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307 result(s) found for "Collins, Arthur,1863-1932".
TitlePerformerGeneric Label
Oh, those Blues / Murphy, lyrics ; Biese, music ; Klickman.Collins ; Harlan.Pathé.
Nora my Irish rose / Caldwell.Arthur Collins, [baritone], with orchestra.
Old Bill Jones.Arthur Collins.Berliner.
L-A-Z-Y / [Warfel] ; Wallace.[Arthur] Collins, [baritone], and [Byron G.] Harlan, [tenor], with orchestra.
Rufus Rastus Johnson Brown / Von Tilzer.Arthur Collins.
Gabriella Brown [is back in town] / [Kelso Murdock, lyrics ; Jos. Dickson Murdock, music].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
I'm waiting for you, Liza Jane / Creamer ; Layton.Collins ; Harlan, vocal duet with orchestra accompaniment.Gennett.
Underneath the monkey moon.[Harlan], tenor ; [Collins], baritone, duet.
What's the use of loving, if you can't love all the time.Arthur Collins.
I think I see my brother coming now / Moran ; Helf.Arthur Collins, with orchestra.
Pliney, come kiss your honey / [Dave Reed Jr., lyrics and music].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Bedelia / [William Jerome, lyrics ; Jean Schwartz, music].Arthur Collins with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
Let's all go around to Mary Ann's / Carroll.Arthur Collins, baritone ; Byron G. Harlan, tenor with orchestra accompaniment.
Closing time in a country grocery.Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
Never bank on a traveling man.Collins ; Harlan.
Who do you love? / Cole ; Johnson.Collins ; Harlan with orchestra.
Down where the Wurzberger flows / [von Tilzer, music] ; [Bryan, lyrics].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Moonlight on the lake / [C.A. White].Collins & Harlan.Berliner.
If you love your baby, make goo-goo eyes / [Julia Rooney, lyrics and music].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Coonville Cullud Band Fletcher Meakim.Arthur Collins; With Orchestra.Columbia
I love the ladies / Schwartz. Follow the crowd from "Queen of the movies" / Irving Berlin.Arthur Collins, baritone (1st work) ; Byron G. Harlan, tenor (1st work) ; Ned La Rose, tenor (2nd work) ; Peerless Quartette (2nd work) ; with orchestral acc.Columbia.
Bake dat chicken pie / Dumont.Collins and Harlan (with orchestra).
Casey Jones went down on the Robert E. Lee / /Clarence Jones, music ; [Marvin Lee, lyrics].Arthur Collins, baritone ; Byron G. Harlan, tenor, duet with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
Oh! How she could yacki, hacki, wicki, wacki, woo / arr, Von Tilzer.Arthur Collins, baritone solo, orchestra accompaniment.
Come down from the big fig tree / [Edward Madden, lyrics ; Theodore F. Morse, music].Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
Old Bill Jones / [Lew Sully].Arthur Collins.
Bill Simmons Spink.Arthur Collins; With Orchestra.
My bambazoo (a Zulu romance) / Snyder.Collins and Harlan.
Hannibal Hope and the circus parade / Hirsch.Arthur Collins.
Ragtime Soldier Man Irving Berlin.Collins; Harlan; Orchestra.
The dude and the farmer.Collins and Harlan.Berliner.
L-A-Z-Y [spells lazy] / [Cecilia Warfel, lyrics] ; [Ramsey] Wallace, music.Collins ; Harlan, duet with orchestra.Berliner.
My Irish Molly[-]O / [Jean] Schwartz, music ; [William Jerome, lyrics].Arthur Collins, with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
Tthat Mesmerizing Mendelssohn tune / Irving Berlin.Collins ; Harlan, duet with orchestra.
On the honeymoon express / Klein ; Kendis ; Stilwell.Collins and Harlan, comic duet, with orchestra.
Roll on, Missouri / Harry Carroll, music ; [Ballard MacDonald, lyrics].Arthur Collins, baritone ; Byron G. Harlan, tenor, duet with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
I ain't got enough for to pass around / Branen ; Johnson.Arthur Collins, with orchestra accompaniment.
Moonlight in jungle land / Dempsey ; Schmid.Collins and Harlan with orchestra.
Nobody knows where John Brown went / Arthur Longbrake ; Arthur Longbrake. Please don't tell my wife / Gus Edwards.Ed Morton, Arthur Collins.
