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509 result(s) found for "Verdi.".
TitlePerformerGeneric Label
Don Carlo. Verdi.Giannina Russ.
Otello. Verdi.Riccardo Stracciari.
Trovatore Selection Part 2 Verdi; Tavan.Peerless Orchestra.
Rigoletto Quartet. Verdi.Victor Opera Quartet.
Trovatore Selection Part 1 Verdi; Tavan.Peerless Orchestra.
Aida. Verdi.Marie Rappold; Giovanni Zenatello.
Aida. Verdi.Eva Turner; With Orchestra.
Anvil Chorus. Verdi.Victor Orchestra; B Rogers.
Anvil Chorus. Verdi.New York Light Opera Co.
Di Quella Pira. Verdi.Jan Kiepura; With Orchestral Accompaniment.
Rigoletto : act iv : la donna e mobile ("woman is fickle") / Verdi.tenor ; soprano ; Mezzo-soprano ; baritone, with symphony orchestra.
Rigoletto : act iii compiuto pur quanto ("i think what remains yet for me") / Verdi.Baritone ; soprano ; Baritone, with symphony orchestra.
Rigoletto : act i rigoletto's introduction / Verdi.tenor ; baritone ; vocal ensemble, with chorus & symphony orchestra.
Rigoletto : belle figlia del' amore : fairest daughter of the graces / Verdi.Quartet ; Galli-Curci ; Perini ; Caruso ; de Lucca, with Orchestra.
Rigoletto : act iv quartet-bella figlia dell' amore ("fairest daughter of the graces" / Verdi.tenor ; soprano ; Mezzo-soprano ; baritone, with symphony orchestra.
Rigoletto : act ii caro nome ("dearest name") / Verdi.soprano, with symphony orchestra.
Rigoletto : act iii tutte le feste ("on every festal morning") / Verdi.Soprano ; baritone, with symphony orchestra.
Rigoletto : act i introduction / Verdi.tenor ; baritone ; vocal ensemble, with chorus & symphony orchestra.
Rigoletto : act iii cortigiani, vil razza dannata ("courtiers, foul race") / Verdi.Baritone ; vocal ensemble with chorus and symphony orchestra.
Rigoletto : act i questa o quella ("mid the fair throng") / Verdi.tenor ; baritone ; vocal ensemble, with chorus & symphony orchestra.
Aida. Verdi.Claudia Muzio.
Aida. Verdi.Claudia Muzio.
Ernani. Verdi.Celestina Boninsegna.
La Forza Del Destino. Verdi.Coro Della Scala.
Ernani, Ernani Involami. Verdi.Frieda Hempel; With Orchestra.
Aida. Verdi.Cyrena Van Gordon; With Orchestra Accompaniment.
Rigoletto Paraphrase Verdi; Liszt.Leopold Godowsky.
Ernani. Verdi.Fernando Delucia.
Traviata. Verdi.Riccardo Stracciari; With Orchestra Accompaniment; Giorgio Polacco.
Aida. Verdi.Emmy Destinn; Orchestra Accompaniment.
Otello. Verdi.Claudia Muzio; F Merli.
La Forza Del Destino. Verdi.Rosa Ponselle; Chorus; Orchestra.
Traviata. Verdi.Marcella Sembrich; With Orchestra.
Aida. Verdi.Margarete Matzenauer; With Orchestra.
Caro Nome. Verdi.Marcella Sembrich; With Orchestra.
Trovatore. Verdi.Johanna Gadski; Victor Orchestra.
Rigoletto. Verdi.Manfredi Polverosi; Orchestra Accompaniment.
Ballo In Maschera Verdi.Alessandro Bonci; Orchestra Accompaniment.
Aida. Verdi.Creatore's Band.
Ernani. Verdi.Edouard De Reszke.
Involami Ernani. Verdi.Claudia Muzio; With Orchestra.
Trovatore. Verdi.Enrico Caruso.
Otello. Verdi.Claudia Muzio; F Merli.
Aida. Verdi.Creatore's Band.
Aida. Verdi.John A Finnegan; Orchestra.
Otello. Verdi.Gustave Berl-resky; With Orchestra.
Rigoletto. Verdi.Enrico Caruso ; Victor Symphony Orchestra.
Aida. Verdi.Hipolito Lazaro; With Orchestra Accompaniment.
Don Carlos. Verdi.Leon Rothier With Orchestra Accompaniment.
Rigoletto. Verdi; Liszt.Vladimir De Pachmann.
Aida. Verdi.Celestina Boninsegna; Acompanamiento De Orquesta.
Ah! Fors' E Lui. Verdi.Bidu Sayao; Orchestra; Erich Leinsdorf.
Traviata. Verdi.Victor Symphony Orchestra; Josef Pasternack.
Requiem Mass. Verdi.Maria Caniglia; Rome Royal Opera Chorus; Orchestra; Tullio Serafin.
Requiem Mass. Verdi.Maria Caniglia; Rome Royal Opera Chorus; Orchestra; Tullio Serfain.
Requiem Mass. Verdi.Maria Caniglia; Rome Royal Opera Chorus; Orchestra; Tullio Serafin.
Don Carlo. G Verdi.Tancredi Pasero; Grande Orch ; M O Ugo Tansini.
Requiem Mass. Verdi.Maria Caniglia; Rome Royal Opera Chorus; Orchestra; Tullio Serafin.
Rigoletto / Giuseppe Verdi, music.M. Quaranta, clarinet.Berliner.
Forza del destino / Giuseppe Verdi, music.M. Romolo Quaranto, clarinet solo.Berliner.
Parmi verder le lagrime / W. Piave, lyrics ; G. Verdi, music.M. Romolo Quaranto, clarinet solo.Berliner.
Il Trovatore. Verdi.Maria Duchene.
La traviata : Brindisi : libiamo, libiamo ne lieti calici / Verdi.Deanna Durbin, as sung in her film "100 men and a girl."Brunswick.
Rigoletto / W. Piave, lyrics ; G. Verdi, music.Carlo Ulivieri, clarinet solo.Berliner.
Woman is fickle = La donna è mobile / Verdi.Hughes Macklin, tenor with orchestra.Berliner.
Quartette from Rigoletto / Verdi.Frank Croxton Quartette (i.e. Croxton Quartet).Edison
La traviata : ah, fors' e lui / Verdi.Giuseppina Huguet ; Con accompagnement d'orchestra.
Il trovatore : 1. Act 1 : Introduction :All'erta! all'eerta! (Arouse ye! arouse ye!) / Verdi.Bianca Scacciati ; Ida Mannarini ; Milan Symphony Orchestra.
Un ballo in maschera : act 2 amelia's aria: "here is the gloomy spot" / Verdi.Vera Schwarz, with orchestra ; Dr. Weissmann.
Merce, dilette amiche : (Bolero) (My thanks, good friends) : I vespri Siciliani (Act 5) : Soribe & Duveyrier / Verdi.Rina Gigli, soprano ; Royal Opera House Orchestra, Covent Garden ; Hugo Rignold, conductor.
Un ballo in maschera : Ma dall'arrdo siclo divuls : Atto 2.0 / Verdi ; A. Somma.Maria Caniolia ; Orchestro Del "Teatre Reale Dell'Opera" - Roma ; Tullio Serafin.
Aida / Verdi (33. atto IV) scena seconda Morir si para e bella.G. Armanini (tenor orch. accomp.).
Celeste Aida, forma divina (A. 1.0) : Aida / Verdi.Michele Fleta, tenore.
Otello : Iago's creed / Verdi.Pasqual Amato, baritone ; accompaniment by Victor orchestra.
La forza del destino : Rataplan / Verdi.Ebe Stignani.
Anvil Chorus / Verdi.Victor Orchestra.
Aida : Heavenly Aida = Aida : Celeste Aida : act 1 / Verdi.Hughes Macklin, tenor with orchestra.
Rigoletto : pari siamo (we are equal) / Verdi.Riccardo Stracciari, with orch. accomp.
Don Carlos : Act IV : Aria : Dormiro soi ne! manio mio regal / Giuseppe Verdi.Cesare Siepi, bass ; Artura Basile, conductor.
La traviata : Act 2: Pura siccome un angelo (fair as a rose in paradise) / Verdi.Mecedes Capsir ; Carlo Galeffi.
Le trouvère : la vengeance du gipsy = gypsy's vengeance / Verdi.Signor Digiorgi, baryton.
Il lacerato spirito : Dall' opera "Simon Boccanegra" / Verdi.Augusto Beuf ; Con Proff. Orchestre Del Teatro Delia "Scala" - Milano ; M. O. U. Berrettoni.
Requiem Mass : Dies irea, part 4 ("Quid sum miser?") / Verdi.Caniglia, sop. ; Stignani, mezzo-sop. ; Gigli, tenor ; Rome Royal Opera Chorus and Orchestra ; Tullio Serafin, conductor.
Ernani : Ah! que dit'elle : O somma Carlo (Act 3) / Verdi.Dinn Gilly.
