Les roses blanches [enregistrement sonore] / Pothier-Raiter ; [interprété par] la Belle Dow. Seul = Lonely / Zazelles [sic]-Lauzin-Navarro [sic]-Stothart ; [interprété par] la Belle Dow. | Belle Dow, soprano avec piano. | Compo. |
Seul = [enregistrement sonore] / Lonely Zazelles [i.e. Nazelles], [traducteur?] ; Lauzin ; Navarro [i.e. Novarro] ; Stothart ; [Grey]. | Belle Dow, soprano avec piano. | Compo. |
Rose Marie / Harbach, lyrics ; Hammerstein, lyrics ; Friml, music ; Stohart, music. | Harold Harvey, tenor with orchestra. | Victor. |
Indian love call = Canto de amor de un India / Harbach, lyrics ; Hammerstein, lyrics ; Friml, composer ; [Stothart, composer] ; [Walter B. Rogers, orchestral arranger]. | Florence Easton, Soprano with Orchestra. | Brunswick. |
Indian love call / Harbach, lyrics ; Hammerstein, lyrics ; Friml, composer ; [Stothart, composer] ; [Walter B. Rogers, orchestral arranger]. | Florence Easton, Soprano with Orchestra. | Brunswick. |
Indian love call / Harbach, lyrics ; Hammerstein, lyrics ; Friml, music ; Stohart, music. | Ruby Green, soprano with orchestra. | Victor. |
Indian love call : from the musical play "Rose Marie" / Harbach ; Hammerstein ; Friml ; Strothart. | Yvette Rugel, soprano solo. | |
Totem tom tom / Friml ; Stothart. | Ted Brown Trio, saxophone, xylophone and piano. | Victor. |