Huron South Stanley D 2 8, 9
    C-9929 25 Huron South Stanley D 3 9
    C-9929 25 Huron South Stanley D 4 8, 9
    C-9929 25 Huron South Tuckersmith E 1 8
    C-9929 25 Huron South Tuckersmith E 2 8, 9
    C-9929 25 Huron South Tuckersmith E 3 8, 9
    C-9929 25 Huron South Tuckersmith E 4 8
    C-9930 25 Huron South Goderich F 1 8, 9
    C-9930 25 Huron South Goderich F 2 9
    C-9930 25 Huron South Goderich F 3 8, 9
    C-9930 25 Huron South Goderich F 4 8, 9
    C-9930 25 Huron South Goderich G 1 9
    C-9930 25 Huron South Goderich G 2 7, 9
    C-9930 25 Huron South Goderich G 3 7, 9
    C-9930 25 Huron South Goderich G 4 9
    C-9930 26 Huron North Colborne A 1 8, 9
    C-9930 26 Huron North Colborne A 2 8, 9
    C-9930 26 Huron North Ashfield B 1 8, 9
    C-9930 26 Huron North Ashfield B 2 9
    C-9931 26 Huron North Wawanosh West C 1 8, 9
    C-9931 26 Huron North Wawanosh West C 2 9
    C-9931 26 Huron North Wawanosh East D 1 8, 9
    C-9931 26 Huron North Wawanosh East D 2 8, 9
    C-9931 26 Huron North Wawanosh East D 3 8, 9
    C-9931 26 Huron North Hullett E 1 8, 9
    C-9931 26 Huron North Hullett E 2 8, 9
    C-9931 26 Huron North Hullett E 3 8, 9
    C-9931 26 Huron North Hullett E 4 8, 9
    C-9931 26 Huron North Clinton F 1 7, 8, 9
    C-9931 26 Huron North Clinton F 2 8, 9
    C-9932 26 Huron North Morris G 1 8, 9
    C-9932 26 Huron North Morris G 2 8, 9
    C-9932 26 Huron North Morris G 3 8, 9
    C-9932 26 Huron North McKillop H 1 8, 9
    C-9932 26 Huron North McKillop H 2 8, 9
    C-9932 26 Huron North McKillop H 3 8, 9
    C-9932 26 Huron North Seaforth I -- 8, 9
    C-9932 26 Huron North Grey J 1 8, 9
    C-9932 26 Huron North Grey J 2 8, 9
    C-9932 26 Huron North Grey J 3 8, 9
    C-9933 26 Huron North Turnberry K 1 9
    C-9933 26 Huron North Turnberry K 2 8, 9
    C-9933 26 Huron North Howick L 1 8, 9
    C-9933 26 Huron North Howick L 2 8, 9
    C-9933 26 Huron North Howick L 3 8, 9
    C-9933 27 Bruce South Huron A 1 9
    C-9933 27 Bruce South Huron A 2 7, 8, 9
    C-9933 27 Bruce South Huron A 3 8, 9
    C-9934 27 Bruce South Kinloss B 1 8, 9
    C-9934 27 Bruce South Kinloss B 2 8, 9
    C-9934 27 Bruce South Culross C 1 8, 9
    C-9934 27 Bruce South Culross C 2 8, 9
    C-9934 27 Bruce South Culross C 3 8, 9
    C-9934 27 Bruce South Carrick D 1 7, 8, 9
    C-9934 27 Bruce South Carrick D 2 8, 9
    C-9934 27 Bruce South Carrick D 3 8, 9
    C-9935 27 Bruce South Kincardine E 1 8, 9
    C-9935 27 Bruce South Kincardine E 2 8, 9
    C-9935 27 Bruce South Kincardine E 3 9
    C-9935 27 Bruce South Kincardine F 1 8, 9
    C-9935 27 Bruce South Kincardine F 2 --
    C-9935 27 Bruce South Greenock G 1 7, 8, 9
    C-9935 27 Bruce South Greenock G 2 7, 8, 9
    C-9935 27 Bruce South Greenock G 3 8, 9
    C-9936 27 Bruce South Brant H 1 8, 9
    C-9936 27 Bruce South Brant H 2 8, 9
    C-9936 27 Bruce South Brant H 3 8, 9
    C-9936 28 Bruce North Bruce A 1 9
    C-9936 28 Bruce North Bruce A 2 8, 9
    C-9936 28 Bruce North Bruce A 3 8, 9
    C-9937 28 Bruce North Saugeen B 1 9
    C-9937 28 Bruce North Saugeen B 2 8, 9
    C-9937 28 Bruce North Saugeen B 3 9
    C-9937 28 Bruce North Southampton C -- 9
    C-9937 28 Bruce North Elderslie D 1 8, 9
    C-9937 28 Bruce North Elderslie D 2 8, 9
    C-9937 28 Bruce North Elderslie D 3 8, 9
    C-9938 28 Bruce North Arran E 1 8, 9
    C-9938 28 Bruce North Arran E 2 8, 9
    C-9938 28 Bruce North Arran E 3 8, 9
    C-9938 28 Bruce North Amabel F 1 9
    C-9938 28 Bruce North Amabel F 2 9
    C-9938 28 Bruce North Albermarle, Eastnor G -- 9
    C-9938 28 Bruce North Lindsay, Bury H -- 2, 6, 9
    C-9938 29 Perth south Blanchard A 1 8, 9
    C-9938 29 Perth south Blanchard A 2 8, 9
    C-9938 29 Perth south Blanchard A 3 8, 9
    C-9938 29 Perth south Blanchard A 4 8, 9
    C-9938 29 Perth south Blanchard A 5 8, 9
    C-9939 29 Perth south St Marys B 1 7, 8, 9
    C-9939 29 Perth south St Marys B 2 8
    C-9939 29 Perth south St Marys B 3 8, 9
    C-9939 29 Perth south St Marys B 4 8, 9
    C-9939 29 Perth south Hibbert C 1 8, 9
    C-9939 29 Perth south Hibbert C 2 8, 9
    C-9939 29 Perth south Hibbert C 3 8, 9
    C-9939 29 Perth south Hibbert C 4 8, 9
    C-9939 29 Perth south Fullarton D 1 8, 9
    C-9939 29 Perth south Fullarton D 2 8, 9
    C-9939 29 Perth south Fullarton D 3 8, 9
    C-9939 29 Perth south Mitchell E 1 7, 8, 9
    C-9939 29 Perth south Mitchell E 2 8, 9
    C-9939 29 Perth south Downie F 1 8, 9
    C-9939 29 Perth south Downie F 2 8, 9
    C-9939 29 Perth south Downie F 3 8, 9
    C-9939 29 Perth south Downie F 4 8, 9
    C-9939 29 Perth south Downie F 5 8, 9
    C-9940 29 Perth south Easthope South G 1 8, 9
    C-9940 29 Perth south Easthope South G 2 8, 9
    C-9940 29 Perth south Easthope South G 3 8, 9
    C-9940 29 Perth south Easthope South G 4 8, 9
  • Districts 30 à 39
    Microfilm Numéro du district Nom du district Nom du sous-district Numéro du sous-district Numéro de division Tableaux manquants
    C-9940 30 Perth North Logan A 1 8, 9
    C-9940 30 Perth North Logan A 2 8, 9
    C-9940 30 Perth North Logan A 3 8, 9
    C-9940 30 Perth North Logan A 4 8, 9
    C-9940 30 Perth North Ellice B 1 8, 9
    C-9940 30 Perth North Ellice B 2 8, 9
    C-9940 30 Perth North Ellice B 3 8, 9
    C-9940 30 Perth North Ellice B 4 8, 9
    C-9940 30 Perth North Stratford C 1 8, 9
    C-9940 30 Perth North Stratford C 2 7, 8, 9
    C-9940 30 Perth North Stratford C 3 7, 8, 9
    C-9940 30 Perth North Stratford C 4 7, 8, 9
    C-9940 30 Perth North Stratford C 5 8, 9
    C-9941 30 Perth North Easthope North D 1 8, 9
    C-9941 30 Perth North Easthope North D 2 8, 9
    C-9941 30 Perth North Easthope North D 3 8, 9
    C-9941 30 Perth North Easthope North D 4 8, 9
    C-9941 30 Perth North Elma E 1 6, 8, 9
    C-9941 30 Perth North Elma E 2 8, 9
    C-9941 30 Perth North Elma E 3 8, 9
    C-9941 30 Perth North Elma E 4 8, 9
    C-9941 30 Perth North Elma E 5 8, 9
    C-9941 30 Perth North Mornington F 1 8, 9
    C-9941 30 Perth North Mornington F 2 8, 9
    C-9941 30 Perth North Mornington F 3 8, 9
    C-9941 30 Perth North Mornington F 4 8, 9
    C-9941 30 Perth North Mornington F 5 8, 9
    C-9942 30 Perth North Wallace G 1 8
    C-9942 30 Perth North Wallace G 2 8, 9
    C-9942 30 Perth North Wallace G 3 8
    C-9942 30 Perth North Wallace G 4 8, 9
    C-9942 30 Perth North Listowell H -- 8, 9
    C-9942 31 Waterloo South Wilmot A 1 8, 9
    C-9942 31 Waterloo South Wilmot A 2 8, 9
    C-9942 31 Waterloo South Wilmot A 3 8, 9
    C-9942 31 Waterloo South Wilmot A 4 8, 9
    C-9942 31 Waterloo South Wilmot A 5 8, 9
    C-9942 31 Waterloo South New Hamburg B -- 8, 9
    C-9943 31 Waterloo South Dumfries North C 1 8, 9
    C-9943 31 Waterloo South Dumfries North C 2 8, 9
    C-9943 31 Waterloo South Dumfries North C 3 8, 9
    C-9943 31 Waterloo South Galt D 1 7, 8
    C-9943 31 Waterloo South Galt D 2 7, 8, 9
    C-9943 31 Waterloo South Galt D 3 --
    C-9943 31 Waterloo South Waterloo South E 1 8, 9
    C-9943 31 Waterloo South Waterloo South E 2 8, 9
    C-9943 31 Waterloo South Waterloo South E 3 8, 9
    C-9943 31 Waterloo South Preston F -- 8, 9
    C-9943 31 Waterloo South Hespeler G -- 8, 9
    C-9944 32 Waterloo North Wellesley A 1 8, 9
    C-9944 32 Waterloo North Wellesley A 2 8, 9
    C-9944 32 Waterloo North Wellesley A 3 8, 9
    C-9944 32 Waterloo North Wellesley A 4 8, 9
    C-9944 32 Waterloo North Woolwich B 1 8, 9
    C-9944 32 Waterloo North Woolwich B 2 8, 9
    C-9944 32 Waterloo North Woolwich B 3 8, 9
    C-9944 32 Waterloo North Woolwich B 4 8, 9
    C-9944 32 Waterloo North Waterloo North C 1 8, 9
    C-9944 32 Waterloo North Waterloo North C 2 8, 9
    C-9944 32 Waterloo North Waterloo North C 3 8, 9
    C-9944 32 Waterloo North Waterloo North C 4 8, 9
    C-9945 32 Waterloo North Berlin D 1 8, 9
    C-9945 32 Waterloo North Berlin D 2 8, 9
    C-9945 32 Waterloo North Waterloo E 1 8, 9
    C-9945 32 Waterloo North Waterloo E 2 8, 9
    C-9945 33 Wellington South Puslinch A 1 8, 9
    C-9945 33 Wellington South Puslinch A 2 8, 9
    C-9945 33 Wellington South Puslinch A 3 8, 9
    C-9945 33 Wellington South Puslinch A 4 8, 9
    C-9945 33 Wellington South Guelph B 1 8, 9
    C-9945 33 Wellington South Guelph B 2 8, 9
    C-9945 33 Wellington South Guelph B 3 8, 9
    C-9946 33 Wellington South Guelph C 1 8
    C-9946 33 Wellington South Guelph C 2 7, 8
    C-9946 33 Wellington South Guelph C 3 8, 9
    C-9946 33 Wellington South Guelph C 4 8, 9
    C-9946 34 Wellington Centre Pilkington A 1 8, 9
    C-9946 34 Wellington Centre Pilkington A 2 8, 9
    C-9946 34 Wellington Centre Pilkington A 3 8, 9
    C-9946 34 Wellington Centre Elora B -- 8, 9
    C-9946 34 Wellington Centre Nichol C 1 8, 9
    C-9946 34 Wellington Centre Nichol C 2 8, 9
    C-9947 34 Wellington Centre Fergus D -- 7, 9
    C-9947 34 Wellington Centre Eramosa E 1 8
    C-9947 34 Wellington Centre Eramosa E 2 8, 9
    C-9947 34 Wellington Centre Eramosa E 3 8
    C-9947 34 Wellington Centre Erin F 1 8, 9
    C-9947 34 Wellington Centre Erin F 2 8, 9
    C-9947 34 Wellington Centre Erin F 3 8, 9
    C-9947 34 Wellington Centre Erin F 4 8, 9
    C-9947 34 Wellington Centre Garafraxa West G 1 8, 9
    C-9947 34 Wellington Centre Garafraxa West G 2 8, 9
    C-9948 34 Wellington Centre Garafraxa East H 1 8, 9
    C-9948 34 Wellington Centre Garafraxa East H 2 8, 9
    C-9948 34 Wellington Centre Orangeville I -- 8
    C-9948 35 Wellington North Maryborough A 1 8, 9
    C-9948 35 Wellington North Maryborough A 2 8, 9
    C-9948 35 Wellington North Maryborough A 3 8, 9
    C-9949 35 Wellington North Peel B 1 8, 9
    C-9949 35 Wellington North Peel B 2 8, 9
    C-9949 35 Wellington North Peel B 3 8, 9
    C-9949 35 Wellington North Peel B 4 8, 9
    C-9949 35 Wellington North Minto C 1 8, 9
    C-9949 35 Wellington North Minto C 2 8, 9
    C-9949 35 Wellington North Minto C 3 8, 9
    C-9949 35 Wellington North Arthur D 1 8, 9
    C-9949 35 Wellington North Arthur D 2 8, 9
    C-9949 35 Wellington North Arthur D 3 8, 9
    C-9950 35 Wellington North Mount Forest E -- 8, 9
    C-9950 35 Wellington North Luther F -- 8, 9
    C-9950 35 Wellington North Amaranth G -- 8, 9
    C-9950 36 Grey South Normanby A 1 8, 9
    C-9950 36 Grey South Normanby A 2 8, 9
    C-9950 36 Grey South Normanby A 3 8, 9
    C-9951 36 Grey South Egremont B 1 8, 9
    C-9951 36 Grey South Egremont B 2 8, 9
    C-9951 36 Grey South Egremont B 3 8, 9
    C-9951 36 Grey South Proton C 1 8, 9
    C-9951 36 Grey South Proton C 2 8, 9
    C-9951 36 Grey South Melancthon D 1 8, 9
    C-9951 36 Grey South Melancthon D 2 8, 9
    C-9951 36 Grey South Bentinck E 1 8, 9
    C-9951 36 Grey South Bentinck E 2 8, 9
    C-9951 36 Grey South Bentinck E 3 8, 9
    C-9952 36 Grey South Glenelg F 1 8, 9
    C-9952 36 Grey South Glenelg F 2 8, 9
    C-9952 36 Grey South Glenelg F 3 8, 9
    C-9952 36 Grey South Artemisia G 1 8, 9
    C-9952 36 Grey South Artemisia G 2 8, 9
    C-9952 36 Grey South Osprey H 1 8, 9
    C-9952 36 Grey South Osprey H 2 8, 9
    C-9953 37 Grey North Sullivan A 1 8, 9
    C-9953 37 Grey North Sullivan A 2 8, 9
    C-9953 37 Grey North Holland B 1 8, 9
    C-9953 37 Grey North Holland B 2 8, 9
    C-9953 37 Grey North Euphrasia C 1 8, 9
    C-9953 37 Grey North Euphrasia C 2 8, 9
    C-9953 37 Grey North Collingwood D 1 9
    C-9953 37 Grey North Collingwood D 2 8, 9
    C-9954 37 Grey North Derby E -- 9
    C-9954 37 Grey North Sydenham F 1 --
    C-9954 37 Grey North Sydenham F 2 9
    C-9954 37 Grey North Sydenham F 3 8, 9
    C-9954 37 Grey North Owen Sound G 1 9
    C-9954 37 Grey North Owen Sound G 2 9
    C-9954 37 Grey North Owen Sound G 3 9
    C-9955 37 Grey North St Vincent H 1 9
    C-9955 37 Grey North St Vincent H 2 9
    C-9955 37 Grey North St Vincent H 3 9
    C-9955 37 Grey North Keppel I 1 9
    C-9955 37 Grey North Keppel I 2 8, 9
    C-9955 37 Grey North Sarawack J -- 9
    C-9955 38 Halton Nelson A 1 9
    C-9955 38 Halton Nelson A 2 8, 9
    C-9955 38 Halton Nelson A 3 8
    C-9956 38 Halton Trafalgar B 1 8, 9
    C-9956 38 Halton Trafalgar B 2 8, 9
    C-9956 38 Halton Trafalgar B 3 9
    C-9956 38 Halton Trafalgar B 4 8, 9
    C-9956 38 Halton Trafalgar B 5 8, 9
    C-9956 38 Halton Oakville C -- 9
    C-9956 38 Halton Milton D -- 8, 9
    C-9956 38 Halton Nassagaweya E 1 8, 9
    C-9956 38 Halton Nassagaweya E 2 8, 9
    C-9956 38 Halton Nassagaweya E 3 8, 9
    C-9957 38 Halton Esquesing F 1 8, 9
    C-9957 38 Halton Esquesing F 2 8, 9
    C-9957 38 Halton Esquesing F 3 8
    C-9957 38 Halton Esquesing F 4 8, 9
    C-9957 38 Halton Esquesing F 5 8, 9
    C-9957 38 Halton Georgetown G -- 7, 8, 9
    C-9957 39 Peel Toronto A 1 9
    C-9957 39 Peel Toronto A 2 --
    C-9957 39 Peel Toronto A 3 8, 9
    C-9957 39 Peel Toronto A 4 8, 9
    C-9957 39 Peel Toronto A 5 8
    C-9957 39 Peel Toronto A 6 9
    C-9957 39 Peel Streetsville B -- 8, 9
    C-9957 39 Peel Toronto Gore C 1 8, 9
    C-9957 39 Peel Toronto Gore C 2 8, 9
    C-9958 39 Peel Chinguacousy D 1 8, 9
    C-9958 39 Peel Chinguacousy D 2 8, 9
    C-9958 39 Peel Chinguacousy D 3 8, 9
    C-9958 39 Peel Chinguacousy D 4 8, 9
    C-9958 39 Peel Chinguacousy D 5 8
    C-9958 39 Peel Chinguacousy D 6 8, 9
    C-9958 39 Peel Brampton E 1 8, 9
    C-9958 39 Peel Brampton E 2 8, 9
  • Districts 40 à 49
    Microfilm Numéro du district Nom du district Nom du sous-district Numéro du sous-district Numéro de division Tableaux manquants
    C-9958 40 Cardwell Caledon A 1 8, 9
    C-9958 40 Cardwell Caledon A 2 8, 9
    C-9958 40 Cardwell Caledon A 3 8, 9
    C-9958 40 Cardwell Caledon A 4 8, 9
    C-9958 40 Cardwell Caledon A 5 8
    C-9959 40 Cardwell Albion B 1 8, 9
    C-9959 40 Cardwell Albion B 2 8, 9
    C-9959 40 Cardwell Albion B 3 8, 9
    C-9959 40 Cardwell Albion B 4 8, 9
    C-9959 40 Cardwell Albion B 5 8, 9
    C-9959 40 Cardwell Mono C 1 8, 9
    C-9959 40 Cardwell Mono C 2 8, 9
    C-9959 40 Cardwell Mono C 3 8, 9
    C-9959 40 Cardwell Mono C 4 8
    C-9959 40 Cardwell Adjala D 1 8, 9
    C-9959 40 Cardwell Adjala D 2 8, 9
    C-9959 40 Cardwell Adjala D 3 8, 9
    C-9960 41 Simcoe South Tecumseh A 1 8, 9
    C-9960 41 Simcoe South Tecumseh A 2 8, 9
    C-9960 41 Simcoe South Tecumseh A 3 8, 9
    C-9960 41 Simcoe South Gwillimbury West B 1 8, 9
    C-9960 41 Simcoe South Gwillimbury West B 2 8, 9
    C-9960 41 Simcoe South Gwillimbury West B 3 9
    C-9960 41 Simcoe South Bradford C 1 8, 9
    C-9960 41 Simcoe South Bradford C 2 8, 9
    C-9960 41 Simcoe South Mulmur D 1 8, 9
    C-9960 41 Simcoe South Mulmur D 2 8, 9
    C-9960 41 Simcoe South Mulmur D 3 8, 9
    C-9961 41 Simcoe South Tossoronto E 1 8, 9
    C-9961 41 Simcoe South Tossoronto E 2 8, 9
    C-9961 41 Simcoe South Essa F 1 9
    C-9961 41 Simcoe South Essa F 2 8, 9
    C-9961 41 Simcoe South Essa F 3 8, 9
    C-9961 41 Simcoe South Innisfil G 1 8, 9
    C-9961 41 Simcoe South Innisfil G 2 8, 9
    C-9961 41 Simcoe South Innisfil G 3 8, 9
    C-9961 41 Simcoe South Innisfil G 4 8, 9
    C-9962 42 Simcoe North Nottawasaga A 1 8
    C-9962 42 Simcoe North Nottawasaga A 2 8, 9
    C-9962 42 Simcoe North Nottawasaga A 3 8, 9
    C-9962 42 Simcoe North Collingwood B -- 9
    C-9962 42 Simcoe North Sunnidale C -- 9
    C-9962 42 Simcoe North Vespra D -- 9
    C-9963 42 Simcoe North Barrie E 1 9
    C-9963 42 Simcoe North Barrie E 2 8, 9
    C-9963 42 Simcoe North Flos F -- 9
    C-9963 42 Simcoe North Tiny G 1 9
    C-9963 42 Simcoe North Tiny G 2 6, 9
    C-9963 42 Simcoe North Tay H -- 9
    C-9964 42 Simcoe North Medonte I 1 9
    C-9964 42 Simcoe North Medonte I 2 8, 9
    C-9964 42 Simcoe North Ora J 1 8, 9
    C-9964 42 Simcoe North Ora J 2 8, 9
    C-9964 42 Simcoe North Ora J 3 8, 9