I got to see the minstrel show / Harry von Tilzer.Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Oh, that moonlight glide / Junie McCree ; Harry von Tilzer.Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
I've just received a telegram from baby / [Heelan : Von Tilzer].Arthur Collins.
Whoa Bill / [George Totten Smith, lyrics ; Harry von Tilzer, music].Collins ; Natus.Berliner.
I'm going right back to Chicago / [Harry Williams, lyrics ; Egbert Van Alstyne, music].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
I love, I love, I love my wife, but oh you kid / Von Tilzer.Arthur Collins, baritone solo with orchestra accompaniement.
I'm running after Nancy.Collins, baritone ; Harlan, tenor.
Dark town strutter's ball / Brooks.Collins, baritone ; Harlan, tenor with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
Let's All Go Around To Mary Ann's.Arthur Collins, baritone ; Byron G. Harlan, tenor with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
Wishes / Jerome. When you first kiss the last girl you love : from A stubborn Cinderella / Howard [and Hough].Arthur Collins and Byron Harlan, baritone and tenor duet [with] orchestra accompaniment [side a]; Henry Burr, tenor solo [with] orchestra accompaniment [side b].Columbia
If I'm going to die, I'm going to have some fun / [George M.] Cohan.Arthur Collins, with orchestra.Berliner.
Jasper don't you hear me calling you? / Bert Fitzgibbon, lyrics ; Henry Frantzen, music.Collins ; Harlan, duet with orchestra.Berliner.
Back, back, back to the woods, or, [Back to the woods] / [William Jerome, lyrics ; Jean Schwartz, music].Collins ; Natus.Berliner.
Jasper don't you hear me calling you? / [Bert Fitzgibbon, lyrics ; Henry Frantzen, music].Collins ; Harlan, duet with orchestra.Berliner.
Emancipation handicap / Halsey K. Mohr.Collins ; Harlan, duet with orchestra.
Just try to picture me back home in Tennessee / Wm. Jerome ; Walter Donaldson.Collins ; Harlan, comic duet with orchestra.
Closing time in a country grocery.Collins & Harlan.Berliner.
Bake dat chicken pie / Dumont.Collins and Harlan, with orchestra.Berliner.
Kerry Mills Barn Dance Kerry Mills.Collins; Orchestra Accompaniment; Harlan.
A fiddler from 'way down East.Collins & Harlan.Berliner.
In monkey land / Morse.Collins ; Harlan.
Where It's Peach Jam Makin' Time Kendis; Brockman; Vincent.Collins; Harlan.
With Her Do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si-and-do Dave Reed.Arthur Collins; Byron G Harlan.Columbia.
If I'm going to die, I'm going to have some fun / Cohan.Arthur Collins, [baritone], with orchestra.
The Aba Daba Honeymoon Arthur Fields; Walter Donovan.Collins; Harlan.
The ghost of the banjo coon / Anna Caldwell.Arthur Collins, baritone solo wth orchestra accompaniment.
I got mine / [John Queen, lyrics ; Charles Cartwell, music].Collins ; Natus.Berliner.
It's up to you to move / [E.] Rogers, lyrics and music.Collins ; Harlan, duet with orchestra.Berliner.
Dark Town Strutters' Ball Brooks.Arthur Collins; Byron G Harian; Orchestra Accompaniment.
Since Arrah Wanna married Barney Carney / Morse.Collins and Harlan.
When the midnight choo-choo leaves for Alaham' / Irving Berlin.Collins and Harlan with orchestra.
Down where the Wurzberger flows / Vincent P. Bryan, lyrics ; Harry von Tilzer, music.Arthur Collins.Berliner.
I love, I love, I love my wife, but oh you kid / von Tilzer, music ; [Jimmy Lucas, lyrics].Arthur Collins, baritone solo with orchestra.
Oh, oh, miss Lucy Ella / Von Tilzer.Collins ; Harlan with orchestra.
I'm Going Back To Carolina E Erdman.Arthur Collins; Orchestra Accompaniment; Byron G Harlan.Columbia
Kerry Mill's barn dance / Kerry Mills.Collins & Harland, baritone and tenor duet; orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
Moving day / [Andrew Sterling] ; [Harry von Tilzer] ; [Charlie Poole].Arthur Collins, with orchestra.Berliner.