Don Carlo : A. 3.o partie 1.a : Cantabile di filippo : P. 2.a "Dormiro sol nel manto mio regal" / G. Verdi.Tancredi Pasero ; Grande Orch. ; Ugo Tansini.
Il trovatore : Act II : [Unreadable] se'era in ceppi : Take him to prison / Verdi.Karin Branzell, contralto with orchestra.
Rigoletto : Bella figlia dell' amore = Fairest daughter of the graces / Verdi.Giuseppina Huguet ; Emma Zaccario ; Carmelo Lanzirotti ; Francesco Cigada.
Infelice / Verdi.Ezio Pinza ; Con acc orchestra.
Trovatore : di quella pira (tremble, ye tyrants) (act 3) / Verdi.Francesco Tamagno, with pianoforte.
Rigolwtto : La donna o mobile (Woman is fickle) / Verdi.Tom Burke, tenor solo with orchestra.
Ai nostri monti : from "Il trovatore" / Verdi[ ; Giuseppe ;1813;1901].Julia Henrich, soprano ; Guido Ciccolini, tenor.
Il trovatore : Di due figli (Two fair children) / Verdi.Tancredi Pasero, and chorus.
Miserere / Verdi.Agnes Kimball and Charles Harrison, soprano tenor and male chorus with orchestra.
Waltz from la traviata : from oper "La traviata" / G. Verdi.P. Peppino, accordion solo.
Anvil chorus : from "Il trovatore" / Verdi.Victor Orchestra.
Il Trovatore : Miserere = I have sigh'd to rest me / Verdi.Ida Giacomelli and signor Martinez-Patti with La Scala chorus and orchestra.
Rigoletto : Pari siamo (Act I, scene II) / Verdi.Riccardo Stracciara, baritone solo with orchestra accompaniment.
Requiem Mass : Dies irea, part 6 ("Recordare Jesu pie") / Verdi.Caniglia, sop. ; Stignani, mezzo-sop. ; Rome Royal Opera Chorus and Orchestra ; Tullio Serafin, conductor.
Aida : Ritorna vincitor = Returned with victory crowned / Verdi.Carolina White, with orchestra accompaniment.
The African = L'Africana ;Oh, paradise / Verdi.Hughes Macklin, tenor with orchestra.
O don fatale = Oh, fatal gift : from "Don Carlos" / Verdi.Bruna Castagna, contralto with orchestra ; Alfredo Antonini, conductor.
Requiem mass : "confutatis maledictus" / Verdi.Henri Scott, with orchestra accompaniment.
Stride la vampa : (Atto 2.0) : Il trovatore / Verdi.Fedora Barbieri ; Con Grande Orchestra ; M.O. A. Sabino.
Ballo in maschera, Act 1 : All vita che t'arride = The life thou dost cherish / Verdi.Riccardo Stracciari, baritone solo, sung in Italian, with orchestra accompaniment.
Troubadour : Eine zigeunerin, furchtbar zu schauen (Abietta zingara) (Italienisch gesungen) / Verdi.Tancredi Pasero ; MIT Orchesterbegieitung.
Traviata : Ah! fors' e lui (Me my heart foretold) / Verdi.Blanche Arral, soprano ; Victor Orchestra.
Di geloso amor sprezzato (Now my vengeance) / Verdi.Bernacchi - Colazza - Caronna with orchestra (Trio)0.
I vespri siciliani / Giuseppe Verdi.Cesare Siepi, bass ; Artura Basile, conductor.
Un ballo in maschera (Act 1) : Re dell' abisso affrettati (Haste, king of darkness) / Verdi ; Somma.Ebe Stignani, soprano ; Orchestra Sinfonica Dell'Eiar ; A. La Rosa Parodi, conductor.
Mal reggendo all' aspro assalto (At my mercy I lay the foe) / Verdi.Esposito - Collaza with orchestra (duet).
Rigoletto : tutte le feste al temio : on every festal morning / Verdi.Amelita Gali-Curci, soprano with Orchestra.
Rigoletto--Paraphrase de Concert / Verdi;trans. Liszt.Egon Petri.
Rigoletto "Cortigianl, vil razza dannata" (Vile race of courtiers) / Verdi.Riccardo Stracciari, baritone solo with orchestra accompaniment ; Giorgio Polacco.
Aida / Verdi (34. atto V) duetto finale O terra addio.L. Remondini (soprano) G. Tommasini (tenor orch. accomp.).
Mal reggendo all' aspro assalto (At my mercy I lay the foe) / Verdi.Esposito - Collaza with orchestra (duet).
Miserere / Verdi.Agnes Kimball and Charles Harrison (soprano, tenor and male chorus with orchestra).
Heavenly Aïda : from Aïda ; Heaven may forgive you : from "Martha" ; Habanera : from "Carmen" ; Miserere : from "Trovatore" / Verdi ; Flotow ; Bizet.Victor Orchestra.
Requiem Mass : Dies irea, part 3 ("Liber scriptus proferetur") / Verdi.Ebe Stignani, mezzo-sop. ; Rome Royal Opera Chorus and Orchestra ; Tullio Serafin, conductor.
Ernani : Infelice e tu credevi (Unhappy one) (Act 1) / Verdi.Ezio Pinza, bass with orchestra.
Traviata : Di provenza il mar (Thy home in fair provence) (Act 2) / Verdi.Pasqual Amato, baritone with orchestra.
Ella Giammai m'amo : Recit. from "Don Carlos", Act IV / Verdi.Raphael Arie, bass ; l'orchestre de la Suisse Romande ; Isidore Karr, conductor.
Stride la vampa (Fierce flames are soaring) / Verdi.Lina Mileri with orchestra (soprano).
Don Carlo : Tra vol vaghi giardin' (Act 5) / Verdi.Giannina Russ.
Don Carlos : Act IV : Recitative : 'Ella glammai m'amo / Giuseppe Verdi.Cesare Siepi, bass ; Artura Basile, conductor.
Ernani : o de verd' anni miei (bright and fleeting shadows) / Verdi.Riccardo Stracciari, with orch. accomp.
Il trovatore : Il balen del suosorriso (In the brightness of her glances) (Tempest of the heart) / Verdi.Riccardo Stracciari ,baritone solo with orchestra accompaniment ; Giorgio Polacco.
Un ballo in maschera : Di tu se fedele il flutto m'aspetta (Act 1) / Verdi.Giovanni Zenatello, with chorus.
I lombardi : "qual volutta trascorrere" what joyous transports / Verdi.Edna Kaistner ; Carlo Cartica ; Cesare Alessandroni, with orchestra accompaniment.
Anvil Chorus / Verdi.Victor Orchestra.
Instrumental combination no. 7 : Heavenly Aïda : [from] "Aïda" ; Heaven may for give you : [from] "Martha" ; Habanera : [from] "Carmen" ; Miserere : [from] "Trovatore" / Verdi ; Flotow ; Bizet.Victor Orchestra.
La traviata : Act 2: E'grane il sagrifizio (the sacrifice is heavy) / Verdi.Mecedes Capsir ; Carlo Galeffi.
Il trovatore : D'amor sull' ali rosee / Verdi.Eva Turner, soprano with orchestra.
Ernani : Infelice e tu credevi (Unhappy one) (Act I) / Verdi.Ezio Pinza, bass with orchestra.
Lombardi : quai volutta : with sacred joy! : trio from act III / Verdi.Frances Alda ; Enrico Caruso ; Marcel Journet.
Lombardi : quai volutta : with sacred joy : act III / Verdi.Frances Alda ; Enrico Caruso ; Marcel Journet.
Il trovatore : 2. Act 1 Tacea la notte placida ('Twas night and all around was still) / Verdi.Bianca Scacciati ; Ida Mannarini, duet ; Milan Symphony Orchestra.
Aida. Verdi.Johanna Gadski; Enrico Caruso; Victor Orchestra.
Ah! Fors' E Lui. Verdi.Bidu Sayao; With Orchestra; Erich Leinsdorf.
Aida. G Verdi.Celestina Boninsegna; Accompanamiento De Orquesta.
Aida. Verdi.Johanna Gadski; Enrico Caruso; Victor Orchestra.
Rigoletto. Verdi.Caruso; Sembrich; Scotti; Severina; Victor Orchestra.
Miserere. G Verdi.Agnes Kimball; Charles W Harrison; Male Chorus; With Orchestra.
Anvil Chorus. Verdi.Knights Of Columbus Band; Paul Clifford.
Fish Market Verdi; Krupa; Biondi.Gene Krupa; His New Orchestra.
Domiro Sol Nel Manto Mio Regal. Verdi.Raphael Arie; L'orchestre De La Suisse Romande; Isidore Karr.
Nun Sinkt Der Abend. Giuseppe Verdi.Martha Modl; Orchester Der Stadtischen Oper Berlin; Hans Lowiein.
Dieser Flecken Kommt Immer Wieder ... Giuseppe Verdi.Martha Modl; Orchester Der Stadtischen Oper Berlin; Hans Lowiein.
Rigoletto. Verdi.John Mccormack.
Rigoletto quartet / Verdi.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sexetette.Berliner.
Gems from "Il Trovatore" / Verdi.Victor Opera Company, accompaniment by Victor Orchestra.
