Recherche – Gramophone virtuel

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6 résultat(s) trouvé(s) pour « Brown, Fred,1890-1949. ».
TitreInterprèteÉtiquette générique
Love, here is my heart = [Chère, à toi mon coeur] / Silesu.Fred H. Brown, saxophone with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
Love, here is my heart = [Chère, à toi mon coeur] / Silesu.Fred H. Brown, saxophone with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
Kiss me again, or, [If I were on the stage] / Herbert.Fred H. Brown, saxophone with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
Somewhere a voice is calling / James W. Tate.Fred Allen.Columbia.
Kiss me again, or, [If I were on the stage] / Herbert.Fred H. Brown, saxophone with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
The sunshine of your smile / Ray. Somewhere a voice is calling / Tate.Fred Allen [i.e. Fred H. Brown], saxophone ; with orchestra--Cf. The Columbia master book discography / Rust and Brooks, 1999.Columbia.
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