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682 result(s) found for "Haydn Quartet (Vocal group)".
TitlePerformerGeneric Label
The Holy City.Haydn Quartet.
When The Harvest Days Are Over.Haydn Quartet.
Silent Night, Hallowed Night.Haydn Quartet.
The Tack (A Catastrophe) / unknown.Haydn Quartet, male quartet.Berliner.
Where is my boy to-night / Haydn quartet.Haydn quartet, with organ accompaniment.
A negro wedding in [southern] Georgia.American Quartet.Berliner.
Old folks at home : part 2.Haydn Quartet.
Yale boola song / Hirsh.Hayden Quartet, with orchestra.
I'se gwine back to dixie / White.Haydn Quartet.
When the bees are in the hive / Mills.Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.
I'se gwine back to dixie / White.Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.
Steamboat medley.Haydn Quartet.
Put pn your old grey bonnet.Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.
Battle of Santiago.Haydn Quartet.
Roses bring dreams of you / Ingraham.Haydn Quartet.
Sweet little Rosey Posey medley.Haydn Quartet.
Vesper service.Haydn Quartet.
Vesper service.Haydn Quartet.
Church Scene-from Old Homestead.Haydn Quartet.
The Owl And The Pussy Cat.Haydn Quartet.
Breeze Of The Night.Haydn Quartet.
Glory Song.Haydn Quartet.
Nearer My God To Thee.Haydn Quartet.
Onward Christian Soldiers.Haydn Quartet.
Old Black Joe.Haydn Quartet.
Golden Slippers Medley.Haydn Quartet.
Steamboat Leaving Wharf.Haydn Quartet.
Carry Me Back To Ole Virginie.Haydn Quartet.
Home, Sweet Home.Haydn Quartet.
Old Black Joe.Haydn Quartet.
Medley Of Coon Songs.Haydn Quartet.
My Creole Sue.Haydn Quartet.
Moonlight On The Lake.Haydn Quartet.
Vesper Service.Haydn Quartet.
The Lost Chord.Haydn Quartet.
Massa's In The Cold, Cold Ground.Haydn Quartet.
Lead Kindly Light.Haydn Quartet.
The Old Oaken Bucket.Haydn Quartet.
Sally In Our Alley.Haydn Quartet.
Cornfield Medley.Haydn Quartet.
My Old Kentucky Home.Arthur Pryor.
In The Sweet Bye And Bye.Westminster Chimes.
Carry Me Back To Old Virginny.Haydn Quartet; Orchestra.
The Water Mill Macy.Haydn Quartet.
Mollie Darling Hays.Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.
Heidelberg.Haydn Quartet; Orchestra.
Roses Bring Dreams Of You Ingraham.Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.Berliner.
Let The Saviour In Excell.Haydn Quartet.
The Last Rose Of Summer Is The Sweetest Song Of All Sidney.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
When The Summer Days Are Gone Curley-christie.Haydn Quartet.
Down In Mobile Long Ago.Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet.
Only A Message From Home, Sweet Home.Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.Berliner.
Dreaming On The Ohio.Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet.
Starry night for a ramble.Haydn Quartet ; Harry Macdonough.
Camp of the Hoboes.Haydn Quartet.
Dudley Buck's Good Night.Haydn Quartette.
Fare thee well Molly darling.Haydn Quartet with orchestra accompaniment, male quartet.Berliner.
Medley of coon songs.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Bring back my Bonnie to me, or, My Bonnie lies over the ocean / anonymous.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Old black Joe / [Stephen C. Foster, lyrics and music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
A night trip to Buffalo.American Quartet.Berliner.
Golden slippers medley.Haydn Quartette.Berliner.
Two little girls loved one little boy / Bryan, lyrics ; Mullen, music.Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet, tenor with quartet and orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
An evening with the Minstrels, No. 4 : Musical act : Ebony emperors of melody.Minstrels.Berliner.
New Years at Old Trinity.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Aunt Dinah's quilting party, or, Seeing Nellie home / [J. Fletcher, lyrics] ; [Frances Kyle, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
An evening with the minstrels no. 7 : Sidewalk conversation : Funny things you see in the papers.Minstrels.Berliner.
Chimes of the golden bells.Minstrels.Berliner.
Round the camp, or, Round the campfire in the Philippines.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
An evening with the minstrels no. 5 : Having fun with the orchestra.Minstrels.Berliner.
Old plantation scenes no. 1 : Slavery days.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
The vacant chair / [Henry F. Washburn, lyrics ; George F. Root, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Where is my wandering boy to-night / [Reverend Robert Lowry, lyrics, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Farmyard medley [= Farm Yard Medley].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
I'se gwine [back] to Dixie / [C.A.] White.Haydn Quartet, male quartet with orchestra.Berliner.
The bridge, or, [I stood on the bridge at midnight] / [H.W. Longfellow, lyrics ; M. Lindsay, music].Haydn Quartet, male quartet.Berliner.
A cornfield medley / [Will D. Cobb, lyrics ; Gus Edwards, music].The Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Old plantation scenes no. 3 : the wanderer's return.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Nancy Lee / [James O'Dea, lyrics ; Robert J. Adams, music].Haydn Quartet, male quartet with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
I'se gwine back to Dixie / [C.A. White, lyrics and music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Lead kindly light / Cardinal J.H. Newman, lyrics ; Rev. R.B. Dykes, music.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Good bye Dolly Grey / [Will D. Cobb, lyrics ; Paul Barnes, music].American Quartet.Berliner.
Medley of plantation songs.American Quartet.Berliner.
Camp of the hoboes.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
A sleigh ride party.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
My old Kentucky home / [Stephen C. Fosterwords and music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Rocked in the cradle of the deep / [E. Willard, lyrics ; J.P. Knight, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Farmyard medley.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Medley of plantation songs.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Mollie Darling / [W.S.] Hays.Haydn Quartet, male quartet with orchestra.Berliner.
Kathleen Mavourneen / [F.N. Crouch, music ; L.M.J.M. Crawford, lyrics].The Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Church scene from the old homestead / [Thompson].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Roses bring dreams of you / [Herbert] Ingraham.Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.Berliner.
Where the southern roses grow / [Richard Buck, lyrics ; Theodore F. Morse, music].Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
Funiculi, funicula = A merry heart / [E. Oxenford, lyrics] ; [L.] Denza, music.Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.Berliner.
Let the saviour in / [E.D.] Excell, music.Haydn Quartet, male quartet.Berliner.
Lead kindly light / John H. Newman ; John B. Dykes. Abide with me / H.F. Lyte ; W.H. Monk.Reinald Werrenrath, baritone with orchestra,
When the roll is called up yonder I'll be there / Black.Harry Macdonough and Haydn quartet, with orchestra.
God be with you till we meet again / J.E. Rankin ; W.G. Tomer.Alma Gluck, soprano ; Efrem Zimbalist, violin.
Bring back my Bonnie to me.Haydn Quartet, male quartet, with orchestra.
In the sweet bye and bye.Haydn Quartet.
Blue bell / Harry MacDonough.Harry MacDonough and Hayden Quartet with orchestra accompaniment.
The Farmyard Medley.The Haydn Quartette.
Star Spangled Banner.Haydn Quartette.
Old plantation scenes.Haydn Quartet.
Farmyard medley.Haydn Quartet, vocals.
Medley of plantation songs.Haydn Quartet, vocals.
Steamboat medley.Haydn Quartet.