Gems from "Aida": Part 1 ; Almighty phtha ; Celeste Aida ; Come bind thy flowing tresses ; Love fatal power ; On to victory / Verdi.Victor Opera Company, with orchestra.
Addio del passato = Farewell to the bright visions / Verdi.Mme. Michailowa (soprano with orchestra).
Gems from "Traviata" : Part 1 / Verdi.Victor Opera Company.
Prelude of 3rd act : traviata / Verdi.Gennett Symphony Orchestra ; P. Florida, conductor.
Erani : Selection from opera "Ernani" / Verdi.Liberati's Concert Band.
Il trovatore : Act II No. 5 : anvil chorus : "La zingarella" / Verdi.Victor Male Chorus.
Gems from "Aida", part 2 : Glory to Isis ; My native land : o patria mia ; Oh king in thy power transcendent ; Fatal stone / Verdi.Victor Opera Company with orchestra.
Gems from "Rigoletto" : Pleasure calles us ; Carved upon my heart ; Love is the sun ; Woman is ficklen ; Fairest daughter / Verdi.Victor Opera Company.
Il trovatore : Anvil chorus (act 2, scene 1) / Verdi.Victor Male Chorus, English male chorus with orchestra.
Il trovatore : Anvil chorus (act 2, scene 1) / Verdi.Victor Male Chorus, English male chorus with orchestra.
Gems from "Il Trevatore" : Tremble ye tyrants di quella pira ; Tempest of the heart il balen ; Home to our mountains ; I have sighed to rest me ; Miserere / Verdi.Victor Opera Company with orchestra.
Il trovatore : anvil chorus : act 2, scene 1 / Verdi.Victor Male Chorus with orchestra.
Gems from "Aida": Part 2 ; Glory to isis ; My native land ; But oh king in thy power transcendent ; Priests to isis ; Fatal stone / Verdi.Victor Opera Company, with orchestra.
Ghost song / Verdi.Apex Symphony Orchestra.
Gems from "Aida", part 1 : Almighty phtha ; Heavenly Aida : celeste Aida ; Come, bind thy flowing tresses ; Love, finale power ; On the victory / Verdi.Victor Opera Company with orchestra.
Adia : grand march / Verdi.Vassella's Italian Band.
Rigoletto : Bella figlia dell' amore (Fairest daughter of the graces) / Verdi.Victor Opera Quartette.
Il trovatore : Anvil chorus, act 2, scene 1 / Verdi.Victor Male Chorus, w[ith] orch[estra].
Anvil chorus / Verdi.Victor Male Chorus.
Aida : march / Verdi, arr. Seredy.Brunswick Military Band.
Gems from "Traviata" : Part 2 / Verdi.Victor Opera Company.
Duet : La traviata / Guiseppi Verdi.Mme. Michailowa ; Dayidow with orchestra.
Erani : Selection from opera "Ernani" / Verdi.Liberati's Concert Band.
La traviata. Farewell to the bright visions / Verdi.Alice Nielsen, soprano ; with orchestra.
Il sol del anima [i.e. E il sol dell' anima] / Verdi.Sig. Caffetto.Berliner.
Quest e Quella [i.e. Questa o quella] / Verdi.Sig. Caffetto with orchestra.Berliner.
La Donna mobile [i.e. La Donna è mobile] / Verdi.Sig. Caffetto.Berliner.
Forza del destino. Verdi.Celestina Boninsegna, soprano, con orchestra.
Otello, Cassio's dream / Verdi.Titta Ruffo, baritone with orchestra.
Bella Figlia di Amore [i.e. Bella figlia dell'amore, Ballata] / Verdi.Caffetto.Berliner.
Et c'est moi qui déchire mon âme [enregistrement sonore] / Verdi.M. Soulacroix, baryton.Berliner.
I seem to see the tears / Verdi.Sig. Caffetto, with orchestra.Berliner.
Miserere from Il Trovatore / Verdi.Sig. Giannini.Berliner.
Ernani: Infelice, e tuo credevi = Unhappy one that I so trusted / Verdi.José Mardones, bass solo with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
Un ballo in maschera : Act II : Ma dall' arido stelo divulsa (Masked ball, younder plant enchanted) / Verdi.Celestina Boninsegna, soprano with orchestra.
Rigoletto : quartet : bella figlia dell' amore : fairest daughter of the graces : act 3 / Verdi.Bori ; Jacoby ; McCormack ; Werrenrath, quartet with orchestra.
Morte d'Otello : [from] Verdi's "Otello" / Verdi.Comm. Francesco Tamagno, tenor.
Otello : Duetto atto 1.0 : Parte 2.a : Ed io vedea / Verdi.Claudia Muzio ; Francesco Merli.
Requiem Mass : Dies irae, part 7 ("Ingemisco tanquam reus") / Verdi.Beniamino Gigli, tenor ; Rome Royal Opera Chorus and Orchestra ; Tullio Serafin, conductor.
Tacea la notte placida : from "Il trovatore" (How peaceful was the night) / Verdi.Rosa Ponselle, soprano solo with orchestra accompaniment.
Ritorna vicitor = Return victorious : Aida / Verdi.Florence Austral ; orch. ; Carlo Sabajno.
Emani : Emani involami = Emani, fly with me! : act 1 / Verdi.Rosa Ponsellle, soprano with orchestra.
Il trovatore : tacea la notte placida / Verdi.Eugenia Burzio.
Rigoletto : Tutte le feste al tempio (As on festival days I went) / Verdi.Barrientos ; Stracciari, soprano and baritone duet with orchestra accompaniment.
La traviata : "sempre libera" (i'll fulfill the round of pleasure) / Giuseppe Verdi.Florence MacBeth, with orchestra accompaniment.
Di quella pira (Tremble, ye tyrants) / Verdi.Giovanni Martinelli, tenor with orchestra. in Italian.
La ferza del destino / Giuseppi Verdi.Enrico Caruso ; Antonio Scotti, with orchestra.
Aida : act III : O cieli azzurri (Oh, azure sky) / Verdi.Celestina Boninsegna, soprano with orchestra.
Aida : Celeste Aida = Heavenly Aida / Giuseppi Verdi.Enrico Caruso, tenor with orchestra.
Un ballo in maschera : Aria di amekia P. Ia : Ma dall'arido stelo / Verdi.Eugenia Burzio, soprano ; Milano.
Pace, pace, mio dio (Atto 4.0) : La forza del destino / Verdi.Rosa Ponselle, soprano.
Otello credo = Otello's creed : act 2 / Verdi.Titta Ruffo, baritone with orch.
Rigoletto : Act I : Pari siamo (Your assassin's my equal) (Rigoletto's monologue) / Verdi.Leonard Warren, bass ; RCA Victor Orchestra ; Frieder Weissmann, conductor.
La donna é mobile (Woman is fickle) / Verdi.Enrico Caruso, tenor, with orchestra, in Italian.
Il trovatore : condotta ell'era in ceppi part 1 / Verdi.Celestina Boninsegna.
Il trovatore : condotta ell'era in ceppi part 2 / Verdi.Celestina Boninsegna.
Il trovatore : D'amour sull' ali rosere (Borne on love's pinions) / Verdi.Rosa Ponselle, soprano solo with orchestra accompaniment.
Rigoletto : la donna e mobile (woman is fickle) (act 3) / Verdi.Enrico Caruso ; symphony orchestra.
Messa da requiem : Ingemisco (Dies irae : parte 7.a / Verdi.Beniamino Gigli ; "Teatro Reale Dell'Opera" - Roma ; Tullio Serafin.
Si, pel ciel marmoreo giuro : Atto 2.o : Othello / Verdi.Caruso, ten. ; Titta Ruffo, bar. ; Con Orch.
O sommo Carlo = Oh noble Carlos / Verdi.Mattia Battistini ; Emilia Corsi ; Luigi Colazza ; Aristodemo Sillich ; La Scala chorus and orchestra.
Trovatore : di quella pira (tremble, ye tyrants) (act 2) / Verdi.Enrico Caruso, with orchestra.
Forza del destino : O tu che seno algi' angeli (Force of destiny, thou heavenly one) (Act 3) / Verdi.Enrico Caruso, tenor with orchestra.
Aida : (Act 3) : Duet (Conclusion) / Verdi ; Schanz.E. Schipper, baritone ; M. Nemeth, soprano ; Vienna State Opera Orchestra ; K. Alwin, conductor.
Traviata : ah, fors e lui : the one whom I dreamed : act 1 / Verdi.Frieda Hempel, sopr. with orch.
Il trovatore : Tacea la notte placida / Verdi.Lillian Nordica.
Un ballo in maschera : Aria di amelia : Parte IIa : Mezzanotte / Verdi.Eugenia Burzio, soprano ; Milano.
Rigoletto : quartet : bella figlia dell' amore : beauteous daughter of the graces / Verdi.Barrientos ; Gordon ; Hackett ; Stracciari, vocal quartet, orch. accomp.
Götterdämmerung ; Helle wehr = Shining spear ; act 2 / Verdi.Florence Austral, soprano ; Walter Widdop, temor ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Albert Coates, conductor.
