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317 résultat(s) trouvé(s) pour « Wagner, Richard,1813-1883. ».
TitreInterprèteÉtiquette générique
Im Treibhaus = in the greenhouse, concluded ; no. 3 of gedichte song cycle / Wagner.Helen Traubel, soprano ; Leopold Stokowski ; Philadelphia Orchestra.
Rheingold : Erdas wasnung / Richard Wagner.Maria Olszewska.
Der fliegende hollander (Act 2) : Jo-ho-hoe! (Senta's ballad Part one) / Wagner.Leonie Rysanek, soprano ; Philharmonia Orchestra; Wilhelm Schuechter, conductor with chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.
Tannhauser : Sintonia : Parte 1 : Adagio / Wagner.Orchestra Alla Scala.
Pilgrims' chorus = Beglückt darf nun dich / [Richard Wagner, lyrics and music].Male Chorus.Berliner.
Gotterdammerung : Kommt, Schwestern! ; Mime Hiess ein Murrischer Zwerg / Wagner.Laubenthal (tenor) ; De Garmo (soprano) ; Kindeamann (soprano) ; Marker (contralto) ; Zador (bass) ; List (bass) ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Leo Blech (cond.).
Logengrin-nun sei bedankt lieber schwan / Wagner.Leo Slezac.
Le Vaisseau Fantôme : Air des Fileuses--Part 1--Part 2 / Wagner ; Liszt.Alexandre Brailowsky.
Die meistersinger : overture / Wagner.
Wagner : Die Walküre ; Act 3 ; Walkürenritt = Ride of the Valkyries / Wagner.Vocal Ensemble of the Metropolitan Opera ; Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York ; Artur Rodzinski, conductor.
Die Walkure--Wotan's Farewell / Wagner.Friedrich Schorr (baritone) ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Leo Blech (cond.).
I Arnekrog ved vintertid fro "Mestersangerne" / Wagner.Poul Bjornskjold.
Wagner : Die Walküre ; Act 3 ; Nicht streb' o maid = seek not, o maid / Wagner.Helen Traubel, soprano ; Herbert Janssen, baritone ; Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York ; Artur Rodzinski, conductor.
Hochftes vertrau'n : Luhengrin / Wagner.Bayreuth Festival Orchestra ; Heinz Tietjen ; Franz Volker, tenor.
Romance de l'étoile = [enregistrement sonore] / [Lied an den Abendstern] [Wagner].O. Langevin.Edison.
Iphigenie en aulide : overture (second part) / Wagner Edition ; Gluck.Howard Barlow ; Columbia Broadcasting Symphony.
Stark ruft das lied : III akt : 1. Szene / R. Wagner.Maria Clczewska ; Dr. Emil Schipper ; Orchesters der Wiener Staatsoper ; Karl Alwin.
Die Götterdämmerung ; Brünnhilde's Immolation ; part 3 ; Mein erbe nun = Redeemed, my hand ; act 3 / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano ; San Francisco Opera Orchestra ; Edwin McArthur, conductor.
Siegfried : Viel, wanderer, weisst du mir von der erde = Much, wanderer, knowest thou of the earth ; act 1 / Wagner.F. Schorr, Bar. ; H. Tessmer, tenor ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Robert Heger, conductor.
Dich, teur halle : [from] Tannhäuser / [Richard Wagner].L. Hilgermann ; K. K. Hofopernsangern mit orchesterbegleitung.
Tristan und Isolde ; love duet ; part 2, Wonnehehrstes weben = Wonderous rapture ; act 2 / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano ; Lauritz Melchior, tenor ; San Francisco Opera Orchestra ; Edwin McArthur, conductor.
Die meistersinget : Wahn : Monolog I. part / Richard Wagner.Friedrich Schorr, baritone.
Träume, lied / Richard Wagner.L. Hilgermann ; K. K. Hofopernsangern mit orchesterbegleitung.
The Valkyrie : Brunnhilde Pleads with Wotan ; Brunnhilde Implores the Protection of Fire / Wagner.Frida Leider (soprano) ; Friedrich Schorr (baritone) ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Leo Blech (cond.).
Götterdämmerung ; Brunnhilde, heilige brauti =Brunnhilde, holiest bride ; act 3 / Wagner.Laubenthal, tenor ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Leo Blech, conductor.
Das fube lied verhallt : Luhengrin : I. tell / Wagner.Bayreuth Festival Orchestra ; Heinz Tietjen ; Maria Muller, soprano ; Franz Volker, tenor.
Tannhauser : Sinfonia : Parte 2 : A legro / Wagner.Orchestra Alla Scala.
Die gotterdammerung : Act I : Erzahlung der waltraute (Waltraute's narrative) (Concluded) / Wagner.Blanche Thebom, mezzo-soprano ; RCA Victor Orchestra ; Frieder Weissmann, conductor.
O star of eve = O du mein holder abendstern : Tannhauser / Wagner.Gerhard Husch, baritone ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Hans Udo Muller, conductor.
Nothung! nothung! neidliches schwert! : Nothung! nothung! conquering sword!) : Biegfried (Act 1) / Wagner.Lauritz Melchior, tenor ; A. Reiss, tenor ; London Symphony Orchestra ; John Barbirolli, conductor.
Doch nun von Tristan! : Isolde's narrative and curse : part 1 : Tristan und Isolde : act 1 / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano ; Elisabeth Höngen, contralto ; The Philharmonia Orchestra ; Issay Dorbrowen, conductor.
Wagner : Die Walküre ; Act 3 ; Wohl taugte dir nicht die thör'ge maid = Unfit for thee was this foolish maid / Wagner.Helen Traubel, soprano ; Herbert Janssen, baritone ; Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York ; Artur Rodzinski, conductor.
Wagner : Die Walk|re ; Act 3 ; Schreckt euch ihr loos? = Frights you her lot? / Wagner.Helen Traubel, soprano ; Herbert Janssen, baritone ; Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York ; Artur Rodzinski, conductor.
Dir unweisen ruf ich's ins ohr : III akt : 1. szene / R. Wagner.Dr. Emil Schipper ; Orchesters der Wiener Staatsoper ; Karl Alwin.
Merce, merce : Cigno gentil : Atto 1. O : Lohengrin / Wagner.Aureliano Pertile, tenore.
