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40 result(s) found for "Klickmann, F. Henri (Frank Henri), 1885-1966.".
TitlePerformerGeneric Label
Oh, those Blues / Murphy, lyrics ; Biese, music ; Klickman.Collins ; Harlan.Pathé.
Sweet Hawaiian moonlight / Klickman ; [performed by] Gennett Orchestra. Valse Marie / Israel ; [performed by] Milano Orch.Gennett Orchestra (side A) ; Milano Orchestra (side B).
Sweet Hawaiian moonlight ; When you look in the heart of a rose / Klickman ; Methven.Ben Hokea ; Al Nani, guitars.Berliner.
Smiles and chuckles / F. Henri Klickmann.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
Sing me the rosary : [the sweetest song of all] / F. Henri Klickman, music ; [Roger Lewis, lyrics].Henry Burr, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
My fox trot girl / Paul Biese, music ; F. Henri Klickmann, music.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Berliner.
There's only one pal after all / H. G. Frost ; F. H. Klickmann.Shannon Four.
There's Only One Pal After All Frost; Klickmann.Crescent Trio; Orchestra; Male Trio.
Just a dream of you, dear / F. Henri Klickmann, music ; [Charles F. McNamara, lyrics].Peerless Quartette, vocal quartette with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
There's only one pal after all / H. G. Frost ; F. H. Klickmann.Shannon Four (vocal quartette with orchestra).
Sweet Hawaiian moonlight / Frost ; Klickman.Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra.
Pickaninny blues / Klickman ; Prost.Sterling Trio, orchestra accompaniment.
There's a little blue star in the window (and it means all the world to me) / Paul B. Armstrong, lyrics ; F. Henri Klickmann, music.Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra.Berliner.
When I'm gone you'll soon forget / E. Keith Austin [i.e. E. Austin Keith]. Weeping willow lane / Harold G. Frost ; F. Henri Klickmann.Peerless Quartet ; with orchestra (1st work). Henry Burr, tenor ; Frank Croxton, bass ; with orchestra (2nd work).
Just a dream of you, dear / F. Henri Klickmann, music ; [Charles F. McNamara, lyrics].Peerless Quartette, vocal quartette with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
My honey Lu / Biese, music ; Klickman [i.e. Klickmann], music ; [Frost, lyrics].Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra accompaniment.Pathé.
Boston hesitation waltz / F. Henri Klickmann.Victor Military Band.
The original fox trot ; When the turkey in the straw danced the chicken reel / F. Henri Klickmann.Van Eps Trio.Berliner.
There's only one pal after all / Frost ; Klickman [i.e. Klickmann].Lewis James, tenor ; Shannon Four, male quartet.Berliner.
Sweet Hawaiian moonlight ; When you look in the heart of a rose / Klickman ; Methven.Ben Hokea ; Al Nani, guitars.Victor.
Rigoletto quartet / Verdi ; [Klickmann, White] ; [performed by] Six Brown Brothers. Passion dance : Parisian fox-tango / Clarence M. Jones ; [Klickmann, White] ; [performed by] Six Brown Brothers.Six Brown Brothers: saxophone sextette.Victor.
My fox trot girl / Paul Biese, music ; F. Henri Klickmann, music.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
When you long for a pal (who would care) / Keithley [lyrics] ; Duryea [music]. Trail to long ago / White [lyrics] ; Erickson [lyrics]; Klickmann [music] ; Keithley [music].Lewis James, tenor with orchestra (When you long for a pal (who would care)) ; Lewis James ; Elliott Shaw, duet with orchestra (Trail to long ago)
The original fox-trot / Klickmann.Van Eps Trio.
Saxophone Sam / Paul Biese ; F. Henri Klickmann.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
Smiles and chuckles / F. Henri Klickmann.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Berliner.
Ghost of the saxophone / F. Henri Klickmann.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Berliner.
Sweet Hawaiian moonlight (tell her of my love) / Frost, lyrics ; Klickman, music.Al. Campbell, tenor ; Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra.Berliner.
Venetian dreams / Klickmann, [F. Henri?] ; Garrett.Charles Hart ; Lewis James.Berliner.
There's a little blue star in the window (and it means all the world to me) / Paul B. Armstrong, lyrics ; F. Henri Klickmann, music.Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra.Victor.
Diane of the green van / J. Will Callahan, lyrics ; F. Henri Klickmann, music.Albert Campbell ; Henry Burr, two tenors with orchestra.Victor.
Sing me the rosary : [the sweetest song of all] / F. Henri Klickman, music ; [Roger Lewis, lyrics].Henry Burr, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
Sing me the rosary : [the sweetest song of all] / F. Henri Klickman, music ; [Roger Lewis, lyrics].Henry Burr, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
There's a little blue star in the window (and it means all the world to me) / Klickmann, music ; [Armstrong, lyrics].Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
Sweet Hawaiian moonlight / Harold G. Frost ; F. Henri Klickman.Vivian Holt ; Lillian Rosedale ; Kapela Hawaiian Quintette.
Sing me the rosary / Klickmann.Irving Gillette [i.e. Henry Burr] and mixed chorus.Edison
The original fox trot ; When the turkey in the straw danced the chicken reel / F. Henri Klickmann.Van Eps Trio.Berliner.
Saxophone Sam / Paul Biese ; F. Henri Klickmann.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Berliner.
Ghost of the saxophone / F. Henri Klickmann.Six Brown Brothers, saxophone sextette.Victor.
Diane of the green van / F. Henri Klickmann ; [J. Will Callahan]. Alice of old Vincennes / Thompson ; [E. Clinton Keithley].Nora Watson (side A) ; Henry Burr (side B)Columbia.
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