Non imprecare, umiliati lui (Fin. opera P. 2.A) : La forza del destino / Verdi.Ponselle ; S. Martinelli ; L. Pinza.
Rigoletto : Quartet, act III bella figlia dell' amore (Fairest daughter of the graces) / Verdi.Caruso ; Sembrich ; Scotti ; Severina, with orchestra.
Ernani, act 2 : Lo vedremo, o veglio audace = I will prove, audacious Greybeard / Verdi.Titta Ruffo, baritone with orchestra in Italian.
Jo muoio (Finale opera : Parte 1.a) : La forza del destino / Verdi.Ponselle ; S. Martinelli ; L. Pinza.
La traviata : "Un di felice eterea" (Ah! ne'er forgotten day!) / Verdi.Maria Barrientos ; Charles Hackett, soprano and tenor duet with orchestra accompaniment.
Il balen (Verdi's "Il Trovatore") / Verdi.Giuseppe Campanari with orchestra accompaniment.
Dei miei bollenti spiriti (Wild my dream of youth) : Act 2 : La traviata / Verdi.Beniamino Gigli, tenor.
Rigoletto : la donna e mobile (woman is fickle) (act 3) / Verdi.Beniamino Gigli ; Members of La Scala Orchestra, Milan ; Franco Ghione.
Ernani! Ernani! / Verdi.Rosa Ponselle, soprano.
La donna e mobile (Woman is fickle) / G. Verdi.Giovanni Martinelli, tenor with orch. in Italian.
Il trovatore : "tacea la notte placida" (how peaceful was the night / Verdi.Celestina Boninsegna, with orchestra accompaniment.
Monologe : pari siamo / Verdi.Giuseppe Campanari, baritone with orchestra accompaniment.
O Patria Mia (My native land) : from Aida / Verdi.Rosa Raisa, soprano ; Aeolian Orchestra ; Gennaro Papi, conductor.
Rigoletto : la donna è mobile : woman is fickle / Verdi.Enrico Caruso, tenor with orchestra.
Il trovatore : Act II : Recitative : Qual suono = That ringing ; Aria : Per me ora fatale = The passion that inspires me ; Nuns' chorus : Ah! se l'error t'ingombra / Verdi.Leonard Warren, bass ; RCA Victor Chorus ; RCA Victor Orchestra ; Robert Shaw, conductor.
Rigoletto : La Donna E Mobile (Woman Is Fickle) / Verdi.Beniamino Gigli (tenor) ; Members of La Scala Orchestra, Milan ; Franco Ghione (cond.).
Rigoletto : La donna è mobile=Woman is fickle / Verdi.Beniamino Gigli ; Franco Ghione.
Salace! salac! (Atto 4.0) : Otello / Verdi.Rosa Ponselle, soprano.
La donna è mobile (Woman in fickle) - act III / G. Verdi.Giovanni Martinelli (tenor with orchestra in italian).
D'amor sull 'ali rosee : Atto 4.0 : Il trovatore / Verdi.Hina Spani, soprano.
Credo in un dio crudel : Atto 2.0 : Othello / Verdi.Caruso, ten. ; Titta Ruffo, bar. ; Con Orch.
O patria mia : Atto 3.0 : Aida / Verdi.Rosa Ponselle, soprano.
Ciel! mio padre : Duetto, Atto 3.0 Parte 1.a : Aida / Verdi.E. Rethberg, sopr. ; G. De Luca, bar.
Rigoletto : La donna e mobile (act 3) / Verdi.Tito Schipa.
Questa o quella (Mid the fair throng) / Verdi.Enrico Caruso, tenor, with orchestra, in Italian.
Di quella pira (That dark scaffold) (VerdiISs "Il trovatore") / Verdi.Enrico Caruso, tenor with orchestra.
Aida : celeste Aida : heavenly Adia : act 1 / Verdi.Giovanni Martinelli, tenor with orch.
Otello : Era la notte (Cassio's dream) (Act 2) / Verdi.Titta Ruffo, baritone with orchestra.
Rigoletto : Monologo : Pari siamo (We are equal) (Act 1) / Verdi.Titta Ruffo, baritone with orchestra.
Tosca : E lucevan la stelle = Stars were shining / Verdi.Beniamino Gigli ; Franco Ghione.
Parm veder le lagrinie : A. 2.0 : Rigoletto / Verdi.Tito Schipa, tenore.
Madre pietosa vergine (P. 1.A, A. 2.C) : La forza del destino / Verdi.Dusolina Giannini, soprano.
Aida : celeste Aida : heavenly Aida / Verdi.Enrico Caruso, tenor with orchestra.
Masked ball / Verdi.Caruso ; Hempel ; Duchesne ; Rothier ; De Segurola.
Addio del passato = Farewell to the bright visions : act lll / verdi.Lucrezia Bori (soprano, with orchestra).
Su dunque sorgete egizie coorti : Duetto, Atto 3.0 Parte 1.a : Rivedrai le foreste imbalsamate : Aida / Verdi.E. Rethberg, sopr. ; G. De Luca, bar.
Don Carlos : Dio che nell' alma infondere (Infuse friendship into our souls, oh Lord) (Friendship duet) (Act 1) / Verdi.Enrico Caruso ; Antonio Scotti, duet with orchestra.
Aida : O terra addio = Farewell, oh eart (part 1, act 4) / Verdi.Rosa Ponselle ; Giovanni Martinelli ; orchestra with chorus.
Aida : La fatal pietra = The fata stone : act 4 / Verdi.Rosa Ponselle ; Giovanni Martinelli, w. orch.
Rigoletto : quartet, act III : Bella figlia dell' amore = Fairest daughter of the graces / Verdi.Caruso ; Abott ; Homer ; Scotti, quartet with orchestra.
Quand' ero paggio (When I was page) - act 2 / Verdi.Titta Ruffo (baritone with orchestra).
La ferza del destino / Giuseppi Verdi.Enrico Caruso ; Antonio Scotti, with orchestra.
Forza del destino : Pace, pace mio dio (Peace, peace oh my Lord) (Act 4) / Verdi.Rosa Ponselle, soprano with orchestra.
La traviata : "ah, fors' e lui" (the one of whom i dreamed) / Giuseppe Verdi.Florence MacBeth, with orchestra accompaniment.
Madre pietosa vergine (P. 2.A, A. 2.C) : La forza del destino / Verdi.Dusolina Giannini, soprano.
Traviata : dire alla giovine : say to thy daughter : act 3, scene 1 / G. Verdi.Frieda Hempel, soprano ; Pasqual Amato, baritone with orch.
Ernani : Ernani involami (Ernani, fly with me!) (Act 1) / Verdi.Rose Ponselle, soprano with orchestra.
Travatore : Tacea la notte placida = My heart is his alone / Verdi.Luisa Tetrazzini, soprano with orchestra.
La donna è mobile (Woman is fickle) / Verdi.Enrico Caruso (tenor with orchestra).
Otello : ave marie (act 4) / Verdi.Claudia Muzio.
Questa o quella (Mid the fair throng) / Verdi.Enrico Caruso (tenor with orchestra).
Aida : O terra addio = Farewell, oh earth (part 2, act 4) / Verdi.Rosa Ponselle ; Giovanni Martinelli ; orchestra with chorus.
Rigoletto--Paraphrase / Verdi ; Liszt.Leopold Godowsky (piano).
Rigoletto : Caro nome = Dearest name / Verdi.Maria Barrientos, soprano solo with orchestra accompaniment.
La traviata : Act 3 : Addio del passato = Farewell, then, forever / Verdi.Claudia Muzio, with orchestra ; Cav. Lorenzo Molajoli, conductor.
Otello : Duetto atto 1.0 : Parte 1.a : Gia meila motte densa / Verdi.Claudia Muzio ; Francesco Merli.
Traviata : sempre libera degg'io (the round of pleasure) / Verdi.Mme. Huguet ; Sig. Lara ; Con Orchestra, Milano.
Otello : si pel ciel : we swear by heavena dn earth : act 2, scene 5 / Verdi.Enrico Caruso ; Titta Ruffo, duet with orchestra.
Falstaff : L'onore! ladri! (Your hionor! You ruffian!) (Act 1) / Verdi.Titta Ruffe, baritone with orchestra.
Rigoletto : quartet : bella figlia dell' amore : fairest daughter of the graces : act 3 / Verdi.Bori ; Jacoby ; McCormack ; Werrenrathmm, quartet with orch.
Di quella pira / Verdi.Enrico Caruso.
Trovatore : ai nostri monti : home to our mountains / Verdi.Louise Homer ; Enrico Caruso, duet with orchestra.
Rigoletto : parmi veder le lagrime : each tear that falls : act II / Verdi.Enrico Caruso, tenor with orchestra.
Rigoletto : Act II : Recit : Ella mi fu rapita! (Yes, she was taken from me) ; Aria : Parmi vederle lagrimo (Each tear that falls) / Verdi.Enrico Caruso, tenor ; Victor Symphony Orchestra.
I vespri sicillan : Bolero / Verdi.Claudia Muzio.
