Recherche – Gramophone virtuel

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3 résultat(s) trouvé(s) pour « W. Davis, Frank. ».
TitreInterprèteÉtiquette générique
Saviour, Lead Me Lest I Stray Frank W Davis.Henry Burr.Columbia
Saviour, Lead Me, Lest I Stray Frank W Davis.Orchestra Accompaniment; Henry Burr.Columbia
I'd love to meet that old sweetheart of mine / Benny Davis ; Joe Burke ; [performed by] Henry Burr. Put your arms where they belong : (for they belong to me) / Davis ; Santly, Ackman ; [performed by] Henry Burr.Side A: Henry Burr and Peerless Quartet with Frank Banta at the piano ; Side B: Henry Burr with instrumental ensemble (including Bruno Reibold, celeste, and Rosario Bourdon, piano).
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