Little darling, dream of me.Haydn Quartet.Victor.
Soldier's farewell.Haydn Quartet.Victor.
You're the same old girl / Young ; Williams ; Grant.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet, with orchestra.Victor.
Neath the old acorn tree, sweet Estelle / [C.M. Denison, lyrics] ; [J. Fred] Helf, music.Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.Berliner.
Where is my [wandering] boy to-night / Reverend Robert Lowry, music.Haydn Quartet, male quartet with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
Medley of plantation songs, or, [Plantation medley].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Beulah land / [E. Page, lyrics] ; [John Robson] Sweeney, music.Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
When it's moonlight on the prairie, or, [There's a parson only 20 miles away] / [S.R.] Henry, music ; [Robert F. Roden, lyrics].Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.Berliner.
When the roll is called up yonder / [J.M.] Black, lyrics and music.Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet, tenor with quartet and orchestra.Berliner.
Carry me back to ole Virginny, or, [Carry me back to old Virginia] / [James Bland, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Farm Yard Medley, or, [Farmyard Medley].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
In the gloaming[, oh, my darling] / [Annie Fortescue Harrison, music ; M. Orred, lyrics].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Steamboat medley.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
In the sweet bye and bye / [Vincent Bryan, lyrics ; Harry von Tilzer, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
A trip to the county fair.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
The battle of Santiago / [Rous ; Porter].The American Quartet.Berliner.
The Sabbath day.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Blue bell medley : Starry night for a ramble ; Plain Mamie O'Hooley ; Blue bell / [Walter Hawley, lyrics ; Alfred Solman, music] ; [Edward Madden ; Dolly Morse ; Theodore F. Morse, lyrics and music] ; [Harry B. Smith, lyrics ; Ludwig Englander, music].Haydn Quartet, male quartet.Berliner.
Down in the old cherry orchard / Henry.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
An evening with the Minstrels, No. 8 : Scenes on the levee.Minstrels.Berliner.
An evening with the Minstrels no. 4 : the ebony emperors of melody.Minstrels.Berliner.
Trip to the county fair.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
In the gloaming[, oh, my darling] / [Annie Fortescue Harrison, music ; M. Orred, lyrics].Haydn Quartet, male quartet.Berliner.
He lifted me / Charles H. Gabriel, music.Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.Berliner.
Ring the bells of heaven / Root.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
The sidewalks of New York / [W. Blake, lyrics ; Charles B. Lawlor, music].The American Quartet.Berliner.
Stein song, or, [It's always fair weather when good fellows get together] / [Richard Hovey, lyrics] ; [Frederic Field] Bullard, music.Haydn Quartet, male quartet.Berliner.
An evening with the minstrels, no. 6 : Cake walk in Coontown.Minstrels.Berliner.
An evening with the minstrels no. 2 : My Creole Sue / [Gussie L. Davis].Minstrels.Berliner.
Farmyard medley.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
By-lo land.Haydn Quartet, vocal quartet.Berliner.
Mamie Riley [i.e. Reilley] / unknown.[Haydn Quartet].Berliner.
Steamboat leaving wharf at New Orleans.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
The county fair.Haydn Quartette.Berliner.
Medley of plantation songs.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
'Round the camp-fire.Haydn Quartet ; [Harry Macdonough].Victor.
Where is my [wandering] boy tonight? / Reverend Robert Lowry, lyrics, music.Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.Berliner.
Trip to the county fair.[Haydn] Quartette.Edison.
Barn yard medley, or, [Farmyard Medley].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Evening prayer.Haydn Quartet ; [Harry MacDonough].Victor.
A night trip to Buffalo.American Quartet.
New Years at Old Trinity.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
The lost chord / [A. Sullivan, music ; A.A. Procter, lyrics].Haydn Quartet, male quartet.Berliner.
An evening with the minstrels No. 2 : Minstrel ballad : My Creole Sue / [Gussie L. Davis].Minstrels.Berliner.
Where is my wandering boy to-night / [Albert Hall, lyrics ; Clarence Wainwright, music].The Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Lead kindly light / [J.H. Newman, lyrics ; J.B. Dykes, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Trip to the county fair.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Winter / [Alfred] Bryan, lyrics ; [Albert] Gumble, music.Haydn Quartet, male quartet with orchestra.Berliner.
An evening with the Minstrels no. 8 : Grand afterpiece : Scenes on the levee.Minstrels.Berliner.
My wild Irish rose / [Chauncey] Olcott.Haydn Quartet, male quartet.Berliner.
Dancing on the old barn floor / [Edward J. Grant]Haydn Quartet.
I'se gwine back to Dixie.Haydn Quartet.
Church scene : from "Old homestead".Haydn Quartet.
Dancing on the old barn floor.Haydn Quartet.
'Round the camp-fire.Haydn Quartet.
Mandy Lee.Haydn Quartet.
Old plantation scenes (No. 1 -- Slavery days).Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet, descriptive quartet.
A trip to the country [i.e. county] fair.The Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
A night trip to Buffalo.American Quartet.Berliner.
I'se gwine back to Dixie / [C.A. White, lyrics and music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Medley of plantation songs.American Quartet.Berliner.
The last rose of summer is the sweetest song of all / Sidney.Harry Macdonough and Haydn Quartet, tenor with quartet.Victor.
Christ arose / Lowry.Hayden Quartet.
When we listened to the murmur of the pine[s] / [B.] Robinson, lyrics ; [Winthrop] Brookhouse, music.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Farmyard medley.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Sunbonnet Sue / [Will D.] Cobb, lyrics ; [Gus] Edwards, music.Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.Berliner.
Camp of the hoboes.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
The sidewalks of New York / [W. Blake, lyrics ; Charles B. Lawlor, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Breeze[s] of the night / [Marion].Haydn Quartet, vocal quartet.Berliner.
Good luck, Mary / (Piantadosi).Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet.
Leaf by leaf the roses fall / (Bishop).Haydn Quartet.
Godfather's clock / Henry C. Work.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet, male quartet with orchestra.
Old black joe.Haydn Quartet.
Nearer my God to thee.Haydn Quartet.
Brown eyes, good-bye / Reed ; Christie.Herry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet.
Brink back my Bonnie to me.Haydn Quartet.
Meet me where the lanterns glow / Klein.Haydn Quartet.
Reception medley.Haydn Quartette.
Down where the silv'ry Mohawk flows / John Heinzman ; Otto Heinzman.Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment.
A negro wedding in southern Georgia.Haydn Quartet.
He will hold me fast / Harkness.Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.
She was bred in old Kentucky.The Haydn Quartet.
When love is young : from "Brown of Harvard" / Ellis.Billy Murray, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.
New year's at old trinity.Haydn Quartet, descriptive quartet.
Mamie Riley.Haydn Quartet.
In the sweet bye and bye.Haydn Quartet.
Golden splippers medley.Haydn Quartet (male quartet).
Shall we gather at the river / Lowry.Haydn Quartet.
A negro wedding in southern Georgia.American Quartet.
Blue bell - March ballad.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] quartet ; male quartet with orchestra.
Evening prayer.Haydn Quartet.
My old Kentucky home.Haydn Quartet.
Aunt Dinah's quilting party "seeing Nellie home".Haydn Quartet.
The bridge / Carew.Haydn Quartet (male quartet).
Farm yard medley.Haydn Quartet.
Roses bring dreams to you / Ingraham.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet, male quartet.
Love my love.Haydn Quartet.