Ave Maria (Atto 4.0) : Otello / Verdi.Rosa Ponselle, soprano.
Don Carlos : O don fatale / Verdi.Olive Fremstad.
Aida : celeste Aida : heavenly Adia / Verdi.Enrico Caruso, tenor with orchestra.
La donna e mobile (Woman is fickle) / Verdi.Enrico Caruso (tenor with orchestra).
Caro Nome--Rigoletto / Verdi.Frieda Hempel (soprano) ; Orchestra (?).
Un ballo in maschera : Eri tu che macchiavi quell'anima / Verdi.Mattia Battistini ; Carlo Savajno ; Orchestra.
Il trovatore : ai nostri monti (home to our mountains) / Verdi.Maria Gay ; Giovanni Zenatello, with orchestra accompaniment.
Il trovatore : "perigliarti ancor languente" (while yet in languishment) / Verdi.Maria Gay ; Giovanni Zenatello, with orchestra accompaniment.
Falstaff : quand' ero paggio (when i was page) (act 2) / Verdi.Titta Ruffo, with orchestra.
D'amour sull'ali rosee : from "Il trovatore" / Verdi.Claudia Muzio, with orchestra.
Ritorna vincitor = Return victorious : from Aida / Verdi.Rosa Raisa, soprano ; Aeolian Orchestra ; Gennaro Papi, conductor.
Un ballo in maschera : "eri tu che macchiavi" (thou didst sully that spirit pure) / Verdi.GIUSEPPE CAMPANARI, with orchestra accompaniment.
Ritorna vicitor = Return victorious : Aida / Verdi.Florence Austral ; orch. ; Carlo Sabajno.
Forza del destino : pace, pace mio dio = Force of destiny : mercy, oh my Lord : act 5 / Verdi.Rosa Ponsellle, soprano with orchestra.
Quando le sere al placido: A.2.0 : Luisa Miller / Verdi.Tito Schipa, tenore.
Ah! no fuggiamo! Atto 3.0 : Aida / Verdi.E. Rethberg ; G. Lauri Volpi ; G. de Luca.
Sempre libera (I'll fulfill the round of pleasure) (act 1) / Verdi.Amelita Galli-Curci (soprano with Orchestra).
Trovatore : ai nostri monti : home to out mountains : act 4, scene 2 / Verdi.Ernestine Schumann-Heink ; Enrico Caruso, duet with orchestra.
Traviata: ah, fors' è lui : the one of whom I dreamed : proceded by a recitation, "e strano! e strano!" : "how wonderous" : act 1 / Verdi.Amelita Galli-Curci, soprano with Orchestra.
Sempre libera (I'll fulfill the round of pleasure) / Verdi.Amelita Galli-Curci (soprano with Orchestra).
Rigoletto : questa o quella (mid the fair throng) (act i) / Verdi.Giacomo Lauri-Volpi, with orchestra.
Rigoletto : Caro noma : Dearest name : Act 1 / Verdi.Amelilta Galli-Curci, soprano with orchestra.
Traviata - addio del passato (Farewell to the bright visions) (act 3) / Verdi.Amelita Galli-Curci, italian soprano with Orchestra.
Traviata : Sempre libera : I'll fulfill the round of pleasure : act 1 / Verdi.Amelita Galli-Curci, soprano with Orchestra.
Traviata - Sempre libera (I'll fufill the round of pleasure) (act 1) / Verdi.Amelita Galli-Curci, italian soprano with Orchestra.
Rigoletto : la donna e mobile (woman is fickle) (act iii) / Verdi.Giacomo Lauri-Volpi, with orchestra.
Requiem Mass. Verdi.Rome Royal Opera Chorus; Orchestra; Tullio Serafin.
Don Carlos potpourri / Giuseppe Verdi, music.Imperial Band of Barcelona.Berliner.
Rigoletto. Verdi; Liszt.Alfred Cortot.
Anvil chorus : Il trovatore / Verdi.Knights of Columbus Band ; Paul Clifford, conductor.
La forza del destino : Act IV : Pace, pace, mio dio (Peace, peace, oh my lord) / Verdi.Zinka Milanov, soprano ; Victor Orchestra ; Frieder Weissmann, conductor.
Anvil chorus / Verdi.Knights of Columbus Band, Paul Clifford, conductor.
Il trovatore : Act I : Tacea la notte placida (Concluded) / Verdi.Florence Quartararo, soprano ; RCA Victor Orchestra ; Jean Paul Morel, conductor.
La traviata : Act III : Addio del passato (Forever I must leave thee) / Verdi.Licia Albanese, soprano ; RCA Victor Orchestra ; Frieder Weissmann, conductor.
Il trovatore: Act IV : Aria: D'amore sull' ali rosee / Verdi.Zinka Milanov, soprano ; RCA Victor Orchestra ; Frieder Weissmann, conductor.
Il trovatore : Act I : Tacea la notte placida (Part 1) / Verdi.Florence Quartararo, soprano ; RCA Victor Orchestra ; Jean Paul Morel, conductor.
Ah? se l'error t'ingombra = 'Mid the shades of error / Verdi.Francesco Cigada and chorus with orchestra (baritone with chorus).
Otello : Act IV : Ave Maria (Hail, Mary) / Verdi.Licia Albanese, soprano ; RCA Victor Orchestra ; Frieder Weissmann, conductor.
La Traviata (Entr'acte) / Verdi.L'Orchestre Symphonique de Paris.
Il trovatore : Anvil chorus, act 2, scene 1 / Verdi.Chorus of Mised Voices, with orchestra.
Otello : Act IV : Canzone del salce : Mia madre aveve una povera ancella (Willow song) / Verdi.Licia Albanese, soprano ; RCA Victor Orchestra ; Frieder Weissmann, conductor.
Anvil chorus ; (Il Trovatore) / Verdi.Knights of Columbus Band ; Paul Clifford.
Rigoletto : cortigiani, vil razza dannata! : vile race of courtiers! : scene from act 2, part 2 / Verdi.Pasqual Amato, baritone ; Victor Orchestra.
Gems from "Rigoletto" / Verdi.Victor Light Opera Company.
Barcarola Di tu se fidele / Verdi.Carlo Albani, accompaniment by Victor Orchestra.
Ah? se l'error t'ingombra = 'Mid the shades of error / Verdi.Francesco Cigada and chorus with orchestra (baritone with chorus).
Don Carlos : Grand march / Verdi.Sousa's Band.
Il Travatore--anvil chorus (act 2, scene 1) / Verdi.Chorus of mixed voices.
Anvil Chorus / Verdi.Starr Gennett Military Band.
Ernani. Verdi.Battistini; Dewitt.
Sul fil d'un solfio etesio : Atto 3.0 : Falstaff / Verdi.Toti Dal Monte, soprano.
Don Catlos : Ella la giammai m'amo (Her love was never mine!) (Act 3) / Verdi.Feoder Chaliapin, bass with orchestra.
La traviata : Act II : Dei miei bollenti spiriti (Wild dream of my youth) / Verdi.Fernando de Lucia, tenor with piano.
Don Carlos : Act IV : Dormiro sol nel manto mio regal (I shall sleep only in my royal mantle) / Verdi.Feodor Chaliapin, bass with orchestra.
Rigoletto--Paraphrase de Concert / Verdi ; Liszt.Vladimir de Pachmann (piano).
Traviata : Parigi o cara duetto / Verdi.Fernando de Lucia ; Angela de Angelis.
Rigoletto--Paraphrase de Concert / Verdi ; Liszt.Vladimir de Pachmann (piano).
Traviata : Lungi da lei / Verdi.Fernando de Lucia.
Rigoletto Paraphrase Verdi-liazt.Vladimir De Pachmann.
Requiem Mass. Verdi.La Scala Orchestra And Chorus; Carlo Sabajno; Maria Luisa Fanelli; Irene Minghini-cattaneo.
Rigoletto. Verdi.Melba; Victor Orchestra.
Dormiro Sol Nel Manto Mio Regal ... - A. 4.o. Verdi.Ezio Pinza; Con Orch.
Ballo In Maschera. Verdi.Titta Ruffo; With Orchestra.
Anvil chorus / [Verdi].Victor Chorus ; Metropolitan Orchestra.Berliner.
Rigoletto. Verdi.Marcella Sembrich; With Orchestra.
Traviata. Verdi.Melba; Victor Orchestra.
Otello. Verdi.Elisabeth Rethberg; With Orchestra.
Anvil chorus / [Verdi].Victor Chorus ; Metropolitan Orchestra.Berliner.
No star shone on the heavenly vault = Tacea la notte placida : Il trovatore (Act 1) / MacFarren ; Verdi.Joan Hammond, soprano ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Walter Busskind, conductor.
Anvil chorus / verdi.New York Light Opera Co.
Anvil chorus / Verdi.New York Light Opera Co.
I vespri siciliani : Sinfonia (Part 1) / Verdi.Symphony Orchestra of the Augusteo, Rome ; Victor de Sabata.
I vespri siciliani : Sinfonia (Conclusion) / Verdi.Symphony Orchestra of the Augusteo, Rome ; Victor de Sabata.
