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19 result(s) found for "Klein, Lou,1888-1945.".
TitlePerformerGeneric Label
If I had my way / James Kendis, Lou Klein. Ay ay ay / O.P. Freire.Glen Gray and The Casa Loma Orchestra, vocal chorus [side a] by Kenny Sargent.
Corinne Ladouceur : [enregistrement sonore] / sur l'air de "gay cabalero" [i.e. A gay caballero] [Tremblay, traducteur] ; [Crumit, paroles anglaises et musique] ; [Klein, Lou, paroles anglaises et musique].Mde J.R. Tremblay, avec piano.Compo.
Over The Hill Klein; Allen; Rubens.Charles Hart; Orchestra.
If I had my way / Klein, lyrics ; Kendis, music.Peerless Quartet, male quartet with orchestra.Berliner.
Over The Hill Allen; Rubens; Klein.George Wilton Ballard; With Orch Acc.
He's a devil in his own home town / Grant Clarke, Irving Berlin ; [performed by] Billy Murray. If they'd only move Old Ireland over here / Kelly, Klein, Gillen ; [performed by] Ada Jones.Billy Murray, vocals (side a) ; Ada Jones, vocals (side b).
If I had my way / Klein, lyrics ; Kendis, music.Peerless Quartet, male quartet with orchestra.Berliner.
April showers : featured in Columbia picture "The Jolson story" / Louis Silvers - B.G. DeSylva, [performed by] Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians, vocal chorus by Jimmy Brown. If I had my way / James Kendis - Lou Klein, [performed by] Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians, vocal chorus by Jimmy Brown.Guy Lombardo ; Jimmy Brown ; Royal Canadians.
When Uncle Sammy Leads The Band Von Tilzer.Billy Burton; Herbert Stuart.Columbia.
Over the hill / Allen ; Rubens ; Klein.Billy Jones, tenor with orchestra.
On the honeymoon express : [on that spooney, spooney honeymoon express] / Kendis, music ; Stilwell, music ; [Klein, lyrics].Arthur Collins, baritone ; Byron G. Harlan, tenor, duet with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
Just the kind of a girl you'd love to make your wife / H. Von Tilzer, music ; [Klein, lyrics].Arthur Fields, baritone solo with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
On the honeymoon express : [on that spooney, spooney honeymoon express] / Kendis, music ; Stilwell, music ; [Klein, lyrics].Arthur Collins, baritone ; Byron G. Harlan, tenor, duet with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
Over the hill / Klein ; Allen ; Rubins [i.e. Rubens].Lewis James, tenor with orchestra.Berliner.
The bells / [Stillwell, music] ; [Klein, lyrics].Peerless Quartet.Edison
The little good for nothing's good for something after all / Klein ; H. von Tilzer.Al. Campbell ; Henry Burr, tenor duet with orchestra.Berliner.
When Uncle Sammy leads the band / Lou Klein ; Harry Von Tilzer ; [performed by] Peerless Quartet. L-I-B-E-R-T-Y / Ted S. Barron ; [performed by] Henry Burr.Peerless Quartet with orchestra (side a) ; Henry Burr, tenor, with orchestra (side b).Victor.
In Siam / Klein, [Lou?].Henry Burr, tenor with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
The bells / [Stillwell, music] ; [Klein, lyrics].Peerless Quartet.Edison
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