Somewhere in the world there's a little girl for me : from "The Vanderbilt cup" / Bowers.Harry Macdonough, tenor with orchestra ; Haydn Quartet.
Little darling dream of me.Haydn Quartette.
Roses bring dreams to you / Ingraham.Haydn Quartet.
Annie Laurie.Haydn Quartet (vocal quartet).
Little darling dream of me.Haydn Quartet.
The midshipmite.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet.
A negro wedding in southern Georgia.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet.
Meet me where the lanterns glow : from "A trip to Japan" / Klein.Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
Goodbye dolly gray.The Haydn Quartette.
When it's moonlight on the prairie / Henry.Harry Macdonough with Haydn Quartet and Orchestra.
By-lo land.Haydn Quartet.
Soldier's farewell.Haydn Quartet.
Dixie land.Haydn Quartet.
Down where the silv'ry mowhawk flows / Heinzman.Haydn Quartet.
The last rose of summer is the sweetest son of all / Sidney.Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
Gwine back to Dixie.Haydn Quartet.
In the sweet bye and bye.Hayden [Haydn] Quartet.
Old Nassau / Peck ; Langlotz.Werrenrath ; Haydn Quartet, baritone with male quartet, with orchestra.
The battle of Santiago.Haydn Quartet.
Christ arose / Lowry.Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
Massa's in the cold, cold ground.Haydn Quartette.
When her beauty begins to fade / (More).Haydn Quartet.
Rocked in the cradle of the deep.Haydn Quartet.
In the evening by the moonlight.Haydn Quartet.
Sally in our alley.Haydn Quartet.
Darling Nellie Grey / Hanby.Haydn Quartet.
I am thinking for you sweetheart day by day.Harry Macdonough & Haydn Quartet.
Tell mother I'll be there / Fillmore.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet.
Nancy Lee.Haydn Quartet with orchestra accompaniment.
Old Black Joe.The Haydn Quartet.
The midshipmite.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet.
Tenting in the old camp ground.Haydn Quartet.
In the gloaming.Haydn Quartet.
Dear old girl.Haydn Quartet.
Little Alabama coon.Haydn Quartette.
Come along little girl come along / Mullen.Harry Macdonough with Haydn Quartet, tenor with quartet.
College medley.Haydn Quartet.
Bonnie sweet Bessie.Haydn Quartet.
The owl and the pussy cat.Haydn Quartette.
My old Kentucky home.Haydn Quartet.
Heidelberg: from "Prince of Pilsen".Haydn Quartet.
In the sweet bye and bye.Haydn Quartet.
Throw out the life line / Ufford ; Stebbins.Harry Macdonough with Haydn Quartet and orchestra.
Golden slippers medley.Haydn Quartet, male quartet.
The old-time religion / Tillman.Haydn Quartet.
By the Saskatchewan : from "The pink lady" / Caryll ; McLellan.Haydn Quartet ; Reinald Werrenrath.
Farmyard medley.Haydn Quartet.
Where is my boy to-night (lowry).Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet with orchestra accompaniment.
When the roll is called up yonder / Black.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet with orchestra.
Kathleen Mavourneen.Haydn Quartet.
Dixie dear / Reimer.Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
Corn field medley.Haydn Quartet.
A sleighride party.Haydn Quartet.
New years at old trinity.Haydn Quartet.
Oh, come all ye faithful (Adeste fideles).Hayden [Haydn] Quartet, with orchestra.
Krausmeyer's wedding party.Haydn Quartet.
When the bloom is on the rye.Haydn Quartet.
The heart you lost in Maryland / Solman.Haydn Quartet.
Rocked in the cradle of the deep.Haydn Quartet.
Annie Laurie.Haydn Quartet.
Little Alabama coon.Haydn Quartet.
Oh, come all ye faithful : adeste fideles.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet with orchestra.
The vacant chair / Root.Haydn Quartet.
Medley of coon songs.Haydn Quartette.
Close dat eye.Haydn Quartet.
Annie Laurie.Haydn Quartet.
Put on your old gray bonnet.Haydn Quartet.
Church scene.Haydn Quartet.
Ring the bell of heavens / Root.Haydn Quartet with Orchestra (Male Quartet).
Juanita.Haydn Quartet.
A sleighride party.Haydn Quartet.
Brink back my Bonnie to me.Haydn Quartet.
Steamboat medley.Haydn Quartet (descriptive quartet).
Close dat eye.Haydn Quartet.
Bring back my Bonnie to me.Haydn Quartet.
Your picture says remember though your letter says forget / Lamb ; Henry.Harry Macdonough, Haydn Quartet.
The owl and the pussy cat.The Haydn Quarteto.
The lorelei.Haydn Quartet.
The Orange and the Black : Princetown College song / Mitchell ; Biedermann.Haydn Quartet, male quartet and orchestra.
Hear that orchestra rag / Branen ; Hollander.Peerless Quartet, with orchestra.
Hail smiling morn / Spofforth.Haydn Quartet.
God be with you till we meet again / Christian Endeavor Hymn.Haydn Quartet.
Annie Laurie.Haydn Quartet.
Somewhere in the worls there's a little girl for meME / Bowers.Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.
Oh come all ye faithful : Adeste fidelis.Haydn Quartet.
Old plantation scenes (No. 1 -- Slavery days).Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet, descriptive quartet.
Old oaken bucket.Haydn Quartet.
Lead kindly light.Haydn Quartet.
Home, sweet home.Haydn Quartet.
Rest for the weary / McDonald.Haydn Quartet.
The Sabbath day.Haydn Quartet.
Silent night hallowed night.Haydn Quartet.
Evening prayer.Haydn Quartet.
Tell mother I'll be there / Fillmore.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet.
Trip to the county fair.Haydn Quartet.
Cornfield medley.Haydn Quartet.
Christ arose / Lowry.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet.
Steamboat leaving the wharf at New Orleans.Haydn Quartet.
Rocked in the cradle of the deep.Haydn Quartet.
Silent night, hallowed night.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet (male quartet).
The old-time religion / Tillman.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet.
Teasing.Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet, solo and quartet with orchestra accompaniment.
That old time religion / Tillman.Haydn Quartet with orchestra accompaniment.
When the roll is called up younder I'll be there / Black.Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet.
Aunt Dinah's quilting party ; "Seeing Nellie home".Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet.
When the bees are in the hive / Mills.Haydn Quartet.
Imitation Medley.Haydn Quartette.
Tenting on the old camp ground.Haydn Quartet ; Walter B. Rogers, bugle calls.
Glory song (oh, that will be glory) / Gabriel.Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.
My wild Irish rose / Chauncey Olcott.Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet with orchestra.
A night trip to Buffalo.Haydn Quartet.
A night trip to Buffalo.Haydn Quartet.
Where is my wandering boy to-night? / [Lowry].Haydn Quartet.
Way down in the cornfield / Ballad.Haydn Quartet.
The vacant chair (root).Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet (male quartet with orchestra).
I'se gwine back to Dixie / White.Haydn Quartet.
Rest for the weary / McDonald.Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
Vesper service.Haydn Quartette (chimes).
Bring back my Bonnie to me.Haydn Quartet.
In the evening by the moonlight, or, Old plantation air / Bland.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet.
Carry me back to ole Virginny.Haydn Quartet.
Moon dear : from "A society circus" New York Hippodrome / Klein.Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.
Old Uncle Ned.Haydn Quartet.