The first rehearsal of the huskin' bee.Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
I'd leave my happy home for you / [Charles Doty, lyrics ; Edwin S. Brill, music].Mr. Arthur Collins.Berliner.
In monkey land / Jack Drislane, lyrics ; Theodore F. Morse, music.Collins ; Harlan, vocal duet.Berliner.
Every race has a flag but the coon / [Will A. Heelan ; J. Fred Helf, lyrics and music].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Down in Jungle town / Morse.Collins and Harlan (duet with orchestra).
Would you leave your happy home for me / [Sterling] ; Von Tilzer.[Arthur] Collins, [baritone], and [Byron G.] Harlan, [tenor], with orchestra.
I Get Dippy When I Do That Two-step Dance Selden; Fitzgibbons.Arthur Collins.Columbia
The dude and the farmer.Collins and Harlan.Berliner.
The old grey mare.Collins ; Harlan, duet with orchestra.
Oh! death where is thy sting / [Clarence A. Stout?].Arthur Collins, baritone with orchestra.Compo.
Honey bunch / A. B. Sterling ; Dan Caslar.Collins and Harlan.
If you saw all that I saw in Arkansas / Milton Ager ; Will J. Harris.Collins ; Harlan, duet with orchestra.
My charcoal charmer / [Will D. Cobb, lyrics] ; [Gus Edwards, music].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Casey Jones Went Down On The Robert E. Lee Lee; Jones.Collins; Harlan; With Orchestra.
Camp meeting band / Muir [Alexander?].Arthur Collins, baritone ; Byron G. Harlan, tenor with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
Down Among The Sugar Cane Smith; Mack.Collins; Harlan; With Orchestra.
Backyard conversation [between two Irish washerwomen].Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
When you are wed to me / Adrian Ross, lyrics ; Sidney Jones, music ; [Greenbank, Harry] ; [Monckton, Lionel].Miss Collin ; Mr. Russell.Berliner.
Strike out, McCracken / Edgar Smith, lyrics ; W.T. Francis, music.Arthur Collins & Byron G. Harlan.Berliner.
Under the Anheuser bush, or, [Down at the old Bull and Bush] / [Andrew B. Sterling, lyrics ; Harry von Tilzer, music].Collins ; Harlan, comic duet.Victor.
Me And Mandy Lee Kerry Mills.Arthur Collins; Byron G Harlan; Orchestra Accompaniment.Columbia.
Closing time in a country grocery.Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
Backyard conversation [between two Irish washerwomen].Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
I'll kill the man who swiped me can.Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
Jasper don't you hear me calling you?.Collins ; Harlan.
What's the use of loving, if you can't love all the time? / Harry Armstrong.Arthur Collins.
Under the bamboo tree / [Bob Cole, lyrics ; J. Rosamond Johnson, music].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Oh! Eliza, save a little for me / Day ; Hunter ; [Edward Madden, lyrics and music].Collins ; Harlan, duet with orchestra.Berliner.
I'am [i.e. I'm] crazy 'bout it! / [S.N.] Edmonds, lyrics and music.Collins ; Harlan, with orchestra.Berliner.
Who? me? / [Ted] Snyder.Collins and Harlan, comic duet with orchestra.Berliner.
Every morn I bring her chicken / [Harry J. Breen, lyrics ; Mayo Geary, music].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
I Got To See The Minstrel Show Von Tilzer.Arthur Collins; With Orchestra.
On the Hoko Moko Isle / Lou Klein ; Harry Von Tilzer.Collins ; Harlan, duet with orchestra.
That welcome mat ain't meant for me / [Cobb & Smith, lyrics] ; [Gus] Edwards, music.Collins ; Harlan, duet with orchestra.Berliner.
I Think I See My Brother Coming Now Moran-helf.Arthur Collins.
I got mine / [John Queen, lyrics ; Charles Cartwell, music].Collins and Natus.Berliner.
I'll be busy all next week / John Gilroy, words ; Harry Linton, music.Arthur Collins.Berliner.
The preacher and the bear / Arzonia, arrangement ; [Fairman, lyrics and music].Arthur Collins, with orchestra.Berliner.
The aba daba honeymoon / Fields ; Donovan.Arthur Collins ; Byron G. Harlan.Columbia.