    C-9964 42 Simcoe North Orillia, Matchedash K 1 9
    C-9964 42 Simcoe North Orillia, Matchedash K 2 8, 9
    C-9964 42 Simcoe North Orillia (village) L -- 7, 9
    C-9965 43 York North King A 1 8, 9
    C-9965 43 York North King A 2 8, 9
    C-9965 43 York North King A 3 8, 9
    C-9965 43 York North King A 4 8, 9
    C-9965 43 York North King A 5 8, 9
    C-9965 43 York North King A 6 8, 9
    C-9965 43 York North Whitchurch B 1 8, 9
    C-9965 43 York North Whitchurch B 2 8, 9
    C-9965 43 York North Whitchurch B 3 8, 9
    C-9965 43 York North Whitchurch B 4 8, 9
    C-9965 43 York North Whitchurch B 5 8, 9
    C-9965 43 York North Aurora C -- 8, 9
    C-9965 43 York North Newmarket D -- 8, 9
    C-9966 43 York North Gwillimbury East E 1 8, 9
    C-9966 43 York North Gwillimbury East E 2 8, 9
    C-9966 43 York North Gwillimbury East E 3 8, 9
    C-9966 43 York North Holland Landing F -- 8, 9
    C-9966 43 York North Gwillimbury North G 1 8, 9
    C-9966 43 York North Gwillimbury North G 2 8, 9
    C-9966 43 York North Georgina H 1 9
    C-9966 43 York North Georgina H 2 9
    C-9966 44 York West Etobicoke A 1 8, 9
    C-9966 44 York West Etobicoke A 2 8, 9
    C-9966 44 York West Etobicoke A 3 8, 9
    C-9967 44 York West Vaughan B 1 8, 9
    C-9967 44 York West Vaughan B 2 8, 9
    C-9967 44 York West Vaughan B 3 8, 9
    C-9967 44 York West Vaughan B 4 8, 9
    C-9967 44 York West Vaughan B 5 8, 9
    C-9967 44 York West Vaughan B 6 8, 9
    C-9967 44 York West York West C 1 8, 9
    C-9967 44 York West York West C 2 8, 9
    C-9967 44 York West York West C 3 8, 9
    C-9967 44 York West York West C 4 8, 9
    C-9968 45 York East York East A 1 9
    C-9968 45 York East York East A 2 8, 9
    C-9968 45 York East York East A 3 8, 9
    C-9968 45 York East York East A 4 8, 9
    C-9968 45 York East Yorkville B 1 7, 8, 9
    C-9968 45 York East Yorkville B 2 7, 8, 9
    C-9968 45 York East Scarborough C 1 9
    C-9968 45 York East Scarborough C 2 9
    C-9968 45 York East Scarborough C 3 8, 9
    C-9968 45 York East Scarborough C 4 8, 9
    C-9969 45 York East Markham D 1 8, 9
    C-9969 45 York East Markham D 2 8, 9
    C-9969 45 York East Markham D 3 9
    C-9969 45 York East Markham D 4 8, 9
    C-9969 45 York East Markham D 5 8, 9
    C-9969 45 York East Markham D 6 8, 9
    C-9969 46 Toronto West St Georges Ward A 1 9
    C-9969 46 Toronto West St Georges Ward A 2 9
    C-9969 46 Toronto West St Georges Ward A 3 7, 9
    C-9970 46 Toronto West St Andrews Ward B 1 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-9970 46 Toronto West St Andrews Ward B 2 7, 8, 9
    C-9970 46 Toronto West St Andrews Ward B 3 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-9970 46 Toronto West St Andrews Ward B 4 7, 8, 9
    C-9970 46 Toronto West St Patricks Ward C 1 7, 8, 9
    C-9970 46 Toronto West St Patricks Ward C 2 7, 8, 9
    C-9970 46 Toronto West St Patricks Ward C 3 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-9970 46 Toronto West St Patricks Ward C 4 8, 9
    C-9971 46 Toronto West St Johns Ward D 1 8, 9
    C-9971 46 Toronto West St Johns Ward D 2 4, 7, 9
    C-9971 46 Toronto West St Johns Ward D 3 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-9971 46 Toronto West St Johns Ward D 4 4, 7, 9
    C-9971 46 Toronto West St Johns Ward D 5 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-9971 46 Toronto West St Johns Ward D 6 7, 8, 9
    C-9971 47 Toronto East St Lawrence Ward A 1 7, 9
    C-9971 47 Toronto East St Lawrence Ward A 2 4, 7, 9
    C-9971 47 Toronto East St Lawrence Ward A 3 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-9971 47 Toronto East St Lawrence Ward A 4 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-9971 47 Toronto East St Lawrence Ward A 5 7, 9
    C-9972 47 Toronto East St James Ward B 1 7, 9
    C-9972 47 Toronto East St James Ward B 2 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-9972 47 Toronto East St James Ward B 3 4, 7, 9
    C-9972 47 Toronto East St James Ward B 4 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-9972 47 Toronto East St James Ward B 5 4, 7, 9
    C-9972 47 Toronto East St James Ward B 6 7, 8, 9
    C-9972 47 Toronto East St James Ward B 7 7, 8, 9
    C-9973 47 Toronto East St Davids Ward C 1 7, 8, 9
    C-9973 47 Toronto East St Davids Ward C 2 7, 9
    C-9973 47 Toronto East St Davids Ward C 3 8, 9
    C-9973 47 Toronto East St Davids Ward C 4 7, 9
    C-9973 47 Toronto East St Davids Ward C 5 7, 8, 9
    C-9973 48 Ontario South Pickering A 1 9
    C-9973 48 Ontario South Pickering A 2 8, 9
    C-9973 48 Ontario South Pickering A 3 8, 9
    C-9973 48 Ontario South Pickering A 4 8, 9
    C-9973 48 Ontario South Pickering A 5 8, 9
    C-9973 48 Ontario South Pickering A 6 8, 9
    C-9974 48 Ontario South Whitby West B 1 --
    C-9974 48 Ontario South Whitby West B 2 8, 9
    C-9974 48 Ontario South Whitby West B 3 8, 9
    C-9974 48 Ontario South Whitby C 1 9
    C-9974 48 Ontario South Whitby C 2 9
    C-9974 48 Ontario South Whitby East D 1 9
    C-9974 48 Ontario South Whitby East D 2 9
    C-9974 48 Ontario South Whitby East D 3 8, 9
    C-9975 48 Ontario South Oshawa E 1 8, 9
    C-9975 48 Ontario South Oshawa E 2 8, 9
    C-9975 49 Ontario North Uxbridge A 1 8, 9
    C-9975 49 Ontario North Uxbridge A 2 8, 9
    C-9975 49 Ontario North Uxbridge A 3 8, 9
    C-9975 49 Ontario North Reach B 1 8, 9
    C-9975 49 Ontario North Reach B 2 8, 9
    C-9975 49 Ontario North Reach B 3 9
    C-9975 49 Ontario North Reach B 4 8, 9
    C-9976 49 Ontario North Scugog C -- --
    C-9976 49 Ontario North Scott D 1 8, 9
    C-9976 49 Ontario North Scott D 2 8, 9
    C-9976 49 Ontario North Brock E 1 8, 9
    C-9976 49 Ontario North Brock E 2 8, 9
    C-9976 49 Ontario North Thorah F -- 8, 9
    C-9977 49 Ontario North Mara G 1 --
    C-9977 49 Ontario North Mara G 2 9
    C-9977 49 Ontario North Rama H -- --
  • Districts 50 à 59
    Microfilm Numéro du district Nom du district Nom du sous-district Numéro du sous-district Numéro de division Tableaux manquants
    C-9977 50 Durham West Darlington A 1 8, 9
    C-9977 50 Durham West Darlington A 2 8, 9
    C-9977 50 Durham West Darlington A 3 9
    C-9977 50 Durham West Darlington A 4 8, 9
    C-9977 50 Durham West Darlington A 5 8, 9
    C-9977 50 Durham West Bowmanville B 1 9
    C-9977 50 Durham West Bowmanville B 2 7, 9
    C-9978 50 Durham West Cartwright C 1 8, 9
    C-9978 50 Durham West Cartwright C 2 8, 9
    C-9978 50 Durham West Clarke D 1 8, 9
    C-9978 50 Durham West Clarke D 2 8, 9
    C-9978 50 Durham West Clarke D 3 8
    C-9978 50 Durham West Clarke D 4 8, 9
    C-9978 50 Durham West Clarke D 5 8, 9
    C-9978 50 Durham West Newcastle E -- 9
    C-9979 51 Durham East Hope A 1 8, 9
    C-9979 51 Durham East Hope A 2 9
    C-9979 51 Durham East Hope A 3 8, 9
    C-9979 51 Durham East Hope A 4 8, 9
    C-9979 51 Durham East Hope A 5 8, 9
    C-9979 51 Durham East Port Hope B 1 7, 9
    C-9979 51 Durham East Port Hope B 2 7
    C-9979 51 Durham East Port Hope B 3 7, 9
    C-9980 51 Durham East Cavan C 1 8, 9
    C-9980 51 Durham East Cavan C 2 8, 9
    C-9980 51 Durham East Cavan C 3 8, 9
    C-9980 51 Durham East Cavan C 4 8, 9
    C-9980 51 Durham East Manvers D 1 8, 9
    C-9980 51 Durham East Manvers D 2 8, 9
    C-9980 51 Durham East Manvers D 3 8, 9
    C-9980 52 Victoria South Mariposa A 1 8, 9
    C-9980 52 Victoria South Mariposa A 2 8, 9
    C-9980 52 Victoria South Mariposa A 3 8, 9
    C-9980 52 Victoria South Mariposa A 4 8, 9
    C-9980 52 Victoria South Ops B 1 8, 9
    C-9980 52 Victoria South Ops B 2 8, 9
    C-9981 52 Victoria South Lindsay C 1 9
    C-9981 52 Victoria South Lindsay C 2 8, 9
    C-9981 52 Victoria South Lindsay C 3 9
    C-9981 52 Victoria South Emily D 1 8, 9
    C-9981 52 Victoria South Emily D 2 8, 9
    C-9981 52 Victoria South Emily D 3 8, 9
    C-9981 52 Victoria South Emily D 4 9
    C-9981 52 Victoria South Verulam E 1 8, 9
    C-9981 52 Victoria South Verulam E 2 8, 9
    C-9982 53 Victoria North Eldon A 1 8, 9
    C-9982 53 Victoria North Eldon A 2 8, 9
    C-9982 53 Victoria North Fenelon B 1 8, 9
    C-9982 53 Victoria North Fenelon B 2 8, 9
    C-9982 53 Victoria North Fenelon B 3 8, 9
    C-9982 53 Victoria North Carden, Dalton C -- 8, 9
    C-9982 53 Victoria North Bexley D -- 8, 9
    C-9982 53 Victoria North Somerville E -- 8, 9
    C-9982 53 Victoria North Laxton, Digby, Longford F 1 8, 9
    C-9982 53 Victoria North Laxton, Digby, Longford F 2 8, 9
    C-9982 53 Victoria North Lutterworth, Anson, Hindon G -- 9
    C-9983 54 Northumberland West Hamilton A 1 9
    C-9983 54 Northumberland West Hamilton A 2 9
    C-9983 54 Northumberland West Hamilton A 3 8, 9
    C-9983 54 Northumberland West Hamilton A 4 9
    C-9983 54 Northumberland West Cobourg B 1 7, 8, 9
    C-9983 54 Northumberland West Cobourg B 2 9
    C-9983 54 Northumberland West Cobourg B 3 --
    C-9984 54 Northumberland West Haldimand C 1 --
    C-9984 54 Northumberland West Haldimand C 2 8, 9
    C-9984 54 Northumberland West Haldimand C 3 9
    C-9984 54 Northumberland West Haldimand C 4 8, 9
    C-9984 54 Northumberland West Alnwick D 1 8, 9
    C-9984 54 Northumberland West Alnwick D 2 9
    C-9984 55 Northumberland East Cramahe A 1 9
    C-9984 55 Northumberland East Cramahe A 2 8, 9
    C-9984 55 Northumberland East Cramahe A 3 8, 9
    C-9984 55 Northumberland East Colborne B -- 8, 9
    C-9984 55 Northumberland East Brighton C 1 9
    C-9984 55 Northumberland East Brighton C 2 8, 9
    C-9984 55 Northumberland East Brighton C 3 8, 9
    C-9985 55 Northumberland East Brighton D -- 9
    C-9985 55 Northumberland East Murray E 1 9
    C-9985 55 Northumberland East Murray E 2 8, 9
    C-9985 55 Northumberland East Murray E 3 8, 9
    C-9985 55 Northumberland East Percy F 1 8, 9
    C-9985 55 Northumberland East Percy F 2 8, 9
    C-9985 55 Northumberland East Percy F 3 9
    C-9986 55 Northumberland East Seymour G 1 9
    C-9986 55 Northumberland East Seymour G 2 8, 9
    C-9986 55 Northumberland East Seymour G 3 8, 9
    C-9986 56 Peterborough West Monaghan South A -- 8, 9
    C-9986 56 Peterborough West Monaghan North B -- 9
    C-9986 56 Peterborough West Peterborough C 1 7, 9
    C-9986 56 Peterborough West Peterborough C 2 7, 9
    C-9987 56 Peterborough West Smith D 1 9
    C-9987 56 Peterborough West Smith D 2 8, 9
    C-9987 56 Peterborough West Ennismore E -- 8, 9
    C-9987 57 Peterborough East Otonabee A 1 8, 9
    C-9987 57 Peterborough East Otonabee A 2 8, 9
    C-9987 57 Peterborough East Otonabee A 3 8, 9
    C-9987 57 Peterborough East Ashburnham B -- 9
    C-9988 57 Peterborough East Douro C 1 8, 9
    C-9988 57 Peterborough East Douro C 2 8, 9
    C-9988 57 Peterborough East Asphobel D 1 9
    C-9988 57 Peterborough East Asphobel D 2 9
    C-9988 57 Peterborough East Asphobel D 3 8, 9
    C-9988 57 Peterborough East Dummer E 1 9
    C-9988 57 Peterborough East Dummer E 2 9
    C-9988 57 Peterborough East Belmont, Methuen F 1 8
    C-9988 57 Peterborough East Belmont, Methuen F 2 8, 9
    C-9988 58 Peterborough North Harvey A -- 8, 9
    C-9988 58 Peterborough North Galway, Cavendish B -- 6, 8, 9
    C-9988 58 Peterborough North Burleigh, Anstruther, Monmouth, Chandos, Cardiff C -- 8, 9
    C-9988 58 Peterborough North Snowden, Glamorgan D -- 8, 9
    C-9988 58 Peterborough North Minden E -- 9
    C-9988 58 Peterborough North Stanhope, Sherborne F -- 2, 8, 9
    C-9989 58 Peterborough North Dysart, Dudley, Harcourt, Guilford, Harburn, Bruton G -- 9
    C-9989 59 Prince Edward Hillier A 1 9
    C-9989 59 Prince Edward Hillier A 2 9
    C-9989 59 Prince Edward Wellington B -- 9
    C-9989 59 Prince Edward Ameliasburg C 1 --
    C-9989 59 Prince Edward Ameliasburg C 2 9
    C-9989 59 Prince Edward Ameliasburg C 3 9
    C-9989 59 Prince Edward Hallowel D 1 9
    C-9989 59 Prince Edward Hallowel D 2 --
    C-9989 59 Prince Edward Hallowel D 3 9
    C-9990 59 Prince Edward Picton E 1 7, 9
    C-9990 59 Prince Edward Picton E 2 --
    C-9990 59 Prince Edward Sophiasburg F 1 9
    C-9990 59 Prince Edward Sophiasburg F 2 9
    C-9990 59 Prince Edward Athol G 1 9
    C-9990 59 Prince Edward Athol G 2 9
    C-9990 59 Prince Edward Marysburg South H 1 9
    C-9990 59 Prince Edward Marysburg South H 2 --
    C-9990 59 Prince Edward Marysburg North I 1 9
    C-9990 59 Prince Edward Marysburg North I 2 --
  • Districts 60 à 69
    Microfilm Numéro du district Nom du district Nom du sous-district Numéro du sous-district Numéro de division Tableaux manquants
    C-9991 60 Hastings West Sidney A 1 9
    C-9991 60 Hastings West Sidney A 2 9
    C-9991 60 Hastings West Sidney A 3 8, 9
    C-9991 60 Hastings West Trenton B -- 9
    C-9991 60 Hastings West Belleville C 1 7, 9
    C-9991 60 Hastings West Belleville C 2 6, 7, 9
    C-9991 60 Hastings West Belleville C 3 7, 9
    C-9991 60 Hastings West Belleville C 4 9
    C-9992 61 Hastings East Thurlow A 1 8, 9
    C-9992 61 Hastings East Thurlow A 2 8, 9
    C-9992 61 Hastings East Thurlow A 3 9
    C-9992 61 Hastings East Tyendinaga B 1 8, 9
    C-9992 61 Hastings East Tyendinaga B 2 8, 9
    C-9992 61 Hastings East Tyendinaga B 3 8, 9
    C-9992 61 Hastings East Tyendinaga B 4 8, 9
    C-9993 61 Hastings East Hungerford C 1 8, 9
    C-9993 61 Hastings East Hungerford C 2 8, 9
    C-9993 61 Hastings East Hungerford C 3 8, 9
    C-9993 62 Hastings North Rawdon A 1 8, 9
    C-9993 62 Hastings North Rawdon A 2 9
    C-9993 62 Hastings North Rawdon A 3 8, 9
    C-9993 62 Hastings North Rawdon A 4 9
    C-9993 62 Hastings North Stirling B -- 9
    C-9994 62 Hastings North Huntingdon C 1 9
    C-9994 62 Hastings North Huntingdon C 2 9
    C-9994 62 Hastings North Marmora Lake D 1 9
    C-9994 62 Hastings North Marmora Lake D 2 9
    C-9994 62 Hastings North Madoc E 1 8, 9
    C-9994 62 Hastings North Madoc E 2 8
    C-9994 62 Hastings North Madoc E 3 8, 9
    C-9994 62 Hastings North Elzevir and Grimsthorpe F 1 8, 9
    C-9994 62 Hastings North Elzevir and Grimsthorpe F 2 8, 9
    C-9994 62 Hastings North Elzevir and Grimsthorpe F 3 2, 6, 8, 9
    C-9994 62 Hastings North Tudor, Wollaston, Limerick, Cashel G 1 8, 9
    C-9994 62 Hastings North Tudor, Wollaston, Limerick, Cashel G 2 9
    C-9994 62 Hastings North Carlow, Mayo H -- 8, 9
    C-9994 62 Hastings North Faraday, Dungannon I -- 8, 9
    C-9995 62 Hastings North Herschel, Monteagle, McClure, Wicklow, Bangor J 1 8, 9
    C-9995 62 Hastings North Herschel, Monteagle, McClure, Wicklow, Bangor J 2 9
    C-9995 63 Lennox Adolphustown A -- 9
    C-9995 63 Lennox Fredericksburgh South B 1 9
    C-9995 63 Lennox Fredericksburgh South B 2 9
    C-9995 63 Lennox Fredericksburgh North C 1 8, 9
    C-9995 63 Lennox Fredericksburgh North C 2 9
    C-9995 63 Lennox Richmond D 1 8, 9
    C-9995 63 Lennox Richmond D 2 8, 9
    C-9995 63 Lennox Richmond D 3 8, 9
    C-9995 63 Lennox Napanee E 1 7, 9
    C-9995 63 Lennox Napanee E 2 9
    C-9996 63 Lennox Amherst Island F -- 9
    C-9996 63 Lennox Earnestown G 1 9
    C-9996 63 Lennox Earnestown G 2 8, 9
    C-9996 63 Lennox Earnestown G 3 8, 9
    C-9996 63 Lennox Bath H -- 9
    C-9996 64 Addington Camden A 1 8, 9
    C-9996 64 Addington Camden A 2 9
    C-9996 64 Addington Camden A 3 9
    C-9996 64 Addington Camden A 4 8, 9
    C-9997 64 Addington Newburgh B -- 8, 9
    C-9997 64 Addington Sheffield C 1 9
    C-9997 64 Addington Sheffield C 2 8, 9
    C-9997 64 Addington Kaladar, Anglesea D -- 9
    C-9997 64 Addington Denbigh, Abinger, Ashby, Effingham E 1 8, 9
    C-9997 64 Addington Denbigh, Abinger, Ashby, Effingham E 2 9
    C-9997 64 Addington Barrie F -- 9
    C-9997 64 Addington Kennebec G -- 9
    C-9997 64 Addington Hinchinbrooke H -- 9
    C-9997 64 Addington Portland I 1


