Recherche – Gramophone virtuel

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12 résultat(s) trouvé(s) pour « Bohm, Carl,1844-1920. ».
TitreInterprèteÉtiquette générique
Calm as the night / Böhm.Reinald Werrenrath, baritone, accompaniment by Victor Orchestra.
Comme la nuit que ton amour soit grand = [enregistrement sonore] / Still as the night Carl Bohm.P.A. Asselin.Brunswick.
Gavotte Bohm.Mischa Elman.
Still wie die nacht (Calm as the night) / Böhm.Florence Easton, Soprano with Orchestra in German.Brunswick.
Calm as the night / Bohm. Just a-wearyin' for you / Carrie Jacobs Bond.Kathleen Howard, contralto ; Orch Acc.
Still as the night, or, Calm as the night = Still wie die Nacht / [Karl Böhm [i.e. Carl Bohm], lyrics and music].Mme Benzing, contralto solo.Berliner.
Calm As The Night Bohm; Andrews.Associated Glee Clubs Of America.
Calm as the night / Bohm.Joseph Saucier, baritone with piano accompaniment.Berliner.
Still wie die nacht (Calm as the night) / Böhm.Florence Easton, soprano with Orchestra in German.Brunswick.
Still as the night / [Bohm].Madam Romaine.Berliner.
Calm as the night / Cooker ; Bohm.Elsie Baker, contalto, orc. acc.
Calm As The Night Bohm.Barbara Maurel; Orchestra Accompaniment.
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