Tannhauser : O Douce Étoile = O Star of Eve / Wagner.Signor Digiogi.
Wagner : Die Walküre ; Act 3 ; War es so schmählich, vas ich verbrach ? = Was my offence so laden with scame ? / Wagner.Helen Traubel, soprano ; Herbert Janssen, baritone ; Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York ; Artur Rodzinski, conductor.
Da voi lontan, in sconosciuta terra : A.3.0 : Logengrin / Wagner.Aureliano Pertile, tenore.
Das fube lied verhallt : Luhengrin : II. tell / Wagner.Bayreuth Festival Orchestra ; Heinz Tietjen ; Maria Muller, soprano ; Franz Volker, tenor.
Im Treibhaus = in the greenhouse, part 1 ; no. 3 of gedichte song cycle / Wagner.Helen Traubel, soprano ; Leopold Stokowski ; Philadelphia Orchestra.
Marche du Tannhauser / Wagner.Orch[estre] Pathé Frères.
Die Meistersinger--"Morgenlich Leuchtend im Rosigem Schein" / Wagner.Leo Slezak (vocal) ; Orchestra (?).
I maestri cantori : preludio / Wagner.Orchestra Alla Scata ; diretta del Mo Carlo Sabaino.
Götterdämmerung ; Frau sonne sendet = sunlight weaves ; act 3 / Wagner.Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Leo Blech, conductor ; De Garmo, soprano ; Kindeamann, soprano ; Marker, cont.
Le tannhauser : Choeur des pelerins / Wagner.Mme. Devries ; Nansen ; Danges ; Belhomme.
Romance de l'étoile = O star of eve [enregistrement sonore] / Richard Wagner.M. Renaud, baritone solo.Berliner.
Wagner : Die Walk|re ; Act 3 ; Du verst̲ssest mich? = Thou dost cast me off? / Wagner.Helen Traubel, soprano ; Herbert Janssen, baritone ; vocal Ensemble of the Metropolitan Opera ; Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York ; Artur Rodzinski, conductor.
Tristan und Isolde--Isoldes Liebestod / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad (soprano) ; Orchestra (?) ; Hans Lange (cond.).
Die walküre - Magic fire spell. Wagner, transcription by Brassin. Rustle of Spring (Frühlingsrauschen) op. 32, no. 3. Papillon (Butterfly) op. 43, no. 1 / Grieg.Julius L. Schendel, pianoforte.
Götterdämmerung ; Schlugen wir tiere = After the slaughter ; act 2 / Wagner.Ivar Andressen, bass ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; chorus ; Leo Blech, conductor.
Tristan und Isolde : Doch es Rächte Sich der Verscheuchte tag = But is vengeance ; love duet ; act 2 / Wagner.Frida Leider, soprano ; Lauritz Melchior, tenor ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Fliedermonolog--Die Meistersinger / Wagner.Paul Schoeffler (bass-baritone) ; The Tonhalle Orchestra, Zurich ; Hans Knappertsbusch (cond.).
Die meistersinger : Preislied (Prize song) / Wagner.Eugen Ysaye, violin solo.
Bridal march.Quentin M. Maclean.
The brunnbilde's battle cry / Wagner.Mme. Johanna Gadski, soprano.
Tannhauser : Dich teure halle (Oh! hall of song) (Act 2) / wagner.Elizabeth Rethberg, soprano ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Fritz Zweig, conductor.
Parsifal : Prelude : Continued (Act 1) / Wagner.Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Karl Muck, conductor.
Tannhauser : Allmacht' ge jungfrau (Prayer) / Wagner.Johanna Gadski.
Götterdämmerung ; Kommt, schwesterni = Come sisters ; act 3 / Wagner.Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Leo Blech, conductor ; Laubenthal, tenor ; De Garmo, soprano ; Kindeamann, soprano ; Marker, cont.
Die meistersinget : Wahn : Monolog II. part / Richard Wagner.Friedrich Schorr, baritone.
Siegmundus Elskovssang fra "Valkyrien" / Wagner.Poul Bjornskjold.
Wagner : Die Walk|re ; Act 3 ; Wotans abschied = Wotan's farewell ; Loge h̲r = Loge, hear! / Wagner.Herbert Janssen, baritone ; Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York ; Artur Rodzinski, conductor.
Wedding march / Richard Wagner.Don Baker.
Wedding march / Richard Wagner, music.Garde Républicaine de Paris.Berliner.
Schmerzen = affliction ; no. 4 of gedichte song cycle / Wagner.Helen Traubel, soprano ; Leopold Stokowski ; Philadelphia Orchestra.
Siegfried : Heil dir, sonne ! = Sun, I hail thee ; act 3 / Wagner.Rudolph Laubethal, Ten. ; Frida Leider, Sopr. ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Leo Blech, conductor.
Wagner : Die Walküre ; Act 3 ; So wisst denn = Then know ye / Wagner.Helen Traubel, soprano ; Herbert Janssen, baritone ; Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York ; Artur Rodzinski, conductor.
Die gotterdammerung : Act I : Erzahlung der waltraute (Waltraute's narrative) (Part 1) / Wagner.Blanche Thebom, mezzo-soprano ; RCA Victor Orchestra ; Frieder Weissmann, conductor.
Wagner : Die Walk|re ; Act 3 ; Fort denn eile = Fly then swftly ; Wo ist Br|nnhild? = Where is Br|nnhild? / Wagner.Helen Traubel, soprano ; Herbert Janssen, baritone ; vocal Ensemble of the Metropolitan Opera ; Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York ; Artur Rodzinski, conductor.
Wache, wala : III Akt : 1. Szene / R. Wagner.Kammersanger Dr. Emil Schipper ; Orchesters der Wiener Staatsoper ; Karl Alwin.
Götterdämmerung ; Seit er von dir geschiden = since thou lost ; act 1 / Wagner.Maartje Offers, contralto ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Parsifal : Ich sah' das kind (I saw the child) (Act II) / Wagner.Margarete Matzenauer, contralto ; Victor Orchestra.
Der fliegende hollander (Act 2) : Doch, dass der arme (Yet did God's angel) (Senta's ballad Conclusion) / Wagner.Leonie Rysanek, soprano ; Philharmonia Orchestra; Wilhelm Schuechter, conductor with chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.
