The Holy City. | Haydn Quartet. | |
When The Harvest Days Are Over. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Silent Night, Hallowed Night. | Haydn Quartet. | |
The Tack (A Catastrophe) / unknown. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet. | Berliner. |
Where is my boy to-night / Haydn quartet. | Haydn quartet, with organ accompaniment. | |
A negro wedding in [southern] Georgia. | American Quartet. | Berliner. |
Old folks at home : part 2. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Yale boola song / Hirsh. | Hayden Quartet, with orchestra. | |
I'se gwine back to dixie / White. | Haydn Quartet. | |
When the bees are in the hive / Mills. | Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | |
I'se gwine back to dixie / White. | Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | |
Steamboat medley. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Put pn your old grey bonnet. | Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | |
Battle of Santiago. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Roses bring dreams of you / Ingraham. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Sweet little Rosey Posey medley. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Vesper service. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Vesper service. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Church Scene-from Old Homestead. | Haydn Quartet. | |
The Owl And The Pussy Cat. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Breeze Of The Night. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Glory Song. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Nearer My God To Thee. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Onward Christian Soldiers. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Old Black Joe. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Golden Slippers Medley. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Steamboat Leaving Wharf. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Carry Me Back To Ole Virginie. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Home, Sweet Home. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Old Black Joe. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Medley Of Coon Songs. | Haydn Quartet. | |
My Creole Sue. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Moonlight On The Lake. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Vesper Service. | Haydn Quartet. | |
The Lost Chord. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Massa's In The Cold, Cold Ground. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Lead Kindly Light. | Haydn Quartet. | |
The Old Oaken Bucket. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Sally In Our Alley. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Cornfield Medley. | Haydn Quartet. | |
My Old Kentucky Home. | Arthur Pryor. | |
In The Sweet Bye And Bye. | Westminster Chimes. | |
Carry Me Back To Old Virginny. | Haydn Quartet; Orchestra. | |
The Water Mill Macy. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Mollie Darling Hays. | Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
Heidelberg. | Haydn Quartet; Orchestra. | |
Roses Bring Dreams Of You Ingraham. | Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | Berliner. |
Let The Saviour In Excell. | Haydn Quartet. | |
The Last Rose Of Summer Is The Sweetest Song Of All Sidney. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
When The Summer Days Are Gone Curley-christie. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Down In Mobile Long Ago. | Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet. | |
Only A Message From Home, Sweet Home. | Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | Berliner. |
Dreaming On The Ohio. | Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet. | |
Starry night for a ramble. | Haydn Quartet ; Harry Macdonough. | |
Camp of the Hoboes. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Dudley Buck's Good Night. | Haydn Quartette. | |
Fare thee well Molly darling. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra accompaniment, male quartet. | Berliner. |
Medley of coon songs. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Bring back my Bonnie to me, or, My Bonnie lies over the ocean / anonymous. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Old black Joe / [Stephen C. Foster, lyrics and music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
A night trip to Buffalo. | American Quartet. | Berliner. |
Golden slippers medley. | Haydn Quartette. | Berliner. |
Two little girls loved one little boy / Bryan, lyrics ; Mullen, music. | Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet, tenor with quartet and orchestra accompaniment. | Berliner. |
An evening with the Minstrels, No. 4 : Musical act : Ebony emperors of melody. | Minstrels. | Berliner. |
New Years at Old Trinity. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Aunt Dinah's quilting party, or, Seeing Nellie home / [J. Fletcher, lyrics] ; [Frances Kyle, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
An evening with the minstrels no. 7 : Sidewalk conversation : Funny things you see in the papers. | Minstrels. | Berliner. |
Chimes of the golden bells. | Minstrels. | Berliner. |
Round the camp, or, Round the campfire in the Philippines. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
An evening with the minstrels no. 5 : Having fun with the orchestra. | Minstrels. | Berliner. |
Old plantation scenes no. 1 : Slavery days. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
The vacant chair / [Henry F. Washburn, lyrics ; George F. Root, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Where is my wandering boy to-night / [Reverend Robert Lowry, lyrics, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Farmyard medley [= Farm Yard Medley]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
I'se gwine [back] to Dixie / [C.A.] White. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet with orchestra. | Berliner. |
The bridge, or, [I stood on the bridge at midnight] / [H.W. Longfellow, lyrics ; M. Lindsay, music]. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet. | Berliner. |
A cornfield medley / [Will D. Cobb, lyrics ; Gus Edwards, music]. | The Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Old plantation scenes no. 3 : the wanderer's return. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Nancy Lee / [James O'Dea, lyrics ; Robert J. Adams, music]. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet with orchestra accompaniment. | Berliner. |
I'se gwine back to Dixie / [C.A. White, lyrics and music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Lead kindly light / Cardinal J.H. Newman, lyrics ; Rev. R.B. Dykes, music. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Good bye Dolly Grey / [Will D. Cobb, lyrics ; Paul Barnes, music]. | American Quartet. | Berliner. |
Medley of plantation songs. | American Quartet. | Berliner. |
Camp of the hoboes. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
A sleigh ride party. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
My old Kentucky home / [Stephen C. Fosterwords and music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Rocked in the cradle of the deep / [E. Willard, lyrics ; J.P. Knight, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Farmyard medley. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Medley of plantation songs. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Mollie Darling / [W.S.] Hays. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Kathleen Mavourneen / [F.N. Crouch, music ; L.M.J.M. Crawford, lyrics]. | The Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Church scene from the old homestead / [Thompson]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Roses bring dreams of you / [Herbert] Ingraham. | Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Where the southern roses grow / [Richard Buck, lyrics ; Theodore F. Morse, music]. | Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment. | Berliner. |
Funiculi, funicula = A merry heart / [E. Oxenford, lyrics] ; [L.] Denza, music. | Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Let the saviour in / [E.D.] Excell, music. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet. | Berliner. |
Lead kindly light / John H. Newman ; John B. Dykes. Abide with me / H.F. Lyte ; W.H. Monk. | Reinald Werrenrath, baritone with orchestra, | |
When the roll is called up yonder I'll be there / Black. | Harry Macdonough and Haydn quartet, with orchestra. | |
God be with you till we meet again / J.E. Rankin ; W.G. Tomer. | Alma Gluck, soprano ; Efrem Zimbalist, violin. | |
