J'aime les fleurs, ou, [One hour of flirt with you] [enregistrement sonore] / Boyer, paroles françaises ; Darewska [Darewski], musique. | Lucien Boyer. | Starr. |
Guards' brigade / [Darewski]. | Metropolitan Military Band, military band. | Victor. |
If you could care for me ; Kiss me again ; Bitter sweet waltz / Darewski ; Herbert ; Coward. | Charlie Kunz, piano solo. | |
If you could care : from the musical comedy "As you were" / Darewski ; Wimperis. | Frances Alda, soprano with orchestra. | |
The empire will be your daddy / Darewski. | Florrie Forde. | |
Guards' brigade / [Darewski]. | Metropolitan Military Band, military band. | Victor. |
Our own dear flag / de Courville ; Darewski. | Bertram Wallis and chorus, with orchestra accompaniment. | |
Sister Susie's sewing shirts for soldiers / Hermann E. Darewski. | Billy Murray. | |
If you could care : from "As you were" waltz / Darewski. | Sascha Jacobsen, violin solo ; Emanuel Balaban, piano. | |
Aldershot command searchlight tattoo : Guard brigade march / Darewski. | Massed Bands of the Aldershot Command ; Leslie Seymour, conductor. | |
If you could care ; Ninon was a naughty girl / Herman Darewski. | Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra. | |
If you could care / Darewski, music. | Henri's Orchestra. | Berliner. |
Remember where you come from / Darewski. | Florrie Forde. | |