The Valkyrie--Wotan's Farewell / Wagner.Friedrich Schorr (baritone) ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Leo Blech (cond.).
Tannhauser : O tu bel' astro incantator (Oh, thou sublime sweet evening star) / Wagner.Riccardo Stracciari, baritone solo with orch. accomp.
Wagner : Die Walküre ; Act 3 ; Ich wusste den zwiespalt = I knew all the strife / Wagner.Helen Traubel, soprano ; Herbert Janssen, baritone ; Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York ; Artur Rodzinski, conductor.
Gazing around (Blick'ich umher in diesem edlen kreise) : Tannhauser / Wagner.Gerhard Husch, baritone ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Hans Udo Muller, conductor.
Götterdämmerung ; Hier sitz' ich zur wacht = Here I watch alone ; act 1 / Wagner.Ivar Andressen, bass ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Leo Blech, conductor.
Jadis quand tu luttas [enregistrement sonore] / Richard Wagner.M. Renaud.Berliner.
Die walkure meinst du : III akt : 1. szene / R. Wagner.Maria Clczewska ; Dr. Emil Schipper ; Orchesters der Wiener Staatsoper ; Karl Alwin.
lohengrin's ablchied (mein lieber schwan) : Luhengrin / Wagner.Bayreuth Festival Orchestra ; Heinz Tietjen ; Franz Volker, tenor.
Walküre. Wagner. Pastorale and capriccio / Scarlatti.Josef Hofmann, pianoforte solo.
Das rheingold : Scene 4 : Weiche, wotan, weiche (Erda's warning) / Wagner.Blanche Thebom, mezzo-soprano ; RCA Victor Orchestra ; Frieder Weissmann, conductor.
Dich, teure halle (Dear hall of song) (Elisabeth's greeting) : Tannhauser (Act 2) / Wagner.Victoria de Los Angeles, soprano ; Philharmonia Orchestra; Anatole Fistoulari, conductor.
Götterdämmerung ; Geh' heim = Then home; act 1 / Wagner.Maartje Offers, contralto ; Florence Austral, soprano ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Die Meistersinger. Wagner.Berlin State Opera Orchestra; Karl Muck.
Wotan's abschied = Wotan's farewell : from "Die walkure" = "The valkyrie" / Wagner.Friedrich Schorr, baritone with orchestra accompaniment.
Tristan und Isolde ; Love duet : Part 3 : Doch der tag = But the day (Act 2) / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano ; Lauritz Melchior, tenor ; San Francisco Opera Orchestra ; Edwin McArthur, conductor.
Love death = Liebestod [Mild and softly see him smiling] / Wagner.Florence Easton.International Record Collectors' Club.
Die Meistersinger / Wagner.Sousa's Band.
Lohengrin. Wagner.Johannes Sembach With Orchestra Accompaniment.
Prayer from "Lohengrin" / [Wagner].Mr. Chas. Nebe, with orchestra.Berliner.
Prayer from Lohengrin.Mr. Chas. Nebe, with orchestra.
Isoldes liebestod : Isolde's love-death : part 1 : Tristan und Isolde : act 3 / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano ; Hans Lange, conductor.
Isoldes liebestod : Isolde's love-death : conclusion : Tristan und Isolde : act 3 / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano ; Hans Lange, conductor.
Lohengrin act III, scene III / Wagner.Herman Jadlowker accompaniment by Victor Orchestra.
March / [Richard Wagner, music].Landen Ronald [i.e. Landon], piano.Berliner.
And one to grow on / Wagner ; Robinson ; Joe Leahy, arrangement.Denise Lor ; Joe Leahy, conductor.
Flying Dutchman. Wagner.Johanna Gadski; Otto Goritz; Victor Orchestra.
Götterdämmerung ; Dich verriet er = He betrayed thee ; act 2 / Wagner.London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor ; Austral, soprano ; Fear, baritone ; Collier, bass.
Siegfried : Heil dir, weisser schmied ! = Greeting, smith most wise; act 1 / Wagner.F. Schorr, Bar. ; H. Tessmer,tenor ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Robert Heger, conductor.
Tannhauser. Wagner.Victor Male Chorus; With Orchestra.
Götterdämmerung ; Schweight eures jammers = Silence the grievous wail ; act / Wagner.Florence Austral, soprano ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Prelude : part one / Wagner.Symphony Orchestra.
Siegfried : Soll ich der kunde glauben = If I may trust this story ; act 1 / Wagner.L. Melchoir, Ten. ; H. Tessmer, Ten. ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Robert Heger, conductor.
Ich liebe dich, my dear / Hart ; Blight.Blye Lyres, with vocal chorus.
Marche des pélerins / Richard Wagner, musique.Sousa's Band.Berliner.
Siegfried : Zieh' hin ! ich kann dich nicht halten = Fare no ! I cannot withstand thee ; act 3 / Wagner.Lauritz Melchoir, Ten. ; R. Boeckelmann, Bass-Bar. ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Tristan und Isolde ; Liebestod ; concluded, Höre ich nur = I alone am hearing ; act 3 / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano ; San Francisco Opera Orchestra ; Edwin McArthur, conductor.
Love duet [O sink upon us, night of rapture] / Wagner.Florence Easton, soprano ; Arthur Carron, tenor.International Record Collectors' Club.
Niebelungen march : based on motives from Wagner's "Ring of the Niebelungs".Goldman Band.
Tannhauser March. Wagner.Sousa's Band.
Parsifal. Wagner.World's Greatest Orchestra And Conductors.
Il santo gral = The holy grail / Wagner.Edward Johnson, tenor with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
Die Götterdämmerung ; Brünnhilde's Immolation : Part 1 : Starke scheite = Friends, let fitting funeral pyre (Act 3) / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano ; San Francisco Opera Orchestra ; Edwin McArthur, conductor.
Motives From The Ring Of The Nibelungs Nos. 72 To 90 Wagner.London Symphony Orchestra; Lawrence Collingwood.
Tannhauser Overture. Wagner.Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra; Leopold Stokowski.
Tannhauser : Pilgrim's chorus (act 3) / Wagner.Victor Male Chorus, English Male Chorus with orchestra.