Bring back my Bonnie to me. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet, with orchestra. | |
In the sweet bye and bye. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Blue bell / Harry MacDonough. | Harry MacDonough and Hayden Quartet with orchestra accompaniment. | |
The Farmyard Medley. | The Haydn Quartette. | |
Star Spangled Banner. | Haydn Quartette. | |
Old plantation scenes. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Farmyard medley. | Haydn Quartet, vocals. | |
Medley of plantation songs. | Haydn Quartet, vocals. | |
Steamboat medley. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Little darling, dream of me. | Haydn Quartet. | Victor. |
Soldier's farewell. | Haydn Quartet. | Victor. |
You're the same old girl / Young ; Williams ; Grant. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet, with orchestra. | Victor. |
Neath the old acorn tree, sweet Estelle / [C.M. Denison, lyrics] ; [J. Fred] Helf, music. | Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Where is my [wandering] boy to-night / Reverend Robert Lowry, music. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet with orchestra accompaniment. | Berliner. |
Medley of plantation songs, or, [Plantation medley]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Beulah land / [E. Page, lyrics] ; [John Robson] Sweeney, music. | Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment. | Berliner. |
When it's moonlight on the prairie, or, [There's a parson only 20 miles away] / [S.R.] Henry, music ; [Robert F. Roden, lyrics]. | Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | Berliner. |
When the roll is called up yonder / [J.M.] Black, lyrics and music. | Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet, tenor with quartet and orchestra. | Berliner. |
Carry me back to ole Virginny, or, [Carry me back to old Virginia] / [James Bland, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Farm Yard Medley, or, [Farmyard Medley]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
In the gloaming[, oh, my darling] / [Annie Fortescue Harrison, music ; M. Orred, lyrics]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Steamboat medley. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
In the sweet bye and bye / [Vincent Bryan, lyrics ; Harry von Tilzer, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
A trip to the county fair. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
The battle of Santiago / [Rous ; Porter]. | The American Quartet. | Berliner. |
The Sabbath day. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Blue bell medley : Starry night for a ramble ; Plain Mamie O'Hooley ; Blue bell / [Walter Hawley, lyrics ; Alfred Solman, music] ; [Edward Madden ; Dolly Morse ; Theodore F. Morse, lyrics and music] ; [Harry B. Smith, lyrics ; Ludwig Englander, music]. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet. | Berliner. |
Down in the old cherry orchard / Henry. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
An evening with the Minstrels, No. 8 : Scenes on the levee. | Minstrels. | Berliner. |
An evening with the Minstrels no. 4 : the ebony emperors of melody. | Minstrels. | Berliner. |
Trip to the county fair. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
In the gloaming[, oh, my darling] / [Annie Fortescue Harrison, music ; M. Orred, lyrics]. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet. | Berliner. |
He lifted me / Charles H. Gabriel, music. | Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Ring the bells of heaven / Root. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
The sidewalks of New York / [W. Blake, lyrics ; Charles B. Lawlor, music]. | The American Quartet. | Berliner. |
Stein song, or, [It's always fair weather when good fellows get together] / [Richard Hovey, lyrics] ; [Frederic Field] Bullard, music. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet. | Berliner. |
An evening with the minstrels, no. 6 : Cake walk in Coontown. | Minstrels. | Berliner. |
An evening with the minstrels no. 2 : My Creole Sue / [Gussie L. Davis]. | Minstrels. | Berliner. |
Farmyard medley. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
By-lo land. | Haydn Quartet, vocal quartet. | Berliner. |
Mamie Riley [i.e. Reilley] / unknown. | [Haydn Quartet]. | Berliner. |
Steamboat leaving wharf at New Orleans. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
The county fair. | Haydn Quartette. | Berliner. |
Medley of plantation songs. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
'Round the camp-fire. | Haydn Quartet ; [Harry Macdonough]. | Victor. |
Where is my [wandering] boy tonight? / Reverend Robert Lowry, lyrics, music. | Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Trip to the county fair. | [Haydn] Quartette. | Edison. |
Barn yard medley, or, [Farmyard Medley]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Evening prayer. | Haydn Quartet ; [Harry MacDonough]. | Victor. |
A night trip to Buffalo. | American Quartet. | |
New Years at Old Trinity. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
The lost chord / [A. Sullivan, music ; A.A. Procter, lyrics]. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet. | Berliner. |
An evening with the minstrels No. 2 : Minstrel ballad : My Creole Sue / [Gussie L. Davis]. | Minstrels. | Berliner. |
Where is my wandering boy to-night / [Albert Hall, lyrics ; Clarence Wainwright, music]. | The Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Lead kindly light / [J.H. Newman, lyrics ; J.B. Dykes, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Trip to the county fair. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Winter / [Alfred] Bryan, lyrics ; [Albert] Gumble, music. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet with orchestra. | Berliner. |
An evening with the Minstrels no. 8 : Grand afterpiece : Scenes on the levee. | Minstrels. | Berliner. |
My wild Irish rose / [Chauncey] Olcott. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet. | Berliner. |
Dancing on the old barn floor / [Edward J. Grant] | Haydn Quartet. | |
I'se gwine back to Dixie. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Church scene : from "Old homestead". | Haydn Quartet. | |
Dancing on the old barn floor. | Haydn Quartet. | |
'Round the camp-fire. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Mandy Lee. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Old plantation scenes (No. 1 -- Slavery days). | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet, descriptive quartet. | |
A trip to the country [i.e. county] fair. | The Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
A night trip to Buffalo. | American Quartet. | Berliner. |
I'se gwine back to Dixie / [C.A. White, lyrics and music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Medley of plantation songs. | American Quartet. | Berliner. |
The last rose of summer is the sweetest song of all / Sidney. | Harry Macdonough and Haydn Quartet, tenor with quartet. | Victor. |
Christ arose / Lowry. | Hayden Quartet. | |
When we listened to the murmur of the pine[s] / [B.] Robinson, lyrics ; [Winthrop] Brookhouse, music. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Farmyard medley. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Sunbonnet Sue / [Will D.] Cobb, lyrics ; [Gus] Edwards, music. | Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Camp of the hoboes. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
The sidewalks of New York / [W. Blake, lyrics ; Charles B. Lawlor, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Breeze[s] of the night / [Marion]. | Haydn Quartet, vocal quartet. | Berliner. |
Good luck, Mary / (Piantadosi). | Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet. | |
Leaf by leaf the roses fall / (Bishop). | Haydn Quartet. | |
Godfather's clock / Henry C. Work. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet, male quartet with orchestra. | |
Old black joe. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Nearer my God to thee. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Brown eyes, good-bye / Reed ; Christie. | Herry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet. | |
Brink back my Bonnie to me. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Meet me where the lanterns glow / Klein. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Reception medley. | Haydn Quartette. | |
Down where the silv'ry Mohawk flows / John Heinzman ; Otto Heinzman. | Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment. | |
A negro wedding in southern Georgia. | Haydn Quartet. | |
He will hold me fast / Harkness. | Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | |
She was bred in old Kentucky. | The Haydn Quartet. | |
When love is young : from "Brown of Harvard" / Ellis. | Billy Murray, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | |
New year's at old trinity. | Haydn Quartet, descriptive quartet. | |
Mamie Riley. | Haydn Quartet. | |
In the sweet bye and bye. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Golden splippers medley. | Haydn Quartet (male quartet). | |
Shall we gather at the river / Lowry. | Haydn Quartet. | |
A negro wedding in southern Georgia. | American Quartet. | |
Blue bell - March ballad. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] quartet ; male quartet with orchestra. | |
Evening prayer. | Haydn Quartet. | |
My old Kentucky home. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Aunt Dinah's quilting party "seeing Nellie home". | Haydn Quartet. | |
The bridge / Carew. | Haydn Quartet (male quartet). | |
Farm yard medley. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Roses bring dreams to you / Ingraham. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet, male quartet. | |
Love my love. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Somewhere in the world there's a little girl for me : from "The Vanderbilt cup" / Bowers. | Harry Macdonough, tenor with orchestra ; Haydn Quartet. | |
Little darling dream of me. | Haydn Quartette. | |
Roses bring dreams to you / Ingraham. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Annie Laurie. | Haydn Quartet (vocal quartet). | |
Little darling dream of me. | Haydn Quartet. | |
The midshipmite. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet. | |
A negro wedding in southern Georgia. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet. | |
Meet me where the lanterns glow : from "A trip to Japan" / Klein. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
Goodbye dolly gray. | The Haydn Quartette. | |
When it's moonlight on the prairie / Henry. | Harry Macdonough with Haydn Quartet and Orchestra. | |
By-lo land. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Soldier's farewell. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Dixie land. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Down where the silv'ry mowhawk flows / Heinzman. | Haydn Quartet. | |
The last rose of summer is the sweetest son of all / Sidney. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
Gwine back to Dixie. | Haydn Quartet. | |
In the sweet bye and bye. | Hayden [Haydn] Quartet. | |
Old Nassau / Peck ; Langlotz. | Werrenrath ; Haydn Quartet, baritone with male quartet, with orchestra. | |
The battle of Santiago. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Christ arose / Lowry. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
Massa's in the cold, cold ground. | Haydn Quartette. | |
When her beauty begins to fade / (More). | Haydn Quartet. | |
Rocked in the cradle of the deep. | Haydn Quartet. | |
In the evening by the moonlight. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Sally in our alley. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Darling Nellie Grey / Hanby. | Haydn Quartet. | |
I am thinking for you sweetheart day by day. | Harry Macdonough & Haydn Quartet. | |
Tell mother I'll be there / Fillmore. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet. | |
Nancy Lee. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra accompaniment. | |
Old Black Joe. | The Haydn Quartet. | |
The midshipmite. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet. | |
Tenting in the old camp ground. | Haydn Quartet. | |
In the gloaming. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Dear old girl. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Little Alabama coon. | Haydn Quartette. | |
Come along little girl come along / Mullen. | Harry Macdonough with Haydn Quartet, tenor with quartet. | |
College medley. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Bonnie sweet Bessie. | Haydn Quartet. | |
The owl and the pussy cat. | Haydn Quartette. | |
My old Kentucky home. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Heidelberg: from "Prince of Pilsen". | Haydn Quartet. | |
In the sweet bye and bye. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Throw out the life line / Ufford ; Stebbins. | Harry Macdonough with Haydn Quartet and orchestra. | |
Golden slippers medley. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet. | |
The old-time religion / Tillman. | Haydn Quartet. | |
By the Saskatchewan : from "The pink lady" / Caryll ; McLellan. | Haydn Quartet ; Reinald Werrenrath. | |
Farmyard medley. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Where is my boy to-night (lowry). | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet with orchestra accompaniment. | |
When the roll is called up yonder / Black. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet with orchestra. | |
Kathleen Mavourneen. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Dixie dear / Reimer. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
Corn field medley. | Haydn Quartet. | |
A sleighride party. | Haydn Quartet. | |
New years at old trinity. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Oh, come all ye faithful (Adeste fideles). | Hayden [Haydn] Quartet, with orchestra. | |
Krausmeyer's wedding party. | Haydn Quartet. | |
When the bloom is on the rye. | Haydn Quartet. | |
The heart you lost in Maryland / Solman. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Rocked in the cradle of the deep. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Annie Laurie. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Little Alabama coon. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Oh, come all ye faithful : adeste fideles. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet with orchestra. | |
The vacant chair / Root. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Medley of coon songs. | Haydn Quartette. | |
Close dat eye. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Annie Laurie. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Put on your old gray bonnet. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Church scene. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Ring the bell of heavens / Root. | Haydn Quartet with Orchestra (Male Quartet). | |
Juanita. | Haydn Quartet. | |
A sleighride party. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Brink back my Bonnie to me. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Steamboat medley. | Haydn Quartet (descriptive quartet). | |
Close dat eye. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Bring back my Bonnie to me. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Your picture says remember though your letter says forget / Lamb ; Henry. | Harry Macdonough, Haydn Quartet. | |
The owl and the pussy cat. | The Haydn Quarteto. | |
The lorelei. | Haydn Quartet. | |
The Orange and the Black : Princetown College song / Mitchell ; Biedermann. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet and orchestra. | |
Hear that orchestra rag / Branen ; Hollander. | Peerless Quartet, with orchestra. | |
Hail smiling morn / Spofforth. | Haydn Quartet. | |
God be with you till we meet again / Christian Endeavor Hymn. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Annie Laurie. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Somewhere in the worls there's a little girl for meME / Bowers. | Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | |
Oh come all ye faithful : Adeste fidelis. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Old plantation scenes (No. 1 -- Slavery days). | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet, descriptive quartet. | |
Old oaken bucket. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Lead kindly light. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Home, sweet home. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Rest for the weary / McDonald. | Haydn Quartet. | |
The Sabbath day. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Silent night hallowed night. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Evening prayer. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Tell mother I'll be there / Fillmore. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet. | |
Trip to the county fair. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Cornfield medley. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Christ arose / Lowry. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet. | |
Steamboat leaving the wharf at New Orleans. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Rocked in the cradle of the deep. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Silent night, hallowed night. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet (male quartet). | |