Ma tiger Lily / A. Baldwin Sloane ; Clay M. Greene.Mr. Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Helen Gonne / [Aaron Hoffman, lyrics ; Andy Lewis, music].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
On the honeymoon express : [on that spooney, spooney honeymoon express] / Kendis, music ; Stilwell, music ; [Klein, lyrics].Arthur Collins, baritone ; Byron G. Harlan, tenor, duet with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
The stuttering coon (possum pie) / [Farrell, Jos C., lyrics] ; [Cannon, Hughie L., music].Collins and Harlan, with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
Way back / John Kemble, lyrics ; Lester W. Keith, music.Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
Under the Anheuser bush, or, [Down at the old Bull and Bush] / [Andrew B. Sterling, lyrics ; Harry von Tilzer, music].Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
Never bank on a travelling man / Jean C. Havez, lyrics and music.Collins ; Harlan, with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
Under the bamboo tree / [Bob Cole].Mr. Arthur Collins.Berliner.
I Love, I Love, I Love My Wife, But Oh You Kid Von Tilzer.Arthur Collins.Columbia
We've got a parrot in our house pretty poll, pretty / Gilbert ; Muir.Arthur Collins ; Byron G. Harlan with orchestra.
Railroad Rag Ed Bimberg.Arthur Collins; Orchestra Accompaniment.
Never bank on a travelling man / [Jean Havez].Collins and Harlan.Berliner.
Tra, La, La, La! Irving Berlin.Collins; Harlan; With Orchestra.
I'll kill the man who swiped me can.Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
Push them clouds away goodbye Manhattan Isle.minstrels [Collins ; Burr ; Campbell].
Who's your friend? / Rogers.Collins ; Harlan, with orchestra.Berliner.
[That] railroad rag / Ed. Bimberg, music ; [Nathaniel Hawthorne Vincent, lyrics].Arthur Collins, baritone solo with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
I Want To Go Back To Michigan.Duet.
The first rehearsal of the huskin' bee dance.Messers. Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
Auntie Skinner's chicken dinner / Fields ; Carroll ; Morse.Collins and Harlan.
Louisa Schmidt / [Harry Von Tilzer] ; [Andrew B. Sterling].Collins and Harlan, comic duet with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
Please let me sleep / [R.C. McPherson, lyrics] ; [James Tim Brymn, music].Mr. Arthur Collins.Berliner.
That welcome on the mat ain't meant for me / Edwards.[Arthur] Collins [baritone] and [Byron G.] Harlan [tenor] with orchestra.
They were all doing the same / [Ren Shields, lyrics and music].Collins and Harlan, [Baritone].Berliner.
Jasper don't you hear me calling you? / Bert Fitzgibbon, lyrics ; Henry Frantzen, music.Collins ; Harlan, duet with orchestra.Berliner.
Anxious Kendis; Paley.Collins; Harlan; With Orchestra.Berliner.
The old grey mare / arranged by Panella.Collins : Harlan ; Baritone and tenor duet ; orchestra accompaniment.
Welcome / [Benjamin Hawgood] Burt, lyrics and music.Arthur Collins, with orchestra.Berliner.
My Irish Molly-O / Jean Schwartz, music ; Willam Jerome, lyrics.Arthur Collins, with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
Go 'way back and sit down, or, Go away back and sit down / Elmer Bowman, lyrics ; Al Johns, music.Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Come down from the big fig tree / [Edward Madden, lyrics ; Theodore F. Morse, music].Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
The International Rag Irving Berlin.Collins; Harlan.
Nora my Irish rose / [James O'Dea, lyrics] ; [Anna Payson] Caldwell, music.Arthur Collins, with orchestra.Berliner.
Jasper don't you hear me calling you? / [Bert Fitzgibbon, lyrics ; Henry Frantzen, music].Collins ; Harlan, duet with orchestra.Berliner.
I don't know where I'm goin', but I'm on my way / [George Fairman, lyrics and music?].Arthur Collins, with orchestra.Berliner.
I'm thinkin' of you all o' de while.Arthur Collins.Berliner.
What would the neighbors say?.Collins ; Harlan, duet.Berliner.
I must have been a dreamin' / [Bob Cole, lyrics and music].Collins and Harlan.Berliner.
