Kuu loke ; Dear old pal of mine / [Frederic Bowers] ; [Gitz Rice]. | Ben Hokea ; Al Nani, with Hawaiian guitars. | Berliner. |
Heigh-ho : from "The Echo" / Nat. C. Croyer. Every little movement : from "Madame Sherry" / [Hoschna]. | Frederick Bowers, tenor solo [with] orchestra accompaniment [side a]; Miss M. Mayew and Henry Burr, mezzo soprano and tenor duet [with] orchestra accompaniment [side b]. | Columbia |
Heigh-ho : from "The echo" / Nat C. Croyer. | Frederick V. Bowers, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia |
Wait / Charles Horwitz, lyrics ; Frederick V. Bowers, music. | Herbert Goddard. | Berliner. |
Heigh-ho : from "The echo" / Nat C. Croyer. | Frederick V. Bowers, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia |
Heigh-ho : from "The echo" / Nat C. Croyer. | Frederick V. Bowers, tenor solo with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia |
Always / [Charles Horwitz, lyrics ; Borowitz, music]. | Herbert Goddard, baritone solo. | Berliner. |
Moriarity / [Charles Horowitz, lyrics ; Fred V. Bowers, music]. | Collins ; Harlan, duet. | Berliner. |