The old-time religion / Tillman. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet. | |
Teasing. | Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet, solo and quartet with orchestra accompaniment. | |
That old time religion / Tillman. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra accompaniment. | |
When the roll is called up younder I'll be there / Black. | Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet. | |
Aunt Dinah's quilting party ; "Seeing Nellie home". | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet. | |
When the bees are in the hive / Mills. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Imitation Medley. | Haydn Quartette. | |
Tenting on the old camp ground. | Haydn Quartet ; Walter B. Rogers, bugle calls. | |
Glory song (oh, that will be glory) / Gabriel. | Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | |
My wild Irish rose / Chauncey Olcott. | Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet with orchestra. | |
A night trip to Buffalo. | Haydn Quartet. | |
A night trip to Buffalo. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Where is my wandering boy to-night? / [Lowry]. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Way down in the cornfield / Ballad. | Haydn Quartet. | |
The vacant chair (root). | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet (male quartet with orchestra). | |
I'se gwine back to Dixie / White. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Rest for the weary / McDonald. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
Vesper service. | Haydn Quartette (chimes). | |
Bring back my Bonnie to me. | Haydn Quartet. | |
In the evening by the moonlight, or, Old plantation air / Bland. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet. | |
Carry me back to ole Virginny. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Moon dear : from "A society circus" New York Hippodrome / Klein. | Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | |
Old Uncle Ned. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Old Nassau (Princeton College air) / Peck ; Langlotz. | Werrenrath, baritone ; Hayden Quartet, with orchestra. | |
Night trip to Buffalo. | Haydn Quartet. | |
When Bob White Is Whistling In The Meadow Rosenfeld. | Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet. | |
Shall We Gather At The River Lowry. | Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
Good-bye Sweet Maryland Rosenfeld. | Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
Tell Mother I'll Be There Fillmore. | Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
Beulah Land Sweeney. | Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
Somewhere Harris. | Harry Tally; Haydn Quartet. | |
Yale boola song / Hirsh. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
The Jolly Blacksmiths. | Haydn Quartet; With Anvil Effect. | |
Down Where The Silv'ry Mohawk Flows Heinzman. | Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
When The Bees Are In The Hive Mills. | Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
Christ Arose Lowry. | Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
When The Evening Breeze Is Sighing Home Sweet Home Solman. | Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | Berliner. |
In The Evening By The Moonlight Bland. | Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
Bonnie sweet Bessie. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Starry Night For A Ramble. | Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet; Orchestra Accompaniment. | Berliner. |
Dear Starry Eyes, Good Night Campbell. | Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet; Orchestra. | |
Will You Love Me In December As You Do In May. | Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
When you know you're not forgotten by the girl you can't forget / Helf ; [Gardenier] ; [performed by] Haydn Quartet. | Haydn Quartet, vocals ; with orchestra [that is, instrumental ensemble]. | |
The Bridge Carew. | Hayden Quartet. | |
Nearer My God To Thee Mason. | Hayden Quartet. | |
Darling Nellie Gray Hanby. | Hayden Quartet. | |
Jesus Christ Is Risen To-day Worgan. | Hayden Quartet. | |
Soldier's Farewell Kunkel. | Hayden Quartet. | |
Robin Adair (Old Scotch or Irish air) / words by Lady caroline Keppel. | Geraldine Farrar. | |
Hard times / Stephen C. Foster. | Hayden Quartet, with orchestra. | |
Steamboat leaving wharf at New Orleans. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Dixie dear / Reimer. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet. | Berliner. |
Where Is My Boy To-night Lowry. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Rocked In The Cradle Of The Deep. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Dearie. Kummer. | Miss Morgan; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
The Home Over There Kane. | Harry Macdonough; With Orchestra; Haydn Quartet. | |
The Last Rose Of Summer Is The Sweetest Song Of All Sidney. | Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
Hail Columbia Hopkinson. | Horry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
When The Old Folks Were Young Folks Lamb; Solman. | Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet; Orchestra. | |
Where Is My Boy To-night Lowry. | Haydn Quartet; Orchestra. | |
Good Night Dudley Buck. | Haydn Quartet. | |
The Vacant Chair Geo F Root-washburn. | John Mccormack. | |
Little Alabama coon ; Alabama coon / Hattie Starr, lyrics and music. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
In The Good Old Summer Time. | Harry Macdonough. | |
When The Harvest Days Are Over. | Harry Macdonough. | |
Little Alabama coon / Starr. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
Jesus Christ is risen to-day : Alleluia / [J. Worgan, music? ; C. Wesley, lyrics?]. | Haydn Quartet ; Victor Orchestra, male quartet with orchestra accompaniment. | Berliner. |
The home over there / [Leonard Kane, lyrics and music]. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet. | Berliner. |
Down the pike / Spencer. | Pryor's Band ; Haydn Quartet? | Berliner. |
The home over there / Leonard Kane, lyrics and music. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet. | Berliner. |
Christ receiveth sinful men / McCranahan. | Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | |
Good-bye Flo : from "Little Johnny Jones" / (Cohan). | Billy Murray and Haydn Quartet. | |
Christ receiveth sinful men / McCranahan. | Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | |
Keep on smiling / (Kendis-Paley). | Billy Murray; Haydn Quartet. | |
I'se gwine back to Dixie. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Lady Love Mckenna; Gumble. | Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
Dear Old Dear Burt; Lampe. | Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | Berliner. |
Take Me Where There's A Big Brass Band Morse. | Billy Murray; Haydn Quartet. | |
God be with you till we meet again : Christian endeavor hymn / [Rankin ; Tomer]. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Sweet dreamland faces / [Hutchinson]. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Sweet and low / [Tennyson ; Barnby]. | Vocals by the Haydn Quartet. | |
Robin Adair Lady Caroline Keppel. | Hayden Quartet. | |
Sweet dreamland faces / W.M. Hutchinson, lyrics and music. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
In the wildwood where the blue bells grew / Taylor. | Harry Macdonough, tenor, and Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
'Neath the old acorn tree, sweet Estelle / Helf. | Harry Macdonough, tenor, and Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
Only a message from home sweet home / Florant. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
I lost my heart when I saw your eyes / Helf ; Hager. | Harry Macdonough, tenor, and Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Dreaming on the Ohio / Brill [Edwin S?]. | Harry Macdonough & Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Geneviève / Cooper ; Tucker. | John B. Wells, tenor, Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
Sweet Genevieve / Cooper ; Tucker. | John Barnes Wells ; Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet. | |
Kathleen Mavourneen / Crouch ; [Crawford] | Haydn Quartet, male quartet | |
Teasing. | Harry Macdonough; Orchestra Accompaniment; Haydn Quartet. | |
Yankee Doodle. | Billy Murray; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
Winter Bryan; Gumble. | Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
