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5 result(s) found for "Huntley, William A.".
TitlePerformerGeneric Label
Bye and bye you will forget me / [Arthur W. French, lyrics] ; [William A. Huntley, music].[Harry Macdonough ; John H. Bieling, duet].Edison.
Bye and bye you will forget me / French ; Huntley.Elsie Baker ; Frederick Wheeler, duet with orchestra.
Bye and bye you will forget me / [Arthur W. French, lyrics ; William A. Huntley, music].Messers. Dudley ; Macdonough.Berliner.
Some day I'll wander back again / Huntley, music ; [French, lyrics].Harry McClaskey, tenor with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
Bye and bye you will forget me / Arthur W. French, lyrics ; William A. Huntley, music.Dudley ; Macdonough, vocal duet.Berliner.
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