Dreams of darkie land / Rudy M. Heller, music?. | Parke Hunter, banjo. | Berliner. |
The musical congress of nations (descriptive) / Howard D. Middleton. | Len Spencer and Park Hunter (talking orchestra accompaniment). | |
The professor and the musical tramp. | Spencer and Hunter with orchestra accompaniment. | |
The musical congress / Howard D. Middleton. | Len Spencer ; Parke Hunter, with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia |
Uncle Sammy march / Holzman [i.e. Holzmann]. | Ossman & Hunter. | Berliner. |
Uncle Sammy March Holzmann. | Ossman; Hunter. | Berliner. |
Sweet Adeline (you're the flower of my dear heart) / [Armstrong]. | Bieling ; Dudley ; Haydn Quartet ; [Harry Macdonough]. | Berliner. |