Down in monkeyville / Theodore Morse.Arthur Collins, baritone ; Byron G. Harlan, tenor with orchestra accompaniment.
Casey Jones went down on the Robert E. Lee / /Clarence Jones, music ; [Marvin Lee, lyrics].Arthur Collins, baritone ; Byron G. Harlan, tenor, duet with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
Kerry Mills barn dance.Collins & Harlan, baritone and tenor duet, orchestra accompaniment.
I'm Going Back To Carolina Downs; Erdman.Collins; Harlan; Orchestra.
Underneath the tango moon / Gray ; Carroll ; [performed by] Collins and Harlan. At the midnight masquerade / Goodwin, Brown ; Ayer ; [performed by] Peerless Quartet.Side A: Collins and Harlan (Arthur Collins, baritone; Byron G. Harlan, tenor) with orchestra ; Side B: Peerless Quartet, male vocals, with orchestra.
Wo't you throw a kiss to me? / William McKenna.Collins and Harlan, baritone and tenor solo, orchestra accompaniment.
Scissors to grind / [Thomas S. Allen].Arthur Collins, with orchestra.Berliner.
Alexander's ragtime-band / Irving Berlin.Collins ; Harlan.
Oh! such a business / [Arthur Gillespie, lyrics ; Gus Edwards, music].Messers. Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
I''m Going Back To Dixie Berlin; Snyder.Arthur Collins; Byron G Harlan.Columbia
When a poor relation comes to town / [Alfred Brown, lyrics] ; [James] Kendis, music ; Paley.Arthur Collins, with orchestra.Berliner.
Nigger loves his 'possum / Dresser.Collins and Harlan with orchestra.
Alexander's ragtime band / Berlin.Collins ; Harlan, with orchestra.
Strike out McCraken [i.e. McCracken] / [Edgar Smith, lyrics ; W.T. Francis, music].Messers. Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
Any rags? / [Thomas S. Allen, lyrics and music].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Nigger loves his 'possum / Dresser.Collins ; Harlan, duet with orchestra.
I Love I Love I Love My Wife But Oh You Kid Von Tilzer.Arthur?2; Orchestra Accompaniment.
Alexander's ragtime band / Irving Berlin.Collins and Harlan, baritone and tenor duet; orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
I got mine / [John Queen, lyrics ; Charles Cartwell, music].Collins ; Natus.Berliner.
The family tree, or, Jungle song / Theodore F. Morse, music.Collins ; Harlan, duet.Berliner.
Casey Jones / E. Newton.Collins and Harlan.Columbia
Brother Noah gave out checks for rain / [Arthur] Longbrake.Arthur Collins, accompanied by Victor Orchestra.Berliner.
If you love your baby, make goo-goo eyes / [Julia Rooney, lyrics and music].Mr. Arthur Collins.Berliner.
My Gal Irene Burt.Collins; Harlan; Orchestra.Berliner.
All aboard for Chinatown / Brookhouse.Collins ; Harlan with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
On The Honeymoon Express Kendis; Stilwell.Arthur Collins; Byron G Harlan; Orchestra Accompaniment.
Tell me, dusky maiden / James Weldon Johnson ; Bob Cole, lyrics ; J. Rosamond Johnson, music.Collins ; Natus.Berliner.
I'm goin' back to Louisana / Floyd Thompson ; E. Clinton Kelenley.Collins ; Harlan, with orchestra.
The Rooster And The Hen Mckenna.Collins; Harlan; Orchestra.
Casey Jones went down on the Robert E. Lee / /Clarence Jones, music ; [Marvin Lee, lyrics].Arthur Collins, baritone ; Byron G. Harlan, tenor, duet with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
The songs of the rag time boy / von Tilzer.Collins and Harlan.
It was the Dutch / [Vincent Bryan, lyrics ; Theodore F. Morse, music].Collins and Harlan.Berliner.
Back home in Tennessee / Donaldson ; sung by Collins and Harlan. I'm all alone / Herman, Fox ; sung by Ethel Costello, Henry Burr.Arthur Collins, baritone and Byron G. Harlan, tenor (as Collins and Harlan) (Side A) ; Ethel Costello, soprano (Side B) ; Henry Burr, tenor (Side B).Columbia.
Auntie skinner's chicken dinner / Fields ; Carroll ; Morse.Collins ; Harlan.