Götterdämmerung ; Welches unholds list = What craft of demon dread ; act 2 / Wagner.London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor ; Austral, soprano ; Fear, baritone ; Collier, bass.
Siegfried : Da lieg'auch du, dunkler wurm ! = There lie thou too, dragon grim ! ; act 2 / Wagner.Lauritz Melchoir, Ten. ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Tannhäuser / Wagner.Unidentified soloists, orchestra, and conductor.|Rose Bampton, Beal Hober, Ljuba Senderowna, sopranos ; Arthur Carron, tenor ; Mack Harrell, baritone ; chorus ; Publishers Service Symphony Orchestra (46-50 musicians) ; William Steinberg, conductor--Cf. ARSC journal, v. 7 (1975), no. 1-2, p. 33-55.
Siegfried's funeral march / Richard Wagner.Vessella's Italian Band.
Act II Love duet (Part one) : O sink' hernieder (Descend upon us) / Wagner.symphony orchestra ; soprano ; tenor.
Grand March--"Tannhauser" / Wagner ; Liszt.Sapellnikoff (piano).
Siegfried. Wagner.Germaine Lubin.
Nibelungen march / Richard Wagner, music.3rd Garde Regt. Band, Berlin.Berliner.
Lohengrin.Rosa Ponselle.
Wagner : Die Walk|re ; Act 3 ; Beth̲rte schwester, was thatest du? = What madness urged thee this deed to do? / Wagner.Helen Traubel, soprano ; vocal Ensemble of the Metropolitan Opera ; Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York ; Artur Rodzinski, conductor.
Siegfried. Wagner.Albert Reiss.
Lohengrin : Act 1 Prelude (Concluded) / Wagner.Artura Toscanini ; NBC Symphony Orchestra.
Siegfried : Wache, wala = Waken, Wala ; act 3 / Wagner.Emil Schipper, Ten. ; Vienna State Opera Orchestra ; Karl Alvin, conductor.
Siegfried. Wie wunder tönt was wonnig du sing'st = How wondrous sounds thy gladdening song / Wagner.L. Melchior, tenor ; F. Easton, soprano ; Royal Opera Orchestra, Covent Gardens ; Robert Heger, conductor.Victor.
Die Meistersinger [excerpt] / Wagner.Mr. Landen Ronald [i.e. Landon].Berliner.
Walkure--Ride of the Valkyries / Wagner ; Hutcheson.Olga Samaroff (piano).
Siegfried : Gönntest du mir wohl ein gut gesell' ? = Woulost for me but find a comrade true ! ; act 2 / Wagner.Lauritz Melchoir, Ten. ; N. Grünbaum, Sopr. ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Lohengrin. Wagner.Symphony Orchestra; Albert Coates.
Siegfried. Dich lieb ich = I love thee / Wagner.L. Melchior, Tenor ; F. Easton, Soprano ; Robert Heger, conductor of the Royal Opera Orchestra, Covent Garden.Victor.
Götterdämmerung ; Ich hore sein horn = I hear his horn ; act 3 / Wagner.Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Leo Blech, conductor ; Laubenthal, tenor ; De Garmo, soprano ; Kindeamann, soprano ; Marker, cont.
Die Götterdämmerung ; Brünnhilde's Immolation : Part 2 ; Wisst ihr wie das ward! = Ween ye why that was ! ; act 3 / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano ; San Francisco Opera Orchestra ; Edwin McArthur, conductor.
Prelude : concluded / Wagner.Symphony Orchestra.
Siegfried : Das ist nun der liebe schlimmer Lohn! = This is all the wage my love doth win! ; act 1 / Wagner.L. Melchoir, Ten. ; H. Tessmer, Ten. ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Robert Heger, conductor.
Parsifal : Prelude : part two / Wagner.
Tristan and Isolde / Wagner ; Schelling.Ignace Jan Paderewski (piano).
Lohengrin-prelude Wagner.La Scala Orchestra; Milan; Carlo Sabaino.
Siegfried. Prelude, act 1 (In the depths of the forest) / Wagner.London Symphony Orchestra ; Robert Heger, conductor.Victor.
Act II : Brangaena's warning : Love duet (Part two) Einsam wachend (Lonely watch I here) / Wagner.symphony orchestra ; soprano ; tenor ; soprano.
Faust. Even bravest heart : act 2 / Gounod. Tannhäuser. O du mein holder Abendstern = Evening star : act 3 / Wagner.Lawrence Tibbett, baritone, with orchestra.
Tristan und Isolde ; Love duet ; Part 2, Wonnehehrstes weben = Wonderous rapture (Act 2) / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano ; Lauritz Melchior, tenor ; San Francisco Opera Orchestra ; Edwin McArthur, conductor.
Siegfried. Ob jetzt ich dein? / Wagner.L. Melchior, Tenor ; F. Easton, Soprano ; Robert Heger, conductor ; Royal Opera Orchestra, Covent Garden.Victor.
Götterdämmerung ; Sein ross = His steed ; act 3 / Wagner.Florence Austral, soprano ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
O du mein holder abendstern = O thou sublime sweet evening star / Wagner.John Charles Thomas, baritone with orchestra ; Nathaniel Shilkret, conductor.His Master's Voice.
Gotterdammerung : Overture ; Siegfried's Journey to the Rhine / Wagner.Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Karl Muck (cond.).
Rheingold. Wagner.Mme E Schumann-heink.
Tristan und Isolde : Soll Ich Lauschen? = Shall I listen ? ; love duet ; act 2 / Wagner.Frida Leider, soprano ; Lauritz Melchior, tenor ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Ride Of The Valkyries. Richard Wagner.Vessella's Italian Band.
Tannhauser : pilgrim's chorus : act 3 / Wagner.Victor Male Chorus with orchestra.
Siegfried : Im wald und nacht vor neidhöhl = In gloomy wood at neidhole ; act 2 / Wagner.F. Schorr, Bar. ; E. Habich, Bar. ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Robert Heger, conductor.
Die Götterdämmerung ; Brünnhilde's Immolation ; Concluded ; Fühl, meine, brust auch = Feel how my breast too (Act 3) / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano ; San Francisco Opera Orchestra ; Edwin McArthur, conductor.