Otello. Verdi.Giovanni Martinelli; Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; Wilfred Pelletier.
La Traviata:. Verdi.Lilli Lehmann.
Di quella pira (Tremble ye tyrants) / Verdi, music ; [Cammarano, libretto].Forest Lamont.Okeh.
Trovatore : d'amour sull' ali rosee love, fly on rosy piniouz : act IV, scene I / Verdi.Luisa Tetrazzini, soprano ; Victor Orchestra.
Rigolette : caro nome : dearest name / Verdi.Luisa Tetrazzini, soprano ; Victor Orchestra.
Forza del destino : o tu che segno agi' angeli : thou heavenly one / Verdi.Enrico Caruso, tenor ; Victor Orchestra.
Rigoletto : Act II : Cortiglani, vil razza dannata (Vile race of courtiers) / Verdi.Leonard Warren, bass ; RCA Victor Orchestra ; Frieder Weissmann, conductor.
Rigolette : caro nome : dearest name / Verdi.Luisa Tetrazzini, soprano ; Victor Orchestra.
Rigoletto : La donna è mobile = Woman is fickle / Verdi.Enrico Caruso, tenor ; Victor Orchestra, accompaniment.
Il trovatore : Act II : Il balen del suo sorriso (Tempest of the heart) / Verdi.Leonard Warren, bass ; RCA Victor Orchestra ; Jean Paul Morel, conductor.
Forza del destion : duetto, atto iv ; Part II : le minaccie, I fleri accenti : the menaces wild / Giuseppi Verdi.Enrico Caruso, tenor ; Pasqual Amato, baritone ; Victor Orchestra.
Rigoletto : La donna è mobile = Woman is fickle / Verdi.Enrico Caruso, tenor ; Victor Orchestra, accompaniment.
Un ballo in maschera : Act III : Eri tu? (Was it thou?) / Verdi.Leonard Warren, baritone ; RCA Victor Orchestra ; Frieder Weissmann, conductor.
Forza de destino : o tu che segno agl' angeli : thou heavenly one / Verdi.Enrico Caruso, tenor, accompanied by Victor Orchestra.
Forza del destino : o tu chi in seno : agli angel : thou heavenly one : act 1 / Verdi.Enrico Caruso, tenor ; Victor Orchestra.
Rigoletto : Quartet : Act III : Bella figlia deli' amore (Fairest daughter of the graces) / Verdi.Caruso ; Sembrich ; Scotti ; Severina ; Victor Orchestra.
Aida celeste Aida : heavenly Adia / Verdi.Enrico Caruso, tenor ; Victor Orchestra.
Aida : finale ultimo : parte 2 : o terra addio : farewell, oh earth / Verdi.Johanna Gadski ; Enrico Caruso ; Victor Orchestra.
Otello : Act II : Credo in un dio crudel = I believe in a cruel god (Iago's creed) / Verdi.Leonard Warren, baritone ; RCA Victor Orchestra ; Frieder Weissmann, conductor.
Rigoletto : la donna è mobile = woman is fickle / Verdi.Florencio Constantino ; Victor Orchestra.
Traviata. Verdi.Giuseppe De Luca; With Orchestra.
La Forza Del Destino. Verdi.Claudia Muzio; Cav Lorenzo Meiajell.
Trovatore : ai nostri monti : home to our mountain : act IV, scene II / Verdi.Ernestine Schumann-Heink ; Enrico Caruso ; Victor Orchestra.
Trovatore Selection Verdi.Arthur Pryor's Band.
March from Aida / Verdi.Municipal Band of Milan.Berliner.
Nabucco : overture / Giuseppe Verdi.Municipal Band of Milan.Berliner.
Home To Our Mountains. Verdi.Miss Morgan; Mr Macdonough; Orchestra.
Traviata. Verdi.Philharmonic-symphony Orchestra Of New York; Arturo Toscanini.
Requiem Mass : Dies irea, part 1 ("Dies irea, dies illa") / Verdi.Rome Royal Opera Chorus and Orchestra ; Tullio Serafin, conductor.
Il travataire / Verdi.Chorus and Orchestra of "La Scala" ; Eltore Panizza, conductor.
Sicillan vespers : Ballet selection / Verdi.Band of H. M. Coldstream Guards.
Un ballo in maschera : Ve se ki motte qui colls sposa : Fin. atto 2.0 / Verdi ; A. Somma.Orchestro Del "Teatre Reale Dell'Opera" - Roma ; Tullio Serafin ; Caniglia ; Bechi ; Pasera ; Nevelli.
Requiem Mass : Sanctus / Verdi.Rome Royal Opera Chorus and Orchestra ; Tullio Serafin, conductor.
Aida : Grand march and finale / Verdi.Band.
Gems from "Rigolette" : Pleasure calls us ; Carved upon my heart ; Love is the sun ; Woman is fickle / Verdi.Victor Light Opera Company ; Victor Orchestra.
[Unreadable] / Verdi.Chorus and Orchestra of "La Scala"; Ettore Panizza.
Sicilian vespers : Selection / Verdi.Band of H. M. Coldstream Guards.
Il trovatore. Verdi.Frances Alda; Enrico Caruso; Metropolitan Opera Chorus; Victor Orchest.
E il sol dell'anima (Sun of the soul) / G. Verdi ; [Piave, libretto].Forrest Lamont.Okeh.
Questa o quella (Amongst the fair throng) / [Verdi, music] ; [Piave, libretto].Forrest Lamont.Okeh.
La forza del destino : Overture (The force of destiny) (Part 1) / Verdi.Arture Toscanini ; NBC Symphony Orchestra.
Traviata Verdi.Arturo Toscanini and the NBC orchestra.
La forza del destino : Overture (The force of destiny) (Concluded) / Verdi.Arture Toscanini ; NBC Symphony Orchestra.
Rigoletto. Verdi. Lucia di Lammermeoor.Selma Kurz, singer.
Miserere / S. Cammarano, libretto ; Giuseppe Verdi, music.Harry MacDonough.Berliner.
Un ballo in maschera-eri tu = The masked ball- was it thou? / Verdi.Lawrence Tibbett, baritone ; Nathaniel Shilkret.His Master's Voice.
La forza del destino : Duetto / Verdi.Enrico Caruso, singer ; Antonion Scotti, singer.
Barbiere di Siviglia. Barber of Seville. Room for the factotum : act 1 / Rossini. Un ballo in maschera. Eri tu = The masked ball. Is it thou? : act 3 / Verdi.Lawrence Tibbett, baritone, with orchestra.
Ah! fors è lui = The one of whom I dreamed ; Sempre libera = I'll fill the round of pleasure / Verdi.Helen Jepson, soprano ; Alex. Smallens, cond.His Master's Voice.
Home to our mountains = Ai nostri monti ritorneremo / G. Verdi, music.Miss Spencer ; Mr. Macdonough.Berliner.
Masked ball : morro ma prima in grazia : I die, yet first implore thee : act 3 / Verdi.Emmy Destinn, soprano with orchestra.
Rigoletto : "la donna o mobile" (woman is fickle) / Verdi.HIPOLITO LAZARO, with orchestra accompaniment.
Rigoletto : Qu'une belle = 'Mid the fair throng, acte 1 / Verdi.Leon Campagnola, tenor with orchestra.
Ernani : "infelice, e tuo credevi" (unhappy one, that i so trusted) / Verdi.Jose Mardones, with orchestra accompaniment.
Rigoletto : Comme la plume au vent = Woman is fickle, acte 3 / Verdi.Leon Campagnola, tenor with orchestra.
Il trovatore di quella pira = Tremble, ye tyrants / Verdi.Hipolito Lazaro, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment.
Simon boccanegra : "il lacerato spirito" (the wounded spirit) / Verdi.Jose Mardones, with orchestra accompaniment.
I vespri siciliani : o tu palermo! : Sicilian vespers, oh thou Palermo! : act 2 / Verdi.José Mardones, bass with orchestra.
Voce di donna o d'angelo = Thanks unto thee, angelic voice : from La Gioconda / Ponchielli. O don fatale = Oh, fatal gift : from Don Carlos / Verdi.Bruna Castagna, contralto ; with orchestra conducted by Alfredo Antonini.
Lombardi. Verdi.Blanche Arral, soprano ; Victor Orchestra.
Otello : morte d'Otello (Death of Othello) / Verdi.Nicola Zerola; Victor Orchestra.
La Traviata (Beviamo nei lieti calici) / Verdi.Gina Ciaparelli, soprano solo; in Italian.Columbia
Otello. Death of Othello / Verdi. Carmen. La fleur que tu m'avais jetee = The flower you lightly gave me / Bizet.Edoardo Ferrari-Fontana, tenor.Columbia.
Questa O Quella. Verdi.Eugene Conley; The New Symphony Orchestra; Royalton Kisch.
Pour jamais ta destinée (Sempre libera degg'io) (The round of pleasure I'll enjoy) [enregistrement sonore] / Verdi, musique ; [Piave, livret].Mary Garden.Columbia.