    C-9997 64 Addington Portland I 2 9
    C-9997 64 Addington Loughborough J 1 9
    C-9997 64 Addington Loughborough J 2


    C-9998 64 Addington Bedford K --


    C-9998 64 Addington Oso L -- 9
    C-9998 64 Addington Olden M -- 9
    C-9998 64 Addington Palmerston, Canonto N -- 6, 7, 9
    C-9998 64 Addington Clarendon, Miller O -- 9
    C-9998 65 Frontenac Kingston A 1 9
    C-9998 65 Frontenac Kingston A 2 8
    C-9998 65 Frontenac Kingston A 3 9
    C-9998 65 Frontenac Kingston A 4 8, 9
    C-9998 65 Frontenac Portsmouth B 1 7, 8, 9
    C-9998 65 Frontenac Portsmouth B 2 7, 8
    C-9998 65 Frontenac Portsmouth B 3 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-9998 65 Frontenac Garden Island C -- 7, 9
    C-9999 65 Frontenac Wolfe Island D 1 2, 6, 9
    C-9999 65 Frontenac Wolfe Island D 2 9
    C-9999 65 Frontenac Wolfe Island D 3 9
    C-9999 65 Frontenac Pittsburgh, Howe Island E 1 6, 7, 9
    C-9999 65 Frontenac Pittsburgh, Howe Island E 2 9
    C-9999 65 Frontenac Pittsburgh, Howe Island E 3 9
    C-9999 65 Frontenac Storrington F 1 9
    C-9999 65 Frontenac Storrington F 2 9
    C-9999 65 Frontenac Storrington F 3 8
    C-9999 66 Kingston Victoria Ward A -- 7, 8, 9
    C-9999 66 Kingston Rideau Ward B -- 7, 9
    C-10000 66 Kingston Frontenac Ward C --


    C-10000 66 Kingston St Lawrence Ward D -- 7
    C-10000 66 Kingston Ontario Ward E -- 7, 8, 9
    C-10000 66 Kingston Sydenham Ward F -- 7, 9
    C-10000 66 Kingston Cataraqui Ward G -- 7, 9
    C-10001 67 Leeds South Leeds Front and Lansdowne Front A 1


    C-10001 67 Leeds South Leeds Front and Lansdowne Front A 2 9
    C-10001 67 Leeds South Gananoque B -- 9
    C-10001 67 Leeds South Leeds Rear and Lansdowne Rear C 1 9
    C-10001 67 Leeds South Leeds Rear and Lansdowne Rear C 2 9
    C-10001 67 Leeds South Escott Front D -- 9
    C-10001 67 Leeds South Yonge Front E -- 9
    C-10001 67 Leeds South Yonge Rear and Escott Rear F -- 8, 9
    C-10001 67 Leeds South Crosby South G 1 8, 9
    C-10001 67 Leeds South Crosby South G 2


    C-10002 67 Leeds South Crosby North H 1


    C-10002 67 Leeds South Crosby North H 2 9
    C-10002 67 Leeds South Bastard, Burgess I 1


    C-10002 67 Leeds South Bastard, Burgess I 2 8, 9
    C-10002 68 Brockville West Ward A -- 7, 8, 9
    C-10002 68 Brockville Centre Ward B -- 9
    C-10002 68 Brockville East Ward C -- 7, 8, 9
    C-10003 68 Brockville Elisabethtown D 1 8
    C-10003 68 Brockville Elisabethtown D 2 8, 9
    C-10003 68 Brockville Elisabethtown D 3 8, 9
    C-10003 69 Grenville South Augusta A 1


    C-10003 69 Grenville South Augusta A 2 8
    C-10003 69 Grenville South Augusta A 3 8, 9
    C-10003 69 Grenville South Prescott B 1 7, 9
    C-10003 69 Grenville South Prescott B 2


    C-10004 69 Grenville South Edwardsburg C 1


    C-10004 69 Grenville South Edwardsburg C 2 8
    C-10004 69 Grenville South Edwardsburg C 3 8
  • Districts 70 à 79
    Microfilm Numéro du district Nom du district Nom du sous-district Numéro du sous-district Numéro de division Tableaux manquants
    C-10004 70 Leeds and Grenville North Kitley A 1 9
    C-10004 70 Leeds and Grenville North Kitley A 2 9
    C-10004 70 Leeds and Grenville North Elmsley B -- --
    C-10004 70 Leeds and Grenville North Wolford C 1 8, 9
    C-10004 70 Leeds and Grenville North Wolford C 2 9
    C-10005 70 Leeds and Grenville North Merrickville D -- 9
    C-10005 70 Leeds and Grenville North Oxford E 1 --
    C-10005 70 Leeds and Grenville North Oxford E 2 8
    C-10005 70 Leeds and Grenville North Oxford E 3 8, 9
    C-10005 70 Leeds and Grenville North Kemptville F -- 9
    C-10005 70 Leeds and Grenville North Gower South G -- 9
    C-10005 71 Dundas Matilda A 1 9
    C-10005 71 Dundas Matilda A 2 --
    C-10005 71 Dundas Matilda A 3 --
    C-10005 71 Dundas Matilda A 4 8, 9
    C-10006 71 Dundas Iroquois B -- 9
    C-10006 71 Dundas Williamsburg C 1 8, 9
    C-10006 71 Dundas Williamsburg C 2 8, 9
    C-10006 71 Dundas Williamsburg C 3 8, 9
    C-10006 71 Dundas Williamsburg C 4 --
    C-10006 71 Dundas Morrisburg D -- 9
    C-10006 71 Dundas Mountain E 1 8, 9
    C-10006 71 Dundas Mountain E 2 8, 9
    C-10006 71 Dundas Mountain E 3 8
    C-10007 71 Dundas Winchester F 1 8, 9
    C-10007 71 Dundas Winchester F 2 8
    C-10007 71 Dundas Winchester F 3 8, 9
    C-10007 72 Stormont Osnabruck A 1 9
    C-10007 72 Stormont Osnabruck A 2 8
    C-10007 72 Stormont Osnabruck A 3 8, 9
    C-10007 72 Stormont Finch B 1 8, 9
    C-10007 72 Stormont Finch B 2 8, 9
    C-10008 72 Stormont Roxborough C 1 8, 9
    C-10008 72 Stormont Roxborough C 2 8, 9
    C-10008 73 Cornwall West Ward A -- 7, 8
    C-10008 73 Cornwall Centre Ward B -- 7, 8, 9
    C-10008 73 Cornwall East Ward C -- 6, 7, 9
    C-10008 73 Cornwall Cornwall D 1 9
    C-10008 73 Cornwall Cornwall D 2 --
    C-10008 73 Cornwall Cornwall D 3 8, 9
    C-10009 74 Glengarry Charlottenburg A 1 9
    C-10009 74 Glengarry Charlottenburg A 2 8, 9
    C-10009 74 Glengarry Charlottenburg A 3 8, 9
    C-10009 74 Glengarry Charlottenburg A 4 --
    C-10009 74 Glengarry Lancaster B 1 8
    C-10009 74 Glengarry Lancaster B 2 --
    C-10009 74 Glengarry Lancaster B 3 9
    C-10009 74 Glengarry Kenyon C 1 8, 9
    C-10009 74 Glengarry Kenyon C 2 8, 9
    C-10009 74 Glengarry Kenyon C 3 8, 9
    C-10010 74 Glengarry Lochiel D 1 8, 9
    C-10010 74 Glengarry Lochiel D 2 8, 9
    C-10010 74 Glengarry Lochiel D 3 8, 9
    C-10010 75 Prescott Hawkesbury East A 1 9
    C-10010 75 Prescott Hawkesbury East A 2 9
    C-10010 75 Prescott Hawkesbury West B 1 8, 9
    C-10010 75 Prescott Hawkesbury West B 2 8, 9
    C-10010 75 Prescott Hawkesbury C -- 9
    C-10010 75 Prescott Longueuil D -- 9
    C-10011 75 Prescott Caledonia E -- 8, 9
    C-10011 75 Prescott Alfred F -- 9
    C-10011 75 Prescott Plantagenet North G -- 9
    C-10011 75 Prescott Plantagenet South H -- 8, 9
    C-10011 76 Russell Clarence A -- 9
    C-10012 76 Russell Cambridge B -- 8, 9
    C-10012 76 Russell Cumberland C 1 9
    C-10012 76 Russell Cumberland C 2 9
    C-10012 76 Russell Russell D 1 8, 9
    C-10012 76 Russell Russell D 2 8, 9
    C-10012 76 Russell Gloucester E 1 8
    C-10012 76 Russell Gloucester E 2 8, 9
    C-10012 76 Russell Gloucester E 3 8, 9
    C-10012 76 Russell New Edinburgh F -- 7, 9
    C-10013 76 Russell Osgoode G 1 8, 9
    C-10013 76 Russell Osgoode G 2 8, 9
    C-10013 76 Russell Osgoode G 3 9
    C-10013 77 Ottawa Wellington Ward A 1 7, 9
    C-10013 77 Ottawa Wellington Ward A 2 7, 8
    C-10013 77 Ottawa Victoria Ward B 1 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-10013 77 Ottawa Victoria Ward B 2 7, 9
    C-10014 77 Ottawa St Georges Ward C 1 9
    C-10014 77 Ottawa St Georges Ward C 2 4, 7, 8
    C-10014 77 Ottawa By Ward D 1 7, 8, 9
    C-10014 77 Ottawa By Ward D 2 --
    C-10014 77 Ottawa Ottawa Ward E 1 7, 8, 9
    C-10014 77 Ottawa Ottawa Ward E 2 7, 8, 9
    C-10015 78 Carleton Nepean A 1 8, 9
    C-10015 78 Carleton Nepean A 2 --
    C-10015 78 Carleton Nepean A 3 8
    C-10015 78 Carleton Nepean A 4 2, 8, 9
    C-10015 78 Carleton Gower North B 1 8, 9
    C-10015 78 Carleton Gower North B 2 8, 9
    C-10015 78 Carleton Marlborough C 1 8, 9
    C-10015 78 Carleton Marlborough C 2 6, 8, 9
    C-10015 78 Carleton Goulburn D 1 8, 9
    C-10015 78 Carleton Goulburn D 2 8, 9
    C-10016 78 Carleton Richmond E -- 8, 9
    C-10016 78 Carleton March F -- 8, 9
    C-10016 78 Carleton Huntley G 1 9
    C-10016 78 Carleton Huntley G 2 8, 9
    C-10016 78 Carleton Torbolton H -- 8, 9
    C-10016 78 Carleton Fitzroy I 1 8, 9
    C-10016 78 Carleton Fitzroy I 2 8, 9
    C-10016 78 Carleton Fitzroy I 3 8, 9
    C-10017 79 Lanark South Montague A 1 --
    C-10017 79 Lanark South Montague A 2 --
    C-10017 79 Lanark South Smiths Falls B -- 8, 9
    C-10017 79 Lanark South Elmsley North C -- --
    C-10017 79 Lanark South Burgess North D -- 8
    C-10017 79 Lanark South Sherbrooke South E -- --
    C-10017 79 Lanark South Bathurst F 1 --
    C-10017 79 Lanark South Bathurst F 2 --
    C-10018 79 Lanark South Drummond G 1 8
    C-10018 79 Lanark South Drummond G 2 9
    C-10018 79 Lanark South Perth H 1 8
    C-10018 79 Lanark South Perth H 2 8
    C-10018 79 Lanark South Perth H 3 8, 9
    C-10018 79 Lanark South Beckwith I 1 5, 6, 8, 9
    C-10018 79 Lanark South Beckwith I 2 8
    C-10018 79 Lanark South Carleton J -- 8
  • Districts 80 à 90
    Microfilm Numéro du district Nom du district Nom du sous-district Numéro du sous-district Numéro de division Tableaux manquants
    C-10018 80 Lanark North Ramsay A 1 8
    C-10018 80 Lanark North Ramsay A 2 --
    C-10018 80 Lanark North Almonte B -- --
    C-10019 80 Lanark North Pakenham C 1 8, 9
    C-10019 80 Lanark North Pakenham C 2 8, 9
    C-10019 80 Lanark North Lanark D 1 --
    C-10019 80 Lanark North Lanark D 2  4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10019 80 Lanark North Lanark E -- 8
    C-10019 80 Lanark North Darling F -- 9
    C-10019 80 Lanark North Dalhousie, Sherbrooke North, Lavant G 1 --
    C-10019 80 Lanark North Dalhousie, Sherbrooke North, Lavant G 2 9
    C-10020 81 Renfrew South McNab A 1 8, 9
    C-10020 81 Renfrew South McNab A 2 8, 9
    C-10020 81 Renfrew South Arnprior B -- 8
    C-10020 81 Renfrew South Bagot, Blythfield C -- 9
    C-10020 81 Renfrew South Brougham D -- --
    C-10020 81 Renfrew South Matawatchan, Griffith E -- --
    C-10020 81 Renfrew South Sebastopol F -- 9
    C-10020 81 Renfrew South Brudenell, Raglan, Radcliffe, Lyndoeh G 1 9
    C-10020 81 Renfrew South Brudenell, Raglan, Radcliffe, Lyndoeh G 2 9
    C-10020 81 Renfrew South Horton H 1 8, 9
    C-10020 81 Renfrew South Horton H 2 --
    C-10020 81 Renfrew South Renfrew I -- 8, 9
    C-10021 81 Renfrew South Admaston J 1 8, 9
    C-10021 81 Renfrew South Admaston J 2 8, 9
    C-10021 81 Renfrew South Grattan K -- 9
    C-10021 82 Renfrew North Ross A -- 8, 9
    C-10021 82 Renfrew North Bromley B -- 9
    C-10021 82 Renfrew North Westmeath C 1 6, 9
    C-10021 82 Renfrew North Westmeath C 2 8, 9
    C-10021 82 Renfrew North Pembroke D -- 9
    C-10021 82 Renfrew North Pembroke E -- 9
    C-10021 82 Renfrew North Stafford F -- 8, 9
    C-10021 82 Renfrew North Wilberforce G -- 9
    C-10022 82 Renfrew North Algona H -- 9
    C-10022 82 Renfrew North Alice and Fraser I -- 9
    C-10022 82 Renfrew North Petawawa J -- 8, 9
    C-10022 82 Renfrew North Rolph and Buchanan and Wylie and McKay K 1 8, 9
    C-10022 82 Renfrew North Rolph and Buchanan and Wylie and McKay K 2 2, 6, 9
    C-10022 82 Renfrew North Head L -- 2, 8, 9
    C-10022 83 Nipissing South Madawaska East A 1 8, 9
    C-10022 83 Nipissing South Madawaska East A 2 9
    C-10022 83 Nipissing South Madawaska West B 1 2, 4, 8, 9
    C-10022 83 Nipissing South Madawaska West B 2 2, 8, 9
    C-10022 83 Nipissing South Bonnechère C -- 9
    C-10022 83 Nipissing South Petawawa South D -- 2, 6, 9
    C-10022 83 Nipissing South Petawawa North E -- 2, 8, 9
    C-10022 83 Nipissing South Petawawa Centre F 1 2, 9
    C-10022 83 Nipissing South Petawawa Centre F 2 2, 6, 8, 9
    C-10022 83 Nipissing South Petawawa West G -- 8, 9
    C-10022 84 Nipissing North Rocher Capitaine A -- 2, 6, 8, 9
    C-10022 84 Nipissing North Deux Rivieres B -- 6, 9
    C-10022 84 Nipissing North Mattawan South C -- 9
    C-10022 84 Nipissing North Mattawan West D -- 9
    C-10022 84 Nipissing North Mattawan North E -- 6, 9
    C-10022 84 Nipissing North Jocko River F -- 2, 8, 9
    C-10022 84 Nipissing North Montreal River G 1 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10022 84 Nipissing North Montreal River G 2 2, 6, 9
    C-10022 84 Nipissing North Temiscamang H -- 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10022 84 Nipissing North Tamagamingue I 1 6, 9
    C-10022 84 Nipissing North Tamagamingue I 2 2, 6, 9
    C-10022 85 Muskoka Morrison A -- 8, 9
    C-10022 85 Muskoka Muskoka B -- 9
    C-10022 85 Muskoka Monck C -- 8, 9
    C-10022 85 Muskoka Watt, Cardwell D -- 9
    C-10023 85 Muskoka Humphry, Medora E -- 2, 8, 9
    C-10023 85 Muskoka Wood F -- 6, 8, 9
    C-10023 85 Muskoka Conger G -- 2, 6, 7, 9
    C-10023 85 Muskoka Draper, Ryde, Oakley H -- 8, 9
    C-10023 85 Muskoka Macaulay I -- 8, 9
    C-10023 85 Muskoka Stephenson J -- 7, 8, 9
    C-10023 85 Muskoka McLean, Brunel, Ridout, Franklin K 1 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10023 85 Muskoka McLean, Brunel, Ridout, Franklin K 2 6, 8, 9
    C-10023 85 Muskoka Lake Vernon L -- 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10023 86 Parry Sound The Sound A 1 9
    C-10023 86 Parry Sound The Sound A 2 2, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10023 86 Parry Sound The Sound A 3 6, 9
    C-10023 86 Parry Sound Aumick Lake B -- 8, 9
    C-10023 86 Parry Sound Maganetawan C 1 9
    C-10023 86 Parry Sound Maganetawan C 2 6, 9
    C-10023 87 Manitoulin Manitoulin East A -- 9
    C-10023 87 Manitoulin Manitoulin Centre B 1 6, 9
    C-10023 87 Manitoulin Manitoulin Centre B 2 9
    C-10023 87 Manitoulin Manitoulin Centre B 3 9
    C-10023 87 Manitoulin Manitoulin West C -- 6, 9
    C-10023 88 Algoma East Killarney A -- 9
    C-10023 88 Algoma East Spanish River B -- 9
    C-10023 88 Algoma East Mississaga C -- 9
    C-10023 89 Algoma Centre Bruce Mines A -- --
    C-10023 89 Algoma Centre Sault Ste Marie B -- 9
    C-10024 90 Algoma West Batchewaning A -- 6, 9
    C-10024 90 Algoma West Michipicoteen B -- 6, 9
    C-10024 90 Algoma West Pic C -- 6, 9
    C-10024 90 Algoma West St-Ignace D -- 4, 6
    C-10024 90 Algoma West Nipigon E -- 6, 9
    C-10024 90 Algoma West Kaministikuia F -- 6, 9