Down in jungle town / Morse.Collins ; Harlan.
You can't fool all the people all the time / [Shepard N. Edmonds].Mr. Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Camp meeting band / Gilbert ; Mult.Collins ; Harlan.
Trouble / [George W. Davids, lyrics ; Fletcher Meakim, music].Collins & Harlan.Berliner.
Brother Noah gave out checks for rain / Longbrake.Arthur Collins with orchestra.
Who's Your Friend? Rogers.Collins; Harlan; With Orchestra.
Two rubes in a tavern / Byron Harlan, words.Collins ; Harlan, comic duet.Berliner.
Arrah wanna.baritone and tenor duet by Collins and Harlan with orchestra accompaniement.
When I'm a sargent man / Fred Hager.Collins ; Harlan, duet with orchestra.
I'm getting sleepy / [Wilbur U. Gumm, lyrics] ; [Joe] Hollander, music.Arthur Collins, with orchestra.Berliner.
That precious little thing called love, or, The riddle song / Smith ; Mack.Collins ; Harlan, with orchestra.
Out in an automobile / Bryan & Evans.Collins and Harlan.Berliner.
At the old plantation ball / Donaldson ; Goetz ; Ager.Collins ; Harlan, duet with orchestra.
That precious little thing called love, or, The riddle song / Smith ; Mack.Collins ; Harlan, with orchestra.
Out in an automobile / Bryan & Evans.Collins and Harlan.Berliner.
At the old plantation ball / Donaldson ; Goetz ; Ager.Collins ; Harlan, duet with orchestra.
Coon, coon, coon / [Gene Jefferson, lyrics ; Leo Friedman, music].Messers. Collins ; Natus ; [Vess Ossman, banjo].Berliner.
The old grey mare / Panella, arranger.Collins, baritone ; Harlan, tenor, duet with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
On the honeymoon express : [on that spooney, spooney honeymoon express] / Kendis, music ; Stilwell, music ; [Klein, lyrics].Arthur Collins, baritone ; Byron G. Harlan, tenor, duet with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
What You Going To Tell Old St. Peter- When You Meet Him At The Golden Gate Rose; Lane.Arthur Collins.
Would you leave your happy home for me? / [Harry] von Tilzer.Collins ; Harlan, duet with orchestra.Berliner.
It Was The Dutch.Favor.Berliner.
Good bye, Fedora / [Harry H. Williams, lyrics ; Robert J. Adams, music].Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
Central give me back my dime / Howard.Collins ; Harlan, duet with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
Let's all go round to Mary Ann's / MacDonald ; Carroll.Collins ; Harlan.
The preacher and the bear / [Joe] Arzonia.Arthur Collins, with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
Here comes my daddy now (Oh Pop, oh Pop, oh Pop) / Gilbert : Muir.Collins : Harlan ; duet with orchestra.
Won't you throw a kiss to me? / William McKenna.Collins and Harlan, baritone and tenor duet; orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
Backyard conversation [between two Irish washerwomen].Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
The international rag / Irving Berlin.Collins and Harlan, comic duet, with orchestra.
My wife's gone to the country! hurray! hurray! / [Berlin, lyrics] ; [Whiting, lyrics] ; [Snyder, music].Collins and Harlan with chorus.Berliner.
Every little bit added to what you've got makes just a little bit more / Dillon Bros.Arthur Collins, with orchestra.
Cindy I dreams about you / [David Reed].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Whoa Bill / [George Totten Smith, lyrics ; Harry von Tilzer, music].Collins ; Natus.Berliner.
Alabama jubilee / Jack Yellen ; George L. Cobb.Collins ; Harlan.Victor.
Dinah Dear Larkins; Smith.Collins; Harlan.
The Swanee River Bend Mierisch; Lowitz.Arthur Collins; Orchestra; Vess J Ossmann.
I ain't seen no messenger boy / [Bivins].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Scissors to grind / Thomas S. Allen.Arthur Collins, with orchestra.Berliner.
Won't You Throw A Kiss To Me.Collins; Harlan; Orchestra Accompaniment.
Back Home In Tennessee Donaldson.Collins; Harlan; Orchestra Accompaniment.Columbia.
