In the golden autumn time my sweet Elaine / [Richard H. Gerard, lyrics ; S.R. Henry, music]. | [Byron G. Harlan ; Frank C. Stanley], duet. | Edison. |
Sweet Adeline, or, You're the flower of my heart, sweet Adeline / Richard H. Gerard, lyrics ; Henry W. Armstrong, music. | Haydn Quartette. | Berliner. |
Follow the crowd on a Sunday / [Armstrong] ; [Gerard]. | Harry Macdonough, with orchestra accompaniment. | Berliner. |
You're the flower of my heart, sweet Adeline / Harry Armstrong, music ; Richard H. Gerard, lyrics. | Columbia Quartette. | |
Sweet Adeline, or, You're the flower in my heart, sweet Adeline / Richard H. Gerard ; Harry Armstrong. | Peerless Quartet, male quartet with orchestra. | |
You're the flower of my heart, sweet Adeline / Armstrong, music ; [Gerard, lyrics]. | Columbia Stellar Quartette. | Columbia |
Sweet Adeline / Gerard, Armstrong. | Rex Rrivers. | |