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  • Districts 91 à 99
    Microfilm Numéro du district Nom du district Nom du sous-district Numéro du sous-district Numéro de division Tableaux manquants
    C-10024 91 Pontiac South Onslow, Aldfield A 1 8, 9
    C-10024 91 Pontiac South Onslow, Aldfield A 2 9
    C-10024 91 Pontiac South Bristol B 1 8, 9
    C-10024 91 Pontiac South Bristol B 2 8, 9
    C-10024 91 Pontiac South Clarendon C 1 8, 9
    C-10024 91 Pontiac South Clarendon C 2 8, 9
    C-10024 91 Pontiac South Thorne D -- 8, 9
    C-10024 91 Pontiac South Leslie E -- 8, 9
    C-10025 91 Pontiac South Litchfield F -- 8, 9
    C-10025 91 Pontiac South Portage-du-Fort G -- 7, 8, 9
    C-10025 91 Pontiac South Calumet Island H -- 9
    C-10025 91 Pontiac South Mansfield & Pontefract I -- 8, 9
    C-10025 91 Pontiac South Waltham J -- 8, 9
    C-10025 91 Pontiac South Allumette Island K 1 9
    C-10025 91 Pontiac South Allumette Island K 2 9
    C-10025 91 Pontiac South Chichester L -- 8, 9
    C-10025 91 Pontiac South Sheen M -- 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Basse Coulonge A 1 2, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Basse Coulonge A 2 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Moyenne Coulonge B 1 2, 6, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Moyenne Coulonge B 2 1, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Haute Coulonge C -- 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Haute Coulonge C -- 2, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Basse Rivière Noire D 1 2, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Basse Rivière Noire D 2 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Moyenne Rivière Noire E 1 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Moyenne Rivière Noire E 2 6, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Haute Rivière Noire F 1 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Haute Rivière Noire F 2 2, 6, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Rivière-Creuse G 1 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Rivière-Creuse G 2 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Bas Dumoine H 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Bas Dumoine H 2 2, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Moyen Dumoine I 1 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Moyen Dumoine I 2 2, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Haut Dumoine J 1 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Haut Dumoine J 2 2, 6, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Maganacipi K 1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Maganacipi K 2 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Lac de Sept Lieues L 1 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Lac de Sept Lieues L 2 6, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Kipaoua M 1 3, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Kipaoua M 2 2, 6, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Timiskaming N 1 3, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Timiskaming N 2 2, 6, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Victoria O 1 2, 6, 8, 9
    C-10025 92 Pontiac North Victoria O 2 3, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10026 93 Ottawa West Templeton A 1 8, 9
    C-10026 93 Ottawa West Templeton A 2 9
    C-10026 93 Ottawa West Hull B 1 8
    C-10026 93 Ottawa West Hull B 2 9
    C-10026 93 Ottawa West Hull B 3 8
    C-10026 93 Ottawa West Hull B 4 8, 9
    C-10026 93 Ottawa West Aylmer C -- 8, 9
    C-10027 93 Ottawa West Eardley D -- 6, 8, 9
    C-10027 93 Ottawa West Masham E 1 7, 8, 9
    C-10027 93 Ottawa West Masham E 2 9
    C-10027 93 Ottawa West Wakefield F -- 8, 9
    C-10027 93 Ottawa West Low G -- 6, 8, 9
    C-10027 93 Ottawa West Pikanock H 1 6, 9
    C-10027 93 Ottawa West Pikanock H 2 3, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10027 93 Ottawa West Aylwin I -- 8, 9
    C-10027 93 Ottawa West Hincks J -- 9
    C-10027 93 Ottawa West Northfield K -- 6, 9
    C-10027 93 Ottawa West Wright L -- 9
    C-10027 93 Ottawa West Rivière à l'Aigle M -- 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10027 93 Ottawa West Bouchette N -- 8, 9
    C-10027 93 Ottawa West Cameron O -- 6, 8, 9
    C-10027 93 Ottawa West Kensington P -- 8, 9
    C-10027 93 Ottawa West Tomasine Q -- 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10027 93 Ottawa West Kakebonga R -- 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10027 93 Ottawa West Basketong S -- 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10028 94 Ottawa Centre Buckingham A 1 9
    C-10028 94 Ottawa Centre Buckingham A 2 8
    C-10028 94 Ottawa Centre Buckingham B -- 8
    C-10028 94 Ottawa Centre L'Ange-Gardien C -- 9
    C-10028 94 Ottawa Centre Portland D 1 6, 8, 9
    C-10028 94 Ottawa Centre Portland D 2 6, 8, 9
    C-10028 94 Ottawa Centre Derry E -- 2, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10028 94 Ottawa Centre Bowman, Bigelow F -- 9
    C-10028 94 Ottawa Centre Villeneuve G -- 9
    C-10028 94 Ottawa Centre Lièvre West H 1 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10028 94 Ottawa Centre Lièvre West H 2 2, 6, 8, 9
    C-10028 94 Ottawa Centre Lièvre East I 1 6, 8, 9
    C-10028 94 Ottawa Centre Lièvre East I 2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10028 95 Ottawa East Lochaber A 1 9
    C-10028 95 Ottawa East Lochaber A 2 8, 9
    C-10028 95 Ottawa East St-Malachie B -- 8, 9
    C-10028 95 Ottawa East Mulgrave C -- 6, 8, 9
    C-10028 95 Ottawa East Ste-Angélique D -- 9
    C-10028 95 Ottawa East Notre-Dame de Bonsecours E -- 8, 9
    C-10028 95 Ottawa East St-André-Avelin F -- 9
    C-10029 95 Ottawa East Ripon G -- 8, 9
    C-10029 95 Ottawa East Hartwell, Suffolk H 1 8, 9
    C-10029 95 Ottawa East Hartwell, Suffolk H 2 9
    C-10029 95 Ottawa East Nation North I 1 2, 9
    C-10029 95 Ottawa East Nation North I 2 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10029 95 Ottawa East North Rouge J 1 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9
    C-10029 95 Ottawa East North Rouge J 2 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10029 96 Argenteuil Grenville A 1 8
    C-10029 96 Argenteuil Grenville A 2 6, 8, 9
    C-10029 96 Argenteuil Harrington, Arundel, De Salaberry, Grandison B -- 8, 9
    C-10029 96 Argenteuil Chatham C 1 9
    C-10029 96 Argenteuil Chatham C 2 8, 9
    C-10029 96 Argenteuil Wentworth, Montcalm, Wolfe D -- 9
    C-10029 96 Argenteuil St-Andrews E -- 8, 9
    C-10029 96 Argenteuil St-Jérusalem F -- 8, 9
    C-10030 96 Argenteuil Gore G -- 8, 9
    C-10030 96 Argenteuil Mille-Isles H -- 9
    C-10030 96 Argenteuil Howard, Morin West I -- 8, 9
    C-10030 97 Deux-Montagnes St-Placide A -- 8, 9
    C-10030 97 Deux-Montagnes Lac des Deux-Montagnes B -- 8, 9
    C-10030 97 Deux-Montagnes St-Joseph C -- 8, 9
    C-10030 97 Deux-Montagnes St-Eustache D -- 8, 9
    C-10030 97 Deux-Montagnes St-Eustache E -- 8, 9
    C-10030 97 Deux-Montagnes St-Augustin F -- 9
    C-10030 97 Deux-Montagnes St-Benoit G -- 8, 9
    C-10030 97 Deux-Montagnes St-Hermas H -- 8, 9
    C-10031 97 Deux-Montagnes Ste-Scholastique I 1 9
    C-10031 97 Deux-Montagnes Ste-Scholastique I 2 8, 9
    C-10031 97 Deux-Montagnes Ste-Scholastique J -- 8, 9
    C-10031 97 Deux-Montagnes St-Canut K -- 8, 9
    C-10031 97 Deux-Montagnes St-Colomban L -- 8, 9
    C-10031 98 Laval Ste-Dorothée A -- 9
    C-10031 98 Laval Ste-Rose B 1 9
    C-10031 98 Laval Ste-Rose B 2 9
    C-10031 98 Laval Ste-Rose C -- 9
    C-10031 98 Laval St-Martin D 1 9
    C-10031 98 Laval St-Martin D 2 --
    C-10032 98 Laval St-Vincent E 1 9
    C-10032 98 Laval St-Vincent E 2 8
    C-10032 98 Laval St-François F 1 --
    C-10032 98 Laval St-François F 2 --
    C-10032 99 Terrebonne Terrebonne A -- --
    C-10032 99 Terrebonne Terrebonne B -- 9
    C-10032 99 Terrebonne Ste-Thérèse C -- 9
    C-10032 99 Terrebonne Ste-Thérèse (Village) D -- 8, 9
    C-10032 99 Terrebonne St-Janvier E -- 8, 9
    C-10032 99 Terrebonne Ste-Anne F -- 8
    C-10033 99 Terrebonne Ste-Sophie G -- 8, 9
    C-10033 99 Terrebonne New Glasgow H -- 8, 9
    C-10033 99 Terrebonne St-Jérôme I 1 8, 9
    C-10033 99 Terrebonne St-Jérôme I 2 8, 9
    C-10033 99 Terrebonne St-Jérôme J -- --
    C-10033 99 Terrebonne St-Sauveur K -- 9
    C-10033 99 Terrebonne St-Hypolite L -- 9
    C-10033 99 Terrebonne Ste-Adèle M -- 9
    C-10033 99 Terrebonne Ste-Agathe N -- 9
    C-10033 99 Terrebonne Ste-Marguerite O -- 9
  • Districts 100 à 109
    Microfilm Numéro du district Nom du district Nom du sous-district Numéro du sous-district Numéro de division Tableaux manquants
    C-10034 100 L'Assomption St-Henri B 1 6, 8, 9
    C-10034 100 L'Assomption St-Henri B 2 8, 9
    C-10034 100 L'Assomption St-Lin C 1 8, 9
    C-10034 100 L'Assomption St-Lin C 2 8, 9
    C-10034 100 L'Assomption St-Roch D -- 8, 9
    C-10034 100 L'Assomption St-Paul-L'Ermite E -- 8, 9
    C-10034 100 L'Assomption Repentigny F -- 8, 9
    C-10034 100 L'Assomption St-Sulpice G -- 9
    C-10034 100 L'Assomption L'Assomption H -- 9
    C-10035 100 L'Assomption L'Assomption I -- 8, 9
    C-10035 100 L'Assomption L'Épiphanie J -- 9
    C-10035 101 Montcalm St-Jacques A 1 8, 9
    C-10035 101 Montcalm St-Jacques A 2 8, 9
    C-10035 101 Montcalm St-Liguori B -- 8, 9
    C-10035 101 Montcalm St-Alexis C -- 8, 9
    C-10035 101 Montcalm St-Esprit D 1 8, 9
    C-10035 101 Montcalm St-Esprit D 2 8, 9
    C-10035 101 Montcalm Ste-Julienne E -- 9
    C-10036 101 Montcalm St-Patrick F -- 8, 9
    C-10036 101 Montcalm St-Calixte G 1 8, 9
    C-10036 101 Montcalm St-Calixte G 2 9
    C-10036 101 Montcalm St-Théodore-de-Chertsey H 1 9
    C-10036 101 Montcalm St-Théodore-de-Chertsey H 2 6, 9
    C-10036 101 Montcalm St-Théodore-de-Chertsey H 3 2, 6, 9
    C-10036 102 Joliette St-Paul A -- 8, 9
    C-10036 102 Joliette St-Charles-Borromée B -- 8, 9
    C-10036 102 Joliette Joliette C -- 8
    C-10037 102 Joliette St-Ambroise D 1 8, 9
    C-10037 102 Joliette St-Ambroise D 2 8, 9
    C-10037 102 Joliette St-Alphonse E 1 8, 9
    C-10037 102 Joliette St-Alphonse E 2 8, 9
    C-10037 102 Joliette St-Côme, Cartier F -- 8, 9
    C-10037 102 Joliette St-Thomas G -- 9
    C-10037 102 Joliette Ste-Elizabeth H -- 8, 9
    C-10037 102 Joliette St-Félix-de-Valois I -- 9
    C-10037 102 Joliette Ste-Mélanie J -- 9
    C-10037 102 Joliette St-Jean K -- 9
    C-10037 102 Joliette Ste-Béatrix L -- 8, 9
    C-10038 102 Joliette Ste-Emelie & Tracy M -- 9
    C-10038 103 Berthier Lavaltrie A -- 9
    C-10038 103 Berthier Lanoraie B 1 6, 9
    C-10038 103 Berthier Lanoraie B 2 9
    C-10038 103 Berthier Berthier C 1 8, 9
    C-10038 103 Berthier Berthier C 2 9
    C-10038 103 Berthier Berthier (town) D -- 9
    C-10038 103 Berthier Île-Dupas E -- 6, 9
    C-10039 103 Berthier St-Barthélémy F 1 9
    C-10039 103 Berthier St-Barthélémy F 2 8, 9
    C-10039 103 Berthier St-Cuthbert G 1 9
    C-10039 103 Berthier St-Cuthbert G 2 8
    C-10039 103 Berthier St-Norbert H 1 8, 9
    C-10039 103 Berthier St-Norbert H 2 8, 9
    C-10039 103 Berthier St-Gabriel I 1 9
    C-10039 103 Berthier St-Gabriel I 2 9
    C-10039 103 Berthier St-Gabriel I 3 9
    C-10039 103 Berthier St-Gabriel I 4 9
    C-10040 104 Montreal Centre West Ward A 1 7, 9
    C-10040 104 Montreal Centre West Ward A 2 7, 8, 9
    C-10040 104 Montreal Centre Centre Ward B -- 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-10040 104 Montreal Centre East Ward C 1 4, 7, 9
    C-10040 104 Montreal Centre East Ward C 2 7, 9
    C-10040 105 Montreal East St-Louis Ward A 1 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-10040 105 Montreal East St-Louis Ward A 2 8, 9
    C-10040 105 Montreal East St-Louis Ward A 3 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-10040 105 Montreal East St-Louis Ward A 4 4, 7, 9
    C-10040 105 Montreal East St-Louis Ward A 5 4, 7, 9
    C-10040 105 Montreal East St-Louis Ward A 6 7, 9
    C-10040 105 Montreal East St-Louis Ward A 7 9
    C-10040 105 Montreal East St-Louis Ward A 8 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10040 105 Montreal East St-Louis Ward A 9 7, 9
    C-10041 105 Montreal East St-Jacques Ward B 1 7, 8, 9
    C-10041 105 Montreal East St-Jacques Ward B 2 9
    C-10042 105 Montreal East St-Jacques Ward B 3 7
    C-10042 105 Montreal East St-Jacques Ward B 4 7, 8, 9
    C-10042 105 Montreal East St-Jacques Ward B 5 7, 8, 9
    C-10042 105 Montreal East St-Jacques Ward B 6 7, 8
    C-10042 105 Montreal East St-Jacques Ward B 7 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-10042 105 Montreal East St-Jacques Ward B 8 8, 9
    C-10042 105 Montreal East St-Jacques Ward B 9 7, 8, 9
    C-10042 105 Montreal East St-Jacques Ward B 10 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-10043 105 Montreal East Ste-Marie Ward C 1 7, 9
    C-10043 105 Montreal East Ste-Marie Ward C 2 7, 8, 9
    C-10043 105 Montreal East Ste-Marie Ward C 3 8, 9
    C-10043 105 Montreal East Ste-Marie Ward C 4 7, 8, 9
    C-10043 105 Montreal East Ste-Marie Ward C 5 7, 8, 9
    C-10043 105 Montreal East Ste-Marie Ward C 6 7, 8, 9
    C-10043 & C-10044 105 Montreal East Ste-Marie Ward C 7 7, 8, 9
    C-10044 & C-10045 106 Montreal West Ste-Anne Ward A 1 7, 8, 9
    C-10045 106 Montreal West Ste-Anne Ward A 2 7, 8, 9
    C-10045 106 Montreal West Ste-Anne Ward A 3 7, 8, 9
    C-10045 106 Montreal West Ste-Anne Ward A 4 7, 8, 9
    C-10045 106 Montreal West Ste-Anne Ward A 5 7, 9
    C-10045 106 Montreal West Ste-Anne Ward A 6 7, 8
    C-10045 106 Montreal West Ste-Anne Ward A 7 7, 9
    C-10045 106 Montreal West Ste-Anne Ward A 8 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10045 106 Montreal West Ste-Anne Ward A 9 7, 9
    C-10045 106 Montreal West Ste-Anne Ward A 10 8, 9
    C-10045 & C-10046 106 Montreal West Ste-Anne Ward A 11 7, 8, 9
    C-10046 106 Montreal West St-Antoine Ward B 1 7, 9
    C-10046 106 Montreal West St-Antoine Ward B 2 7, 8, 9
    C-10046 106 Montreal West St-Antoine Ward B 3 7, 8, 9
    C-10046 106 Montreal West St-Antoine Ward B 4 7, 9
    C-10046 & C-10047 106 Montreal West St-Antoine Ward B 5 7, 8, 9
    C-10047 106 Montreal West St-Antoine Ward B 6 7, 9
    C-10047 106 Montreal West St-Antoine Ward B 7 7, 9
    C-10047 106 Montreal West St-Antoine Ward B 8 7, 8, 9
    C-10047 106 Montreal West St-Antoine Ward B 9 7, 8, 9
    C-10047 106 Montreal West St-Antoine Ward B 10 7, 8, 9
    C-10047 106 Montreal West St-Antoine Ward B 11 7, 9
    C-10047 106 Montreal West St-Antoine Ward B 12 7, 9
    C-10047 & C-10048 106 Montreal West St-Antoine Ward B 13 7, 8, 9
    C-10048 106 Montreal West St-Laurent Ward C 1 7, 8, 9
    C-10048 106 Montreal West St-Laurent Ward C 2 7, 8, 9
    C-10048 106 Montreal West St-Laurent Ward C 3 7, 8, 9
    C-10048 106 Montreal West St-Laurent Ward C 4 7, 8, 9
    C-10048 106 Montreal West St-Laurent Ward C 5 7, 8, 9
    C-10048 & C-10049 106 Montreal West St-Laurent Ward C 6 7, 9
    C-10049 106 Montreal West St-Laurent Ward C 7 7, 9
    C-10049 106 Montreal West St-Laurent Ward C 8 7, 8, 9
    C-10049 107 Hochelaga Montréal A 1 8, 9
    C-10049 107 Hochelaga Montréal A 2 7, 9
    C-10049 107 Hochelaga Montréal A 3 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10049 107 Hochelaga Montréal A 4 8, 9
    C-10049 107 Hochelaga Montréal A 5 8, 9
    C-10049 107 Hochelaga Côte-des-Neiges B -- 9
    C-10050 107 Hochelaga St-Jean-Baptiste C 1 8, 9
    C-10050 107 Hochelaga St-Jean-Baptiste C 2 7, 8, 9
    C-10050 107 Hochelaga Côteau-St-Louis D -- 8
    C-10050 107 Hochelaga Hochelaga E -- 8
    C-10050 107 Hochelaga Longue-Pointe F -- 8, 9
    C-10050 107 Hochelaga Pointe-aux-Trembles G -- 9
    C-10050 107 Hochelaga Rivière-des-Prairies H -- 8, 9
    C-10050 107 Hochelaga Sault-au-Récollet I -- --
    C-10050 107 Hochelaga Côte-de-la-Visitation J -- 7, 9
    C-10051 108 Jacques-Cartier Lachine A -- 9
    C-10051 108 Jacques-Cartier Lachine (village) B -- 7, 9
    C-10051 108 Jacques-Cartier St-Laurent C 1 8, 9
    C-10051 108 Jacques-Cartier St-Laurent C 2 --
    C-10051 108 Jacques-Cartier Pointe-Claire D -- 8
    C-10051 108 Jacques-Cartier Pointe-Claire (village) E -- 8, 9
    C-10051 108 Jacques-Cartier Ste-Anne F -- 9
    C-10051 108 Jacques-Cartier Ste-Geneviève G -- 8, 9
    C-10051 108 Jacques-Cartier Ste-Geneviève (village) H -- 8
    C-10051 108 Jacques-Cartier St-Raphaël-de-L'Île-Bizard I -- 8, 9
    C-10051 109 Vaudreuil Ste-Jeanne-de-L'Île-Perrot A -- 9
    C-10051 109 Vaudreuil Vaudreuil B 1 8, 9
    C-10051 109 Vaudreuil Vaudreuil B 2 9
    C-10051 109 Vaudreuil Vaudreuil (village) C -- 9
    C-10051 109 Vaudreuil Rigaud D 1 9
    C-10051 109 Vaudreuil Rigaud D 2 8, 9
    C-10051 109 Vaudreuil Ste.Marthe E 1 8, 9
    C-10051 109 Vaudreuil Ste.Marthe E 2 8, 9
    C-10051 109 Vaudreuil Newton F -- 8, 9
  • Districts 110 à 119
    Microfilm District Number District Name Sub-district Name Sub-district Number Division Number

