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17 result(s) found for "Thibault, Conrad".
TitlePerformerGeneric Label
Where'er you walk / [G.F.] Händel. Dedication / [Wolfgang] Müller [von Königswinter] ; tr. [Katherine] Davis ; [Robert] Franz. Our native land / [Nordahl] Rolfsen ; [Edvard] Grieg. Marie / [Rudolf von] Gottschall ; tr. [Katherine] Davis ; [Robert] Franz.Conrad Thibault, baritone ; Myrtle C. Eaver, piano acc.
1. Dedication ; 2. Our native land ; 3. Marie / Muller ; Tr. Davis ; Franz ; Rollsen ; Grieg ; Gottschall ; Tr. Davis ; Franz.Conrad Thibault, baritone ; Myrtle C. Eaver, piano.
Wie froh und frisch = How free and fresh / J. Brahms.Conrad Thibault, Baritone ; Theodore Walstrum, piano accompaniment.His Master's Voice.
Ain'to got no place to lay my haid : from "Roustabout songs" / arr: Reddick ; Coll: Wheeler.Conrad Thibault ; Orchestra ; Lehman Engel.
The Hanging Of Devil Winston. Collected By Mary Wheeler; Arranged By W J Reddick.Conrad Thibault; Orchestra; Lehman Engel.
Es rauschet das wasser / J. Brahms.Rose Bampton, contralto ; Conrad Thibault, baritone; Wilfred [i.e. Wilfrid] Pelletier, piano acc.His Master's Voice.
Vor der thür = At the door ; Der jäger und sein liebchen = The hunter and his lass / J. Brahms.Rose Bampton, contralto ; Conrad Thibault, baritone; Wilfred [i.e. Wilfrid] Pelletier, piano acc.His Master's Voice.
Ohio River, She's So Deep An' Wide. Colledted By Mary Wheeler; Arranged By W J Reddick.Conrad Thibault; With Orchestra; Lehman Engel.
O wüsst ich doch den weg zurück = Oh! that I might retrace the way / J. Brahms.Conrad Thibault, baritone; Theodore Walstrum, piano accompaniment.His Master's Voice.
Der gang zum liebchen = The watchful lover ; Kein haus, kiene heimat = No home, no country / Brahms.Conrad Thibault, baritone ; Theodore Walstrum, piano accompaniment.His Master's Voice.
Alberta, Let Yo'hair Hang Low. Colledted By Mary Wheeler; Arranged By W J Reddick.Conrad Thibault; With Orchestra; Lehman Engel.
Die nonne und der ritter = The nun and the knight / J. Brahms.Rose Bampton, contralto ; Conrad Thibault, baritone; Wilfred [i.e. Wilfrid] Pelletier, piano acc.His Master's Voice.
The temple bells / Laurence Hope ; Amy Woodforde-Finden.Conrad Thibault.
Cap'n Jim Reese said : from "Roustabout songs" / arr: Reddick ; Coll: Wheeler.Conrad Thibault ; Orchestra ; Lehman Engel.
John gilbert : from "roustabout songs" / arr: Reddick ; Coll: Wheeler.Conrad Thibault ; Orchestra ; Lehman Engel.
Less than the dust / Laurence Hope ; Amy Woodforde-Finden.Conrad Thibault.
I'm Wukkin' My Way Back Home. Collected By Mary Wheeler; Arranged By W J Reddick.Conrad Thibault; With Orchestra; Lehman Engel.
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