Mandy Lee / [Thurland Chattaway, lyrics and music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
I'm happy when the band plays Dixie / Vanderveer. | Billy Murray and Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Reuben Haskin's departure for Europe. | Len Spencer ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment. | Berliner. |
Tenting on the old camp ground / [Walter Kittredge, lyrics and music]. | The Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Soldier's farewell / [J. Kinkel, lyrics and music]. | The Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
My wild Irish rose / Olcott. | Haydn Quartet (male quartet). | |
Stories Adam told to Eve / [Jerome ; Schwartz]. | Haydn Quartet. | |
I wonder if you miss me / Snyder. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra accompaniment. | |
Good bye, sweet Marie / Mills. | Harry Macdonough, [tenor], and Haydn Quartet with orchestra accompaniment. | |
When the evening breeze is sighing "home, sweet home" / Solman. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra accompaniment. | |
Tenting tonight / [Walter Kittredge]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Sweet little Rosey-posey medley / Harry Dacre, lyrics and music. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet. | Berliner. |
Tenting on the old camp ground / [Walter Kittredge, lyrics and music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Hail smiling morn! / Reginald Spofforth, lyrics and music. | Haydn Quartet, unaccompanied vocal quartet. | Berliner. |
Church scene from "The old homestead" / [Thompson]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Sweet little Rosey Posey medley / Harry Dacre, lyrics and music. | Haydn Quartette. | Berliner. |
Bedelia / [Jean Schwartz, music] ; [William Jerome]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Rainbow / [Percy] Wenrich, music ; [Alfred] Bryan, lyrics. | Billy Murray, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Church scene [from the old homestead] / [Denman Thomposon] | Haydn Quartet. | |
Scene from "The old homestead" / Thompson. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Dearie / (Kummer). | Miss Morgan & Haydn Quartet with orchestra accompaniment. | |
Up in my aeroplane / Woodward ; Edwards. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
Sweet Adeline (You're the flower of my heart) / Armstrong. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet. | |
Funiculi, funicula, or, A merry heart / Denza. | Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | |
I'd rather float through a dreamy old waltz with you / Newton ; Camp. | Billy Murray ; Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
Rainbow / Bryan ; Wenrich. | Billy Murray ; Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet. | |
Down in the sunshine alley / Madden ; Meyer. | Billy Murray ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | |
Where is my boy to-night / Lowry. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
Sweet Adeline (you're the flower of my heart) / Armstrong. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet, male quartet, with orchestra. | |
Winter / Bryan ; Gumble. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Good night / Dudley Buck. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Teasing / Von Tilzer. | Billy Murry ; Haydn Quartet ; [Harry Macdonough]. | Grand Prize |
Arrah Wanna / Morse ; Drislane. | Billy Murray, with orchestra ; Haydn Quartet. | |
The hat my father wore on St. Patrick's day / Jerome ; Schwartz. | Billy Murray and Haydn Quartet (tenor with quartet) with orchestra. | |
Budweiser's a friend of mine : furth. | Billy Murray, tenor ; Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet, with orchestra. | |
Two little girls loved one little boy / Bryan ; Mullen. | Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, orchestra accompaniment. | |
By the light of the silv'ry moon / Madden ; Edwards. | Billy Murray ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | |
The homesick yankee / Clark. | Billy Murray and Haydn Quartet (tenor with orchestra). | |
Oh Come, All Ye Faithful Frank Black. | James Melton; Rca Victor Orch ; Frank Black. | |
The Jolly Blacksmiths Suckley. | Victor Military Band; With Vocal Chorus. | |
Where the ivy's clinging, dearie, 'round an old oak tree / J. Fred Helf ; Robert F. Roden. When the sheep are in the fold, Jennie dear / J. Fred Helf ; C.M. Dennison. | Haydn Quartet (side A), Manuel Romain (side B). | |
Take Me Out For A Joy Ride Shields; Mills. | Billy Murray; Haydn Quartet; Orchestra. | |
Budweiser's A Friend Of Mine Furth. | Billy Murray; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
Some Day Conway; Wellings. | Alan Turner; Haydn Quartet; Orchestra. | |
Ship Of My Dreams Lamb; Solman. | Hayden Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
Tell Me With Your Eyes. | Frank Howard; Orchestra Accompaniment. | |
Evening prayer / [J. Edmeston, lyrics ; C. Stebbins, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
When we listened to the murmur of the pine[s] / B. Robinson, lyrics ; Winthrop Brookhouse, music. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Sally in our alley / [Carey, lyrics] ; [Anonymous, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Sally in our alley / [Henry Carey, lyrics and music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
My Wild Irish Rose Chauncey Olcott. | Harry Macdonough; Hayden Quartet. | |
When we listened to the murmur of the pine / Robinson ; Brookhouse. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Rest for the weary / McDonald ; [performed by] Haydn Quartet. Shall we gather at the river / Lowry ; [performed by] Haydn Quartet. | Hayden Quartet, male vocals, with orchestra. | |
Put on your old grey bonnet / [performed by] Haydn Quartet. It's hard to kiss your sweetheart when the last kiss means good-bye / Roden ; Mills ; [performed by] Walter Van Brunt. | Side A: Haydn Quartet, male vocals ; Side B: Walter Van Brunt, tenor, with orchestra. | |
Good Bye Dolly Gray. | Haydn Quartet; Bugle Calls; Walter B Rogers. | |
Keep On Smiling Kendis; Paley. | Billy Murray; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
Molly Lee Mahoney; Morse. | Billy Murray; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
Beulah Land / Sweeney. | Haydn Quartet ; Harry Macdonough. | |
Old folks at home / Foster. | Haydn Quartet (male quartet) with orchestra. | |
Old Black Joe. | The Haydn Quartette. | |
When the flowers bloom in springtime, Molly dear / von Tilzer. | Macdonough and Bieling, with Haydn quartet and orchestra. | |
The lost chord / Adelaide Proctor, lyrics ; Arthur Sullivan, music. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
My little canoe / [Charles H. Taylor, lyrics] ; Leslie Stuart, music. | Dudley ; Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Massa's in the cold, cold ground / Stephen C. Foster, lyrics and music. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
In Dixie land / [Daniel Decatur Emmett, lyrics and music]. | American Quartet. | Berliner. |
Darling Nellie Gray / Benjamin Russell Hanby, lyrics and music. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Darling Nellie Gray / [Benjamin Russell Hanby, lyrics and music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
I can't do that sum / [Victor Herbert]. | S.H. Dudley ; Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Old black Joe / Stephen C. Foster, lyrics and music. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Stein song / Bullard. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet. | |
Summertime / von Tilzer. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
Lonesome / Meyer. | Harry Macdonough, tenor, and Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
My old Kentucky home / [Stephen C. Foster]. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet. | Berliner. |
Silent night, hallowed night. | Hayden Quartet. | |
Soldier's Farewell. | Haydn Quartette. | |
Oh Come, All Ye Faithful Portugal. | Ernestine Schumann-heink; Orchestra. | |
Sweetest Story Ever Told. | Haydn Quartette. | |
The owl and the pussy cat / De Koven ; [Lear]. Bring back my Bonnie to me. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet, unaccompanied [Side A] and with orchestra [Side B]. | |
Camp meeting jubilee. | Sung by Haydn Quartet; [announced by William F. Hooley]. | |
Down in the old cherry orchard / Henry. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet, with orchestra. | |
Where the southern roses grow / [Morse]. | Harry Macdonough, tenor, and Haydn Quartet with orchestra accompaniment. | |
Good night my starlight / [Madden] ; Morse. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