Far from the busy throng (Parigi, o cara) / Piave, libretto ; Verdi, composer.Florence Easton and Mario Chamlee, Soprano and Tenor with Orchestra in Italian.Brunswick.
Faust. Even Bravest heart : Act 2 / Gounod. Traviata. Di Provenza il mar = Thy home in fair Provence : Act 2 / Verdi.Giuseppe de Luca, baritone, with orchestra.
Quel est donc ce trouble charmant (Ah! Fors e lui) (What can be this feeling?) [enregistrement sonore] / Verdi, musique ; [Piave, livret].Mary Garden, Soprano Solo sung in French with Orchestra Accompaniment.Columbia.
Rigoletto. Verdi.Maria Galvany; Titta Ruffo; With Orchestra.
Anvil chorus : from Il trovatore / Verdi ; [performed by] Victor Orchestra. Forge in the forest / Michaelis ; [performed by] Arthur Pryor's Band.Victor Orchestra.
Mia madre aveva una povera ancella = My mother long ago had a maiden : Willow song, part 1 : Otello, act 4, scene 1, part 2 / Boito ; Verdi.Gabriella Gatti, soprano ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Vincenzo Bellezza, conductor.
Era piu calmo? (He looked more gentle?) : Otello (Act 4, Scene 1 : Part 1) / Boito ; Verdi.G. Gatti, soprano ; N. Evans, contralto ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Vincenzo Bellezza, conductor.
AVE MARIA : Otello (Act 4, Scene 2) / Boito ; Verdi.Gabriella Gatti, soprano ; London Symphony Orchestra ; Alberto Erede, conductor.
Il trovatore : miserere / Verdi.Frances Alda ; Enrico Caruso ; Metropolitan Opera Chorus.
Miserere from Il Travatore / S. Cammarano, libretto ; Giuseppe Verdi, music.Arthur Pryor, trombone ; Henry Higgins, cornet.Berliner.
Selections from Faust and Il Trovatore / [Charles Gounod, music ; Giuseppe Verdi, music].Sousa's Band ; [Pryor, conductor].Berliner.
Aida. Verdi.Luisa Tetrazzini.
Aida. Verdi.Daniza Ilitsch; Kurt Baum; Max Rudolf; Orchestra Of The Metropolitan Opera Association.
Aida: O Terra Addio Verdi.Rosa Ponselle; Charles Hackett.
Arie aus dem 1. akt 2 teil : Mit der Freude Blumenkranzen.Aurelie Revy, mit orchesterbegl ; Seidler-Winkler, kapellm.Gramophone
Arie aus dem 3. akt : Lebt wohl jetzt, ihr Gebilde / [Verdi].Aurelie Revy, mit orchesterbegl ; Seidler-Winkler, kapellm.
Rigoletto. Act 2. Caro nome / Verdi.[Pelletier, Wilfrid] ; [Dickenson, Jean] ; [Publishers Service Symphony Orchestra].Music Appreciation.
Miserere / Giuseppe Verdi, musique ; [S. Cammarano, livret].Municipal Band of Milan.Berliner.
Caro nome = Dearest name / Verdi.Bidú Say[gamma]o, soprano ; Victor Symphony Orchestra ; Wilfrid Pelletier, conductor.His Master's Voice.
Rigoletto quartet : belle figlia : dell'amore : fairest daughter od the graces / Verdi.Victor Opera Sextette.
Trovatore. Verdi.Emmy Destinn; Giovanni Martinelli; Metropolitan Opera Chorus; Orchestra.
Trovatore. Verdi.Emilio de Gogorza, baritone ; accompaniment by Victor Orchestra.
Miserere / S. Cammarano, libretto ; Giuseppe Verdi, music.Hughes Macklin ; Lillian Rosedale.Berliner.
Pace, mio dio / Verdi, music ; [Piave, libretto].Florence Easton, Vocalion Orchestra Accompaniment.Vocalion.
Trovatore : miserere / Verdi.Enrico Caruso ; Frances Alda ; Metropolitan Opera Chorus with orchestra.
Otello : Act III : Monologo ; Dio! mi potevi scaglair (Otello's monologue ; God! hurl upon me) / Verdi.Giovanni Martinelli, tenor ; Metropolitan Opera Orchestra ; Wilfred Pelletier, conductor.
Il Trovatore. Verdi; Cammarano.Ebe Stignani; Orchestra Sinfonica Dell'eiar; A La Rosa Parodi.
Otello. Verdi.Giovanni; Martinelli; Lawrence Tibbett; Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; Wilfred Pelletier.
Requiem Mass. Verdi.Stignani; Gigli; Pinza; Rome Royal Opera Orchestra; Tullio Serafin.
I vespri siciliani. Sicilian vespers. Oh, thou Palermo! : act 2 / Verdi.José Mardones, bass, with orchestra; [Josef Pasternack, conductor].
Merci, compagnons bien-aimés = [enregistrement sonore] / Thanks, beloved companions Scribe, lyrics ; Duveyrier, lyrics ; Verdi, music.Lillian Blauvelt, soprano with piano.Gramophone.
Home to our mountains / Verdi, music ; [Cammarano, libretto].Howard, Kathleen, Contralto ; Paul Althouse, Tenor.Pathé.
Re Dell' Abisso (King of the shades) / Verdi.Jeanne Gordon, contralto with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
Anvil chorus / [Salvatore Cammarano, lyrics] ; [Guiseppe Verdi, music].Victor Male Chorus.Berliner.
Rigoletto. Act 3. Cortigiani, vil razza dannata (courtiers, foul race) / Verdi.[Pelletier, Wilfrid] ; [Leonard Warren] ; [Publishers Service Symphony Orchestra, with chorus].Music Appreciation.
La traviata. Act 1. Ah! fors' è lui (The one of whom I dreamed) / Verdi.[Eleanor Steber, soprano] ; [Publishers Service Symphony Orchestra] ; [Wilfrid Pelletier, conductor].Music Appreciation.
È sogno? o realtà? = Am I awake? or do I dream? / Verdi.Leonard Warren, baritone ; Victor Symphony Orchestra ; Wilfred [i.e. Wilfrid] Pelletier, conductor.His Master's Voice.
La Traviata (Dite alla giovane) / Verdi.Gina Ciaparelli and Taurino Parvis, soprano and baritone duet; in Italian.Columbia
Aria: Dormiro sol nel manto mio regal (I shall sleep alone in my royal robes) : Don Carlo (Act 4) / Zanardini ; De Lauzieres ; Verdi.Boris Christoff, bass ; Philharmonia Orchestra.
Recit: Ella giammai m'ano (She has never loved me) : Don Carlo (Act 4) / Zanardini ; De Lauzieree ; Verdi.Boris Christoff, bass ; Philharmonia Orchestra.
Trovatore. The vows we plighted : act 3, scene 2 / Verdi.Giovanni Martinelli, tenor, with orchestra ; [Walter Rogers, conductor].
Il nome vostro ditemi = Tell me your name / Verdi.Lily Pons, sop. ; Giuseppe DeLuca, Bar.; Victor Symphony Orchestra ; Wilfrid Pelletier.His Master's Voice.
L'elisir d'amore. Elixir of love. Twenty crowns! : act 2 / Donizetti. Forza del destino. Il segreto fu dungue [i.e. dunque] violato? = Force of destiny. Is my secret then betrayed? : act 3 / Verdi.Enrico Caruso, tenor ; Giuseppe de Luca, baritone ; with orchestra.
Far from the busy throng = Parigi, O Cara ; Muy lejos del ruido incesante / Piava ; Verdi.Florence Easton ; Mario Chamlee, soprano and tenor with orchestra.Brunswick.
I would that my love / Mendelssohn ; [performed by] Miss Stevenson and Mr. Macdonough. Miserere : from "Il trovatore" / Verdi ; [performed by] Miss Stevenson and Mr. Macdonough.Elise Stevenson, soprano ; Harry Macdonough, tenor ; with orchestra [that is, instrumental ensemble] (Side A) ; Elise Stevenson and Harry Macdonough ; with male chorus and orchestra [that is, instrumental ensemble] (Side B).
Di quella pira = that dark scaffold ; Ballo in maschera - barcarola / Verdi.Enrico Caruso ; Metropolitan Opera Chorus (Side B) ; Victor Orchestra (Side B).
Requiem Mass. Verdi.Caniglia; Stignani; Gigli; Pinza; Rome Royal Opera Chorus; Orchestra; Tullio Serafin.
Rigoletto. Act 3. Tutte le feste (On every festal morning) / Verdi.[Pelletier, Wilfrid] ; [Warren, Leonard] ; [Dickenson, Jean] ; [Publishers Service Symphony Orchestra].Music Appreciation.
Rigoletto. Act 1. / Verdi.[Cordon, Norman] ; [Pelletier, Wilfrid, 1896-1982] ; [Warren, Leonard, 1911-1960] ; [Dickenson, Jean] ; [Tokatyan, Armand, 1894-1960] ; [Browning, Lucielle] ; [Bontempi, P] ; [Publishers Service Symphony Orchestra].Music Appreciation.
