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38 result(s) found for "Jarvis, Harold.".
TitlePerformerGeneric Label
Oh, It Is Wonderful Harold Jarvis.Harold Jarvis.Columbia
Jesus, I Am Resting.Harold Jarvis.
March Of The Cameron Men Campbell.Harold Jarvis; Orchestra.
The bay of Biscay / Davy.Harold Jarvis with orchestra.
Standard o' the Braes o' Mar / Dewar.Harold Jarvis.
O Canada (Canadian national hymn) / Lavallée.Harold Jarvis, with orchestra.
Beautiful isle of somewhere / Fearis ; Pounds.Harold Jarvis.
The Bay of Biscay / Davy.Harold Jarvis with orchestra, tenor.
The Death Of Nelson Braham.Harold Jarvis; Victor Orchestra.
My Ain Countrie Led.Harold Jarvis; With Orchestra.
Standard O' The Braes O' Mar Dwar.Harold Jarvis; With Orchestra.
The Bay Of Biscay Davy.Harold Jarvis; With Orchestra.
Guard While I Sleep Warrington.Harold Jarvis; With Orchestra.Berliner.
March of the Cameron men / [M.M.] Campbell, lyrics.Harold Jarvis, tenor with orchestra.Berliner.
My ain countrie / [K.A. Simpson, lyrics ; Elva Lorence, music].Harold Jarvis, tenor with orchestra.Berliner.
Where is heaven? / Felix Marti.Harold Jarvis, tenor solo, orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
Where is heaven? / Felix Marti.Harold Jarvis, tenor solo; orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
O Canada / Lavallée.Harold Jarvis.
O Canada / Lavallee.Harold Jarvis with orchestra.
O canada (canadian national hymn) / Lavallee.Harold Jarvis, with orchestra.
Scots wha he'e wi' Wallace bled / Burns.Harold Jarvis, tenor.Edison.
Beautiful isle of somewhere / Pounds ; Fearis.Harold Jarvis, tenor with orchestra accompaniment.
Beautiful isle of somewhere / Fearis.Harold Jarvis with orchestra.
Beautiful isle of somewhere / Fearis.Harold Jarvis with orchestra, tenor.
Come into the garen, Maud / Balfe.Harold Jarvis, with orchestra.
Beautiful isle of somewhere / Fearis.Harold Jarvis with orchestra.
Mary of Argyle / Composer, S Nelson ; lyric, Charles Jefferys.Evan Williams, tenor.
The gift / Behrend.Harold Jarvis, tenor.Edison.
Oh, it is wonderful / [Gabriel].Harold Jarvis, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
Beautiful isle of somewhere / J.S. Fearis.Harold Jarvis, tenor solo; orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
My ain countrie / Lee.Harold Jarvis.
Mary Of Argyle Chas Jefferys; Sidney Nelson.John Mccormack; With Orchestra.
The gift / A.H. Behrend.Harold Jarvis.Edison
Crossing the bar / A.H. Behrend, music ; [Tennyson, lyrics].Harold Jarvis, [tenor solo] with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
Crossing the bar / A.H. Behrend, music ; [Tennyson, lyrics].Harold Jarvis, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
O Canada : Canadian national hymn / [A.B. Routhier, lyrics] ; [Acton, Jas, transl.] ; [Calixa] Lavallée, music.Harold Jarvis, tenor with orchestra.Berliner.
O Canada : Canadian national hymn / [A.B. Routhier, lyrics] ; [Acton, Jas, transl.] ; [Calixa] Lavallée, music.Harold Jarvis, tenor with orchestra.Berliner.
Beautiful isle of somewhere / J.S. Fearis.Harold Jarvis, tenor solo; orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
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