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4 result(s) found for "Clark, Edward, 1878-1954.".
TitlePerformerGeneric Label
You're in love - medley ("He will understand" and "You're in love") / Rudolf Friml.Joseph C. Smith and his orchestra.
You're in love / Hauerbach [i.e. Harbach], lyrics ; Clark, lyrics ; Friml, music.Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Lyric Quartet, mixed quartet with orchestra.Victor.
You're in love / Hauerbach [i.e. Harbach], lyrics ; Clark, lyrics ; Friml, music.Harry Macdonough, tenor ; Lyric Quartet, mixed quartet with orchestra.Berliner.
You're in love / Hauerbach ; Clark ; Friml.Macdonough ; Lyric Quartet.
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