Recherche – Gramophone virtuel

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31 résultat(s) trouvé(s) pour « W. A. ».
TitreInterprèteÉtiquette générique
La chanson du pauvre aveugle [enregistrement sonore].Damase Dubuisson, baryton ; imitations de Forget, le violoneux ; W. Lemaire ; A. Desmarais, violon et piano.Compo.
I kiss your hand, Madame / W.A., [lyrics] ; Erwin, [Ralph], [music].Hubert Eisdell, Tenor with Orchestra.Columbia.
Bye and bye you will forget me / [Arthur W. French, lyrics] ; [William A. Huntley, music].[Harry Macdonough ; John H. Bieling, duet].Edison.
Bye and bye you will forget me / French ; Huntley.Elsie Baker ; Frederick Wheeler, duet with orchestra.
When you and I were young, Maggie / [James A.] Butterfield.Frank Coombs.Columbia Indestructible.
When you and I were young, Maggie / Butterfield.Will Oakland.Edison.
Sweet hour of prayer / William B. Bradbury, music ; [William Walford, lyrics].Mrs. A. Stewart Holt, contralto solo.Columbia
She must be a wonderful girl / Malcolm, lyrics ; Herbert, music.Al. Plunkett, with orchestra.Victor.
That's what the Germans sang / [Heelan, lyrics] ; [Helf, music].Dan W. Quinn.His Master's Voice.
Sweet hour of prayer / William B. Bradbury, music ; [William Walford, lyrics].Mrs. A. Stewart Holt, contralto solo.Columbia
When Mother used to sing that song / Raymond A. Browne, lyrics and music.J.W. Myers.Berliner.
The way to kiss a girl / Raymond A. Browne, lyrics and music.Mr. Dan W. Quinn.Berliner.
Are you going to dance? : from "The Count of Luxembourg / Franz Lehar ; sung by Beulah Gaylord Young and Charles W. Harrison. Where the edelweiss is blooming : from "Hanky panky" / A. Baldwin Sloane sung by Beulah Gaylord Young, Henry Burr and Peerless Quartette.Beulah Gaylord Young, vocals ; Charles Harrison, vocals (Side B) ; Henry Burr, vocals (Side B) ; Peerless Quartette, vocals (Side B).Columbia
Under the mistletoe bough / [Will A. Heelan ; J. Fred Helf, lyrics and music].Dan W. Quinn.Berliner.
She must be a wonderful girl / Malcolm, lyrics ; Herbert, music.Al. Plunkett, with orchestra.Victor.
In a Persian market - part 2 : Snake-charmer ; Caliph passes ; Beggars again ; Princess departs ; Caravan proceeds ; Market deserted ; Call to prayer from minaret / [Ketèlbey].Princess Orchestra ; A.E. Bray, conductor.Berliner.
Bye and bye you will forget me / [Arthur W. French, lyrics ; William A. Huntley, music].Messers. Dudley ; Macdonough.Berliner.
Some day I'll wander back again / Huntley, music ; [French, lyrics].Harry McClaskey, tenor with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
She knew a lobster when saw one / R.M. Skinner, lyrics ; A. Baldwin Sloane, music.George W. Johnson.Berliner.
Because you're here / Robe ; Rice. Heart to heart (I hold you dear) / Valentine ; Vanderpool.Edward Johnson, tenor, with orchestra (Because you're here) ; Edward Johnson, tenor, with orchestra (Heart to heart)
She knew a lobster when saw one / R.M. Skinner, lyrics ; A. Baldwin Sloane, music.Dan W. Quinn.Berliner.
The daisy and the butterfly / Ehrlich ; Keiser.Mr. J.W. Myers, baritone solo.Berliner.
When You And I Were Young, Maggie J A Butterfield; G W Johnson.Bob Hannon; Jesse Crawford.
Bye and bye you will forget me / Arthur W. French, lyrics ; William A. Huntley, music.Dudley ; Macdonough, vocal duet.Berliner.
Galloping / [E. Boyd-Jones ; Paul Rubens, lyrics] ; Leslie Stuart, music.Miss Cutler ; Mr. Bradfield [Louis?].Berliner.
In a Persian market - part 1 : Camel-drivers approach ; Beggars ("Backsheesh-Allah") ; Princess approaches ; The jugglers / Ketelbey.Princess Orchestra ; A.E. Bray, conductor.Berliner.
Under the mistletoe bough / Will A. Heelan ; J. Fred Helf, lyrics and music.Dan W. Quinn.Berliner.
The Marriage Of Figaro. Da Ponte; W A Mozart.Lotte Lehmann; With Orchestra.
Under the mistletoe bough / [Will A. Heelan ; J. Fred Helf, lyrics and music].Dan W. Quinn.Berliner.
That mellow melody / Lewis ; Meyer. The passing show of 1912 : The wedding glide / Hirsch.Walter J. Van Brunt, tenor, with orchestra (That mellow melody) ; Ada Jones and Billy Murray with orchestra (The wedding glide)
Sweet hour of prayer / William B. Bradbury ; the hymns of the old church choir / Solman.Mrs. A. Stewart Holt, contralto solo [side a] ; Peerless Quartette, vocal quartette, male voices with orchestra accomp. [side b].Columbia
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