Trovatore - Acto I : Di geloso amor sprezzato ; Trovatore - Acto I : La zingarella / Verdi.[Maria] Bernacchi (Side A) ; [Luigi] Colazza (Side A) ; [Ernesto] Caronna (Side A) ; Coro "Alla Scala" (Side B)
Requiem Mass. Verdi.Rome Royal Opera Chorus And Orchestra; Tullio Serafin Caniglia; Stignani; Gigli; Pinza.
Miserere / [Giuseppe] Verdi, music ; S. Cammarano, libretto.Rogers, cornet ; Pryor, trombone with orchestra.Berliner.
Ernani : Oh! sommo Carlo = Oh, noble Carlo (Act 3) / Verdi.Mattia Battistini, baritone ; Emilia Corsi ; Luigi Colazza ; Aristodemo Silich, with orchestra and chorus.
Il trovatore : Miserere : Pray that peace may attend a soul departing (Act IV) / Verdi.Daniza Ilitsch, soprano ; Kurt Baum, tenor ; Max Rudolph, conductor ; Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera Association ; Kurt Adler, chorus master.
Aida : Pur ti riveggo, mia dolce Aida = I see thee again, my sweet Aida (Act III) / Verdi.Daniza Ilitsch, soprano ; Kurt Baum, tenor ; Max Rudolph, conductor ; Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera Association.
Un ballo in maschera = A masked ball : M'ami, m'ami = She loves me, she loves me (Act II) / Verdi.Daniza Ilitsch, soprano ; Richard Tucker, tenor ; Max Rudolph, conductor ; Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera Association.
Il lacerato spirito / Verdi.Alexander Kipnis, bass ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Erich Orthmann.His Master's Voice.
La traviata. Act 2. Cosi alla misera (Ah! cruel world) / Verdi.[Eleanor Steber, soprano] ; [Leonard Warren, baritone] ; [Publishers Service Symphony Orchestra] ; [Wilfrid Pelletier, conductor].Music Appreciation.
La traviata. Act 3. Parigi o cara (Far from gay Paris) / Verdi.[Eleanor Steber, soprano] ; [Armand Tokatyan, tenor] ; [Publishers Service Symphony Orchestra] ; [Wilfrid Pelletier, conductor].Music Appreciation.
La traviata. Introduction ; E tu dunque (And have you made a vow] ; Brindisi, Libiano (Drink) / Verdi.[Eleanor Steber, soprano] ; [Armand Tokatyan, tenor] ; [Chorus] ; [Publishers Service Symphony Orchestra] ; [Wilfrid Pelletier, conductor].Music Appreciation.
La traviata. Act 2. Pura sicome un angelo (Fair as a rose in Paradise) (Duet. Germont and Violetta) / Verdi.[Eleanor Steber, soprano] ; [Leonard Warren, baritone] ; [Publishers Service Symphony Orchestra] ; [Wilfrid Pelletier, conductor].Music Appreciation.
Trovatore : Or co' dadi, ma fra paco (Soldiers' chorus) (Act 3) / Verdi.Metropolitan Opera Chorus ; Metropolitan Opera House Orchestra ; Giulio Setti, conductor.
Trovatore : Miserere = I have sighed to rest me (act 4, scene 1) / Giuseppe Verdi.Ema Destinnová ; Giovanni Martinelli.
Beauteous daughter of the Graces, or Fairest daughter of the Graces / Verdi.Grace Kerns, soprano ; Mildred Potter, contralto ; Charles W. Harrison, tenor ; Albert Wiederhold, baritone with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
Simon Boccanegra. A wounded heart : Romanze des Fiesco : prologue / Verdi. Die Zauberflöte. In diesen heiligen Hallen = The magic flute. Within these sacred halls : act 2 / Mozart.Alexander Kipnis, bass ; Berlin State Opera Orchestra ; Erich Orthmann, conductor.
La traviata. Act 3. Finale to opera [Di sprezzo degno ... Ah si che feci!] / Verdi.[Eleanor Steber, soprano] ; [Armand Tokatyan, tenor] ; [Leonard Warren, baritone] ; [Publishers Service Symphony Orchestra] ; [Wilfrid Pelletier, conductor].Music Appreciation.
Rigoletto. Act IV. La donna e mobile (Woman is fickle) ; Quartet Bella figlia dell' amore (Fariest daughter of the graces) / Verdi.[Pelletier, Wilfrid, 1896-1982] ; [Warren, Leonard, 1911-1960] ; [Dickenson, Jean] ; [Tokatyan, Armand, 1894-1960] ; [Browning, Lucielle] ; [Publishers Service Symphony Orchestra].Music Appreciation.
Il santo nome di dio (The sacred name of God) : Act 2 : La forza del desino / Verdi.Ezio Pinza, bass ; Metropolitan Opera Chorus and Orchestra ; Giulio Setti, cond.
Possente, possente ftha : Act 1 : from "Aida" / Verdi.Ezio Pinza ; Metropolitan Opera Chorus and Orchestra ; Giulio Setti, cond.
Trovatore. Verdi.Miss Stevenson; Mr Macdonough; Victor Male Chorus; Victor Orchestra; Chimes.
Recitative and Celeste Aida = Heavenly Aida / Verdi.[Arthur Carron], tenor ; Symphony Orchestra ; [Wilfrid Pelletier, conductor].Music Appreciation.
Rigoletto. Act 3. Compiuto pur quanto (I think what remains yet for me) / Verdi.[Pelletier, Wilfrid] ; [Warren, Leonard] ; [Dickenson, Jean] ; [Lorenzo Alvary] ; [Publishers Service Symphony Orchestra].Music Appreciation.
La traviata / Verdi.Unidentified soloists, orchestra, and conductor.
Nume, custode e vindice : Act 1 : from "Aida" / Verdi.Giovanni Martinelli ; Ezio Pinza ; Metropolitan Opera Chorus and Orchestra ; Giulio Setti, cond.
Forza del destino : La vergine deglia angeli (May angels guard thee) (Act 2) / Verdi.Rosa Ponselle ; Metropolitan Opera Chorus and Orchestra ; Giulio Setti ; Ezio Pinza, conductor.
Ritorna vincitor = Return victorious / Verdi.[Rose Bampton], soprano ; Symphony Orchestra ; [Wilfrid Pelletier, conductor].Music Appreciation.
Toreador song from "Carmen" / Bizet ; [performed by] Alan Turner. Tempest of the heart from "Il trovatore" / Verdi ; [performed by] Alan Turner.Alan Turner, baritone.
Odimi, Aida = Hear me Aida / Verdi.[Rose Bampton], soprano ; [Arthur Carron], tenor ; Symphony Orchestra ; [Wilfrid Pelletier, conductor].Music Appreciation.
La fata pietra = The fatal stone / Verdi.[Rose Bampton], soprano ; [Arthur Carron], tenor ; Symphony Orchestra ; [Wilfrid Pelletier, conductor].Music Appreciation.
Aïda / Verdi.Unidentified soloists, orchestra, and conductor.
Aida - Act II. Grand finale (conclusion). Che vegoo! Egli? Mio Padre! = What see I? He here? My father? / Verdi.[Rose Bampton] ; [Lydia Summers] ; [Arthur Carron] ; [Lorenzo Alvary] ; [Norman Cordon] ; [Leonard Warren] ; Chorus ; Symphony Orchestra ; [Wilfrid Pelletier, conductor].Music Appreciation.
Riverdo [i.e. Riverdrai] le foreste imbalsamate = Once again will I see our balmy forests / Verdi.[Rose Bampton], soprano ; [Leonard Warren], baritone ; Symphony Orchestra ; [Wilfrid Pelletier, conductor].Music Appreciation.
Rigoletto quartet / Verdi ; [Klickmann, White] ; [performed by] Six Brown Brothers. Passion dance : Parisian fox-tango / Clarence M. Jones ; [Klickmann, White] ; [performed by] Six Brown Brothers.Six Brown Brothers: saxophone sextette.Victor.
Il trovatore. Verdi. Le roi d'Ys, act III : Vainement, ma bien aimée = Aubade = In vain, my beloved / Lalo.Cloe Elmo, mezzo-soprano (first work) ; Beniamino Gigli, tenor ; Umberto Berrettoni, conductor of unidentified orchestra (first work) ; Rainaldo Zamboni, conducting the Royal Opera House Orchestra (second work).
Gloria all' Egitto ; Grand march ; Ballet music ; Vieni o guerriero. Grand finale. Part one / Verdi.Vocal ensemble ; Chorus ; Symphony Orchestra ; [Wilfrid Pelletier, conductor].Music Appreciation.
La favorita. In heavenly splendor : act IV / Donizetti. Ernani. Infelice e tu credevi = Unhappy one! : act I / Verdi.Ezio Pinza, bass; with Metropolitan Opera Chorus and Orchestra; Giulio Setti, conductor (1st work); unnamed orchestra and conductor (2nd work).
O terra addio = Farewell, oh earth / Verdi.[Rose Bampton], soprano ; [Arthur Carron], tenor ; Chorus ; Symphony ; [Wilfrid Pelletier, conductor].Music Appreciation.
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