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78 result(s) found for "Six Brown Brothers.".
TitlePerformerGeneric Label
Fatima / Curtis ; Van Alstyne.Six Brown Brothers.
Peter Gink / George L. Cobb.Six Brown Brothers.
Smiles and chuckles / F. Henri Klickmann.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
Tip top medley : from the musical comedy "Tip top" : Wonderful girl, wonderful boy : The girl I never met / Ivan Caryll.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.
Poor butterfly / Hubbell ; [Golden].Saxo Sextette, saxophone sextette.Columbia.
Egyptland / James W. Casey.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
Missouri Blues Harry Brown.Six Brown Brothers.
I'll say she does : medley : intro. "Smiles" and "I'm forever blowing bubbles" / De Sylva ; Kahn ; Jolson ; Lee S. Roberts ; Ken Brovin ; Kellette.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.
La paloma / Yradier.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
Chicken reel comedy medley : Poet and peasant ; Chicken reel ; Virginia Lee ; Bull frog and the coon / [Franz von Suppé] ; [Joseph Daly] ; [Joseph Nathan].Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
Policy king march / Brown. All blues medley : introducing Hesitation blues, Joymen blues / Smythe.Saxo Sextette, saxophone sextette.Columbia.
My fox trot girl / Paul Biese, music ; F. Henri Klickmann, music.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Berliner.
If A Wish Could Make It So. Herbert Stothart.Six Brown Brotherseen; Victor Arden.
For me and my gal ; From here to Shanghai / George W. Meyer ; Irving Berlin.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
The Darktown strutters' ball / Shelton Brooks.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextet.Berliner.
If a wish could make it so / Herbert Stothart.Six Brown Brothers.
American patrol / Meacham. Call of a nation / Wendling.Saxo Sextette, performers.Columbia.
Bull frog blues / Tom Browne [i.e. Brown] ; Guy Shrigley.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Berliner.
Chasing the chickens / Walker ; Olman.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
Wonderful girl, wonderful boy ; The girl I never met / Ivan Caryll.Six Brown Brothers.
Pussyfoot march / "Slap" White.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Berliner.
Walkin' the dog / Brooks, lyrics and music ; Shrigley, arrangement.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
Passion dance = La danza appassionata / Clarence M. Jones.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sexetette.Victor.
Tip top / Ivan Caryll.Six Brown Brothers.
The Concourse March G E Holmes.Six Brown Brothers.
Saxophone sobs / E. Erdmann.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
Chicken walk / Tom Brown.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sexetette.Victor.
That moaning saxophone rag / Harry Cook ; Tom Brown.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
Peter Gink / George L. Cobb.Six Brown Brothers.
Chin chin : medley fox trot : Pretty baby ; Chin-chin open your heart and let me in / [Tony Jackson ; Egbert Van Alstyne] ; [A. Seymour Brown].Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Berliner.
Egyptland / James W. Casey.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
All blues medley : Hesitation blues ; Joyman blues / Handy ; Smythe.Saxo Sextette.Columbia.
Rigoletto quartet / Verdi ; [Klickmann, White] ; [performed by] Six Brown Brothers. Passion dance : Parisian fox-tango / Clarence M. Jones ; [Klickmann, White] ; [performed by] Six Brown Brothers.Six Brown Brothers: saxophone sextette.Victor.
My fox trot girl / Paul Biese, music ; F. Henri Klickmann, music.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
Down Home Rag Wilber C S Sweatman.Six Brown Brothers; Saxophone Sextette.Victor.
Saxophone Sam / Paul Biese ; F. Henri Klickmann.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
Smiles and chuckles / F. Henri Klickmann.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Berliner.
Ghost of the saxophone / F. Henri Klickmann.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Berliner.
La paloma / Yradier.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Berliner.
If a wish could make it so medley : from the musical comedy "Tickle me" : Tickle me / Herbert Stothart.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.
Rigoletto quartet / Verdi.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sexetette.Berliner.
Miss Springtime / Kern.Saxo Sextette, saxophone sextette.Columbia.
I'll say she does ; I'm forever blowing bubbles ; Smiles / DeSylva ; Kahn ; Jolson ; Lee S. Roberts ; Kenbrovin ; Kellette.Six Brown Brothers.
Allah's holiday ; Charms are fairest when they're hidden / Friml.Saxo Sextette, saxophone sextette.Columbia.
Call Of A Nation Wendling.Saxo Sextette.Columbia.
I'll say she does : medley "I'm forever blowing bubbles" / De Sylva ; Kahn ; Jolson ; Lee S. Roberts ; Kenbrovin ; Kellette.Six Brown Brothers.
Independentia : medley march : Under the double eagle ; Bill board march / [R.B. Hall] ; [Josef Franz Wagner] ; [John N. Klohr].Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
The Darktown strutters' ball / Shelton Brooks ; [performed by] Six Brown Brothers. Razzberries / Frank E. Banta ; [performed by] Van Eps Trio.(Side A) Six Brown Brothers (saxophone sextet) ; (Side B) Van Eps Trio (banjo, saxophone, piano).Victor.
Carolina Sunshine Hirch; Schmidt.Six Brown Brothers.
Swanee Ripples Blaufuss.Saxo Sextette.Columbia.
For me and my gal ; From here to Shanghai / George W. Meyer ; Irving Berlin.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Berliner.
When Aunt Dinah's daughter Hannah bangs on that piano / James (Slap) White.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
Fatima / Curtis ; Van Alstyne.Six Brown Brothers.
Bull frog blues / Tom Browne [i.e. Brown] ; Guy Shrigley.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
Peter Gink / George L. Cobb.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
Chin chin : medley fox trot : Pretty baby ; Chin-chin open your heart and let me in / [Tony Jackson ; Egbert Van Alstyne] ; [A. Seymour Brown].Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
Carolina Sunshine [sound recording] / Hirch and Schmidt. / Peter Gink / George L. Cobb.Six brown brothers (Tom, William, Verne, Alex and Fred Brown -- cf Rust).
Comedy Tom / Gus King.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Berliner.
Independentia : medley march : Under the double eagle ; Bill board march / [R.B. Hall] ; [Josef Franz Wagner] ; [John N. Klohr].Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Berliner.
Pussyfoot march / "Slap" White.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
That moaning saxophone rag / Harry Cook ; Tom Brown.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
Bull frog blues / Brown ; Shrigley.Saxo Sextette, saxophone sextette.Columbia.
Missouri Blues Harry Brown.Six Brown Brothers.
Tip top ; Wonderful girl, wonderful boy ; The girl I never met : from the musical comedy "Tip Top" / Ivan Caryll.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.
Rainbow of my dreams medley : intro. Norse dreams / Freed ; Wallace.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.
Passion dance = La danza appassionata / Clarence M. Jones.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sexetette.Berliner.
Comedy Tom / Gus King.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
If a wish could make it so / Herbert Stothart.Six Brown Brothers.
The Darktown strutters' ball / Shelton Brooks.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextet.Berliner.
Saxophone Sam / Paul Biese ; F. Henri Klickmann.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Berliner.
Ghost of the saxophone / F. Henri Klickmann.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
Peter Gink / George L. Cobb.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
What do you want to make those eyes at me for? / McCarthy [Joseph?] ; Johnson ; Monaco.Saxo Sextette, saxophone sextette.Columbia.
12th street rag / James White.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sexette.
Jazz band blues / James White.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.
12th street rag / C. E. Wheeler.Six Brown Brothers.
Jazz band blues / James White.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sexette.
12th street rag / C. E. Wheeler.Six Brown Brothers.
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