Old Nassau (Princeton College air) / Peck ; Langlotz.Werrenrath, baritone ; Hayden Quartet, with orchestra.
Night trip to Buffalo.Haydn Quartet.
When Bob White Is Whistling In The Meadow Rosenfeld.Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet.
Shall We Gather At The River Lowry.Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.
Good-bye Sweet Maryland Rosenfeld.Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.
Tell Mother I'll Be There Fillmore.Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.
Beulah Land Sweeney.Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.
Somewhere Harris.Harry Tally; Haydn Quartet.
Yale boola song / Hirsh.Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
The Jolly Blacksmiths.Haydn Quartet; With Anvil Effect.
Down Where The Silv'ry Mohawk Flows Heinzman.Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.
When The Bees Are In The Hive Mills.Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.
Christ Arose Lowry.Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.
When The Evening Breeze Is Sighing Home Sweet Home Solman.Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.Berliner.
In The Evening By The Moonlight Bland.Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.
Bonnie sweet Bessie.Haydn Quartet.
Starry Night For A Ramble.Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet; Orchestra Accompaniment.Berliner.
Dear Starry Eyes, Good Night Campbell.Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet; Orchestra.
Will You Love Me In December As You Do In May.Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.
When you know you're not forgotten by the girl you can't forget / Helf ; [Gardenier] ; [performed by] Haydn Quartet.Haydn Quartet, vocals ; with orchestra [that is, instrumental ensemble].
The Bridge Carew.Hayden Quartet.
Nearer My God To Thee Mason.Hayden Quartet.
Darling Nellie Gray Hanby.Hayden Quartet.
Jesus Christ Is Risen To-day Worgan.Hayden Quartet.
Soldier's Farewell Kunkel.Hayden Quartet.
Robin Adair (Old Scotch or Irish air) / words by Lady caroline Keppel.Geraldine Farrar.
Hard times / Stephen C. Foster.Hayden Quartet, with orchestra.
Steamboat leaving wharf at New Orleans.Haydn Quartet.
Dixie dear / Reimer.Haydn Quartet, male quartet.Berliner.
Where Is My Boy To-night Lowry.Haydn Quartet.
Rocked In The Cradle Of The Deep.Haydn Quartet.
Dearie. Kummer.Miss Morgan; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.
The Home Over There Kane.Harry Macdonough; With Orchestra; Haydn Quartet.
The Last Rose Of Summer Is The Sweetest Song Of All Sidney.Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.
Hail Columbia Hopkinson.Horry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.
When The Old Folks Were Young Folks Lamb; Solman.Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet; Orchestra.
Where Is My Boy To-night Lowry.Haydn Quartet; Orchestra.
Good Night Dudley Buck.Haydn Quartet.
The Vacant Chair Geo F Root-washburn.John Mccormack.
Little Alabama coon ; Alabama coon / Hattie Starr, lyrics and music.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
In The Good Old Summer Time.Harry Macdonough.
When The Harvest Days Are Over.Harry Macdonough.
Little Alabama coon / Starr.Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
Jesus Christ is risen to-day : Alleluia / [J. Worgan, music? ; C. Wesley, lyrics?].Haydn Quartet ; Victor Orchestra, male quartet with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
The home over there / [Leonard Kane, lyrics and music].Haydn Quartet, male quartet.Berliner.
Down the pike / Spencer.Pryor's Band ; Haydn Quartet?Berliner.
The home over there / Leonard Kane, lyrics and music.Haydn Quartet, male quartet.Berliner.
Christ receiveth sinful men / McCranahan.Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.
Good-bye Flo : from "Little Johnny Jones" / (Cohan).Billy Murray and Haydn Quartet.
Christ receiveth sinful men / McCranahan.Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.
Keep on smiling / (Kendis-Paley).Billy Murray; Haydn Quartet.
I'se gwine back to Dixie.Haydn Quartet.
Lady Love Mckenna; Gumble.Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.
Dear Old Dear Burt; Lampe.Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.Berliner.
Take Me Where There's A Big Brass Band Morse.Billy Murray; Haydn Quartet.
God be with you till we meet again : Christian endeavor hymn / [Rankin ; Tomer].Haydn Quartet.
Sweet dreamland faces / [Hutchinson].Haydn Quartet.
Sweet and low / [Tennyson ; Barnby].Vocals by the Haydn Quartet.
Robin Adair Lady Caroline Keppel.Hayden Quartet.
Sweet dreamland faces / W.M. Hutchinson, lyrics and music.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
In the wildwood where the blue bells grew / Taylor.Harry Macdonough, tenor, and Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
'Neath the old acorn tree, sweet Estelle / Helf.Harry Macdonough, tenor, and Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
Only a message from home sweet home / Florant.Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
I lost my heart when I saw your eyes / Helf ; Hager.Harry Macdonough, tenor, and Haydn Quartet with orchestra.Berliner.
Dreaming on the Ohio / Brill [Edwin S?].Harry Macdonough & Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Geneviève / Cooper ; Tucker.John B. Wells, tenor, Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
Sweet Genevieve / Cooper ; Tucker.John Barnes Wells ; Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet.
Kathleen Mavourneen / Crouch ; [Crawford]Haydn Quartet, male quartet
Teasing.Harry Macdonough; Orchestra Accompaniment; Haydn Quartet.
Yankee Doodle.Billy Murray; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.
Winter Bryan; Gumble.Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.
Mandy Lee / [Thurland Chattaway, lyrics and music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
I'm happy when the band plays Dixie / Vanderveer.Billy Murray and Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Reuben Haskin's departure for Europe.Len Spencer ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
Tenting on the old camp ground / [Walter Kittredge, lyrics and music].The Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Soldier's farewell / [J. Kinkel, lyrics and music].The Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
My wild Irish rose / Olcott.Haydn Quartet (male quartet).
Stories Adam told to Eve / [Jerome ; Schwartz].Haydn Quartet.
I wonder if you miss me / Snyder.Haydn Quartet with orchestra accompaniment.
Good bye, sweet Marie / Mills.Harry Macdonough, [tenor], and Haydn Quartet with orchestra accompaniment.
When the evening breeze is sighing "home, sweet home" / Solman.Haydn Quartet with orchestra accompaniment.
Tenting tonight / [Walter Kittredge].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Sweet little Rosey-posey medley / Harry Dacre, lyrics and music.Haydn Quartet, male quartet.Berliner.
Tenting on the old camp ground / [Walter Kittredge, lyrics and music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Hail smiling morn! / Reginald Spofforth, lyrics and music.Haydn Quartet, unaccompanied vocal quartet.Berliner.
Church scene from "The old homestead" / [Thompson].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Sweet little Rosey Posey medley / Harry Dacre, lyrics and music.Haydn Quartette.Berliner.
Bedelia / [Jean Schwartz, music] ; [William Jerome].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Rainbow / [Percy] Wenrich, music ; [Alfred] Bryan, lyrics.Billy Murray, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.Berliner.
Church scene [from the old homestead] / [Denman Thomposon]Haydn Quartet.
Scene from "The old homestead" / Thompson.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Dearie / (Kummer).Miss Morgan & Haydn Quartet with orchestra accompaniment.
Up in my aeroplane / Woodward ; Edwards.Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
Sweet Adeline (You're the flower of my heart) / Armstrong.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet.
Funiculi, funicula, or, A merry heart / Denza.Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.
I'd rather float through a dreamy old waltz with you / Newton ; Camp.Billy Murray ; Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
Rainbow / Bryan ; Wenrich.Billy Murray ; Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet.