Götterdämmerung ; Rheinfahrt = Siegfried's journey down the Rhine ; prelude / Wagner.London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Das rheingold : Abendlich strahlt der sonne auge = The evening light : Wotan's invocation / Wagner.Marcel Journet ; acc. by Victor Orchestra.
Tannhauser march : Fest march / Wagner. La Marseilles : D'Lisle : National air of France.Sousa's band.
Iphigenie en aulide : overture (first part) / Wagner Edition ; Gluck.Howard Barlow ; Columbia Broadcasting Symphony.
Siegmund Heiss'ich = Siegmund, victor, henceforth proclaim me / Wagner.Lehmann, Lotte; Melchior, Lauritz; Wiener Philharmoniker; Walter, Bruno, 1876-1962.His Master's Voice.
Siegfried : Hei, weiser wand rer ! = Hei, clever wanderer ! ; act 1 / Wagner.Lauritz Melchoir, Ten. ; Albert Reiss, Ten. ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Tannhauser : Elisabeths gebet (Elizabeth's prayer) : Part 1 (Act 3) / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano with orchestra ; Hans Lange, director.
Tristan und Isolde ; love duet ; part 3, Doch der tag = But the day ; act 2 / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano ; Lauritz Melchior, tenor ; San Francisco Opera Orchestra ; Edwin McArthur, conductor.
Tannhauser march, or, Fest march / Wagner.Sousa's Band.
Siegfried : Hoi ho! hau' ein! = Hoi ho! come on! ; act 1 / Wagner.L. Melchoir, Ten. ; H. Tessmer, tenor ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Robert Heger, conductor.
Parsifal--Prelude / Wagner.Berlin State Opera ; Karl Muck (cond.).
Träume = Dreams / Richard Wagner.Johanna Gadski.
Einsam in truben tagen (Lonely in days of sadness) (Elsa's dream) : Lohengrin (Act 1) / Wagner.Victoria de Los Angeles, soprano ; Philharmonia Orchestra; Anatole Fistoulari, conductor.
Götterdämmerung ; Welch' licht leuchtet dort ? = What light shineth there ? / Wagner.London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor ; Noel Eadie, soprano ; Evelyn Arden, soprano ; Gladys Palmer, contralto.
Lohengrin. Wagner.Mme Olive Fremstad; Orchestra Accompaniment.
Flamenco love / Wagner ; Shuman ; Eaton.Al Caiola and His Magic Guitars ; Dick Kuhn.
Siegfried : Dass der mein vater nicht ist = No son of mime am I ; act 2 / Wagner.Lauritz Melchoir, Ten. ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Götterdämmerung ; Da sann ich nach = Then I took thought ; act 1 / Wagner.Maartje Offers, contralto ; Florence Austral, soprano ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Lohengrin : Nun sei bedankt, lieber schwam = Thanks, my trusty swan / Wagner.Leo slezac, tenor with orchestra, in German.
Siegfried : Ewig war ich ewig bin ich = Ever lived I, ever live I ; act 3 / Wagner.Rudolph Laubethal, Ten. ; Frida Leider, Sopr. ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Leo Blech, conductor.
Gotterdammerung. Wagner.Berlin State Opera Orchestra; Karl Muck.
Tristan und Isolde ; love duet ; concluded, Soll der tag = Must not daylight; act 2 / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano ; Lauritz Melchior, tenor ; San Francisco Opera Orchestra ; Edwin McArthur, conductor.
Wahn! Wahn! Uberall Wahn. Wagner.Paul Schoeffler; National Symphony Orch ; Karl Rankl.
Götterdämmerung ; In leid zu dem wipfel = In grief to the branches ; act 3 / Wagner.Laubenthal, tenor ; Zador, bass ; List, bass ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Leo Blech, conductor.
Siegfried : Wohin schleichst du eilig und schlau = Whither slink'st thou, hasty and sly ; act 2 / Wagner.Melchoir, Ten. ; E. Habich, Bar. ; H. Tessmer, tenor ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Robert Heger, conductor.
Tristan und isolde : Isoldes liebestod : Part 2 (Isolde's love death) (Act 3) / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano with orchestra ; Hana Lange, director.
Rienzi Overture. Wagner.Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra; Leopold Stokowski.
Siegfried. Dich lieb ich = I love thee / Wagner.L. Melchior, Tenor ; F. Easton, Soprano ; Robert Heger, conductor ; Royal Opera Orchestra, Covent Garden.Victor.
Sieh' ev'chen! dacht'ich doch (See, ev'chant! where, methought, can she be?) ; (Duet: Sachs and Eva, 1st record) è; (Act 3 (Die meistersinger) / Wagner.Elisabeth Rethberg, soprano ; Friedrich Schorr, baritone with orch.
Siegfried : Deine hand hiel test du vom hort ? = And thy hand hod'st thou from the hoard ; act 2 / Wagner.F. Schorr, Bar. ; E. Habich, Bar. ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Robert Heger, conductor.
Walkure : Magic fire spell (Feuerzauber) / Wagner ; trans. Brassin.Alfred Grunfeld, piano solo.
Sotanto un arma val = There is but one way / Wagner.Edward Johnson, tenor with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
Götterdämmerung ; Ruhe = Rest thou ; act 2 / Wagner.Florence Austral, soprano ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Leo Blech, conductor.
Tannhäuser overture / [Richard Wagner].Arthur Pryor's Band.His Master's Voice.
Die Walkure. Wagner.Riccardo Martin; Victor Orchestra.
Tannhauser. Wagner.Victor Male Chorus.
Dich, teure halle = O Hall of song / Wagner.Elisabeth Rethberg, soprano ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Fritz Zweig.His Master's Voice.
Tannhauser. Wagner.Mme Olive Fremstad With Orchestra Accompaniment.
Wagner : Die Walküre ; Act 3 ; In wald mit den rossen = Leave there in the forest / Wagner.Helen Traubel, soprano ; vocal Ensemble of the Metropolitan Opera ; Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York ; Artur Rodzinski, conductor.
Walkure : wotan's farewell and magic fire music : wotans abschied und feuerzauber : act 3 / Wagner.Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra ; Leopold Stokowski, conductor.
