Recherche – Gramophone virtuel

Numéro d'OCLC
Vedette d'interprète
Johnson, Edward, 1878-1959.
Johnson, Edward, 1878-1959.
Edward Johnson, Tenor with Orchestra.
The want of you / Marian Gillespie, lyrics ; Vanderpool, music.
Vedette de compositeur
Gillespie, Marian, 1889-1946.
Vanderpool, Frederick W., 1877-1947.
Vanderpool, Frederick W., 1877-1947.
Étiquette générique
Étiquette transcrite
Berliner Gram-O-Phone Co. of Canada.
Numéro de tirage
Numéro de matrice
Numéro de face
Numéro d'album
Remarques sur l'enregistrement
Recorded: [24 Jun 1921], Montreal, QC?, Berliner Gram-O-Phone Co. of Canada.
Alternate issues: [Victor : 64985] (American single-faced issue).
Comments: Text transcribed from label/Texte transcrit de l'étiquette: Patented 1903, 1908 Manufactured in Canada from Victor Talking Machine Co's Matrices. Licensed in Canada; trade mark "Victor"; Licensed for sale only at current catalog price.
Comments: Additional information/information additionnelle: B preceeding the matrix no. indicates a 10" record.
Discographical reference: The Tenor of his Time : Edward Johnson of the Met, matrix number, recording date.; Victor Records History of Recorded Sound in Canada (, release date.
Distributor: Berliner Gram-O-Phone Co. of Canada.
Issue type: primary label.
Released: [ca 1926].
Alternate issues: [Victor : 64985] (American single-faced issue).
Comments: Text transcribed from label/Texte transcrit de l'étiquette: Patented 1903, 1908 Manufactured in Canada from Victor Talking Machine Co's Matrices. Licensed in Canada; trade mark "Victor"; Licensed for sale only at current catalog price.
Comments: Additional information/information additionnelle: B preceeding the matrix no. indicates a 10" record.
Discographical reference: The Tenor of his Time : Edward Johnson of the Met, matrix number, recording date.; Victor Records History of Recorded Sound in Canada (, release date.
Distributor: Berliner Gram-O-Phone Co. of Canada.
Issue type: primary label.
Released: [ca 1926].
1 audio disc : 78 rpm, mono ; 10 in.
Populaire (musique)
Popular music
Popular Music--1921-1930.
Musique populaire
Musique populaire
Musique Populaire--1921-1930.
Popular music.
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