Down in the sunshine alley / Madden ; Meyer.Billy Murray ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.
Where is my boy to-night / Lowry.Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
Sweet Adeline (you're the flower of my heart) / Armstrong.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet, male quartet, with orchestra.
Winter / Bryan ; Gumble.Haydn Quartet.
Good night / Dudley Buck.Haydn Quartet.
Teasing / Von Tilzer.Billy Murry ; Haydn Quartet ; [Harry Macdonough].Grand Prize
Arrah Wanna / Morse ; Drislane.Billy Murray, with orchestra ; Haydn Quartet.
The hat my father wore on St. Patrick's day / Jerome ; Schwartz.Billy Murray and Haydn Quartet (tenor with quartet) with orchestra.
Budweiser's a friend of mine : furth.Billy Murray, tenor ; Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet, with orchestra.
Two little girls loved one little boy / Bryan ; Mullen.Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, orchestra accompaniment.
By the light of the silv'ry moon / Madden ; Edwards.Billy Murray ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.
The homesick yankee / Clark.Billy Murray and Haydn Quartet (tenor with orchestra).
Oh Come, All Ye Faithful Frank Black.James Melton; Rca Victor Orch ; Frank Black.
The Jolly Blacksmiths Suckley.Victor Military Band; With Vocal Chorus.
Where the ivy's clinging, dearie, 'round an old oak tree / J. Fred Helf ; Robert F. Roden. When the sheep are in the fold, Jennie dear / J. Fred Helf ; C.M. Dennison.Haydn Quartet (side A), Manuel Romain (side B).
Take Me Out For A Joy Ride Shields; Mills.Billy Murray; Haydn Quartet; Orchestra.
Budweiser's A Friend Of Mine Furth.Billy Murray; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.
Some Day Conway; Wellings.Alan Turner; Haydn Quartet; Orchestra.
Ship Of My Dreams Lamb; Solman.Hayden Quartet; With Orchestra.
Tell Me With Your Eyes.Frank Howard; Orchestra Accompaniment.
Evening prayer / [J. Edmeston, lyrics ; C. Stebbins, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
When we listened to the murmur of the pine[s] / B. Robinson, lyrics ; Winthrop Brookhouse, music.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Sally in our alley / [Carey, lyrics] ; [Anonymous, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Sally in our alley / [Henry Carey, lyrics and music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
My Wild Irish Rose Chauncey Olcott.Harry Macdonough; Hayden Quartet.
When we listened to the murmur of the pine / Robinson ; Brookhouse.Haydn Quartet.
Rest for the weary / McDonald ; [performed by] Haydn Quartet. Shall we gather at the river / Lowry ; [performed by] Haydn Quartet.Hayden Quartet, male vocals, with orchestra.
Put on your old grey bonnet / [performed by] Haydn Quartet. It's hard to kiss your sweetheart when the last kiss means good-bye / Roden ; Mills ; [performed by] Walter Van Brunt.Side A: Haydn Quartet, male vocals ; Side B: Walter Van Brunt, tenor, with orchestra.
Good Bye Dolly Gray.Haydn Quartet; Bugle Calls; Walter B Rogers.
Keep On Smiling Kendis; Paley.Billy Murray; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.
Molly Lee Mahoney; Morse.Billy Murray; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra.
Beulah Land / Sweeney.Haydn Quartet ; Harry Macdonough.
Old folks at home / Foster.Haydn Quartet (male quartet) with orchestra.
Old Black Joe.The Haydn Quartette.
When the flowers bloom in springtime, Molly dear / von Tilzer.Macdonough and Bieling, with Haydn quartet and orchestra.
The lost chord / Adelaide Proctor, lyrics ; Arthur Sullivan, music.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
My little canoe / [Charles H. Taylor, lyrics] ; Leslie Stuart, music.Dudley ; Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Massa's in the cold, cold ground / Stephen C. Foster, lyrics and music.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
In Dixie land / [Daniel Decatur Emmett, lyrics and music].American Quartet.Berliner.
Darling Nellie Gray / Benjamin Russell Hanby, lyrics and music.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Darling Nellie Gray / [Benjamin Russell Hanby, lyrics and music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
I can't do that sum / [Victor Herbert].S.H. Dudley ; Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Old black Joe / Stephen C. Foster, lyrics and music.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Stein song / Bullard.Haydn Quartet, male quartet.
Summertime / von Tilzer.Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
Lonesome / Meyer.Harry Macdonough, tenor, and Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
My old Kentucky home / [Stephen C. Foster].Haydn Quartet, male quartet.Berliner.
Silent night, hallowed night.Hayden Quartet.
Soldier's Farewell.Haydn Quartette.
Oh Come, All Ye Faithful Portugal.Ernestine Schumann-heink; Orchestra.
Sweetest Story Ever Told.Haydn Quartette.
The owl and the pussy cat / De Koven ; [Lear]. Bring back my Bonnie to me.Haydn Quartet, male quartet, unaccompanied [Side A] and with orchestra [Side B].
Camp meeting jubilee.Sung by Haydn Quartet; [announced by William F. Hooley].
Down in the old cherry orchard / Henry.Haydn Quartet, male quartet, with orchestra.
Where the southern roses grow / [Morse].Harry Macdonough, tenor, and Haydn Quartet with orchestra accompaniment.
Good night my starlight / [Madden] ; Morse.Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
When Bob White is whistling in the meadow / Rosenfeld.Harry Macdonough and Haydn Quartet, tenor with quartet and orchestra.Berliner.
Massa's in the cold, cold ground / [Stephen C. Foster, lyrics and music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Juanita / C. Norton, lyrics ; Air: Spanish folk song.Haydn Quartette.Berliner.
In the sweet bye and bye / Vincent Bryan, lyrics ; Harry von Tilzer, music.Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Grandfather's clock / Work.Haydn Quartet ; [Harry Macdonough].Berliner.
Massa's in the cold, cold ground / [Stephen C. Foster, lyrics and music].The Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Down where the Swanee River flows / Von Tilzer.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet, with orchestra (male quartet).
After they gather the hay / [J.J. Walker, lyrics] ; [S.R.] Henry, music.Macdonough ; Bieling ; Haydn Quartet, duet with quartet and orchestra.Berliner.
My heart has learned to love you, now do not say good-bye / Ernest Ball.Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Haydn Quartet, orchestra.
Owl and pussy cat / De Koven.Haydn Quartet.
Old folks at home : Suwanee River : part II / Foster.Haydn Quartet.
Sun of My Soul / [Keble : Ritter].Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley, manager.
Because.The Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley, manager.
Massa's in the cold, cold ground.Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley Mgr.
Love me and the world is mine / Ball.Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet.
Old folks at home : Swanee River / Foster.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet, male quartet.
Dudley Buck's robin adair.Haydn Quartette - manager S. H. Dudley.
I can't do that sum.S. H. Dudley ; Haydn Quartet.
Old Folks At Home.Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley, manager.
Hard time / Stephen C. Foster.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet ; male quartet ; orchestra accompaniment.
Lead Kindly Light / [Newman : Dykes].Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley.
Sweet Adeline / Phelps.Macdonough ; Bieling ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.
I need thee every hour.The Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley, manager.
Cornfield Medley.Haydn Quartet, S.H. Dudley, manager.
Hosanna in the highest.Haydn Quartette, manager S. H. Dudley.
