Recherche – Gramophone virtuel

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4 résultat(s) trouvé(s) pour « Croyer, Nat. C. ».
TitreInterprèteÉtiquette générique
Heigh-ho : from "The Echo" / Nat. C. Croyer. Every little movement : from "Madame Sherry" / [Hoschna].Frederick Bowers, tenor solo [with] orchestra accompaniment [side a]; Miss M. Mayew and Henry Burr, mezzo soprano and tenor duet [with] orchestra accompaniment [side b].Columbia
Heigh-ho :from "The echo" /Nat C. Croyer.Frederick V. Bowers, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
Heigh-ho :from "The echo" /Nat C. Croyer.Frederick V. Bowers, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
Heigh-ho :from "The echo" /Nat C. Croyer.Frederick V. Bowers, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
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