There's a typical Tipperary over here (you'd think that you were home in Ireland) / Gerber, lyrics ; Silver, music. | Peerless Quartet, male quartet with orchestra. | Berliner. |
My home town is a one-horse town (but it's good enough for me) / Gerber, lyrics ; Silver, music. | Billy Jones, with orchestra. | Berliner. |
Those Hawaiian melodies / Alex Gerber, lyrics ; Arthur Lange, music. | Peerless Quartet, male quartet with orchestra. | Victor. |
You Can't Stop Me From Loving You Marshall. | Edgar Stoddard; Henry Burr; Orchestra Accomp. | Columbia |
If the rest of the world don't want you (go back to mother and dad) / Alex Gerber ; Dave Dreyer. Little pal of long ago / Hirsch ; Sacre ; Dixon. | Franklyn Baur, tenor, with orchestra [side a] ; Henry Burr, tenor, and saxophone by Rudy Wiedoeft with orchestra [side b]. | |
There's a typical Tipperary over here / Gerber ; Silver. | Henri's Orchestra. | Berliner. |
There's a typical Tipperary over here / Silver. | American Quartet, orchestra accompaniment. | |
There's a typical tipperary over here / Alex. Gerber ; Abner Silver. | American Quartet with orchestra. | |