Massa's in the cold, cold ground / [Stephen C. Foster, lyrics and music].The Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Farm Yard Medley.Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley, manager.
Dear old girl / Buck ; Morse.Harry Macdonough ; Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet, tenor and male vocal quartet with orchestra accompaniment.
The old oaken bucket.Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley, manager.
Tenting in the old camp ground.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet ; Walter R. Rogers, bugle calls.
Nearer My God To Thee.Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley, manager.
Hard times / Foster.Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
My little canoe / Leslie Stuart.Dudley ; Macdonough, duet with orchestra accompaniment and Haydn Quartet.
The garden of roses / Dempsey ; Schmid.Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
My faith looks up to thee.The Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley, manager.
Massas in the cold cold ground.Haydn Quartet - S.H. Dudley, manager.
Sunbonnet Sue / Cobb ; Edwards.Sung by Harry Macdonough and Haydn Quartet ; with orchestra.
Leaf by leaf the roses fall / Bishop ; [performed by] Hayden Quartet. Grandfather's clock / Work ; [performed by] Hayden Quartet.Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
The Girl Of My Dreams Hauerbach; Hoschna; Nesbit.Harry Macdonough; Lyric Quartet; Orchestra.
In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree Williams; Van Alstyne.Harry Macdonough; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestraaccompaniment.
I Can't Do That Sum.S H Dudley; Haydn Quartet; With Orchestra Accompaniment.
Will you love me in December as you do in May / [Ernest R. Ball ; James John Walker].Haydn Quartet ; Harry Macdonough.Berliner.
Old dog Tray / Foster ; [performed by] Hayden Quartet. Hear dem bells / McCosh ; [performed by] Billy Murray.Side A: Hayden Quartet, male vocals, with orchestra ; Side B: Billy Murray, tenor, with orchestra.
In the good old summer time / Ben Shields, lyrics ; George Evans, music.Haydn Quartette.Berliner.
In the gloaming, oh, my darling / Annie Fortescue Harrison, music ; M. Orred, lyrics.Haydn Quartet, male quartet.Berliner.
Down Tennessee / Cruger.Pryor's Orchestra ; Haydn Quartet.
Close dat eye / Jack P. McSweeney ; Lee Orean Smith.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
God be with you till we meet again / [J.E. Rankin, lyrics ; W.G. Tomer, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
My lady lou / [Charles Doty, lyrics] ; [E.S. Brill, music].Haydn Quartet ; Harry Macdonough.Berliner.
Down where the silv'ry Mohawk flows/ Joh and Otto Heinzman.Harry Macdonough and Haydn Quartet.
God be with you 'til we meet again / J.E. Rankin, lyrics ; W.G. Tomer, music.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
The vacant chair / Root ; [performed by] Haydn Quartet with orchestra. When you and I were young, Maggie / Butterfield ; [performed by] Elizabeth Wheeler and Harry Macdonough with orchestra.Haydn Quartet, male quartet, with orchestra [side a] ; Elizabeth Wheeler and Harry Macdonough, duet, with orchestra [side b].
In The Golden Autumn Time My Sweet Elaine Henry.Macdonough; Bieling; Haydn?2; Orchestra.
Aunt Dinah's quilting party, or, [I was] Seeing Nellie home / [Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore, lyrics and music].Haydn Quartette.Berliner.
When the harvest days are over, Jessie dear / Harold Graham, lyrics ; Harry von Tilzer, music.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Glory song, or, O that will be glory / [Charles H. Gabriel, lyrics and music].Haydn Quartet, male quartet with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
O come all ye faithful = Adeste fideles / Marcus Portugal.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
When the harvest days are over, Jessie dear / Harold [i.e. Howard] Graham, lyrics ; Harry von Tilzer, music.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Glory song (o that will be glory) / Gabriel.Haydn Quartet ; Harry Macdonough.Berliner.
I'se gwine back to Dixie / [C.A. White, lyrics and music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Carry me back to ole Virginie / [Bland].Haydn Quartet.
Come Back To Erin Claribel.John Mccormack; Orchestra.
Uncle Josh and Aunt Nancy go to housekeeping / [Cal Stewart].Mr And Mrs Cal Stewart with Haydn Quartet.
Grandfather's clock / Work.Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
Annie Laurie / Scott ; Douglass.Haydn Quartet.
Mollie darling / Hays.Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
Keep a little cozy corner in your heart for me / [Drislane] ; Morse.Harry Macdonough, tenor, and Haydn Quartet with orchestra accompaniment.
Gwine back to Dixie / [C.A. White].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
O come all ye faithful = Adeste fideles / Marcus Portugal.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Glory song, or, O that will be glory / Charles H. Gabriel, lyrics and music.Haydn Quartet, male quartet with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
Tell mother I'll be there / Fillmore.Haydn Quartet.
In the evening by the moonlight (old plantation air) / Bland.Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet with orchestra.
I'se gwine back to Dixie / C.A. White ; [performed by] Hayden Quartet. My Maryland march / Rogers ; [performed by] Victor Drum, Fife and Bugle Corps.Haydn Quartet, male quartet, with orchestra [Side A] ; Victor Drum, Fife, and Bugle Corps [Side B].
Hard times / Foster ; the artillerist's oath / [Adams].Haydn Quartet, male quartet, with orchestra [Side A] ; Peerless Quartet, male quartet [Side B].
Anvil chorus / [Salvatore Cammarano, lyrics] ; [Guiseppe Verdi, music].Victor Male Chorus.Berliner.
Heidelberg, or, The stein song / Frank Pixley, lyrics ; Gustav Luders, music.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Heidelberg, or, The Stein song / Frank Pixely, lyrics ; Gustav Luders, music.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
An Evening with the minstrels no. 5 : Having fun with the orchestra.[Steven Porter] ; [Len Spencer], with orchestra.Berliner.
Louisiana Lou / [Madden] ; [Edwards].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Old oaken bucket / [George Kiallmar, music ; Samuel Woodworth, lyrics].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
By the Saskatchewan / McLellan ; Caryll.Reinald Werrenrath ; Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet.
Come take a swim in my ocean / Cobb ; Edwards.Billy Murray, tenor ; Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
The woman thou gavest me / Cobb, lyrics ; Powell, music.Harry Macdonough ; Hayden Quartet.Victor.
Tenting On The Old Camp Ground.Hayden Quartet; Walter B Rogers.
Let me write what I never dared to tell / [Casey] ; Rosenfeld.[Harry] Macdonough, [tenor], and [John H.] Bieling, [tenor], with Haydn Quartet and orchestra.
Love me and the world is mine / Ball.Harry Macdonough, tenor, with Haydn Quartet and orchestra.Berliner.
The woman thou gavest me / Cobb, lyrics ; Powell, music.Harry Macdonough ; Hayden Quartet.Berliner.
Bonnie sweet Bessie : the maid of Dundee / [Arabella Root, lyrics] ; [J.L. Gilbert, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
My little canoe / Charles H. Taylor, lyrics ; Leslie Stuart, music.Dudley ; Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Down Tennessee / Dox Cruger, words and music.Pryor's Orchestra ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
Sweet Adeline : (You're the flower of my heart).Bieling and Dudley with Haydn Quartet.
My old Kentucky home / Foster.Haydn Quartet (male quartet) with orchestra.