    Missing Schedules

    C-10051 110 Soulanges St. Zotique A -- 9
    C-10053 110 Soulanges St-Polycarpe B 1 9
    C-10053 110 Soulanges St-Polycarpe B 2 9
    C-10053 110 Soulanges St-Polycarpe B 3 9
    C-10053 110 Soulanges St-Clet C -- 8, 9
    C-10053 110 Soulanges St-Ignace D 1 9
    C-10053 110 Soulanges St-Ignace D 2 9
    C-10053 110 Soulanges Côteau Landing Village E -- 9
    C-10053 110 Soulanges Les Cèdres F -- 9
    C-10053 110 Soulanges Soulanges G -- 8, 9
    C-10053 111 Beauharnois St-Clément A -- 9
    C-10053 111 Beauharnois Beauharnois B -- 9
    C-10053 111 Beauharnois St-Étienne C -- 8, 9
    C-10054 111 Beauharnois St. Timothé D -- 9
    C-10054 111 Beauharnois St. Louis E -- 8, 9
    C-10054 111 Beauharnois Ste. Cécile F -- 9
    C-10054 111 Beauharnois St-Stanislas G -- 9
    C-10054 112 Châteauguay St-Joachim A -- 9
    C-10054 & C-10055 112 Châteauguay Ste-Philomène B -- 9
    C-10055 112 Châteauguay Ste-Martine C 1 8, 9
    C-10055 112 Châteauguay Ste-Martine C 2 8, 9
    C-10055 112 Châteauguay St-Urbain D -- 9
    C-10055 112 Châteauguay St-Jean-Chrysostôme E 1 8, 9
    C-10055 112 Châteauguay St-Jean-Chrysostôme E 2 8, 9
    C-10055 112 Châteauguay St-Jean-Chrysostôme E 3 8, 9
    C-10055 112 Châteauguay St-Antoine F -- 8, 9
    C-10056 112 Châteauguay St-Malachie G 1 8, 9
    C-10056 112 Châteauguay St-Malachie G 2 8, 9
    C-10056 113 Huntingdon East Hemmingford A 1 8, 9
    C-10056 113 Huntingdon East Hemmingford A 2 8, 9
    C-10056 113 Huntingdon East Havelock B -- 8, 9
    C-10056 113 Huntingdon East Franklin C -- 8, 9
    C-10056 113 Huntingdon East Hinchinbrooke D 1 8, 9
    C-10056 113 Huntingdon East Hinchinbrooke D 2 8, 9
    C-10056 113 Huntingdon East Elgin E -- 8, 9
    C-10056 & C-10057 114 Huntingdon West Godmanchester A -- 8, 9
    C-10057 114 Huntingdon West Huntingdon B 1 9
    C-10057 114 Huntingdon West Huntingdon B 2 9
    C-10057 114 Huntingdon West St-Anicet C -- --
    C-10057 114 Huntingdon West Dundee D -- 9
    C-10057 115 Laprairie Laprairie A 1 9
    C-10057 115 Laprairie Laprairie A 2 9
    C-10057 115 Laprairie Laprairie (village) B -- --
    C-10057 115 Laprairie St-Philippe C 1 8, 9
    C-10058 115 Laprairie St-Philippe C 2 8, 9
    C-10058 115 Laprairie St-Jacques D 1 8, 9
    C-10058 115 Laprairie St-Jacques D 2 8, 9
    C-10058 115 Laprairie St-Constant E 1 8, 9
    C-10058 115 Laprairie St-Constant E 2 8, 9
    C-10058 115 Laprairie St-Isidore F 1 8
    C-10058 115 Laprairie St-Isidore F 2 8
    C-10058 115 Laprairie Sault-St-Louis G -- 8, 9
    C-10058 116 Napierville St-Rémi A 1 8, 9
    C-10058 116 Napierville St-Rémi A 2 8, 9
    C-10058 116 Napierville St-Rémi (village) B -- 8, 9
    C-10058 & C-10059 116 Napierville St-Michel C 1 8, 9
    C-10059 116 Napierville St-Michel C 2 8, 9
    C-10059 116 Napierville St-Édouard D -- 8, 9
    C-10059 116 Napierville Sherrington E 1 8, 9
    C-10059 116 Napierville Sherrington E 2 8, 9
    C-10059 116 Napierville St-Cyprien F 1 8, 9
    C-10059 116 Napierville St-Cyprien F 2 8, 9
    C-10059 116 Napierville St-Cyprien F 3 8, 9
    C-10059 117 St-Jean Lacolle A 1 8, 9
    C-10059 117 St-Jean Lacolle A 2 8, 9
    C-10059 & C-10060 117 St-Jean St-Valentin B 1 --
    C-10060 117 St-Jean St-Valentin B 2 9
    C-10060 117 St-Jean L'Acadie C 1 --
    C-10060 117 St-Jean L'Acadie C 2 9
    C-10060 117 St-Jean St-Jean D -- 9
    C-10060 117 St-Jean St-Jean (town) E 1 7, 9
    C-10060 117 St-Jean St-Jean (town) E 2 7, 9
    C-10060 117 St-Jean Ste-Luce F -- 8, 9
    C-10060 118 Chambly St-Lambert A -- 9
    C-10060 118 Chambly Longueuil B -- 9
    C-10060 118 Chambly Longueuil (village) C 1 9
    C-10060 & C-10061 118 Chambly Longueuil (village) C 2 8, 9
    C-10061 118 Chambly St-Hubert D -- 8
    C-10061 118 Chambly Chambly E 1 8, 9
    C-10061 118 Chambly Chambly E 2 9
    C-10061 118 Chambly Chambly (village) F -- 9
    C-10061 118 Chambly Chambly (basin) G -- 9
    C-10061 118 Chambly St-Bruno H -- 8, 9
    C-10061 118 Chambly Boucherville I 1 8
    C-10061 118 Chambly Boucherville I 2 6, 9
    C-10061 118 Chambly Boucherville (village) J -- 9
    C-10061 119 Verchères Varennes A 1 9
    C-10061 119 Verchères Varennes A 2 --
    C-10061 119 Verchères Varennes (village) B -- 9
    C-10061 & C-10062 119 Verchères Ste-Julie C -- 8.9
    C-10062 119 Verchères Beloeil D 1 9
    C-10062 119 Verchères Beloeil D 2 8.9
    C-10062 119 Verchères St-Marc E -- 9
    C-10062 119 Verchères Verchères F 1 9
    C-10062 119 Verchères Verchères F 2 8.9
    C-10062 119 Verchères Verchères F 3 9
    C-10062 119 Verchères Contrecoeur G -- 9
    C-10062 119 Verchères St-Antoine H -- 9
  • Districts 120 à 129
    Microfilm Numéro du district Nom du district Nom du sous-district Numéro du sous-district Numéro de division Tableaux manquants
    C-10063 120 Richelieu St-Roch A -- 9
    C-10063 120 Richelieu St-Ours B 1 8, 9
    C-10063 120 Richelieu St-Ours B 2 9
    C-10063 120 Richelieu St-Ours (village) C -- 9
    C-10063 120 Richelieu Ste-Victoire D -- 8.9
    C-10063 120 Richelieu Sorel E 1 6.9
    C-10063 120 Richelieu Sorel E 2 9
    C-10063 120 Richelieu Sorel (town) F 1 --
    C-10063 120 Richelieu Sorel (town) F 2 9
    C-10063 & C-10064 120 Richelieu Sorel (town) F 3 9
    C-10064 120 Richelieu St-Robert G -- 9
    C-10064 120 Richelieu St-Aimé H 1 9
    C-10064 120 Richelieu St-Aimé H 2 8.9
    C-10064 120 Richelieu St-Marcel I -- 9
    C-10064 121 St-Hyacinthe St-Damase A 1 8, 9
    C-10064 121 St-Hyacinthe St-Damase A 2 9
    C-10064 121 St-Hyacinthe La Présentation B -- 8
    C-10064 & C-10065 121 St-Hyacinthe St-Charles C -- 9
    C-10065 121 St-Hyacinthe St-Denis D 1 9
    C-10065 121 St-Hyacinthe St-Denis D 2 9
    C-10065 121 St-Hyacinthe St-Jude E -- 9
    C-10065 121 St-Hyacinthe St-Barnabé F -- 9
    C-10065 121 St-Hyacinthe St-Hyacinthe G 1 8, 9
    C-10065 121 St-Hyacinthe St-Hyacinthe G 2 8
    C-10065 121 St-Hyacinthe St-Hyacinthe (city) H 1 --
    C-10065 & C-10066 121 St-Hyacinthe St-Hyacinthe (city) H 2 9
    C-10066 121 St-Hyacinthe St-Hyacinthe-le-Confesseur I -- 9
    C-10066 122 Bagot St-Pie A 1 8, 9
    C-10066 122 Bagot St-Pie A 2 8, 9
    C-10066 122 Bagot St-Dominique B -- --
    C-10066 122 Bagot Ste-Rosalie C -- 9
    C-10066 122 Bagot St-Simon D -- 8, 9
    C-10066 122 Bagot St-Hugues E -- 9
    C-10067 122 Bagot Ste-Hélène F -- 8, 9
    C-10067 122 Bagot St-Liboire G -- 8, 9
    C-10067 122 Bagot St-Ephrem-d'Upton H -- 8, 9
    C-10067 122 Bagot St-Théodore-d'Acton I -- 9
    C-10067 122 Bagot St-André-d'Acton J -- 9
    C-10067 122 Bagot Actonvale K -- 8, 9
    C-10067 123 Rouville Richelieu A -- 9
    C-10067 123 Rouville St-Mathias B -- 9
    C-10067 123 Rouville St-Hilaire C -- 9
    C-10067 123 Rouville St-Jean-Baptiste D -- 8, 9
    C-10068 123 Rouville Ste-Marie E 1 8, 9
    C-10068 123 Rouville Ste-Marie E 2 8, 9
    C-10068 123 Rouville Marieville F -- 8, 9
    C-10068 123 Rouville Ste.Angèle G -- 8, 9
    C-10068 123 Rouville St-Césaire H 1 8, 9
    C-10068 123 Rouville St-Césaire H 2 8, 9
    C-10068 123 Rouville St-Césaire (village) I -- 8, 9
    C-10069 123 Rouville Abbotsford J -- 8, 9
    C-10069 123 Rouville L'Ange-Gardien K -- 8, 9
    C-10069 123 Rouville Canrobert L -- 8, 9
    C-10069 124 Iberville St-Georges-de-Henryville A 1 9
    C-10069 124 Iberville St-Georges-de-Henryville A 2 9
    C-10069 124 Iberville St-Athanase B 1 9
    C-10069 124 Iberville St-Athanase B 2 9
    C-10069 124 Iberville Iberville C -- 9
    C-10069 124 Iberville St-Grégoire D 1 8, 9
    C-10069 124 Iberville St-Grégoire D 2 8, 9
    C-10070 124 Iberville Ste-Brigide E 1 8, 9
    C-10070 124 Iberville Ste-Brigide E 2 9
    C-10070 124 Iberville St-Alexandre F 1 8, 9
    C-10070 124 Iberville St-Alexandre F 2 8, 9
    C-10070 124 Iberville St-Sébastien G 1 9
    C-10070 124 Iberville St-Sébastien G 2 9
    C-10070 125 Missisquoi St-Thomas A -- 9
    C-10070 125 Missisquoi St-Georges-de-Clarenceville B -- 9
    C-10070 125 Missisquoi St-Armand West C -- 9
    C-10070 125 Missisquoi Philipsburg D -- 9
    C-10070 125 Missisquoi St-Armand East E -- 8
    C-10071 125 Missisquoi Frelighsburg F -- 8, 9
    C-10071 125 Missisquoi Dunham G 1 8, 9
    C-10071 125 Missisquoi Dunham G 2 8, 9
    C-10071 125 Missisquoi Dunham G 3 8, 9
    C-10071 125 Missisquoi Dunham (village) H -- 8, 9
    C-10071 125 Missisquoi Stanbridge I 1 8, 9
    C-10071 125 Missisquoi Stanbridge I 2 9
    C-10071 125 Missisquoi Stanbridge I 3 8, 9
    C-10071 125 Missisquoi Stanbridge I 4 8, 9
    C-10071 125 Missisquoi Notre Dame de Stanbridge Village and Notre Dame Des Anges J -- 8, 9
    C-10071 125 Missisquoi Farnham West K -- 8, 9
    C-10072 125 Missisquoi Farnham (village) L -- 8, 9
    C-10072 126 Brome Farnham A -- 8, 9
    C-10072 126 Brome Brome B 1 8, 9
    C-10072 126 Brome Brome B 2 8, 9
    C-10072 126 Brome Sutton C 1 8, 9
    C-10072 126 Brome Sutton C 2 8, 9
    C-10073 126 Brome Potton D 1 8, 9
    C-10073 126 Brome Potton D 2 8, 9
    C-10073 126 Brome Bolton E 1 9
    C-10073 126 Brome Bolton E 2 8, 9
    C-10073 127 Shefford Granby A 1 8
    C-10073 127 Shefford Granby A 2 8, 9
    C-10073 127 Shefford Granby (village) B -- --
    C-10073 127 Shefford Ste-Cécile-de-Milton C -- 8, 9
    C-10073 127 Shefford St-Valérien-de-Milton D -- 8, 9
    C-10074 127 Shefford Shefford E 1 --
    C-10074 127 Shefford Shefford E 2 8, 9
    C-10074 127 Shefford Waterloo F -- 8, 9
    C-10074 127 Shefford Roxton G 1 8, 9
    C-10074 127 Shefford Roxton G 2 9
    C-10074 127 Shefford Roxton Falls H -- --
    C-10074 127 Shefford Stukely South I -- 8, 9
    C-10074 127 Shefford Stukely North J -- 8, 9
    C-10074 127 Shefford Ely K -- 8, 9
    C-10074 127 Shefford Ely North L -- 8, 9
    C-10075 128 Maskinongé Maskinongé A 1 8, 9
    C-10075 128 Maskinongé Maskinongé A 2 9
    C-10075 128 Maskinongé Rivière-du-Loup B 1 9
    C-10075 128 Maskinongé Rivière-du-Loup B 2 9
    C-10075 128 Maskinongé Rivière-du-Loup B 3 9
    C-10075 128 Maskinongé St-Justin C -- 8, 9
    C-10075 128 Maskinongé Ste-Ursule D 1 9
    C-10075 128 Maskinongé Ste-Ursule D 2 9
    C-10075 128 Maskinongé Ste-Ursule D 3 8, 9
    C-10075 128 Maskinongé St-Léon E -- 9
    C-10076 128 Maskinongé St-Didace F -- --
    C-10076 128 Maskinongé St-Paulin G -- 9
    C-10076 128 Maskinongé Hunterstown H -- 9
    C-10076 129 St-Maurice South Pointe-du-Lac A 1 --
    C-10076 129 St-Maurice South Pointe-du-Lac A 2 --
    C-10076 129 St-Maurice South Yamachiche B 1 --
    C-10076 129 St-Maurice South Yamachiche B 2 8, 9
    C-10076 129 St-Maurice South St-Sévère C -- 9
    C-10076 129 St-Maurice South St-Barnabé D -- 9
    C-10077 129 St-Maurice South St-Étienne E 1 --
    C-10077 129 St-Maurice South St-Étienne E 2 9
    C-10077 129 St-Maurice South Shawinigan F -- 9
    C-10077 129 St-Maurice South St-Élie-de-Caxton G -- 8, 9
    C-10077 129 St-Maurice South St-Mathieu H -- 9
  • Districts 130 à 139
    Microfilm Numéro du district Nom du district Nom du sous-district Numéro du sous-district Numéro de division Tableaux manquants
    C-10077 130 St-Maurice North Mataouin Supérieure A -- 9
    C-10077 130 St-Maurice North Mataouin Inférieure B -- 6, 9
    C-10077 130 St-Maurice North Ouessoneau C -- 2, 8, 9
    C-10077 130 St-Maurice North Rivière au Rat D -- 2, 6, 9
    C-10077 130 St-Maurice North Vermillion E -- 6, 9
    C-10077 130 St-Maurice North Monouan F -- 6, 9
    C-10077 131 Trois-Rivières St-Philippe Ward A -- --
    C-10077 131 Trois-Rivières St-Louis Ward B -- 9
    C-10077 131 Trois-Rivières Ste-Ursule Ward C -- 9
    C-10077 131 Trois-Rivières Notre-Dame Ward D -- 8, 9
    C-10077 131 Trois-Rivières Trois-Rivières (parish) E -- 9
    C-10077 132 Champlain South Cap-de-la-Madeleine A -- --
    C-10078 132 Champlain South St-Maurice B 1 --
    C-10078 132 Champlain South St-Maurice B 2 --
    C-10078 132 Champlain South La Visitation C 1 9
    C-10078 132 Champlain South La Visitation C 2 --
    C-10078 132 Champlain South St-Luc D -- 8, 9
    C-10078 132 Champlain South St-François-Xavier E -- 9
    C-10078 132 Champlain South Ste-Geneviève F 1 9
    C-10078 132 Champlain South Ste-Geneviève F 2 --
    C-10078 132 Champlain South Ste-Anne-de-la-Pérade G 1 9
    C-10078 132 Champlain South Ste-Anne-de-la-Pérade G 2 9
    C-10079 132 Champlain South St-Prosper H -- 8, 9
    C-10079 133 Champlain North Mont-Carmel A -- --
    C-10079 133 Champlain North St-Narcisse B -- 8
    C-10079 133 Champlain North St-Stanislas C 1 8, 9
    C-10079 133 Champlain North St-Stanislas C 2 8, 9
    C-10080 133 Champlain North St-Tite D -- --
    C-10080 133 Champlain North Ste-Flore E -- 8, 9
    C-10080 133 Champlain North St-François-Xavier de Batiscan F -- 9
    C-10080 133 Champlain North Mékinac G -- 9
    C-10080 133 Champlain North La Bostonnais H -- 2, 6, 9
    C-10080 133 Champlain North La Croche I -- 2, 6, 9
    C-10080 134 Yamaska Yamaska A -- 9
    C-10080 134 Yamaska St-Michel B -- 9
    C-10081 134 Yamaska St-François C 1 --
    C-10081 134 Yamaska St-François C 2 9
    C-10081 134 Yamaska Pierreville D 1 --
    C-10081 134 Yamaska Pierreville D 2 --
    C-10081 134 Yamaska Baie-Du-Febvre E -- --
    C-10081 134 Yamaska St-Zéphirin F -- 8, 9
    C-10081 134 Yamaska St.Pie G -- --
    C-10081 134 Yamaska St-David H -- --
    C-10082 135 Nicolet Nicolet A -- 9
    C-10082 135 Nicolet St-Grégoire B 1 8, 9
    C-10082 135 Nicolet St-Grégoire B 2 9
    C-10082 135 Nicolet La Rochelle Village C -- 9
    C-10082 135 Nicolet Ste-Angèle D -- 9
    C-10082 135 Nicolet Bécancour E 1 9
    C-10082 135 Nicolet Bécancour E 2 9
    C-10082 135 Nicolet Ste-Gertrude F -- 8, 9
    C-10083 135 Nicolet Gentilly, Blandford G 1 9
    C-10083 135 Nicolet Gentilly, Blandford G 2 9
    C-10083 135 Nicolet St-Pierre-les-Becquets H 1 9
    C-10083 135 Nicolet St-Pierre-les-Becquets H 2 8, 9
    C-10083 135 Nicolet St-Célestin I -- 8, 9
    C-10083 135 Nicolet St-Wenceslas J -- 8, 9
    C-10083 135 Nicolet Ste-Monique K -- 9
    C-10083 135 Nicolet Ste-Perpétue L -- 8, 9
    C-10083 135 Nicolet Ste-Brigitte-Des-Saults M -- 8, 9
    C-10083 135 Nicolet St-Léonard N -- 8, 9
    C-10083 135 Nicolet Ste-Eulalie O -- 6, 8, 9
    C-10084 136 Drummond St-Guillaume D'Upton A -- 9
    C-10084 136 Drummond St-Bonaventure B -- 9
    C-10084 136 Drummond St-Germain C -- 8, 9
    C-10084 136 Drummond Grantham D -- 8, 9
    C-10084 136 Drummond Wendover, Simpson E -- 8, 9
    C-10084 136 Drummond Wickham West F -- 8, 9
    C-10084 136 Drummond Wickham G -- 8, 9
    C-10084 136 Drummond Durham South H -- 8, 9
    C-10084 136 Drummond Durham I -- 8, 9
    C-10084 136 Drummond L'Avenir J -- 8, 9
    C-10084 136 Drummond Kingsey K -- 8, 9
    C-10084 136 Drummond Kingsey Falls West L -- 8, 9
    C-10085 137 Arthabaska Ste-Clothilde-D'Horton A -- 8, 9
    C-10085 137 Arthabaska St-Valère-de-Bulstrode B -- 8, 9
    C-10085 137 Arthabaska St-Louis C -- 9
    C-10085 137 Arthabaska St-Albert D -- 8, 9
    C-10085 137 Arthabaska Victoriaville E -- 8, 9
    C-10085 137 Arthabaska Arthabaskaville F -- 8, 9
    C-10085 137 Arthabaska St-Norbert G -- 9
    C-10085 137 Arthabaska Stanfold H -- 9
    C-10085 137 Arthabaska Princeville I -- 8, 9
    C-10085 137 Arthabaska Kingsey Falls East J -- 6, 8, 9
    C-10085 137 Arthabaska St-Médard K -- 8, 9
    C-10085 137 Arthabaska Warwick L -- 8, 9
    C-10085 137 Arthabaska St-Christophe M -- 8, 9
    C-10085 137 Arthabaska Chester North N -- 8, 9
    C-10085 137 Arthabaska Chester East O -- 8, 9
    C-10085 137 Arthabaska Chester West P -- 8
    C-10085 137 Arthabaska Chénier Q -- 9
    C-10086 137 Arthabaska Tingwick R -- 8, 9
    C-10086 138 Richmond Brompton A -- 7, 8, 9
    C-10086 138 Richmond Melbourne B -- 8
    C-10086 138 Richmond Melbourne C -- 8, 9
    C-10086 138 Richmond Cleveland D -- 8, 9
    C-10086 138 Richmond Richmond E -- 8, 9
    C-10086 138 Richmond Shipton F -- 8
    C-10087 138 Richmond Danville G -- 9
    C-10087 138 Richmond Windsor H -- 9
    C-10087 138 Richmond St-Georges-de-Windsor I -- 8, 9
    C-10087 138 Richmond Stoke J -- 8, 9
    C-10087 139 Wolfe Wotton A -- 8, 9
    C-10087 139 Wolfe Ham North B 1 9
    C-10087 139 Wolfe Ham North B 2 2, 6, 8, 9
    C-10087 139 Wolfe Wolfestown C -- 9
    C-10087 139 Wolfe St-Camille D -- 6, 8, 9
    C-10087 139 Wolfe Ham South E -- 8, 9
    C-10087 139 Wolfe Garthby, Stratford F 1 9
    C-10087 139 Wolfe Garthby, Stratford F 2 --
    C-10088 139 Wolfe Dudswell G 1 8, 9
    C-10088 139 Wolfe Dudswell G 2 2, 8, 9
    C-10088 139 Wolfe Weedon H 1 9
    C-10088 139 Wolfe Weedon H 2 2, 6, 8, 9
  • Districts 140 à 149
    Microfilm Numéro du district Nom du district Nom du sous-district Numéro du sous-district Numéro de division Tableaux manquants
    C-10088 140 Sherbrooke Sherbrooke A 1 8, 9
    C-10088 140 Sherbrooke Sherbrooke A 2 8
    C-10088 140 Sherbrooke Orford B -- 8, 9
    C-10089 140 Sherbrooke Ascot C 1 8
    C-10089 140 Sherbrooke Ascot C 2 8
    C-10089 141 Stanstead Stanstead A 1 >--
    C-10089 141 Stanstead Stanstead A 2 8, 9
    C-10089 141 Stanstead Stanstead Plain B -- 8, 9
    C-10089 141 Stanstead Magog C -- 9
    C-10089 141 Stanstead Hatley D 1 9
    C-10089 141 Stanstead Hatley D 2 9
    C-10090 141 Stanstead Barnston E 1 8
    C-10090 141 Stanstead Barnston E 2 8, 9
    C-10090 141 Stanstead Coaticook F -- 8, 9
    C-10090 141 Stanstead Barford G 1 8, 9
    C-10090 141 Stanstead Barford G 2 8, 9
    C-10090 142 Compton Hereford A -- 8, 9
    C-10090 142 Compton Compton B 1 8, 9
    C-10090 142 Compton Compton B 2 8, 9
    C-10090 142 Compton Clifton C -- 8, 9
    C-10090 142 Compton Auckland D -- 6, 8, 9
    C-10090 142 Compton Eaton E -- 8, 9
    C-10091 142 Compton Newport, Ditton, Chesham, Clinton, Emberton F -- 8
    C-10091 142 Compton Westbury G -- 8, 9
    C-10091 142 Compton Bury H -- 8, 9
    C-10091 142 Compton Lingwick I -- 8, 9
    C-10091 142 Compton Hamden, Marston, Whitton J 1 8, 9
    C-10091 142 Compton Hamden, Marston, Whitton J 2 8, 9
    C-10091 142 Compton Winslow South K -- 8, 9
    C-10091 142 Compton Winslow North L -- 8, 9
    C-10091 143 Portneuf Grondines A -- 9
    C-10091 143 Portneuf St-Casimir B -- 9
    C-10091 143 Portneuf Deschambault C -- 9
    C-10092 143 Portneuf St-Alban D -- --
    C-10092 143 Portneuf Portneuf E -- 9