Die Götterdämmerung ; Brünnhilde's Immolation ; part 1 ; Starke scheite = Friends, let fitting funeral pyre ; act 3 / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano ; San Francisco Opera Orchestra ; Edwin McArthur, conductor.
Götterdämmerung ; O, undank = Oh thankless ; act 2 / Wagner.London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor ; Austral, soprano ; Fear, baritone ; Collier, bass.
Die Walkure. Wagner.Riccardo Martin; Victor Orchestra.
Tannhauser. Wagner.Victor Male Chorus.
Dich, teure halle = O Hall of song / Wagner.Elisabeth Rethberg, soprano ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Fritz Zweig.His Master's Voice.
Tannhauser. Wagner.Mme Olive Fremstad With Orchestra Accompaniment.
Wagner : Die Walküre ; Act 3 ; In wald mit den rossen = Leave there in the forest / Wagner.Helen Traubel, soprano ; vocal Ensemble of the Metropolitan Opera ; Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York ; Artur Rodzinski, conductor.
Walkure : wotan's farewell and magic fire music : wotans abschied und feuerzauber : act 3 / Wagner.Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra ; Leopold Stokowski, conductor.
Die Götterdämmerung ; Brünnhilde's Immolation ; part 1 ; Starke scheite = Friends, let fitting funeral pyre ; act 3 / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano ; San Francisco Opera Orchestra ; Edwin McArthur, conductor.
Götterdämmerung ; O, undank = Oh thankless ; act 2 / Wagner.London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor ; Austral, soprano ; Fear, baritone ; Collier, bass.
Lohengrin / Wagner.Unidentified soloists, orchestra, and conductor.|Rose Bampton, soprano ; Lydia Summers, mezzo-soprano ; Arthur Carron, tenor ; Mack Harrell, baritone ; Norman Cordon, bass ; chorus ; Publishers Service Symphony Orchestra (46-50 musicians) ; William Steinberg, conductor--Cf. ARSC journal, v. 7 (1975), no. 1-2, p. 33-55.
Tannhauser--pilgrim's chorus (act 3) / Wagner.Victor Male Chorus.
Tristan und isolde : Liebstod / Wagner.Olive Fremstad.
Siegfried : Dir unweisen ruf ich's ohr = Thou unwise one, hear now my words ; act 3 / Wagner.Emil Schipper, Baritone ; Vienna State Opera Orchestra ; Karl Alvin, conductor.
O Siegfried! Siegfried! seliger held! / Wagner.L. Melchior, tenor ; F. Easton, Sopr. ; Royal Opera Orchestra, Covent Gardens, conducted by Robert Heger.Victor.
Siegfried : Kenntest du mich, kühner spross = Child, diost [?] thou know who I am ? ; act 3 / Wagner.Lauritz Melchoir, Ten. ; R. Boeckelmann, Bass-Bar. ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Meistersueger / Wagner.Mischa Elman ; Percy B. Kahn.
Siegfried. Wie wunder tönt was wonnig du sing'st = How wondrous sounds thy gladdening song / Wagner.L. Melchior, tenor ; F. Easton, Sopr. ; Royal Opera Orchestra, Covent Gardens, conducted by Robert Heger.Victor.
Die Meistersinger. Wagner.Berlin State Opera Orchestra; Karl Muck.
Walkure. Wagner; Brassin.Alfred Grunfeld.
Die Meistersinger. Wagner.Berlin State Opera Orchestra; Karl Muck.
Tristan Und Isolde. Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad; Lauritz Melchior; San Francisco Opera Orchestra; Edwin Mcarthur.
Götterdämmerung ; Weisst du auch = Know'st thou well ; act 3 / Wagner.Florence Austral, soprano ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Rienzi Overture. Wagner.Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra; Leopold Stokowski.
Wagner : Die Walk|re ; Act 3 ; Wotans abschied = Wotan's farewell ; Leb, wohl, du k|hnes, herrliches kind = Farewell, thou valiant, glorious child! / Wagner.Herbert Janssen, baritone ; Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York ; Artur Rodzinski, conductor.
Walkure. Wagner.Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra; Leopold Stokowski.
Siegfried : Nothung ! nothung ! neidliches schwerti = Nothung ! nothung ! conquering sword ; act 1 / Wagner.Lauritz Melchoir, Ten. ; Albert Reiss, Ten. ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Wagner : Die Walk|re ; Act 3 ; Wotans abschied = Wotan's farewell ; Loge h̲r = Loge, hear! ; Der augen leuchtendes paar = Thy brightly glittering eyes / Wagner.Herbert Janssen, baritone ; Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York ; Artur Rodzinski, conductor.
Götterdämmerung ; Ho ! Ho ! Hagen ruf = Hagen's cry ; act 2 / Wagner.Ivar Andressen, bass ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; chorus ; Leo Blech, conductor.
Meistersinger : Preislied (Prize Song) / Wagner.Mischa Elman, violin solo ; Percy B. Kahn, piano accomp.
Parsifal : Prelude : part one / Wagner.
Von Seinem Lager Blickt' Erher. Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad; Elisabeth Hongen; Philharmonia Orchestra; Issay Dobrowen.
Siegfried : Du holdes vöglein = Thou gracious birdling ; act 2 / Wagner.Lauritz Melchoir, Ten. ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Rheingold Selection Wagner.Conway's Band.
Tristan und Isolde ; Liebestod : Concluded : Höre ich nur = I alone am hearing (Act 3) / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano ; San Francisco Opera Orchestra ; Edwin McArthur, conductor.
Wagner : Die Walküre ; Act 3 ; Feuerzauber = Magic fire music ; Wer meines speeres spitze fürchtet = He who my spear point's sharpness feareth / Wagner.Herbert Janssen, baritone ; Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York ; Artur Rodzinski, conductor.
Wagner : Die Walküre ; Act 3 ; Sothatest du, was so gern zu thun ich begehrt = So thou hast done what so dearly I had desired / Wagner.Helen Traubel, soprano ; Herbert Janssen, baritone ; Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra of New York ; Artur Rodzinski, conductor.
Instrumental combination no. 8 : Song to the evening star : [from] "Tannhauser" ; Toreador song : [from] "Carmen" ; Soldiers' chorus : [from] "Faust" ; Woman is fickle : [from] "Rigoletto" / Wagner ; Bizet ; Gounod ; Verdi.Victor Orchestra.