Cornfield medley = ['Way down yonder in the cornfield] / [Will S. Cobb, lyrics ; Gus Edwards, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Sweet Adeline, or, You're the flower of my heart, sweet Adeline / Richard H. Gerard, lyrics ; Henry W. Armstrong, music.Haydn Quartette.Berliner.
Teasing / [Mack] ; [Von Tilzer].Harry Macdonough and Haydn Quartet, solo and quartet.Berliner.
In the shade of the old apple tree / [Harry H. Williams, lyrics ; Egbert van Alstyne, music].Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
Blue bells of Scotland / [Anne MacVicar Grant, lyrics ; Dorothy Jordan, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
In dear old Georgia / [Harry Williams, lyrics] ; [Egbert] Van Alstyne, music.Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.Berliner.
Beulah land / E. Page, lyrics ; John Robson Sweney, music.Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
Tenting on the old camp ground / [Kittredge].Haydn Quartet [with] bugle calls by Walter B. Rogers.
Rocked in the cradle of the deep / [Willard ; Knight].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
In dear old Georgia / [Williams] ; Van Alstyne.Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
The heart you lost in Maryland you'll find in Tennessee / [Lamb] ; Solman.Haydn Quartet with orchestra.Berliner.
Way down yonder in the cornfield = [Cornfield medley] / [Will D. Cobb, lyrics ; Gus Edwards, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Dearie : from "Sergeant Brue" / [Clare] Kummer.Miss Morgan, contralto ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
My faith looks up to thee / [Lachner, lyrics ; Bassford, music].The Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Nearer my God to thee / [Sarah F Adams, lyrics] ; [Lowell Mason, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Way down yonder in the cornfield / [Will D. Cobb, lyrics] ; [Gus Edwards, music].Haydn Quartet ; [Harry Macdonough].Berliner.
The owl and the pussy cat / Lear, lyrics ; De Koven, music.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Lonesome / Edgar Leslie, lyrics ; George W. Meyer, music.Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Cornfield medley = ['Way down yonder in the cornfield] / [Will D. Cobb, lyrics ; Gus Edwards, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Summertime / von Tilzer, music ; [Mahoney, lyrics].Haydn Quartet, male quartet with orchestra.Berliner.
Nearer my God to thee / [Sarah F Adams, lyrics] ; [Lowell Mason, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Nearer my God to thee / [Sarah F Adams, lyrics] ; [Lowell Mason, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Fare thee well, Mollie darling / [Kerry Mills, music ; Will D. Cobb, lyrics]Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment.
I'se Gwine Back To Dixie C A White.Alma Gluck; Male Chorus; Orchestra.
Throw Out The Life Line Ufford; Stebbins.Harry Macdonough; Hayden Quartet; With Orchestra.
Don't be an old maid, Molly / Kerry Mills ; Alfred Bryan. Red head / Burton Green ; Irene Franklin.Haydn Quartet, Ada Jones.
He will hold me fast / [Habershon] ; Harkness.Haydn Quartet with orchestra.Berliner.
John Anderson, my Jo / Burns. The last rose of summer is the sweetest song of all / Sidney.Henry Burr (Side A) ; Haydn Quartet (Side B).
The lost chord / A. Sullivan, music ; A.A. Procter, lyrics.Haydn Quartet, male quartet.Berliner.
'Cross the Great Divide (I'll wait for you) / Lewis, lyrics ; Meyer, music.Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Hayden Quartet, with orchestra.Victor.
Down on the farm / [Harry Von Tilzer, music ; Raymond A. Browne, lyrics].Haydn Quartet.Victor.
Nearer my God to thee / [Lowell Mason] ; [Sarah Flower Adams].Haydn Quartet, sacred quartet.Berliner.
Sweet and low, or, [That lullaby of long ago] / [Barnby, Sir Joseph, music ; Alfred Tennyson, lyrics].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Bedelia, everybody is singing it / [William Jerome, lyrics ; Jean Schwartz, music ; Bellstedt, arr.].Haydn Quatuor.Berliner.
The lost chord / [A. Sullivan, music ; A.A. Procter, lyrics].Haydn Quartet, male quartet.Berliner.
My heart has learned to love you, now do not say good-bye / Ernest Ball.Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet.
Mollie Darling Will S Hays.Evan Williams; With Male Chorus; Orchestra.
The Woman Thou Gavest Me Cobb; Powell.Harry Macdonough; Hayden Quartet; With Orchestra.Berliner.
Onward, Christian Soldiers! / [Sabine Baring-Gould, lyrics ; Arthur Sullivan, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Onward Christian soldiers / [Sabine Baring-Gould, lyrics ; Arthur Sullivan, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Blue bell / Morse. Teasing / Von Tilzer.Haydn Quartet, male quartet, with orchestra [Side A] ; Billy Murray, tenor, and Haydn Quartet with orchestra [Side B].
The bridge / Lindsay.Sung by Haydn Quartet.
Tell mother I'll be there (Torrey Alexander revvial hymn) / Fillmore.Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.
Tell mother I'll be there (Torrey Alexander revival hymn) / Fillmore.Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.
Sweet Genevieve / Cooper ; Tucker ; [performed by] John B. Wells and Haydn Quartet. Where the River Shannon flows / Russell ; [performed by] Harry Macdonough with orchestra.On side A: John B. Wells and Haydn Quartet, vocals ; with orchestra. On side B: Harry Macdonough, vocals ; with orchestra.
Rocked in the cradle of the deep / Emma Willar, lyrics ; Jos. P. Knight, music.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
The holy city / [Frederick Edward Weatherly, lyrics ; Stephen Adams, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
When Tommy Atkins marries Dolly Gray / Cobb ; Edwards.Billy Murray, [tenor], and Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
Arrah Wanna / Drislane ; Morse. Since Arrah Wanna married Barney Carney / Morse.Billy Mussy ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.
Down in the old cherry orchard / Henry, music ; Alfred Bryan, lyrics.Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.Berliner.
Rocked in the cradle of the deep / E. Willard, lyrics ; J.P. Knight, music.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Holding hands, or, You don't say nothing at all / Jack Norworth, lyrics ; Harry von Tilzer, music.Tally ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.Berliner.
Nancy Lee / [Fred E. Weatherly, lyrics ; Stephen Adams, music].[Haydn] Quartette.Edison.
The holy city / [Frederick Edward Weatherly, lyrics ; Stephen Adams, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Love Me And The World Is Mine Ernest Ball.Albert Campbell; With Orchestra.
I'm happy when the band plays Dixie / [Benham] ; Vanderveer.Billy Murray, [tenor], and Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
The holy city / [Weatherly, Adams].Goddard [i.e. Emilio de Gogorza], vocals.
Home sweet home / [H.R. Bishop, music ; J.H. Payne, lyrics].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Lord Geoffrey Amherst : (Amherst College song) / (Hamilton) ; the Orange and the Black. : (Princeton College song) / (Mitchell-Biedermann).[Side A] Reinald Werrenrath and Hayden [sic] Quartet ; [side B] Hayden [sic] Quartet.
The Holy City Adams.Harry Macdonough; Orchestra.
Sweet Adeline : you're the flower of my heart / [Gerard ; Armstrong].[John H.] Bieling and [S.H.] Dudley, tenors ; Haydn Quartet.
Red wing / [Chattaway] ; Mills.[S.H.] Dudley, [bass], and [Harry] Macdonough, [tenor], with [Haydn] quartet chorus and orchestra.