Oh! Oh! O'Brien / [M.B. Kirby, lyrics] ; [Jean Schwartz, music].Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
The Ghost Of The Banjo Coon Darky Sketch O'dea; Caldwell Darky Sketch.Arthur Collins; With Orchestra.
Gone, gone, gone / [E.J. Farron Jr., lyrics ; Joseph M. Hollander, music].Collins ; Harlan, with orchestra accompaniment.Berliner.
The pooh-bah of Blackville town / [Eugene Ellsworth].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
O! such a business / [Arthur Gillespie, lyrics ; Gus Edwards, music].Messers. Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
Alabama jubilee / Jack Yellen ; George L. Cobb.Collins ; Harlan.Victor.
Wishes / [Jean Schwartz, lyrics?] ; [William] Jerome, music.Collins ; Harlan, duet with orchestra.Berliner.
The Old Grey Mare. Arranged By Panella.Collins; Harlan; Orchestra Accompaniment.
Let Me Change Your Name, Miss Mandy Dawson; Engel.Collins; Harlan.
Cleopatra.Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Whoa! Bill / [George Totten Smith, lyrics] ; [Harry von Tilzer, music].Collins ; Natus.Berliner.
Whoa Bill / [George Totten Smith, lyrics ; Harry von Tilzer, music].Messrs. Collins and Natus.Berliner.
Down where the Wurzberger flows / [Vincent P. Bryan, lyrics ; Harry von Tilzer, music].Mr. Arthur Collins.Berliner.
What Are You Going To Do When All The Animals Are Gone.Arthur Collins; Orchestra Accompaniment; With Effects.
A fiddler from 'way down East.Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
Scissors to grind / [Thomas S. Allen].Arthur Collins.
Sympathy / Paley, music ; [Collins, lyrics].Arthur Collins, with orchestra.Berliner
Rufus Rastus Johnson Brown what you going to do when the rent comes round / [Harry] von Tilzer, music ; [Andrew Sterling, lyrics].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Casey Jones / E. Newton.Arthur Collins and Byron G. Harlan, baritone and tenor duet; orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
Bedelia / William Jerome, lyrics ; Jean Schwartz, music.Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Two rubes in a tavern / Stanley ; Byron Harlan, words.Collins & Harlan.Berliner.
I'm going right back to chicago / Van Alstyne ; Williams.Arthur Collins, with orchestra.
Moriarity / [Charles Horowitz, lyrics ; Fred V. Bowers, music].Collins ; Harlan, duet.Berliner.
The Hot Tamale Man Ingraham.Arthur Collins; With Orchestra.
N'everything.Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Moriarity [i.e. Moriarty] / [Fred V. Bowers, music ; Charles Horwitz, lyrics].Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
Old Bill Jones = The rube song / [Lew Sully].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Casey Jones / E. Newton.Arthur Collins and Byron G. Harlan, baritone and tenor duet; orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
The submarine attack somewhere at sea / Peerless Quartette.Peerless Quartette, male voices.Columbia.
Vaudeville specialty.Mr. Arthur Collins ; [Metropolitan Orchestra].Berliner.
I love, I love, I love my wife, but oh you kid.Arthur Collins, baritone solo with orchesta accompaniment.
Oh my! / [Dave Nowlin, lyrics ; George Walter Brown, music].Mr. Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Nobody / Rogers, lyrics ; Williams, music.Arthur Collins, with orchestra.Berliner.
Pretty little Dinah Jones / [Mullen].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
You can't fool all de people all de time / [Shepard N. Edmonds].Mr. Arthur Collins.Berliner.
The gambling man / William Jerome, lyrics ; Jean Schwartz, music.Arthur Collins.Berliner.
What's the use of loving, if you can't love all the time? / Harry [i.e. Henry] Armstrong, music ; [Jos. Mittenthall, lyrics].Arthur Collins, beritone solo with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
The Cat And The Fly Paper.Collins; Harlan.Berliner.
Everybody's doing it now / Berlin ; [performed by] Collins and Harlan with orchestra. Darktown poets / [performed by] Golden and Hughes.Collis and Harlan, with orchestra (Side A) ; Golden and Hughes, speakers (Side B).
Arrah wanna / Morse, music ; [Drislane, lyrics].Collins ; Harlan.His Master's Voice.
I ain't got nobody / Young, lyrics ; Warfield, music.Arthur Collins, baritone with orchestra accompaniment.Pathé.