Du bist der lenz / Wagner.Lotte Lehmann, sopr ; Lauritz Melchior, tenor ; Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra ; Bruno Walter.His Master's Voice.
Die Gotterdammerung. Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad; San Francisco Opera Orchestra; Edwin Mccarthur.
Götterdämmerung ; Trauermarsch = Siegfried's funeral march ; act 3, concluded / Wagner.London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Ride of the Valkyries / Richard Wagner.Vessella's Italian Band.
Götterdämmerung ; Trauermarsch = Siegfried's funeral march ; act 3 / Wagner.London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Lohengrin. Wagner.Arturo Toscanini; The Nbc Symphony Orchestra.
Motives from "The Ring of the Nibelungs", nos. 49 to 71 / Wagner.London Symphony Orchestra ; Lawrance Collingwood, conductor.
Tannhauser : Dich teure halle (Oh hall of song) (Act 2) / Wagner.Johanna Gadski, soprano with orchestra.
O Siegfried! Siegfried! seliger held! / Wagner.L. Melchior, tenor ; F. Easton, Sopr. ; Royal Opera Orchestra, Covent Gardens, conducted by Robert Heger.Victor.
Tristan und Isolde. Well do I know the queen / Wagner. I Pagliacci. Un tal gioco = Such a game's not worth playing / Leoncavallo.Edoardo Ferrari-Fontana.Columbia.
Bridal Chorus From Lohengrin Wagner.Victor Opera Chorus; Orchestra.
From the heart / Wagner ; Shuman.Al Caiola and His Magic Guitars ; Dick Kuhn.
Lohengrin : Prelude, Act 3 / Wagner.Boston Symphony Orchestra ; Dr. Karl Murk, conductor.
Tristan und Isolde : Isolde! Tristan! Geliebter = Isolde! Tristan! beloved ; love duet ; act 2 / Wagner.Frida Leider, soprano ; Lauritz Melchior, tenor ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Siegfried : Jammernd verlangen junge = Always the tender young ones ; act 1 / Wagner.L. Melchoir, Ten. ; H. Tessmer, Ten. ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Robert Heger, conductor.
Götterdämmerung ; Mime hiess ein murrischer zwerg = Mime was a crabbed old dwarf ; act 3 / Wagner.Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Leo Blech, conductor ; Laubenthal, tenor ; Zador, bass ; List, bass ; Marker, cont.
Tannhauser : Elisabeths gebet (Elizabeth's prayer) : Part 2 (Act 3) / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano with orchestra ; Hans Lange, director.
Siegfried : Die walküre mein'st du = The valkyrie mean'st thou ; act 3 / Wagner.Maria Olczewska, cont. ; Emil Schipper, bar. ; Vienna State Opera Orchestra ; Karl Alvin, conductor.
Act I : Love potion duet : Wohl kenn' ich Irlands konigin (Well known is Ireland's queen) / Wagner.symphony orchestra ; tenor ; soprano.
Die Götterdämmerung ; Brünnhilde's Immolation : Part 3 ; Mein erbe nun = Redeemed, my hand (Act 3) / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano ; San Francisco Opera Orchestra ; Edwin McArthur, conductor.
Song to the evening star : from "Tannhauser" ; Toreador song : from "Carmen" ; Soldier's chorus : from "Faust" ; Woman is fickle : from "Rigoletto" / Wagner ; Bizet ; Gounod ; Verdi.Victor Orchestra.
Isolda's love death : mild und leise : fair and gently / Wagner.soprano with Symphony Orchestra.
Siegfried. O weib! jetzt lösche den brand = O maid! now quench thou the fire! / Wagner.L. Melchior, tenor ; F. Easton, soprano ; Royal Opera Orchestra, Covent Gardens ; Robert Heger, conductor.Victor.
Spinning song : From "The Flying Dutchman", part 1, part 2 / Wagner ; Liszt.Ignace Jan Paderewski.
March from Tannhäuser / Wagner.Grenadier Guards Band.Berliner.
Die walkure : Ein greis in grauem gewand / Wagner.Germaine Lubin.
Gotterdammerung. Wagner.Berlin State Opera Orchestra; Karl Much.
Tristan Und Isolde. Wagner.Orchestra Of The Colon Opera House Buenos Aires; Roberto Kinsky.
Pilgrims' march / Richard Wagner, music.Municipal Military Band, London.Berliner.
Wedding march : Midsummer night's dream / Mendelssohn ; [performed by] Leo Le Sieur. Bridal chorus : Lohengrin / Wagner ; [performed by] Leo Le Sieur.Léo Le Sieur, pipe organ.
Motives from "The Ring of the Nibelungs", nos. 23 to 48 / Wagner.London Symphony Orchestra ; Lawrance Collingwood, conductor.
Der augen leuchtendes paar = Thy brightly glittering eyes : from "Die walkure" = "The valkyrie" / Wagner.Friedrich Schorr, baritone with orchestra accompaniment.
Gotterdammerung. Wagner.Berlin State Opera Orchestra; Karl Muck.
Tannhauser : O douce étoile = Song to the evening star / Wagner.Maurice Renaud, with orchestra.
Under the double eagle / Wagner.London's Regimental Band.
Lohengrin--"Mein Lieber Schwan" / Wagner.Leo Slezak (vocal) ; Orchestra (?).
Lohengrin : bridal march : introduction to Act 3 / Wagner.Victor Herbert's Orchestra.
Die Meistersinger--Overture / Wagner.Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Karl Muck (cond.).
Under the double eagle / Wagner.Bill Boyd and his Cowboy Ramblers.
Hat mann mit dem schuhwerk (A shoemaker's life is aye full of care) ; (Duet: Sacha and Eva, 2nd record) ; (Act 3: Die Meistersinger) / Wagner.Elisabeth Rethberg, soprano ; Friedrich Schorr, baritone with orch.
Tannhauser march, or, Fest march / Wagner.Sousa's Band.
O Siegfried! Siegfried! Seliger Held! (O Siegfried! Siegfried! hero blest!) / Wagner.L. Melchior, Tenor ; F. Easton, Soprano ; Robert Heger, conductor of the Royal Opera Orchestra, Covent Garden.Gramophone.
