Ting-a-ling : [enregistrement sonore] / la valse des cloches = [The waltz of the bells] Beaudry, traducteur ; Britt, paroles anglaises ; Little, musique. | Hercule Lavoie, baryton avec violon et piano. | Compo. |
Was it a dream? (Fué un sueno?) / Coslow, Spier and Britt. | Jan Garber and his orchestra (vocal chorus by Sonny Faircloth). | |
Était-ce un rêve : [enregistrement sonore] / sur l'air de "Was it a dream" Poirier, [traducteur?] ; Britt ; [Coslow] ; [Spier]. | Fernand Perron, ténor avec piano, violon et 'cello. | Victor. |
Horses / Richard A. Whiting ; Byron Gay ; Frank Skinner. I'm gonna let the bumble bee be / Jack Little ; Addy Brit. | Six Jumping Jacks. | |
Ting-a-ling The waltz of the bells / J. Little ; A. Britt. | Ken Griffin. | |
Was it a dream? = Fué acaso un sueño / Coslow ; Spier ; Britt. | Waring's Pennsylvanians ; Tom Waring, vocal refrain ; [George Culley, trumpet] ; [Fred Culley, violin]. | Victor. |
Was it a dream ? / Coslow ; Spier ; Britt. | Jack Arthur and his Serenaders, vocal and intrumental quartette. | |
Where's my sweetie hiding? = Savez-vous où est mon amie? / Malie, lyrics ; Finch, music ; Britt, lyrics ; Little, music. | The Windsor Hotel Orchestra (Harold Leonard and his Red Jackets). | Victor. |
Ting-ling (Waltz of the bells) (ding-din-dong) (Valse des cloches) / Britt ; Little. | Waring's Pennsylvanians with vocal chorus. | |