    C-10092 143 Portneuf Cap-Santé F -- 9
    C-10092 143 Portneuf Les Écureuils G -- 9
    C-10092 143 Portneuf St-Basile H -- 9
    C-10092 143 Portneuf St-Raymond I 1 9
    C-10092 143 Portneuf St-Raymond I 2 8, 9
    C-10092 143 Portneuf Pointe-aux-Trembles J -- --
    C-10093 143 Portneuf Neuville K -- --
    C-10093 143 Portneuf St-Augustin L -- 8, 9
    C-10093 143 Portneuf Ste-Catherine M -- 9
    C-10093 144 Quebec County St-Colomban A 1 9
    C-10093 144 Quebec County St-Colomban A 2 7, 9
    C-10093 144 Quebec County Ste-Foy B -- 9
    C-10093 144 Quebec County Ancienne-Lorette C -- 9
    C-10094 144 Quebec County St-Ambroise-de-la-Jeune-Lorette D 1 9
    C-10094 144 Quebec County St-Ambroise-de-la-Jeune-Lorette D 2 --
    C-10094 144 Quebec County Charlesbourg E 1 9
    C-10094 144 Quebec County Charlesbourg E 2 9
    C-10094 144 Quebec County Beauport F 1 9
    C-10094 144 Quebec County Beauport F 2 9
    C-10094 144 Quebec County St-Dunstan G -- 9
    C-10094 144 Quebec County Stoneham H -- 8, 9
    C-10094 144 Quebec County Tewkesbury I -- 6, 8, 9
    C-10094 144 Quebec County St-Gabriel-de-Valcartier J -- 8, 9
    C-10095 144 Quebec County St-Gabriel West K -- 8, 9
    C-10095 145 Quebec West St-Pierre Ward A -- --
    C-10095 145 Quebec West St-Pierre Ward A 2 4, 7, 9
    C-10095 145 Quebec West Champlain Ward B 1 7, 9
    C-10095 145 Quebec West Champlain Ward B 2 4, 7, 9
    C-10095 145 Quebec West Champlain Ward B 3 4, 7, 9
    C-10095 145 Quebec West Montcalm Ward C 1 7, 8, 9
    C-10095 145 Quebec West Montcalm Ward C 2 7, 9
    C-10096 145 Quebec West Banlieue South D -- 7, 8, 9
    C-10096 146 Québec Centre Palais Ward A 1 7.9
    C-10096 146 Québec Centre Palais Ward A 2 4, 7, 9
    C-10096 146 Québec Centre St-Jean Ward B 1 7, 8, 9
    C-10096 146 Québec Centre St-Jean Ward B 2 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-10096 146 Québec Centre St-Jean Ward B 3 4, 7, 9
    C-10096 146 Québec Centre St-Jean Ward B 4 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-10097 146 Québec Centre St-Louis Ward C 1 4, 7, 9
    C-10097 146 Québec Centre St-Louis Ward C 2 7, 9
    C-10097 146 Québec Centre St-Louis Ward C 3 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-10097 146 Québec Centre Montcalm Ward D 1 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-10097 146 Québec Centre Montcalm Ward D 2 7, 8, 9
    C-10097 146 Québec Centre Banlieue Centre E -- 6, 7, 9
    C-10344 147 Québec East St-Roch Ward A 1 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-10344 147 Québec East St-Roch Ward A 2 4, 7, 9
    C-10344 147 Québec East St-Roch Ward A 3 7, 9
    C-10344 147 Québec East St-Roch Ward A 4 4, 7, 9
    C-10345 147 Québec East Jacques-Cartier Ward B 1 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-10345 147 Québec East Jacques-Cartier Ward B 2 7, 9
    C-10345 147 Québec East Jacques-Cartier Ward B 3 7, 9
    C-10345 147 Québec East Jacques-Cartier Ward B 4 7, 9
    C-10345 147 Québec East Jacques-Cartier Ward B 5 4, 7, 9
    C-10346 147 Québec East St-Roch South C 1 7, 8, 9
    C-10346 147 Québec East St-Roch South C 2 4, 7, 9
    C-10346 147 Québec East St-Roch South C 3 7, 8, 9
    C-10346 147 Québec East St-Roch South C 4 7, 8, 9
    C-10346 147 Québec East St-Roch North D 1 9
    C-10346 147 Québec East St-Roch North D 2 9
    C-10346 147 Québec East St-Roch North D 3 2, 9
    C-10346 148 Montmorency St-Laurent A -- 9
    C-10346 148 Montmorency St-Pierre B -- 9
    C-10346 148 Montmorency St-Jean C -- 9
    C-10346 148 Montmorency Ste-Famille D -- 9
    C-10346 148 Montmorency St-François E -- 9
    C-10346 148 Montmorency L'Ange-Gardien F -- 9
    C-10346 148 Montmorency Laval G -- 9
    C-10346 148 Montmorency Château-Richer H -- --
    C-10347 148 Montmorency Ste-Anne I -- 9
    C-10347 148 Montmorency St-Joachim J -- 9
    C-10347 148 Montmorency St-Féréol K -- 9
    C-10347 148 Montmorency St-Tite-des-Caps L -- 9
    C-10347 149 Charlevoix Petite-Rivière A -- 9
    C-10347 149 Charlevoix Ile-aux-Coudres B -- 9
    C-10347 149 Charlevoix Baie-St-Paul C-1 -- 9
    C-10347 149 Charlevoix Baie-St-Paul C-2 -- 9
    C-10347 149 Charlevoix St-Urbain D -- --
    C-10348 149 Charlevoix Les Éboulements E-1 -- 9
    C-10348 149 Charlevoix Les Éboulements E-2 -- 9
    C-10348 149 Charlevoix Settrington F -- 9
    C-10348 149 Charlevoix St-Irénée G -- 9
    C-10348 149 Charlevoix Ste-Agnès H-1 -- 9
    C-10348 149 Charlevoix Ste-Agnès H-2 -- 8, 9
    C-10348 149 Charlevoix Malbaie I-1 -- 9
    C-10348 149 Charlevoix Malbaie I-2 -- --
    C-10348 149 Charlevoix St-Fidèle J -- 9
    C-10348 149 Charlevoix St-Siméon K -- 9
  • Districts 150 à 159
    Microfilm Numéro du district Nom du district Nom du sous-district Numéro du sous-district Numéro de division Tableaux manquants
    C-10348 150 Chicoutimi St-Jean A -- 9
    C-10348 150 Chicoutimi Grande-Baie B -- 9
    C-10348 150 Chicoutimi Bagotville C -- 9
    C-10348 150 Chicoutimi Chicoutimi D -- 9
    C-10349 150 Chicoutimi Chicoutimi (Village) E -- 9
    C-10349 150 Chicoutimi Laterrière F -- 8, 9
    C-10349 150 Chicoutimi Jonquière G -- 9
    C-10349 150 Chicoutimi Hébertville H-1 -- 9
    C-10349 150 Chicoutimi Hébertville H-2 -- 8, 9
    C-10349 150 Chicoutimi Hébertville H-3 -- 6, 9
    C-10349 150 Chicoutimi Roberval I 1 9
    C-10349 150 Chicoutimi Roberval I 2 9
    C-10349 150 Chicoutimi Roberval I 3 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10349 150 Chicoutimi Roberval I 4 8, 9
    C-10349 150 Chicoutimi Roberval I 5 4, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10349 150 Chicoutimi Péribonka J -- 2, 6, 8, 9
    C-10349 150 Chicoutimi Tremblay K -- 9
    C-10350 151 Saguenay Tadoussac A -- 9
    C-10350 151 Saguenay Escoumains B -- 9
    C-10350 152 Labrador Manicouagan A -- 9
    C-10350 152 Labrador Pointe-des-Monts B -- 6, 9
    C-10350 152 Labrador Moisie C -- --
    C-10350 152 Labrador Pointe-aux-Esquimaux D -- 9
    C-10350 152 Labrador Anticosti E -- 2, 6, 9
    C-10350 152 Labrador Natasquan F -- 6, 9
    C-10350 152 Labrador Mécatina G -- 6, 9
    C-10350 152 Labrador Bonne-Espérance H -- 6, 9
    C-10351 153 Lévis St-Laurent Ward A 1 --
    C-10351 153 Lévis St-Laurent Ward A 2 7, 9
    C-10351 153 Lévis Lauzon Village B -- 9
    C-10351 153 Lévis Notre-Dame-de-la-Victoire C -- 9
    C-10351 153 Lévis Bienville D -- 9
    C-10351 153 Lévis Lauzon E -- 9
    C-10351 153 Lévis Notre-Dame-de-la-Victoire F -- --
    C-10351 153 Lévis St-Joseph G 1 9
    C-10351 153 Lévis St-Joseph G 2 8, 9
    C-10351 154 Lévis St-Henri A 1 8, 9
    C-10351 154 Lévis St-Henri A 2 8, 9
    C-10351 154 Lévis St-Jean-Chrysostôme B 1 8, 9
    C-10351 154 Lévis St-Jean-Chrysostôme B 2 8, 9
    C-10352 154 Lévis St-Romuald-D'Etchemin C 1 9
    C-10352 154 Lévis St-Romuald-D'Etchemin C 2 9
    C-10352 154 Lévis St-Nicholas D 1 9
    C-10352 154 Lévis St-Nicholas D 2 9
    C-10352 154 Lévis St-Étienne E -- 8, 9
    C-10352 154 Lévis St-Lambert F 1 9
    C-10352 154 Lévis St-Lambert F 2 8, 9
    C-10352 155 Lotbinière St-Jean A 1 9
    C-10352 155 Lotbinière St-Jean A 2 9
    C-10352 155 Lotbinière Ste.Emélie B -- 9
    C-10353 155 Lotbinière Lotbinière C -- 9
    C-10353 155 Lotbinière St-Édouard D -- 8, 9
    C-10353 155 Lotbinière Ste-Croix E -- 9
    C-10353 155 Lotbinière St-Flavien F -- 9
    C-10353 155 Lotbinière St-Antoine G -- 9
    C-10353 155 Lotbinière St-Apollinaire H -- 9
    C-10353 155 Lotbinière St-Agapit I -- 8, 9
    C-10353 155 Lotbinière Ste-Agathe J -- 9
    C-10353 155 Lotbinière St-Gilles K -- 8, 9
    C-10354 155 Lotbinière St-Sylvestre L 1 8, 9
    C-10354 155 Lotbinière St-Sylvestre L 2 8, 9
    C-10354 155 Lotbinière St-Sylvestre L 3 8, 9
    C-10354 156 Mégantic Halifax North A 1 8, 9
    C-10354 156 Mégantic Halifax North A 2 8, 9
    C-10354 156 Mégantic Halifax South B 1 8, 9
    C-10354 156 Mégantic Halifax South B 2 6, 8, 9
    C-10354 156 Mégantic Somerset North C -- 8, 9
    C-10354 156 Mégantic Somerset South D 1 8, 9
    C-10354 156 Mégantic Somerset South D 2 8, 9
    C-10355 156 Mégantic Inverness E 1 8, 9
    C-10355 156 Mégantic Inverness E 2 8, 9
    C-10355 156 Mégantic Nelson F 1 8, 9
    C-10355 156 Mégantic Nelson F 2 8, 9
    C-10355 156 Mégantic Ireland, Coleraine G 1 8, 9
    C-10355 156 Mégantic Ireland, Coleraine G 2 8, 9
    C-10355 156 Mégantic Leeds H 1 8, 9
    C-10355 156 Mégantic Leeds H 2 8, 9
    C-10355 156 Mégantic Leeds H 3 8
    C-10355 156 Mégantic Thetford I -- 8
    C-10355 156 Mégantic Plessisville J -- 8, 9
    C-10355 157 Beauce West St-Pierre-de-Broughton A 1 8, 9
    C-10355 157 Beauce West St-Pierre-de-Broughton A 2 8, 9
    C-10356 157 Beauce West St-Victor-de-Tring B -- 8, 9
    C-10356 157 Beauce West St-Ephrem-de-Tring C -- 8, 9
    C-10356 157 Beauce West St-Honoré-de-Shenley D -- 8, 9
    C-10356 157 Beauce West St-Évariste-de-Forsyth E 1 9
    C-10356 157 Beauce West St-Évariste-de-Forsyth E 2 6, 8, 9
    C-10356 157 Beauce West Lambton F 1 9
    C-10356 157 Beauce West Lambton F 2 6, 9
    C-10356 157 Beauce West St-Sébastien G -- 9
    C-10356 157 Beauce West Spalding, Ditchfield, Woburn, Clinton H -- 2, 6, 9
    C-10356 158 Beauce East St-Elzéar A -- 8, 9
    C-10357 158 Beauce East Ste-Marie B 1 8, 9
    C-10357 158 Beauce East Ste-Marie B 2 8, 9
    C-10357 158 Beauce East St-Frédéric C -- 8, 9
    C-10357 158 Beauce East St-Joseph D -- 8, 9
    C-10357 158 Beauce East St-François E 1 8, 9
    C-10357 158 Beauce East St-François E 2 --
    C-10357 158 Beauce East St-Georges F -- 8, 9
    C-10357 158 Beauce East Linière G -- 8, 9
    C-10358 159 Dorchester West St-Bernard A 1 8, 9
    C-10358 159 Dorchester West St-Bernard A 2 8, 9
    C-10358 159 Dorchester West St-Bernard A 3 8, 9
    C-10358 159 Dorchester West St-Isidore B 1 8, 9
    C-10358 159 Dorchester West St-Isidore B 2 8, 9
    C-10358 159 Dorchester West Ste-Hénédine C 1 8, 9
    C-10358 159 Dorchester West Ste-Hénédine C 2 8, 9
    C-10358 159 Dorchester West Ste-Marguerite D 1 8, 9
    C-10358 159 Dorchester West Ste-Marguerite D 2 8, 9
    C-10358 159 Dorchester West St-Édouard-de-Frampton E 1 8, 9
    C-10358 159 Dorchester West St-Édouard-de-Frampton E 2 8, 9
    C-10358 159 Dorchester West Cranbourne F -- 8, 9
    C-10358 159 Dorchester West Watford, Metgermette G -- 2, 6, 8, 9
  • Districts 160 à 169
    Microfilm Numéro du district Nom du district Nom du sous-district Numéro du sous-district Numéro de division Tableaux manquants
    C-10358 160 Dorchester East St-Anselme A 1 9
    C-10358 160 Dorchester East St-Anselme A 2 8, 9
    C-10359 160 Dorchester East Ste-Claire B 1 8, 9
    C-10359 160 Dorchester East Ste-Claire B 2 9
    C-10359 160 Dorchester East Ste-Claire B 3 8, 9
    C-10359 160 Dorchester East St-Malachie C 1 8, 9
    C-10359 160 Dorchester East St-Malachie C 2 8, 9
    C-10359 160 Dorchester East Standon D -- 8, 9
    C-10359 160 Dorchester East Buckland West E -- 8
    C-10359 160 Dorchester East Ste-Germaine du Lac-Etchemin F -- 9
    C-10359 160 Dorchester East Ste-Justine G 1 6, 9
    C-10359 160 Dorchester East Ste-Justine G 2 9
    C-10359 161 Bellechasse North Beaumont A 1 9
    C-10359 161 Bellechasse North Beaumont A 2 8, 9
    C-10359 161 Bellechasse North St-Charles B 1 9
    C-10359 161 Bellechasse North St-Charles B 2 9
    C-10359 161 Bellechasse North St-Gervais C 1 8, 9
    C-10359 161 Bellechasse North St-Gervais C 2 8, 9
    C-10360 161 Bellechasse North St-Michel D 1 9
    C-10360 161 Bellechasse North St-Michel D 2 9
    C-10360 161 Bellechasse North St-Raphaël E 1 8, 9
    C-10360 161 Bellechasse North St-Raphaël E 2 8, 9
    C-10360 161 Bellechasse North St-Raphaël E 3 9
    C-10360 161 Bellechasse North St-Vallier F 1 6, 9
    C-10360 161 Bellechasse North St-Vallier F 2 8, 9
    C-10360 161 Bellechasse North St-Vallier F 3 9
    C-10360 162 Bellechasse South St-Lazare A 1 8, 9
    C-10360 162 Bellechasse South St-Lazare A 2 8, 9
    C-10360 162 Bellechasse South St-Lazare A 3 8, 9
    C-10360 162 Bellechasse South Buckland East B -- 8, 9
    C-10361 162 Bellechasse South Armagh C 1 9
    C-10361 162 Bellechasse South Armagh C 2 8, 9
    C-10361 162 Bellechasse South Mailloux, Roux. Bellechasse. Daaquam D 1 8, 9
    C-10361 162 Bellechasse South Mailloux, Roux. Bellechasse. Daaquam D 2 8, 9
    C-10361 163 Montmagny Berthier A -- --
    C-10361 163 Montmagny St-Thomas B -- 9
    C-10361 163 Montmagny Montmagny C -- --
    C-10361 163 Montmagny Cap St-Ignace, Bourdages, Patton & Talon D -- 9
    C-10361 163 Montmagny St-François-de-la-Rivière-Du-Sud E -- 9
    C-10362 163 Montmagny St-Pierre F -- 8, 9
    C-10362 163 Montmagny Montminy, Ashburton, Rolette, Panet G -- 8
    C-10362 163 Montmagny St-Antoine-de-L'Île-Aux-Grues H -- 9
    C-10362 164 L'Islet L'Islet, St-Eugène A 1 9
    C-10362 164 L'Islet L'Islet, St-Eugène A 2 9
    C-10362 164 L'Islet L'Islet, St-Eugène A 3 9
    C-10362 164 L'Islet St-Jean-Port-Joli B -- 9
    C-10362 164 L'Islet St-Aubert, Fournier C -- 8, 9
    C-10363 164 L'Islet St-Roch D -- 9
    C-10363 164 L'Islet St-Cyrille, Lessard, Beaubien, Arago, Leverrier E -- 8, 9
    C-10363 164 L'Islet Ste-Louise, Ashford F -- 9
    C-10363 164 L'Islet Casgrain, Dionne, Lafontaine, Garneau G -- 8, 9
    C-10363 165 Kamouraska Ste-Anne A 1 9
    C-10363 165 Kamouraska Ste-Anne A 2 9
    C-10363 165 Kamouraska St-Onésime, Ixworth, Chapais B -- 9
    C-10363 165 Kamouraska Rivière-Ouelle C -- 9
    C-10364 165 Kamouraska St-Pacôme D -- 9
    C-10364 165 Kamouraska St-Denis E -- 9
    C-10364 165 Kamouraska St-Philippe F -- 9
    C-10364 165 Kamouraska Mont-Carmel G -- 9
    C-10364 165 Kamouraska Kamouraska H -- 9
    C-10364 165 Kamouraska Kamouraska (village) I -- 9
    C-10364 165 Kamouraska St-Paschal J -- 9
    C-10364 165 Kamouraska Woodbridge, Painchaud K -- 8, 9
    C-10364 165 Kamouraska St-André, Notre-Dame-du-Portage L -- 9
    C-10365 165 Kamouraska Ste-Hélène, Bungay, Chabot M -- 9
    C-10365 165 Kamouraska St-Alexandre, Parke, St-Antonin N -- 8, 9
    C-10365 165 Kamouraska Pohénégamouk O -- 2, 8, 9
    C-10365 166 Témiscouata Notre-Dame-du-Portage A -- 9
    C-10365 166 Témiscouata Rivière-du-Loup B -- --
    C-10365 166 Témiscouata Fraserville C -- --
    C-10365 166 Témiscouata Cacouna D -- 9
    C-10365 166 Témiscouata Cacouna (village) E -- 9
    C-10365 166 Témiscouata Île-Verte F -- 9
    C-10365 166 Témiscouata St-Éloi G -- 9
    C-10366 166 Témiscouata Trois-Pistoles H 1 9
    C-10366 166 Témiscouata Trois-Pistoles H 2 9
    C-10366 166 Témiscouata St-Antonin I -- 9
    C-10366 166 Témiscouata St-Modeste J -- 9
    C-10366 166 Témiscouata St-Arsène K -- 9
    C-10366 166 Témiscouata Viger & Demers L 1 9
    C-10366 166 Témiscouata Viger & Demers L 2 9
    C-10366 166 Témiscouata St-Cyprien-de-Hocquart M -- 9
    C-10366 166 Témiscouata Bégon, Raudot N -- 9
    C-10367 166 Témiscouata Lac Témiscouata O 1 9
    C-10367 166 Témiscouata Lac Témiscouata O 2 9
    C-10367 167 Rimouski West St-Simon A -- 9
    C-10367 167 Rimouski West St-Mathieu B -- 8, 9
    C-10367 167 Rimouski West St-Fabien C 1 --
    C-10367 167 Rimouski West St-Fabien C 2 9
    C-10367 167 Rimouski West Ste-Cécile-du-Bic D 1 9
    C-10367 167 Rimouski West Ste-Cécile-du-Bic D 2 --
    C-10367 167 Rimouski West St-Germain de Rimouski E 1 9
    C-10367 167 Rimouski West St-Germain de Rimouski E 2 --
    C-10368 167 Rimouski West Rimouski F -- --
    C-10368 167 Rimouski West St-Anaclet G -- 9
    C-10368 167 Rimouski West Ste-Luce H -- --
    C-10368 167 Rimouski West St-Donat I -- 9
    C-10368 168 Rimouski East Ste-Flavie A 1 9
    C-10368 168 Rimouski East Ste-Flavie A 2 --
    C-10368 168 Rimouski East Ste-Angèle-de-Mérici B -- 9
    C-10368 168 Rimouski East Métis C -- 9
    C-10368 168 Rimouski East Chemin Métapédia D -- --
    C-10368 168 Rimouski East McNider E -- 9
    C-10368 168 Rimouski East Matane F -- 9
    C-10369 168 Rimouski East St-Jérôme G 1 9
    C-10369 168 Rimouski East St-Jérôme G 2 9
    C-10369 168 Rimouski East Ste-Félicité H -- 9
    C-10369 168 Rimouski East Cherbourg I -- 2, 9
    C-10369 169 Bonaventure Port Daniel A 1 9
    C-10369 169 Bonaventure Port Daniel A 2 9
    C-10369 169 Bonaventure Hope B -- 9
    C-10369 169 Bonaventure Cox C 1 9
    C-10369 169 Bonaventure Cox C 2 9
    C-10369 169 Bonaventure Cox C 3 9
    C-10369 169 Bonaventure Hamilton D -- 9
    C-10370 169 Bonaventure New Richmond E 1 9
    C-10370 169 Bonaventure New Richmond E 2 9
    C-10370 169 Bonaventure Maria F 1 9
    C-10370 169 Bonaventure Maria F 2 9
    C-10370 169 Bonaventure Carleton G -- 9
    C-10370 169 Bonaventure Nouvelle, Shoolbred H 1 9
    C-10370 169 Bonaventure Nouvelle, Shoolbred H 2 9
    C-10370 169 Bonaventure Mann I -- --
    C-10370 169 Bonaventure Restigouche J -- --
    C-10370 169 Bonaventure Matapédia K 1 8, 9
    C-10370 169 Bonaventure Matapédia K 2 9
    C-10370 169 Bonaventure Tracadièche L -- 2, 8, 9
    C-10370 169 Bonaventure Cascapédia M -- 2, 6, 8, 9
  • Districts 170 à 173
    Microfilm Numéro du district Nom du district Nom du sous-district Numéro du sous-district Numéro de division Tableaux manquants
    C-10370 170 Gaspé West Cap-Chat A -- 9
    C-10370 170 Gaspé West Ste-Anne-des-Monts B -- 9
    C-10370 170 Gaspé West Mont-Louis C -- 9
    C-10370 170 Gaspé West Grande-Vallée-Des-Monts D -- 2, 9
    C-10370 171 Gaspé Centre Chlorydormes A -- 9
    C-10371 171 Gaspé Centre Sydenham North, Fox B -- 9
    C-10371 171 Gaspé Centre L'Anse-au-Griffon C -- 9
    C-10371 171 Gaspé Centre Cap-des-Rosiers D -- 9
    C-10371 171 Gaspé Centre Gaspé North, Sydenham South E -- 9
    C-10371 171 Gaspé Centre Gaspé Bay South F -- 9
    C-10371 171 Gaspé Centre York G -- 9
    C-10371 171 Gaspé Centre Douglas H -- 9
    C-10371 172 Gaspé South Malbaie A -- 9
    C-10371 172 Gaspé South Percé B -- 9
    C-10371 172 Gaspé South L'Anse-du-Cap C -- 9
    C-10371 172 Gaspé South Grande-Rivière, Rameau D -- 9
    C-10372 172 Gaspé South Pabos E 1 6, 9
    C-10372 172 Gaspé South Pabos E 2 6, 9
    C-10372 173 Iles de la Magdeleine Groupe Sud A -- 9
    C-10372 173 Iles de la Magdeleine Grindstone Island B -- 9
    C-10372 173 Iles de la Magdeleine Allright Island C -- 9
    C-10372 173 Iles de la Magdeleine Groupe Nord D -- 6, 9