When Bob White is whistling in the meadow / Rosenfeld. | Harry Macdonough and Haydn Quartet, tenor with quartet and orchestra. | Berliner. |
Massa's in the cold, cold ground / [Stephen C. Foster, lyrics and music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Juanita / C. Norton, lyrics ; Air: Spanish folk song. | Haydn Quartette. | Berliner. |
In the sweet bye and bye / Vincent Bryan, lyrics ; Harry von Tilzer, music. | Arthur Collins. | Berliner. |
Grandfather's clock / Work. | Haydn Quartet ; [Harry Macdonough]. | Berliner. |
Massa's in the cold, cold ground / [Stephen C. Foster, lyrics and music]. | The Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Down where the Swanee River flows / Von Tilzer. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet, with orchestra (male quartet). | |
After they gather the hay / [J.J. Walker, lyrics] ; [S.R.] Henry, music. | Macdonough ; Bieling ; Haydn Quartet, duet with quartet and orchestra. | Berliner. |
My heart has learned to love you, now do not say good-bye / Ernest Ball. | Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, orchestra. | |
Owl and pussy cat / De Koven. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Old folks at home : Suwanee River : part II / Foster. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Sun of My Soul / [Keble : Ritter]. | Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley, manager. | |
Because. | The Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley, manager. | |
Massa's in the cold, cold ground. | Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley Mgr. | |
Love me and the world is mine / Ball. | Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet. | |
Old folks at home : Swanee River / Foster. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet, male quartet. | |
Dudley Buck's robin adair. | Haydn Quartette - manager S. H. Dudley. | |
I can't do that sum. | S. H. Dudley ; Haydn Quartet. | |
Old Folks At Home. | Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley, manager. | |
Hard time / Stephen C. Foster. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet ; male quartet ; orchestra accompaniment. | |
Lead Kindly Light / [Newman : Dykes]. | Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley. | |
Sweet Adeline / Phelps. | Macdonough ; Bieling ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | |
I need thee every hour. | The Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley, manager. | |
Cornfield Medley. | Haydn Quartet, S.H. Dudley, manager. | |
Hosanna in the highest. | Haydn Quartette, manager S. H. Dudley. | |
Massa's in the cold, cold ground / [Stephen C. Foster, lyrics and music]. | The Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Farm Yard Medley. | Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley, manager. | |
Dear old girl / Buck ; Morse. | Harry Macdonough ; Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet, tenor and male vocal quartet with orchestra accompaniment. | |
The old oaken bucket. | Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley, manager. | |
Tenting in the old camp ground. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet ; Walter R. Rogers, bugle calls. | |
Nearer My God To Thee. | Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley, manager. | |
Hard times / Foster. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
My little canoe / Leslie Stuart. | Dudley ; Macdonough, duet with orchestra accompaniment and Haydn Quartet. | |
The garden of roses / Dempsey ; Schmid. | Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
My faith looks up to thee. | The Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley, manager. | |
Massas in the cold cold ground. | Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley, manager. | |
Sunbonnet Sue / Cobb ; Edwards. | Sung by Harry Macdonough and Haydn Quartet ; with orchestra. | |
Leaf by leaf the roses fall / Bishop ; [performed by] Hayden Quartet. Grandfather's clock / Work ; [performed by] Hayden Quartet. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
The Girl Of My Dreams Hauerbach; Hoschna; Nesbit. | Harry Macdonough; Lyric Quartet; Orchestra. | |
In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree Williams; Van Alstyne. | Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestraaccompaniment. | |
I Can't Do That Sum. | S H Dudley; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra Accompaniment. | |
Will you love me in December as you do in May / [Ernest R. Ball ; James John Walker]. | Haydn Quartet ; Harry Macdonough. | Berliner. |
Old dog Tray / Foster ; [performed by] Hayden Quartet. Hear dem bells / McCosh ; [performed by] Billy Murray. | Side A: Hayden Quartet, male vocals, with orchestra ; Side B: Billy Murray, tenor, with orchestra. | |
In the good old summer time / Ben Shields, lyrics ; George Evans, music. | Haydn Quartette. | Berliner. |
In the gloaming, oh, my darling / Annie Fortescue Harrison, music ; M. Orred, lyrics. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet. | Berliner. |
Down Tennessee / Cruger. | Pryor's Orchestra ; Haydn Quartet. | |
Close dat eye / Jack P. McSweeney ; Lee Orean Smith. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
God be with you till we meet again / [J.E. Rankin, lyrics ; W.G. Tomer, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
My lady lou / [Charles Doty, lyrics] ; [E.S. Brill, music]. | Haydn Quartet ; Harry Macdonough. | Berliner. |
Down where the silv'ry Mohawk flows/ Joh and Otto Heinzman. | Harry Macdonough and Haydn Quartet. | |
God be with you 'til we meet again / J.E. Rankin, lyrics ; W.G. Tomer, music. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
The vacant chair / Root ; [performed by] Haydn Quartet with orchestra. When you and I were young, Maggie / Butterfield ; [performed by] Elizabeth Wheeler and Harry Macdonough with orchestra. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet, with orchestra [side a] ; Elizabeth Wheeler and Harry Macdonough, duet, with orchestra [side b]. | |
In The Golden Autumn Time My Sweet Elaine Henry. | Macdonough; Bieling; Haydn?2; Orchestra. | |
Aunt Dinah's quilting party, or, [I was] Seeing Nellie home / [Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore, lyrics and music]. | Haydn Quartette. | Berliner. |
When the harvest days are over, Jessie dear / Harold Graham, lyrics ; Harry von Tilzer, music. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Glory song, or, O that will be glory / [Charles H. Gabriel, lyrics and music]. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet with orchestra accompaniment. | Berliner. |
O come all ye faithful = Adeste fideles / Marcus Portugal. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
When the harvest days are over, Jessie dear / Harold [i.e. Howard] Graham, lyrics ; Harry von Tilzer, music. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Glory song (o that will be glory) / Gabriel. | Haydn Quartet ; Harry Macdonough. | Berliner. |
I'se gwine back to Dixie / [C.A. White, lyrics and music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Carry me back to ole Virginie / [Bland]. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Come Back To Erin Claribel. | John Mccormack; Orchestra. | |
Uncle Josh and Aunt Nancy go to housekeeping / [Cal Stewart]. | Mr And Mrs Cal Stewart with Haydn Quartet. | |
Grandfather's clock / Work. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
Annie Laurie / Scott ; Douglass. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Mollie darling / Hays. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
Keep a little cozy corner in your heart for me / [Drislane] ; Morse. | Harry Macdonough, tenor, and Haydn Quartet with orchestra accompaniment. | |
Gwine back to Dixie / [C.A. White]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
O come all ye faithful = Adeste fideles / Marcus Portugal. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Glory song, or, O that will be glory / Charles H. Gabriel, lyrics and music. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet with orchestra accompaniment. | Berliner. |
Tell mother I'll be there / Fillmore. | Haydn Quartet. | |
In the evening by the moonlight (old plantation air) / Bland. | Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet with orchestra. | |
I'se gwine back to Dixie / C.A. White ; [performed by] Hayden Quartet. My Maryland march / Rogers ; [performed by] Victor Drum, Fife and Bugle Corps. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet, with orchestra [Side A] ; Victor Drum, Fife, and Bugle Corps [Side B]. | |