Spinning Song--abridged / Wagner ; Liszt.Sapellnikoff (piano).
Siegrfried's funeral march / Richard Wagner.Vessella's Italian Band.
Tannhauser march, or, Fest march / Wagner.Sousa's Band.
Lohengrin : Wedding march, act 3 / Wagner.Mark Andrews.
Tannhauser. Wagner.Victor Brass Quartet.
The Leading Motives of Wagner's "Ring"--Lecture 100 / Peter Latham.Peter Latham (speech, piano) ; Norman Smith (piano).
Siegfried. Prelude, act 1 (In the depths of the forest) / Wagner.London Symphony Orchestra ; conducted by Robert Heger.Victor.
Motives from "The Ring of the Nibelungs", nos. 1 to 22 / Wagner.London Symphony Orchestra ; Lawrance Collingwood, conductor.
Tristan und Isolde : O Sink' Hernieder, Nacht der Liebe = O sink upon us, night of love ; love duet ; act 2 / Wagner.Frida Leider, soprano ; Lauritz Melchior, tenor ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Siegfried : Ha ! ha ! dat hatte mein lied mir was liebes erblasen ! = At last my lay something lovely has brought me ! ; act 2 / Wagner.L. Melchoir,tenor ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Robert Heger, conductor.
Under the double eagle / Wagner.London Regimental Band.
Siegfried : Ewig war ich, ewig bin ich = Ever lived I, ever live I / Wagner.L. Melchior, tenor ; F. Easton, soprano ; Robert Heger, conductor ; Royal Opera Orchestra, Covent Garden.Victor.
Tristan und isolde : Isoldes liebestod : Part 1 (Isolde's love death) (Act 3) / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano with orchestra ; Hana Lange, director.
Tristan und Isolde ; Love duet ; Concluded : Soll der tag = Must not daylight (Act 2) / Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano ; Lauritz Melchior, tenor ; San Francisco Opera Orchestra ; Edwin McArthur, conductor.
Siegfried. Ewig war ich, ewig bin ich = Ever lived I, ever live I / Wagner.L. Melchior, Tenor ; F. Easton, Soprano ; Robert Heger, conductor of the Royal Opera Orchestra, Covent Garden.Victor.
Götterdämmerung ; Begrusse froh, o held = O hero, gladly greed thee ; act 1 / Wagner.London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor ; Ljungberg, soprano ; Walter Widdop, tenor ; Collier, bass ; Fear, baritone.
Parsifal : Prelude : Concluded (Act 1) / Wagner.Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Karl Muck, conductor.
Meistersinger. Wagner.Sousa's Band.
Götterdämmerung ; Zu neuen taten = To deeds of glory ; prelude dawn / Wagner.London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor ; Florence Austral, soprano ; Walter Widdop, tenor.
Die Meistersinger Overture : Concluded / Wagner.
Götterdämmerung ; Es ragt die burg = Still towers the fort / Wagner.London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor ; Noel Eadie, soprano ; Evelyn Arden, soprano ; Gladys Palmer, contralto.
Tristan und Isolde. Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad, soprano; San Francisco Opera Orchestra; Edwin McArthur, conductor.
Das rheingold : Erda's warning / Wagner.Edyth Walker.
Siegfried. Heil dir, sonne! (Sun, I hail thee) / Wagner.L. Melchior, Tenor ; F. Easton, Soprano ; Robert Heger, conductor of the Royal Opera Orchestra, Covent Garden.RCA Victor.
Siegfried : Dein haupt pfand = thy head stak'st thou ; act 1 / Wagner.F. Schorr, Bar. ; H. Tessmer,tenor ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Robert Heger, conductor.
Götterdämmerung ; Wollt ihr wissen = When this cometh / Wagner.London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor ; Noel Eadie, soprano ; Evelyn Arden, soprano ; Gladys Palmer, contralto.
Siegfried : Stark ruft das lied = Strong is the cold ; act 3 / Wagner.Maria Olczewska, Cont. ; Emil Schipper, Bar. ; Vienna State Opera Orchestra ; Karl Alvin, conductor.
Sweet lovin' mama : please come back to me / Wagner ; Lockard.Ladd's Black Aces.
Love duet : part three : so sturben wir : so might we die / Wagner.soprano & tenor with Symphony Orchestra.
Siegfried : Er schafft sich ein scharfes schwert = He shapes him a sharp edged sword ; act 1 / Wagner.Lauritz Melchoir, Ten. ; Albert Reiss, Ten. ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Heil dir, sonne! (Sun, I hail thee!) (Brunnhilde awakes to greet the world) / Wagner.L. Melchior, Tenor ; F. Easton, Soprano ; Robert Heger, conductor of the Royal Opera Orchestra, Covent Garden.Gramophone.
Götterdämmerung ; Ein kuhner gott = Adauntless god / Wagner.London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor ; Noel Eadie, soprano ; Evelyn Arden, soprano ; Gladys Palmer, contralto.
Trisan's delirium : das schiff siehet du's nocht nicht : the ship see at through yet / Wagner.tenor & Baritone with Symphony Orchestra.
Siegfried. O weib! jetzt lösche den brand = O maid! now quench thou the fire! / Wagner.L. Melchior, tenor ; F. Easton, Sopr. ; Royal Opera Orchestra, Covent Gardens, conducted by Robert Heger.Victor.
Tannhauser. Wagner.Edyth Walker.
Die gotterdammerung :Act 1 : Waltrautes erzahlung (Concluded) : So silzt er, sagt kein wort = So sits he, speaking no word / Wagner.Kerstein Thorborg, contralto ; Victor Symphony Orchestra ; Karl Riedel, conductor.
Götterdämmerung ; Lass' ich, liebste, dich hier = If my love I must leave ; prelude / Wagner.London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor ; Florence Austral, soprano ; Walter Widdop, tenor.
Da Friede, Suhn' Und Freundschaft. Wagner.Kirsten Flagstad; Elisabeth Hongen; Philharmonia Orchestra; Issay Dobrowen.
Tannhauser overture : march : act 2 / Wagner.Victor Symphony Orchestra ; J. Pasternack, director.
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