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  • Districts 174 à 187
    Microfilm Numéro du district Nom du district Nom du sous-district Numéro du sous-district Numéro de division Tableaux manquants
    C-10372 174 Saint John Prince ward A 1 7, 9
    C-10372 174 Saint John Prince ward A 2 4, 7, 9
    C-10372 174 Saint John Wellington ward B 1 4, 7, 9
    C-10372 174 Saint John Wellington ward B 2 4, 7, 9
    C-10373 174 Saint John King's ward C 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10373 174 Saint John King's ward C 2 3, 4, 6, 7, 9
    C-10373 174 Saint John Queen's ward D 1 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-10373 174 Saint John Queen's ward D 2 4, 7, 9
    C-10373 174 Saint John Duke's ward E 1 7, 9
    C-10373 174 Saint John Duke's ward E 2 4, 7, 9
    C-10373 174 Saint John Sydney ward F -- 2, 7, 9
    C-10374 174 Saint John Brook Ward G -- 7, 9
    C-10374 174 Saint John Albert Ward H -- 4, 7, 9
    C-10374 174 Saint John Guy Ward I -- 4, 7, 9
    C-10374 174 Saint John Lancaster J 1 9
    C-10374 174 Saint John Lancaster J 2 9
    C-10374 174 Saint John Lancaster J 3 9
    C-10374 174 Saint John Lancaster J 4 9
    C-10374 174 Saint John Portland K 1 9
    C-10374 174 Saint John Portland K 2 7, 9
    C-10375 174 Saint John Simonds L -- 9
    C-10375 174 Saint John Saint Martin's M 1 9
    C-10375 174 Saint John Saint Martin's M 2 2, 9
    C-10375 175 Charlotte Clarendon A -- 6, 8, 9
    C-10375 175 Charlotte Lepreau B -- 9
    C-10375 175 Charlotte Pennfield C -- 9
    C-10375 175 Charlotte St.George D 1 9
    C-10375 175 Charlotte St.George D 2 9
    C-10375 175 Charlotte St.Patrick E -- 9
    C-10376 175 Charlotte Dumbarton F -- 8, 9
    C-10376 175 Charlotte St.Andrew's G 1 9
    C-10376 175 Charlotte St.Andrew's G 2 9
    C-10376 175 Charlotte St.David H -- 9
    C-10376 175 Charlotte St.Stephen I 1 9
    C-10376 175 Charlotte St.Stephen I 2 9
    C-10376 175 Charlotte St.Stephen I 3 9
    C-10377 175 Charlotte St.James J 1 8, 9
    C-10377 175 Charlotte St.James J 2 8, 9
    C-10377 175 Charlotte West Isles K -- 9
    C-10377 175 Charlotte Campobello L -- 9
    C-10377 175 Charlotte Gran Manan M -- 9
    C-10377 176 King's Westfield A -- 9
    C-10377 176 King's Greenwich B -- 9
    C-10378 176 King's Kingston C 1 9
    C-10378 176 King's Kingston C 2 9
    C-10378 176 King's Rothsay D -- 9
    C-10378 176 King's Hampton E -- 9
    C-10378 176 King's Kars F -- 9
    C-10378 176 King's Springfield G 1 4, 9
    C-10378 176 King's Springfield G 2 8, 9
    C-10378 176 King's Norton H 1 9
    C-10378 176 King's Norton H 2 9
    C-10378 176 King's Upham I 1 7, 9
    C-10378 176 King's Upham I 2 8, 9
    C-10378 176 King's Hammond J -- 8, 9
    C-10379 176 King's Sussex K 1 9
    C-10379 176 King's Sussex K 2 --
    C-10379 176 King's Sussex K 3 --
    C-10379 176 King's Sussex K 4 9
    C-10379 176 King's Studholm L 1 9
    C-10379 176 King's Studholm L 2 --
    C-10379 176 King's Havelock M 1 9
    C-10379 176 King's Havelock M 2 8, 9
    C-10379 177 Queen's Petersville A 1 8, 9
    C-10379 177 Queen's Petersville A 2 8, 9
    C-10379 177 Queen's Petersville A 3 8, 9
    C-10379 177 Queen's Gagetown B -- 9
    C-10380 177 Queen's Hampstead C -- 9
    C-10380 177 Queen's Wickham D 1 9
    C-10380 177 Queen's Wickham D 2 9
    C-10380 177 Queen's Cambridge E -- 9
    C-10380 177 Queen's Canning F -- --
    C-10380 177 Queen's Waterborough G 1 9
    C-10380 177 Queen's Waterborough G 2 9
    C-10380 177 Queen's Johnston H 1 9
    C-10380 177 Queen's Johnston H 2 2, 9
    C-10380 177 Queen's Brunswick I -- 8, 9
    C-10380 177 Queen's Chipman J 1 5, 9
    C-10380 177 Queen's Chipman J 2 9
    C-10380 178 Sunbury Blissville A 1 9
    C-10380 178 Sunbury Blissville A 2 9
    C-10381 178 Sunbury Lincoln B -- 9
    C-10381 178 Sunbury Burton C 1 9
    C-10381 178 Sunbury Burton C 2 9
    C-10381 178 Sunbury Sheffield D -- 9
    C-10381 178 Sunbury Northfield E -- --
    C-10381 178 Sunbury Maugerville F -- 9
    C-10381 179 York Wellington ward A -- 7, 8, 9
    C-10381 179 York St.Ann's ward B -- 7, 9
    C-10381 179 York Carleton ward C -- 7, 9
    C-10381 179 York Queen's ward D -- 7, 9
    C-10381 179 York King's ward E -- 7, 9
    C-10381 179 York New Maryland F -- 8, 9
    C-10382 179 York Manners-Sutton G 1 6, 8, 9
    C-10382 179 York Manners-Sutton G 2 9
    C-10382 179 York Kingsclear H 1 9
    C-10382 179 York Kingsclear H 2 9
    C-10382 179 York Prince William I 1 8, 9
    C-10382 179 York Prince William I 2 8
    C-10382 179 York Dumfries J 1 8, 9
    C-10382 179 York Dumfries J 2 9
    C-10382 179 York Canterbury K 1 9
    C-10382 179 York Canterbury K 2 9
    C-10382 179 York Southampton L -- --
    C-10382 179 York Queensbury M 1 3
    C-10382 179 York Queensbury M 2 9
    C-10383 179 York Bright N 1 9
    C-10383 179 York Bright N 2 8, 9
    C-10383 179 York Douglas O 1 9
    C-10383 179 York Douglas O 2 8, 9
    C-10383 179 York Stanley P 1 9
    C-10383 179 York Stanley P 2 9
    C-10383 179 York St Marys Q 1 8, 9
    C-10383 179 York St Marys Q 2 9
    C-10383 180 Carleton Woodstock A 1 8, 9
    C-10383 180 Carleton Woodstock A 2 9
    C-10383 180 Carleton Woodstock A 3 9
    C-10384 180 Carleton Richmond B 1 8, 9
    C-10384 180 Carleton Richmond B 2 9
    C-10384 180 Carleton Wakefield C 1 --
    C-10384 180 Carleton Wakefield C 2 8, 9
    C-10384 180 Carleton Simonds D -- --
    C-10384 180 Carleton Wilmot E -- 8, 9
    C-10384 180 Carleton Wicklow F -- 9
    C-10384 180 Carleton Kent G 1 9
    C-10384 180 Carleton Kent G 2 6, 8, 9
    C-10384 180 Carleton Aberdeen H -- 8, 9
    C-10385 180 Carleton Peel I -- 8, 9
    C-10385 180 Carleton Brighton J 1 8, 9
    C-10385 180 Carleton Brighton J 2 6, 9
    C-10385 180 Carleton Northampton K -- 9
    C-10385 181 Victoria Andover A -- 9
    C-10385 181 Victoria Perth B -- 9
    C-10385 181 Victoria Gordon C -- 5, 9
    C-10385 181 Victoria Grand Falls D -- 9
    C-10385 181 Victoria St.Leonard's E 1 8, 9
    C-10385 181 Victoria St.Leonard's E 2 8, 9
    C-10385 181 Victoria St.Basil F -- 9
    C-10385 181 Victoria Madawaska G -- 9
    C-10386 181 Victoria St Francis H -- 8, 9
    C-10386 182 Restigouche Eldon A -- 6, 9
    C-10386 182 Restigouche Addington B -- 9
    C-10386 182 Restigouche Dalhousie C 1 9
    C-10386 182 Restigouche Dalhousie C 2 --
    C-10386 182 Restigouche Colborne D -- --
    C-10386 182 Restigouche Durham E 1 --
    C-10386 182 Restigouche Durham E 2 --
    C-10386 183 Gloucester Beresford A 1 9
    C-10386 183 Gloucester Beresford A 2 --
    C-10387 183 Gloucester Bathurst B 1 9
    C-10387 183 Gloucester Bathurst B 2 --
    C-10387 183 Gloucester Bathurst B 3 --
    C-10387 183 Gloucester New Bandon C 1 --
    C-10387 183 Gloucester New Bandon C 2 --
    C-10387 183 Gloucester Inkerman D 1 9
    C-10387 183 Gloucester Inkerman D 2 --
    C-10387 183 Gloucester Saumarez E 1 9
    C-10387 183 Gloucester Saumarez E 2 9
    C-10388 183 Gloucester Caraquet F 1 --
    C-10388 183 Gloucester Caraquet F 2 9
    C-10388 183 Gloucester Shippegan G 1 9
    C-10388 183 Gloucester Shippegan G 2 9
    C-10388 184 Northumberland Alnwick A 1 9
    C-10388 184 Northumberland Alnwick A 2 --
    C-10388 184 Northumberland Alnwick A 3 9
    C-10388 184 Northumberland Newcastle B 1 --
    C-10388 184 Northumberland Newcastle B 2 9
    C-10388 184 Northumberland Newcastle B 3 9
    C-10389 184 Northumberland Northesk C 1 9
    C-10389 184 Northumberland Northesk C 2 9
    C-10389 184 Northumberland Ludlow D 1 9
    C-10389 184 Northumberland Ludlow D 2 9
    C-10389 184 Northumberland Blissfield E 1 9
    C-10389 184 Northumberland Blissfield E 2 2, 9
    C-10389 184 Northumberland Blackville F 1 --
    C-10389 184 Northumberland Blackville F 2 --
    C-10389 184 Northumberland Derby G -- 9
    C-10389 184 Northumberland Nelson H 1 --
    C-10389 184 Northumberland Nelson H 2 2, 8, 9
    C-10389 184 Northumberland Chatham I 1 9
    C-10389 184 Northumberland Chatham I 2 9
    C-10389 184 Northumberland Chatham I 3 9
    C-10390 184 Northumberland Glenelg J 1 6, 8, 9
    C-10390 184 Northumberland Glenelg J 2 9
    C-10390 184 Northumberland Glenelg J 3 9
    C-10390 184 Northumberland Hardwicke K 1 9
    C-10390 184 Northumberland Hardwicke K 2 9
    C-10390 185 Kent Carleton A -- 9
    C-10390 185 Kent St-Louis B -- 9
    C-10390 185 Kent Richibucto C 1 9
    C-10390 185 Kent Richibucto C 2 9
    C-10390 185 Kent Richibucto C 3 9
    C-10390 185 Kent Weldford D 1 9
    C-10390 185 Kent Weldford D 2 --
    C-10391 185 Kent Wellington E 1 9
    C-10391 185 Kent Wellington E 2 9
    C-10391 185 Kent St.Mary's F 1 9
    C-10391 185 Kent St.Mary's F 2 9
    C-10391 185 Kent Dundas G 1 9
    C-10391 185 Kent Dundas G 2 9
    C-10391 185 Kent Harcourt H -- 6, 9
    C-10391 185 Kent Huskissen I -- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9
    C-10391 186 Westmorland Dorchester A 1 9
    C-10391 186 Westmorland Dorchester A 2 9
    C-10391 186 Westmorland Dorchester A 3 --
    C-10391 186 Westmorland Dorchester A 4 --
    C-10392 186 Westmorland Sackville B 1 9
    C-10392 186 Westmorland Sackville B 2 9
    C-10392 186 Westmorland Sackville B 3 9
    C-10392 186 Westmorland Westmorland C 1 9
    C-10392 186 Westmorland Westmorland C 2 9
    C-10392 186 Westmorland Westmorland C 3 9
    C-10392 186 Westmorland Botsford D 1 9
    C-10392 186 Westmorland Botsford D 2 9
    C-10392 186 Westmorland Botsford D 3 --
    C-10392 186 Westmorland Botsford D 4 9
    C-10393 186 Westmorland Shediac E 1 --
    C-10393 186 Westmorland Shediac E 2 --
    C-10393 186 Westmorland Shediac E 3 --
    C-10393 186 Westmorland Shediac E 4 9
    C-10393 186 Westmorland Shediac E 5 9
    C-10393 186 Westmorland Moncton F 1 9
    C-10393 186 Westmorland Moncton F 2 8, 9
    C-10393 186 Westmorland Moncton F 3 9
    C-10393 186 Westmorland Moncton F 4 8, 9
    C-10394 186 Westmorland Salisbury G 1 --
    C-10394 186 Westmorland Salisbury G 2 8, 9
    C-10394 186 Westmorland Salisbury G 3 8, 9
    C-10394 187 Albert Coverdale A 1 9
    C-10394 187 Albert Coverdale A 2 9
    C-10394 187 Albert Hillsborough B 1 --
    C-10394 187 Albert Hillsborough B 2 --
    C-10394 187 Albert Hillsborough B 3 9
    C-10394 187 Albert Hopewell C 1 9
    C-10394 187 Albert Hopewell C 2 9
    C-10394 187 Albert Harvey D 1 9
    C-10394 187 Albert Harvey D 2 9
    C-10394 187 Albert Alma E -- --
    C-10395 187 Albert Elgin F 1 9
    C-10395 187 Albert Elgin F 2 9