Hard times / Foster ; the artillerist's oath / [Adams]. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet, with orchestra [Side A] ; Peerless Quartet, male quartet [Side B]. | |
Anvil chorus / [Salvatore Cammarano, lyrics] ; [Guiseppe Verdi, music]. | Victor Male Chorus. | Berliner. |
Heidelberg, or, The stein song / Frank Pixley, lyrics ; Gustav Luders, music. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Heidelberg, or, The Stein song / Frank Pixely, lyrics ; Gustav Luders, music. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
An Evening with the minstrels no. 5 : Having fun with the orchestra. | [Steven Porter] ; [Len Spencer], with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Louisiana Lou / [Madden] ; [Edwards]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Old oaken bucket / [George Kiallmar, music ; Samuel Woodworth, lyrics]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
By the Saskatchewan / McLellan ; Caryll. | Reinald Werrenrath ; Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet. | |
Come take a swim in my ocean / Cobb ; Edwards. | Billy Murray, tenor ; Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
The woman thou gavest me / Cobb, lyrics ; Powell, music. | Harry Macdonough ; Hayden Quartet. | Victor. |
Tenting On The Old Camp Ground. | Hayden Quartet; Walter B Rogers. | |
Let me write what I never dared to tell / [Casey] ; Rosenfeld. | [Harry] Macdonough, [tenor], and [John H.] Bieling, [tenor], with Haydn Quartet and orchestra. | |
Love me and the world is mine / Ball. | Harry Macdonough, tenor, with Haydn Quartet and orchestra. | Berliner. |
The woman thou gavest me / Cobb, lyrics ; Powell, music. | Harry Macdonough ; Hayden Quartet. | Berliner. |
Bonnie sweet Bessie : the maid of Dundee / [Arabella Root, lyrics] ; [J.L. Gilbert, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
My little canoe / Charles H. Taylor, lyrics ; Leslie Stuart, music. | Dudley ; Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Down Tennessee / Dox Cruger, words and music. | Pryor's Orchestra ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment. | Berliner. |
Sweet Adeline : (You're the flower of my heart). | Bieling and Dudley with Haydn Quartet. | |
My old Kentucky home / Foster. | Haydn Quartet (male quartet) with orchestra. | |
Cornfield medley = ['Way down yonder in the cornfield] / [Will S. Cobb, lyrics ; Gus Edwards, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Sweet Adeline, or, You're the flower of my heart, sweet Adeline / Richard H. Gerard, lyrics ; Henry W. Armstrong, music. | Haydn Quartette. | Berliner. |
Teasing / [Mack] ; [Von Tilzer]. | Harry Macdonough and Haydn Quartet, solo and quartet. | Berliner. |
In the shade of the old apple tree / [Harry H. Williams, lyrics ; Egbert van Alstyne, music]. | Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment. | Berliner. |
Blue bells of Scotland / [Anne MacVicar Grant, lyrics ; Dorothy Jordan, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
In dear old Georgia / [Harry Williams, lyrics] ; [Egbert] Van Alstyne, music. | Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Beulah land / E. Page, lyrics ; John Robson Sweney, music. | Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment. | Berliner. |
Tenting on the old camp ground / [Kittredge]. | Haydn Quartet [with] bugle calls by Walter B. Rogers. | |
Rocked in the cradle of the deep / [Willard ; Knight]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
In dear old Georgia / [Williams] ; Van Alstyne. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
The heart you lost in Maryland you'll find in Tennessee / [Lamb] ; Solman. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Way down yonder in the cornfield = [Cornfield medley] / [Will D. Cobb, lyrics ; Gus Edwards, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Dearie : from "Sergeant Brue" / [Clare] Kummer. | Miss Morgan, contralto ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment. | Berliner. |
My faith looks up to thee / [Lachner, lyrics ; Bassford, music]. | The Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Nearer my God to thee / [Sarah F Adams, lyrics] ; [Lowell Mason, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Way down yonder in the cornfield / [Will D. Cobb, lyrics] ; [Gus Edwards, music]. | Haydn Quartet ; [Harry Macdonough]. | Berliner. |
The owl and the pussy cat / Lear, lyrics ; De Koven, music. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Lonesome / Edgar Leslie, lyrics ; George W. Meyer, music. | Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Cornfield medley = ['Way down yonder in the cornfield] / [Will D. Cobb, lyrics ; Gus Edwards, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Summertime / von Tilzer, music ; [Mahoney, lyrics]. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Nearer my God to thee / [Sarah F Adams, lyrics] ; [Lowell Mason, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Nearer my God to thee / [Sarah F Adams, lyrics] ; [Lowell Mason, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Fare thee well, Mollie darling / [Kerry Mills, music ; Will D. Cobb, lyrics] | Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment. | |
I'se Gwine Back To Dixie C A White. | Alma Gluck; Male Chorus; Orchestra. | |
Throw Out The Life Line Ufford; Stebbins. | Harry Macdonough; Hayden Quartet; With Orchestra. | |
Don't be an old maid, Molly / Kerry Mills ; Alfred Bryan. Red head / Burton Green ; Irene Franklin. | Haydn Quartet, Ada Jones. | |
He will hold me fast / [Habershon] ; Harkness. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | Berliner. |
John Anderson, my Jo / Burns. The last rose of summer is the sweetest song of all / Sidney. | Henry Burr (Side A) ; Haydn Quartet (Side B). | |
The lost chord / A. Sullivan, music ; A.A. Procter, lyrics. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet. | Berliner. |
'Cross the Great Divide (I'll wait for you) / Lewis, lyrics ; Meyer, music. | Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Hayden Quartet, with orchestra. | Victor. |
Down on the farm / [Harry Von Tilzer, music ; Raymond A. Browne, lyrics]. | Haydn Quartet. | Victor. |
Nearer my God to thee / [Lowell Mason] ; [Sarah Flower Adams]. | Haydn Quartet, sacred quartet. | Berliner. |
Sweet and low, or, [That lullaby of long ago] / [Barnby, Sir Joseph, music ; Alfred Tennyson, lyrics]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Bedelia, everybody is singing it / [William Jerome, lyrics ; Jean Schwartz, music ; Bellstedt, arr.]. | Haydn Quatuor. | Berliner. |
The lost chord / [A. Sullivan, music ; A.A. Procter, lyrics]. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet. | Berliner. |
My heart has learned to love you, now do not say good-bye / Ernest Ball. | Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet. | |
Mollie Darling Will S Hays. | Evan Williams; With Male Chorus; Orchestra. | |
The Woman Thou Gavest Me Cobb; Powell. | Harry Macdonough; Hayden Quartet; With Orchestra. | Berliner. |
Onward, Christian Soldiers! / [Sabine Baring-Gould, lyrics ; Arthur Sullivan, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Onward Christian soldiers / [Sabine Baring-Gould, lyrics ; Arthur Sullivan, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Blue bell / Morse. Teasing / Von Tilzer. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet, with orchestra [Side A] ; Billy Murray, tenor, and Haydn Quartet with orchestra [Side B]. | |
The bridge / Lindsay. | Sung by Haydn Quartet. | |
Tell mother I'll be there (Torrey Alexander revvial hymn) / Fillmore. | Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | |
Tell mother I'll be there (Torrey Alexander revival hymn) / Fillmore. | Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | |
Sweet Genevieve / Cooper ; Tucker ; [performed by] John B. Wells and Haydn Quartet. Where the River Shannon flows / Russell ; [performed by] Harry Macdonough with orchestra. | On side A: John B. Wells and Haydn Quartet, vocals ; with orchestra. On side B: Harry Macdonough, vocals ; with orchestra. | |
Rocked in the cradle of the deep / Emma Willar, lyrics ; Jos. P. Knight, music. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
The holy city / [Frederick Edward Weatherly, lyrics ; Stephen Adams, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
When Tommy Atkins marries Dolly Gray / Cobb ; Edwards. | Billy Murray, [tenor], and Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
Arrah Wanna / Drislane ; Morse. Since Arrah Wanna married Barney Carney / Morse. | Billy Mussy ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | |
Down in the old cherry orchard / Henry, music ; Alfred Bryan, lyrics. | Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Rocked in the cradle of the deep / E. Willard, lyrics ; J.P. Knight, music. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Holding hands, or, You don't say nothing at all / Jack Norworth, lyrics ; Harry von Tilzer, music. | Tally ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Nancy Lee / [Fred E. Weatherly, lyrics ; Stephen Adams, music]. | [Haydn] Quartette. | Edison. |
The holy city / [Frederick Edward Weatherly, lyrics ; Stephen Adams, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Love Me And The World Is Mine Ernest Ball. | Albert Campbell; With Orchestra. | |
I'm happy when the band plays Dixie / [Benham] ; Vanderveer. | Billy Murray, [tenor], and Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
The holy city / [Weatherly, Adams]. | Goddard [i.e. Emilio de Gogorza], vocals. | |
Home sweet home / [H.R. Bishop, music ; J.H. Payne, lyrics]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Lord Geoffrey Amherst : (Amherst College song) / (Hamilton) ; the Orange and the Black. : (Princeton College song) / (Mitchell-Biedermann). | [Side A] Reinald Werrenrath and Hayden [sic] Quartet ; [side B] Hayden [sic] Quartet. | |
The Holy City Adams. | Harry Macdonough; Orchestra. | |
Sweet Adeline : you're the flower of my heart / [Gerard ; Armstrong]. | [John H.] Bieling and [S.H.] Dudley, tenors ; Haydn Quartet. | |
Red wing / [Chattaway] ; Mills. | [S.H.] Dudley, [bass], and [Harry] Macdonough, [tenor], with [Haydn] quartet chorus and orchestra. | |
When the bees are in the hive / [Mills, music ; Bryan, lyrics]. | Macdonough ; Bieling ; Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Blue Bell / Edward Madden ; Dolly Morse ; Theodore F. Morse, lyrics and music. | Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet, tenor with quartet and orchestra accompaniment. | Berliner. |
Blue Bell / [Edward Madden ; Dolly Morse ; Theodore F. Morse, lyrics and music]. | Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment, tenor and quartet. | Berliner. |
When the bees are in the hive / [Bryan, Mills]. | [Harry] Macdonough, [John H.] Bieling, Haydn Quartet, vocals, with orchestra acc. | |
Waltz me around again, Willie [('round-'round-'round)] / Cobb, lyrics ; Shields, music. | Billy Murray ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra. | His Master's Voice. |
Waltz me around again Willie / [Will D.] Cobb, lyrics ; [R.] Shields, music. | Billy Murray ; Haydn Quartet, tenor with quartet and orchestra. | Berliner. |
Arrah wanna / Drislane ; Morse. | Billy Murray, tenor, and Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Beauty's eyes / F.E. Weatherly, lyrics ; F.P. Tosti, music. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Beauty's eyes / [Weatherly] ; Tosti. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Rainbow Bryan; Werrich. | Billy Murray; Hayden Quartet; Orchestra Accompaniment. | |
An Evening Prayer C M Battersby; C H Gabriel. | George Beverly Shea; Paul Mickelson; Tedd Smith. | |
The garden of roses / Dempsey ; Schmid ; [performed by] Harry Macdonough and Haydn Quartet with orchestra. My garden that blooms for you / Evans ; Lusk ; [performed by] John B. Wells with orchestra. | On side A: Harry MacDonough, tenor ; with Haydn Quartet and orchestra. On side B: John B. Wells ; with orchestra. | |
After they gather the hay / [Walker] ; Henry. | [Harry] Macdonough, [tenor], and [John H.] Bieling, [tenor], with Haydn Quartet and orchestra. | |
Sweetheart town / Mahoney ; Morse. | Billy Murray, tenor, and Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
In the shade of the old apple tree / Van Alstyne ; [performed by] Henry Burr with orchestra. Darling Nellie Gray / Hanby ; [performed by] Haydn Quartet. | Henry Burr, tenor, with orchestra [Side A] ; Hayden Quartet, male quartet [Side B]. | |
Hail Columbia / Philip Phile ; Joseph Hopkinson. Yankee Doodle / [composer not identified]. | Haydn Quartet ; Harry Macdonough (side A), Haydn Quartet ; Billy Murray (side B). | |
Dear old dear / Burt ; Lampe. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Lead kindly light / [Newman ; Dykes]. | Haydn Quartet. | |
Lead kindly light / [J.B. Dykes, music ; J.H. Newman, lyrics]. | Haydn Quartet. | Victor. |
It's allus de same in Dixie / Cook ; [Grant, lyrics?] ; [Dunbar, lyrics]. | Billy Murray and Haydn Quartet with orchestra accompaniment. | Berliner. |
Lead kindly light / John B. Dykes, music ; John Henry Cardinal Newman, lyrics. | The American Quartet. | Berliner. |
Nancy Lee / [Stephen Adams, music ; Frederick E. Weatherly, lyrics]. | Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment. | Berliner. |
Trovatore. Verdi. | Miss Stevenson; Mr Macdonough; Victor Male Chorus; Victor Orchestra; Chimes. | |
Funiculi, Funicula L Denza. | John Mccormick; With Orchestra; With Male Chorus. | |
By the Saskatchewan : from "the pink lady" / Caryll. | Sung by Reinald Werrenrath and Haydn Quartet. | |
Silent night, hallowed night / [Franz Gruber]. Will there be any stars in my crown / Hewett-Sweney. | Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
Lily of the prairie / Mills. Fire fly galop / Stobbe. | Billy Murray and Haydn Quartet, vocals ; with orchestra (side A) ; William H. Reitz, xylophone ; with orchestra (side B). | |
Sweet Adeline (you're the flower of my dear heart) / [Armstrong]. | Bieling ; Dudley ; Haydn Quartet ; [Harry Macdonough]. | Berliner. |
Annie Laurie / [W. Douglas of Finland, lyrics ; Lady John Scott, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Annie Laurie / [W. Douglas of Finland, lyrics ; Lady John Scott, music]. | Haydn Quartet, vocal quartet. | Berliner. |
Annie Laurie / [W. Douglas of Finland, lyrics ; Lady John Scott, music]. | Haydn Quartet, vocal quartet. | Victor. |
Annie Laurie / [W. Douglas of Finland, lyrics ; Lady John Scott, music]. | Haydn Quartet, vocal quartet. | Berliner. |
Annie Laurie / [W. Douglas of Finland, lyrics ; Lady John Scott, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
So Long, Mary! George M Cohan. | George M Cohan Jr ; Guild Choristers; With Orchestra; Thomas Lender Jones. | |
Yankee Doodle's come to town / Geo. M. Cohan. | Billy Murray ; Haydn Quartet, tenor with orchestra. | |
When I marry you / Albert Gumble ; Alfred Bryan. Swanee babe / Dick Richards ; Jack Drislane. | American Quartet, Haydn Quartet ; Harry Macdonough ; Elizabeth Wheeler. | |
Down where the Suwanee river flows / Chas. McCarron, lyrics ; [Charles Alberte, lyrics] ; Albert Von Tilzer, music. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Home sweet home = [Clari] / John Howard Payne, lyrics ; Sir Henry Rowley Bishop, music. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Mandy Lane / McKenna ; [performed by] Harry Macdonough with orchestra. When the summer days are gone / Curley, Christie ; [performed by] Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | Harry Macdonough, tenor, with Haydn Quartet, male quartet (2nd work) and orchestra. | |
Home, sweet home = [Clari] / [John Howard Payne, lyrics ; Sir Henry Rowley Bishop, music]. | Haydn Quartet. | Berliner. |
Red, red rose / Rogers, Cook. My wild Irish rose / Olcott. | Arthur Clough [side a] ; Harry Macdonough [side b], and Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
The new "glory" song / Towner ; Torrey-Alexander revival hymn. | Haydn Quartet, male quartet with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Cheer up, cherries will soon be ripe / Bryan ; Myer [sic]. Your picture says remember though your letter says forget / Lamb ; Henry. | Byron G. Harlan, tenor, with orchestra [Side A] ; Harry Macdonough, tenor, and Haydn Quartet with orchestra [Side B]. | |
Vesper service / [H.F. Lyte, lyrics] ; [W.H. Monk, music] ; [Sarah F. Adams] ; [Lowell Mason]. | Haydn Quartette ; [Harry Macdonough]. | Berliner. |
Oh morning land / Phelps ; [performed by] Stanley and Macdonough with orchestra. God be with you till we meet again / Rankin, Tomer ; [performed by] Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | [Side A] Stanley and Macdonough ; [Side B] Haydn Quartet. | |
Down at the huskin' bee / Monroe H. Rosenfeld ; Stephen R. Henry ; the hat my father wore on St. Patrick's Day / Jean Schwartz ; William Jerome. | Collins and Harlan, Haydn Quartet ; Billy Murray. | |
In the heart of the city that has no heart / Allen ; Daly ; [performed by] Henry Burr. The woman thou gavest me / Cobb ; Powell [i.e. William C. Polla] ; [performed by] Harry Macdonough and Hayden Quartet. | Henry Burr, tenor, with orchestra [side a] ; Harry Macdonough, tenor, and Hayden Quartet with orchestra [side b]. | Victor. |