Oh! how she could yacki, hacki, wicki, wacki, woo / Von Tilzer.Arthur Collins, baritone solo with orchestra accompaniment.
Down at the huskin' bee / Monroe H. Rosenfeld ; Stephen R. Henry ; the hat my father wore on St. Patrick's Day / Jean Schwartz ; William Jerome.Collins and Harlan, Haydn Quartet ; Billy Murray.
On the honeymoon express / Klein ; Kendis ; Stilwell.Collins ; Harlan with orchestra.
Casey Jones E Newton.Collins; Orchestra Accompaniment; Harlan.
Dark town strutter's ball / Brooks.Collins, baritone ; Harlan, tenor with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia
You'd never know that old home town of mine / Donaldson.Arthur Collins, baritone ; Byron G. Harlan, tenor with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
I wonder why Bill Bailey don't come home / [Frank Fogerty, lyrics ; Matt C. Woodward ; William Jerome, music].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Hannibal Hope and the circus parade / [Frank O. French ; John B. Lowitz, words] ; [Louis Achille] Hirsch, music.Arthur Collins, with orchestra.Berliner.
I ain't got enough for to pass around / Branen ; Johnson.Arthur Collins, with orch[estra] acc[ompaniment].
Si's been drinking cider / Irving Berlin. The little Ford rambled right along / Gay.Sung by Collins and Harlan [side a] and Arthur Fields [side b].Columbia
The Battle In The Air Campbell; Morse; Collins.Peerless Quartette.Columbia.
Under the Annheuser [i.e. Anheuser] bush / [Harry von Tilzer].Collins and Harlan.Berliner.
My gal Irene / Burt ; [performed by] Collins and Harlan.Arthur Collins, baritone, and Byron G. Harlan, tenor ; with orchestra [that is, instrumental ensemble].Berliner.
I think I see my brother coming now / Moran ; Helf.Arthur Collins, with orchestra.
I got mine / [John Queen, lyrics ; Charles Cartwell, music].Messrs. Collins and Natus.Berliner.
My gal Irene / Burt. Down at Jasper's farm / Moran ; Monaco.Collins and Harlan with orchestra [side a] ; Porter and Harlan with orchestra [side b].
Who will be with you when I go away? / Farrell.Arthur Collins, baritone ; Byron G. Harlan, tenor with orchestra accompaniment.Columbia.
Just help yourself / Harry von Tilzer.Collins ; Harlan ; Victor Orchestra.Berliner.
I don't know where I'm goin, but I'm on my way / Bren.Arthur Collins, [baritone], with orchestra.
Take me to that Swanee shore / Gilbert, Muir.Collins ; Harlan.
I'm Going On The War Path Feist.Collins; Harlan; Orchestra.
Every race has a flag but the coon / [Will A. Heelan ; J. Fred Helf, lyrics and music].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Jerry Murphy is a friend of mine.Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
I never trouble trouble till trouble troubles me / [John H. Flynn, lyrics] ; [Gus Edwards, music].Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
I've got a white man working for me / [Sterling].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Two rubes in a tavern / [Stanley ; Byron Harlan, words].Messers. Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
Lam, lam, lam / [Jerome] ; [Abbott].Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Oh, oh, O'Brien ; [O-o-O'Brien] / [M.B. Kirby, lyrics ; Jean Schwartz, music].Arthur Collins ; Byron George Harlan, Irish duet.Berliner.
There's room for us all on the trolley / Felix F. Feist, lyrics ; Harry Bennett, music.Collins ; Harlan, accompanied by Victor orchestra.Berliner.
The blue and the grey : [a mother's gift to her country] / Paul Dresser, lyrics and music.Arthur Collins.Berliner.
Nigger loves his possum / Dresser.Collins & Harlan with orchestra.Berliner.
What would the neighbors say.Collins ; Harlan.Berliner.
My wife's gone to the country (Hurrah! Hurrah!) / Whiting ; Berlin ; Snyder.Collins and Harlan with chorus and orchestra.
I'm getting sleepy / Hollander.Arthur Collins, [baritone], with orchestra.
Backyard conversation.Collins ; Harlan.
Wishes / Benj. Jerome.Collins ; Harlan.
Any rags / Allen.Arthur Collins, with orchestra.
Strawberries / Allen.Arthur Collins.
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