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  • Districts 188 à 206
    Microfilm Numéro du district Nom du district Nom du sous-district Numéro du sous-district Numéro de division Tableaux manquants
    C-10395 188 Hants Scotch village A 1 --
    C-10395 188 Hants Scotch village A 2 --
    C-10395 188 Hants Kempt B -- --
    C-10395 188 Hants Walton C -- --
    C-10395 188 Hants Noel D 1 9
    C-10395 188 Hants Noel D 2 9
    C-10395 188 Hants Maitland E 1 --
    C-10395 188 Hants Maitland E 2 --
    C-10395 188 Hants Shubenacadie F -- --
    C-10540 188 Hants Nine Mile River G -- --
    C-10540 188 Hants Rawdon north H -- 8, 9
    C-10540 188 Hants Rawdon south I -- --
    C-10540 188 Hants Brooklyn J -- --
    C-10540 188 Hants Ste.Croix K -- --
    C-10540 188 Hants Windsor L 1 --
    C-10540 188 Hants Windsor L 2 9
    C-10540 188 Hants Falmouth M -- 9
    C-10540 188 Hants Forks N -- 8, 9
    C-10540 189 King's Kentville A 1 --
    C-10540 189 King's Kentville A 2 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10541 189 King's Gaspereau B -- 9
    C-10541 189 King's Lower Horton C 1 9
    C-10541 189 King's Lower Horton C 2 --
    C-10541 189 King's Wolfville D 1 9
    C-10541 189 King's Wolfville D 2 9
    C-10541 189 King's Canard E 1 9
    C-10541 189 King's Canard E 2 9
    C-10541 189 King's Canning F 1 9
    C-10541 189 King's Canning F 2 5
    C-10542 189 King's Centreville G 1 6, 9
    C-10542 189 King's Centreville G 2 9
    C-10542 189 King's Centreville G 3 9
    C-10542 189 King's Lakeville H 1 9
    C-10542 189 King's Lakeville H 2 9
    C-10542 189 King's Berwick I 1 9
    C-10542 189 King's Berwick I 2 8, 9
    C-10542 189 King's Somerset J 1 6, 8, 9
    C-10542 189 King's Somerset J 2 9
    C-10542 189 King's Harborville K 1 9
    C-10542 189 King's Harborville K 2 9
    C-10542 189 King's Aylesford north L 1 9
    C-10542 189 King's Aylesford north L 2 9
    C-10542 189 King's Aylesford south M 1 9
    C-10542 189 King's Aylesford south M 2 8, 9
    C-10542 189 King's Dalhousie N -- 8, 9
    C-10542 190 Annapolis Wilmot A 1 9
    C-10542 190 Annapolis Wilmot A 2 8, 9
    C-10542 190 Annapolis Middleton Corners B -- --
    C-10543 190 Annapolis Clarence C -- 9
    C-10543 190 Annapolis Bridgetown D -- 9
    C-10543 190 Annapolis Belisle E -- 9
    C-10543 190 Annapolis New Caledonia F -- 9
    C-10543 190 Annapolis Broad Cove G -- 9
    C-10543 190 Annapolis Clements Port H -- 9
    C-10543 190 Annapolis Hessian Line I -- 9
    C-10544 190 Annapolis Annapolis Royal J 1 9
    C-10544 190 Annapolis Annapolis Royal J 2 9
    C-10544 190 Annapolis Carleton Corner K -- 9
    C-10544 190 Annapolis Nictaux L -- --
    C-10544 190 Annapolis Dalhousie M -- 4, 9
    C-10544 190 Annapolis Morse's road N -- 8, 9
    C-10544 190 Annapolis Maitland O -- 8, 9
    C-10544 191 Digby Brier Island A -- 9
    C-10544 191 Digby Long Island B -- 9
    C-10544 191 Digby Petit Passage C -- 6, 9
    C-10544 191 Digby Sandy Cove D -- 9
    C-10544 191 Digby Digby E 1 --
    C-10544 191 Digby Digby E 2 9
    C-10544 191 Digby Hillsburg F -- 9
    C-10545 191 Digby Head of St.Mary's G -- --
    C-10545 191 Digby St.Mary's Bay H -- 9
    C-10545 191 Digby Weymouth I -- 9
    C-10545 191 Digby Bellevaux J -- 9
    C-10545 191 Digby Clare K -- 9
    C-10545 191 Digby Meteghan L -- 9
    C-10545 191 Digby Salmon River M -- 9
    C-10545 191 Digby New Tusket N -- 9
    C-10545 192 Yarmouth Plymouth A -- --
    C-10546 192 Yarmouth Chebogne B -- 9
    C-10546 192 Yarmouth Yarmouth C 1 9
    C-10546 192 Yarmouth Yarmouth C 2 9
    C-10546 192 Yarmouth Yarmouth C 3 --
    C-10546 192 Yarmouth Ohio D 1 --
    C-10546 192 Yarmouth Ohio D 2 9
    C-10546 192 Yarmouth Carleton E -- 9
    C-10546 192 Yarmouth Kempt F -- 9
    C-10546 192 Yarmouth West side of Tusket River G -- 9
    C-10547 192 Yarmouth Tusket H 1 9
    C-10547 192 Yarmouth Tusket H 2 9
    C-10547 192 Yarmouth Argyle I -- 9
    C-10547 192 Yarmouth Pubnico J -- 9
    C-10547 193 Shelburne Shag Harbor A -- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10547 193 Shelburne Cape Sable Island B -- --
    C-10547 193 Shelburne Barrington C -- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10547 193 Shelburne Port La Tour D -- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10547 193 Shelburne Carleton E -- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10547 193 Shelburne Shelburne F 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10547 193 Shelburne Shelburne F 2 9
    C-10547 193 Shelburne Ragged Island G -- 9
    C-10547 193 Shelburne Louis Head H -- 9
    C-10547 194 Queen's Port Mouton A -- 9
    C-10548 194 Queen's Liverpool B 1 9
    C-10548 194 Queen's Liverpool B 2 9
    C-10548 194 Queen's Bristol C 1 9
    C-10548 194 Queen's Bristol C 2 9
    C-10548 194 Queen's Port Medway D 1 9
    C-10548 194 Queen's Port Medway D 2 9
    C-10548 194 Queen's Greenfield E -- 9
    C-10548 194 Queen's Caledonia F 1 9
    C-10548 194 Queen's Caledonia F 2 2, 9
    C-10548 194 Queen's Brookfield G -- 8, 9
    C-10548 195 Lunenburg New Germany A 1 8, 9
    C-10548 195 Lunenburg New Germany A 2 8, 9
    C-10549 195 Lunenburg Bridgewater B 1 9
    C-10549 195 Lunenburg Bridgewater B 2 --
    C-10549 195 Lunenburg Petite Rivière C -- 9
    C-10549 195 Lunenburg Conquerall D -- 9
    C-10549 195 Lunenburg Ritchy's cove E -- --
    C-10549 195 Lunenburg Lunenburg F 1 9
    C-10549 195 Lunenburg Lunenburg F 2 9
    C-10549 195 Lunenburg La Have G -- 9
    C-10550 195 Lunenburg Mahone Bay H 1 9
    C-10550 195 Lunenburg Mahone Bay H 2 9
    C-10550 195 Lunenburg Tancook I -- 7, 9
    C-10550 195 Lunenburg Sandy Beaches J -- 9
    C-10550 195 Lunenburg Mill Cove K -- 9
    C-10550 195 Lunenburg Chester L 1 9
    C-10550 195 Lunenburg Chester L 2 9
    C-10550 195 Lunenburg New Ross M -- 8, 9
    C-10551 196 Halifax West Halifax Ward 1 A 1 7, 9
    C-10551 196 Halifax West Halifax Ward 1 A 2 7, 9
    C-10551 196 Halifax West Halifax Ward 2 B 1 7, 9
    C-10551 196 Halifax West Halifax Ward 2 B 2 7, 9
    C-10551 196 Halifax West Halifax Ward 3 C 1 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-10551 196 Halifax West Halifax Ward 3 C 2 7, 9
    C-10551 196 Halifax West Halifax Ward 4 D 1 4, 7, 9
    C-10551 196 Halifax West Halifax Ward 4 D 2 4, 7, 8, 9
    C-10552 196 Halifax West Halifax Ward 5 E 1 7, 9
    C-10552 196 Halifax West Halifax Ward 5 E 2 7, 9
    C-10552 196 Halifax West Ward no 5, 2nd section F 1 7, 9
    C-10552 196 Halifax West Ward no 5, 2nd section F 2 7, 9
    C-10552 196 Halifax West Ward no 6 G 1 7, 9
    C-10552 196 Halifax West Ward no 6 G 2 9
    C-10552 196 Halifax West North West Arm H -- --
    C-10552 196 Halifax West Ferguson's Cove I -- --
    C-10553 196 Halifax West Portuguese Cove J -- 6, 9
    C-10553 196 Halifax West Sambro K -- 9
    C-10553 196 Halifax West Terrence Bay L -- 6, 9
    C-10553 196 Halifax West Prospect M -- 9
    C-10553 196 Halifax West Drysdale N -- 9
    C-10553 196 Halifax West Haggett's Cove O -- 9
    C-10553 196 Halifax West French Village P -- 9
    C-10553 196 Halifax West Black Point Q -- 9
    C-10553 196 Halifax West Hammond's Plains R -- 9
    C-10553 196 Halifax West Pier's Mills S -- --
    C-10553 196 Halifax West Sable Island T -- 6, 7, 8, 9
    C-10553 197 Halifax East Dartmouth A 1 9
    C-10553 197 Halifax East Dartmouth A 2 --
    C-10553 197 Halifax East Windsor Road B -- 9
    C-10554 197 Halifax East Truro Road C -- --
    C-10554 197 Halifax East Eastern Passage D -- 9
    C-10554 197 Halifax East Preston E -- 8, 9
    C-10554 197 Halifax East Lawrencetown F -- 9
    C-10554 197 Halifax East Chezettcook G -- 4, 9
    C-10554 197 Halifax East Musquodoboit Harbor H -- 9
    C-10554 197 Halifax East Jeddore I 1 9
    C-10554 197 Halifax East Jeddore I 2 9
    C-10554 197 Halifax East Pope's Harbor J -- 4
    C-10554 197 Halifax East Sheet Harbor K -- 9
    C-10554 197 Halifax East Salmon River L -- 9
    C-10554 197 Halifax East Nicumteauch M -- 9
    C-10555 197 Halifax East Upper Musquodoboit N -- --
    C-10555 197 Halifax East Middle Musquodoboit O -- 8
    C-10555 197 Halifax East Little River P -- 8
    C-10555 197 Halifax East Wyse's Corner Q -- 8, 9
    C-10555 197 Halifax East Gay's River R -- 9
    C-10555 198 Cumberland Amherst A 1 --
    C-10555 198 Cumberland Amherst A 2 --
    C-10555 198 Cumberland Head of Amherst B 1 9
    C-10555 198 Cumberland Head of Amherst B 2 --
    C-10556 198 Cumberland Pugwash C 1 --
    C-10556 198 Cumberland Pugwash C 2 --
    C-10556 198 Cumberland Wallace D 1 --
    C-10556 198 Cumberland Wallace D 2 --
    C-10556 198 Cumberland Wentworth E -- 8
    C-10556 198 Cumberland Westchester F -- 8
    C-10556 198 Cumberland River Philip G 1 8, 9
    C-10556 198 Cumberland River Philip G 2 --
    C-10556 198 Cumberland Maccan H -- 9
    C-10556 198 Cumberland River Hebert I 1 --
    C-10556 198 Cumberland River Hebert I 2 --
    C-10556 198 Cumberland Advocate Harbor J -- 9
    C-10557 198 Cumberland Parrsborough Shore K -- 9
    C-10557 198 Cumberland Mill village L 1 --
    C-10557 198 Cumberland Mill village L 2 8, 9
    C-10557 199 Colchester Economy & Five Islands A -- --
    C-10557 199 Colchester Lower Londonderry B -- --
    C-10557 199 Colchester Upper Londonderry C -- 9
    C-10557 199 Colchester New Annan D -- 8, 9
    C-10558 199 Colchester Tatamagouche E -- 9
    C-10558 199 Colchester Waugh's River F -- 9
    C-10558 199 Colchester Earltown G -- 8, 9
    C-10558 199 Colchester Kemptown H -- 8, 9
    C-10558 199 Colchester Upper Onslow I -- 8
    C-10558 199 Colchester Onslow J -- --
    C-10558 199 Colchester Truro K 1 9
    C-10558 199 Colchester Truro K 2 8, 9
    C-10558 199 Colchester Old Burns L -- --
    C-10558 199 Colchester Lower Stewiacke M -- --
    C-10559 199 Colchester Upper Stewiacke N -- 9
    C-10559 200 Pictou Mount Thom A -- --
    C-10559 200 Pictou West Branch River John B -- 8, 9
    C-10559 200 Pictou River John C -- 9
    C-10559 200 Pictou Cape John D 1 9
    C-10559 200 Pictou Cape John D 2 --
    C-10559 200 Pictou Cariboo E -- --
    C-10560 200 Pictou Pictou F 1 7, 9
    C-10560 200 Pictou Pictou F 2 7
    C-10560 200 Pictou Pictou F 3 9
    C-10560 200 Pictou Harwood Hill G -- --
    C-10560 200 Pictou Roger's Hill H -- 8
    C-10560 200 Pictou West river, Green Hill I -- --
    C-10560 200 Pictou Gairloch J -- 8, 9
    C-10560 200 Pictou New Lairg K -- 8, 9
    C-10560 200 Pictou Middle River L 1 8, 9
    C-10560 200 Pictou Middle River L 2 8
    C-10560 200 Pictou Hopewell M 1 --
    C-10560 200 Pictou Hopewell M 2 8
    C-10560 200 Pictou Albion Mines N 1 7, 8, 9
    C-10560 200 Pictou Albion Mines N 2 --
    C-10561 200 Pictou New Glasgow O 1 --
    C-10561 200 Pictou New Glasgow O 2 --
    C-10561 200 Pictou New Glasgow O 3 8
    C-10561 200 Pictou Little Harbour P -- --
    C-10561 200 Pictou McLellans Mountain Q -- 8
    C-10561 200 Pictou East River R -- 9
    C-10561 200 Pictou St Marys S -- 8, 9
    C-10561 200 Pictou Merrigomish T 1 9
    C-10561 200 Pictou Merrigomish T 2 9
    C-10561 200 Pictou Barney River U -- 9
    C-10561 200 Pictou Gulf Shore V -- --
    C-10562 201 Antigonish Upper South River A -- 9
    C-10562 201 Antigonish Lochaber B 1 9
    C-10562 201 Antigonish Lochaber B 2 8, 9
    C-10562 201 Antigonish Antigonish C 1 8, 9
    C-10562 201 Antigonish Antigonish C 2 --
    C-10562 201 Antigonish Antigonish C 3 --
    C-10562 201 Antigonish Arisaig D 1 --
    C-10562 201 Antigonish Arisaig D 2 9
    C-10562 201 Antigonish Cape George E -- 9
    C-10562 201 Antigonish Morristown F -- --
    C-10562 201 Antigonish St.Andrew's G 1 --
    C-10562 201 Antigonish St.Andrew's G 2 8, 9
    C-10563 201 Antigonish Tracadie H 1 9
    C-10563 201 Antigonish Tracadie H 2 9
    C-10563 201 Antigonish Harbor Bouche I 1 9
    C-10563 201 Antigonish Harbor Bouche I 2 9
    C-10563 202 Guysborough Guysborough Polling District A -- 9
    C-10563 202 Guysborough Crow Harbor B -- 6, 9
    C-10563 202 Guysborough Cape Canso C -- 9
    C-10563 202 Guysborough Molasses Harbor D -- 9
    C-10563 202 Guysborough Isaac's Harbor E -- --
    C-10563 202 Guysborough Wine Harbor F -- --
    C-10563 202 Guysborough Sherbrooke G -- --
    C-10564 202 Guysborough Marie Joseph H -- 9
    C-10564 202 Guysborough Caledonia I -- 8, 9
    C-10564 202 Guysborough Forks of St Marys J -- --
    C-10564 202 Guysborough Stormont K -- --
    C-10564 202 Guysborough Salmon River L -- 9
    C-10564 202 Guysborough Guysborough M -- 9
    C-10564 202 Guysborough Manchester N -- 9
    C-10564 202 Guysborough Melford O -- 9
    C-10564 203 Inverness Plaister Cove A 1 9
    C-10564 203 Inverness Plaister Cove A 2 9
    C-10564 203 Inverness River Inhabitants B 1 8, 9
    C-10564 203 Inverness River Inhabitants B 2 9
    C-10564 203 Inverness North Mountain C -- 9
    C-10565 203 Inverness River Dennis D 1 --
    C-10565 203 Inverness River Dennis D 2 9
    C-10565 203 Inverness Judique E 1 9
    C-10565 203 Inverness Judique E 2 9
    C-10565 203 Inverness Port Hood F -- --
    C-10565 203 Inverness Mabou G 1 9
    C-10565 203 Inverness Mabou G 2 8, 9
    C-10565 203 Inverness Mabou G 3 2
    C-10565 203 Inverness West Lake Ainslie H -- --
    C-10565 203 Inverness Broad Cove Intervale I 1 --
    C-10565 203 Inverness Broad Cove Intervale I 2 9
    C-10565 203 Inverness Broad Cove District J -- 9
    C-10565 203 Inverness Margaree K -- 9
    C-10566 203 Inverness Cheticamp L 1 2, 9
    C-10566 203 Inverness Cheticamp L 2 9
    C-10566 203 Inverness North-East Margaree M 1 --
    C-10566 203 Inverness North-East Margaree M 2 9
    C-10566 203 Inverness Young Bridge of Forks N -- 9
    C-10566 203 Inverness East Lake Ainslie O -- 9
    C-10566 203 Inverness Whycocomagh P 1 --
    C-10566 203 Inverness Whycocomagh P 2 9
    C-10566 204 Victoria Washabught A 1 6, 9
    C-10566 204 Victoria Washabught A 2 9
    C-10566 204 Victoria Little Narrows B -- 9
    C-10566 204 Victoria Middle River C 1 9
    C-10566 204 Victoria Middle River C 2 8, 9
    C-10566 204 Victoria Baddeck D 1 --
    C-10566 204 Victoria Baddeck D 2 9
    C-10567 204 Victoria Boularderie E 1 9
    C-10567 204 Victoria Boularderie E 2 --
    C-10567 204 Victoria King's Cove F -- --
    C-10567 204 Victoria Englishtown G -- 9
    C-10567 204 Victoria Monro's Point and Saint Ann's H 1 --
    C-10567 204 Victoria Monro's Point and Saint Ann's H 2 9
    C-10567 204 Victoria Plaster I -- 9
    C-10567 204 Victoria Ingonish J -- 9
    C-10567 204 Victoria Cape North K -- 9
    C-10567 204 Victoria Bay St Lawrence L -- 9
    C-10567 205 Cape Breton Howleys Ferry A 1 9
    C-10567 205 Cape Breton Howleys Ferry A 2 9
    C-10567 205 Cape Breton Sydney Mines B 1 --
    C-10567 205 Cape Breton Sydney Mines B 2 9
    C-10568 205 Cape Breton Ball's Bridge C 1 9
    C-10568 205 Cape Breton Ball's Bridge C 2 9
    C-10568 205 Cape Breton Beaver Cove D 1 9
    C-10568 205 Cape Breton Beaver Cove D 2 9
    C-10568 205 Cape Breton Christmas Island E 1 9
    C-10568 205 Cape Breton Christmas Island E 2 6, 9
    C-10568 205 Cape Breton East Bay F 1 9
    C-10568 205 Cape Breton East Bay F 2 9
    C-10568 205 Cape Breton Sydney G 1 --
    C-10568 205 Cape Breton Sydney G 2 --
    C-10569 205 Cape Breton Lingan Mines H 1 --
    C-10569 205 Cape Breton Lingan Mines H 2 --
    C-10569 205 Cape Breton Lingan Mines H 3 --
    C-10569 205 Cape Breton Cow Bay I 1 --
    C-10569 205 Cape Breton Cow Bay I 2 --
    C-10569 205 Cape Breton Mira Bay J 1 9
    C-10569 205 Cape Breton Mira Bay J 2 9
    C-10569 205 Cape Breton Mainadieu K 1 9
    C-10569 205 Cape Breton Mainadieu K 2 9
    C-10569 205 Cape Breton Louisburg L 1 9
    C-10569 205 Cape Breton Louisburg L 2 9
    C-10569 205 Cape Breton Gabarus M 1 9
    C-10569 205 Cape Breton Gabarus M 2 9
    C-10569 205 Cape Breton Big Pond N -- 9
    C-10569 206 Richmond Framboise A -- 6, 9
    C-10569 206 Richmond Lochlomond B -- 9
    C-10569 206 Richmond Red Islands C -- 9
    C-10569 206 Richmond Grand River D -- 9
    C-10570 206 Richmond L'Ardoise E -- 9
    C-10570 206 Richmond St Peter F -- 9
    C-10570 206 Richmond Black River G -- 9
    C-10570 206 Richmond River Inhabitants H -- 9
    C-10570 206 Richmond River Bourgeois I -- 9
    C-10570 206 Richmond D'Escousse J 1 9
    C-10570 206 Richmond D'Escousse J 2 --
    C-10570 206 Richmond Petit de Grat K 1 9
    C-10570 206 Richmond Petit de Grat K 2 6, 7, 9
    C-10570 206 Richmond Arichat L 1 9
    C-10570 206 Richmond Arichat L 2 7, 9
    C-10570 206 Richmond Little Arichat M 1 6, 9
    C-10570 206 Richmond Little Arichat M 2 9
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