When the bees are in the hive / [Mills, music ; Bryan, lyrics].Macdonough ; Bieling ; Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Blue Bell / Edward Madden ; Dolly Morse ; Theodore F. Morse, lyrics and music.Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet, tenor with quartet and orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
Blue Bell / [Edward Madden ; Dolly Morse ; Theodore F. Morse, lyrics and music].Harry Macdonough ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment, tenor and quartet.Berliner.
When the bees are in the hive / [Bryan, Mills].[Harry] Macdonough, [John H.] Bieling, Haydn Quartet, vocals, with orchestra acc.
Waltz me around again, Willie [('round-'round-'round)] / Cobb, lyrics ; Shields, music.Billy Murray ; Haydn Quartet, with orchestra.His Master's Voice.
Waltz me around again Willie / [Will D.] Cobb, lyrics ; [R.] Shields, music.Billy Murray ; Haydn Quartet, tenor with quartet and orchestra.Berliner.
Arrah wanna / Drislane ; Morse.Billy Murray, tenor, and Haydn Quartet with orchestra.Berliner.
Beauty's eyes / F.E. Weatherly, lyrics ; F.P. Tosti, music.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Beauty's eyes / [Weatherly] ; Tosti.Haydn Quartet.
Rainbow Bryan; Werrich.Billy Murray; Hayden Quartet; Orchestra Accompaniment.
An Evening Prayer C M Battersby; C H Gabriel.George Beverly Shea; Paul Mickelson; Tedd Smith.
The garden of roses / Dempsey ; Schmid ; [performed by] Harry Macdonough and Haydn Quartet with orchestra. My garden that blooms for you / Evans ; Lusk ; [performed by] John B. Wells with orchestra.On side A: Harry MacDonough, tenor ; with Haydn Quartet and orchestra. On side B: John B. Wells ; with orchestra.
After they gather the hay / [Walker] ; Henry.[Harry] Macdonough, [tenor], and [John H.] Bieling, [tenor], with Haydn Quartet and orchestra.
Sweetheart town / Mahoney ; Morse.Billy Murray, tenor, and Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
In the shade of the old apple tree / Van Alstyne ; [performed by] Henry Burr with orchestra. Darling Nellie Gray / Hanby ; [performed by] Haydn Quartet.Henry Burr, tenor, with orchestra [Side A] ; Hayden Quartet, male quartet [Side B].
Hail Columbia / Philip Phile ; Joseph Hopkinson. Yankee Doodle / [composer not identified].Haydn Quartet ; Harry Macdonough (side A), Haydn Quartet ; Billy Murray (side B).
Dear old dear / Burt ; Lampe.Haydn Quartet.
Lead kindly light / [Newman ; Dykes].Haydn Quartet.
Lead kindly light / [J.B. Dykes, music ; J.H. Newman, lyrics].Haydn Quartet.Victor.
It's allus de same in Dixie / Cook ; [Grant, lyrics?] ; [Dunbar, lyrics].Billy Murray and Haydn Quartet with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
Lead kindly light / John B. Dykes, music ; John Henry Cardinal Newman, lyrics.The American Quartet.Berliner.
Nancy Lee / [Stephen Adams, music ; Frederick E. Weatherly, lyrics].Haydn Quartet, with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
Trovatore. Verdi.Miss Stevenson; Mr Macdonough; Victor Male Chorus; Victor Orchestra; Chimes.
Funiculi, Funicula L Denza.John Mccormick; With Orchestra; With Male Chorus.
By the Saskatchewan : from "the pink lady" / Caryll.Sung by Reinald Werrenrath and Haydn Quartet.
Silent night, hallowed night / [Franz Gruber]. Will there be any stars in my crown / Hewett-Sweney.Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
Lily of the prairie / Mills. Fire fly galop / Stobbe.Billy Murray and Haydn Quartet, vocals ; with orchestra (side A) ; William H. Reitz, xylophone ; with orchestra (side B).
Sweet Adeline (you're the flower of my dear heart) / [Armstrong].Bieling ; Dudley ; Haydn Quartet ; [Harry Macdonough].Berliner.
Annie Laurie / [W. Douglas of Finland, lyrics ; Lady John Scott, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Annie Laurie / [W. Douglas of Finland, lyrics ; Lady John Scott, music].Haydn Quartet, vocal quartet.Berliner.
Annie Laurie / [W. Douglas of Finland, lyrics ; Lady John Scott, music].Haydn Quartet, vocal quartet.Victor.
Annie Laurie / [W. Douglas of Finland, lyrics ; Lady John Scott, music].Haydn Quartet, vocal quartet.Berliner.
Annie Laurie / [W. Douglas of Finland, lyrics ; Lady John Scott, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
So Long, Mary! George M Cohan.George M Cohan Jr ; Guild Choristers; With Orchestra; Thomas Lender Jones.
Yankee Doodle's come to town / Geo. M. Cohan.Billy Murray ; Haydn Quartet, tenor with orchestra.
When I marry you / Albert Gumble ; Alfred Bryan. Swanee babe / Dick Richards ; Jack Drislane.American Quartet, Haydn Quartet ; Harry Macdonough ; Elizabeth Wheeler.
Down where the Suwanee river flows / Chas. McCarron, lyrics ; [Charles Alberte, lyrics] ; Albert Von Tilzer, music.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Home sweet home = [Clari] / John Howard Payne, lyrics ; Sir Henry Rowley Bishop, music.Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Mandy Lane / McKenna ; [performed by] Harry Macdonough with orchestra. When the summer days are gone / Curley, Christie ; [performed by] Haydn Quartet with orchestra.Harry Macdonough, tenor, with Haydn Quartet, male quartet (2nd work) and orchestra.
Home, sweet home = [Clari] / [John Howard Payne, lyrics ; Sir Henry Rowley Bishop, music].Haydn Quartet.Berliner.
Red, red rose / Rogers, Cook. My wild Irish rose / Olcott.Arthur Clough [side a] ; Harry Macdonough [side b], and Haydn Quartet with orchestra.
The new "glory" song / Towner ; Torrey-Alexander revival hymn.Haydn Quartet, male quartet with orchestra.Berliner.
Cheer up, cherries will soon be ripe / Bryan ; Myer [sic]. Your picture says remember though your letter says forget / Lamb ; Henry.Byron G. Harlan, tenor, with orchestra [Side A] ; Harry Macdonough, tenor, and Haydn Quartet with orchestra [Side B].
Vesper service / [H.F. Lyte, lyrics] ; [W.H. Monk, music] ; [Sarah F. Adams] ; [Lowell Mason].Haydn Quartette ; [Harry Macdonough].Berliner.
Oh morning land / Phelps ; [performed by] Stanley and Macdonough with orchestra. God be with you till we meet again / Rankin, Tomer ; [performed by] Haydn Quartet with orchestra.[Side A] Stanley and Macdonough ; [Side B] Haydn Quartet.
Down at the huskin' bee / Monroe H. Rosenfeld ; Stephen R. Henry ; the hat my father wore on St. Patrick's Day / Jean Schwartz ; William Jerome.Collins and Harlan, Haydn Quartet ; Billy Murray.
In the heart of the city that has no heart / Allen ; Daly ; [performed by] Henry Burr. The woman thou gavest me / Cobb ; Powell [i.e. William C. Polla] ; [performed by] Harry Macdonough and Hayden Quartet.Henry Burr, tenor, with orchestra [side a] ; Harry Macdonough, tenor, and Hayden Quartet with orchestra [side b].Victor.
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