Memories / Gustave Kahn ; Egbert Van Alstyne. | John Barnes Wells. | |
The count / Thomas Gordon. | Andy Kirk and his Clouds of Joy ; Rudy Powell ; John Harrington ; Dick Wilson ; Ed Inge, saxophones ; Harry Lawson ; Harold Baker ; Clarence Trice, trumpets ; Theodore Donnelly ; Henry Wells, trombones ; Mary Lou Williams, piano ; Floyd Smith, guitar ; Booker T. Collins, bass ; Ben Thigen, drums. | |
Twelfth street rag / Euday L. Bowman ; James Sumner. | Andy Kirk and his Clouds of Joy ; Rudy Powell ; John Harrington ; Dick Wilson ; Ed Inge, saxophones ; Harry Lawson ; Harold Baker ; Clarence Trice, trumpets ; Theodore Donnelly ; Henry Wells, trombones ; Mary Lou Williams, piano ; Floyd Smith, guitar ; Booker T. Collins, bass ; Ben Thigen, drums. | |
The Story Of The Rose Andrew Mack. | John Barnes Wells; With Orchestra. | |
Joy Of The Morning Edwin Markham; Harriet Ware. | John Barnes Wells; Harriet Ware. | |
Mammy's Song Porter; Ware. | John Barnes Wells; With Orchestra. | |
The Land Of The Swallows Masini. | Mildred Potter; John Barnes Wells; Orchestra Accompaniment. | Columbia. |
Boat Song Harriet Ware. | John Barnes Wells; Accompaniment By Victor Orchestra. | |
The Rosary / Nevin. | John Barnes Wells ; Victor Orchestra. | |
Memories Gustave Kahn; Egbert Van Alstyne. | John Barnes Wells; With Orchestra. | |
My Garden That Blooms For You Evans; Lusk. | John B Wells; With Orchestra. | |
Little bit of heaven (shure they call it Ireland) / Ball. | John Barnes Wells, tenor with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia. |
Little bit of heaven (shure they call it Ireland) / Ball. | John Barnes Wells, tenor with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia. |
Little bit of heaven (shure they call it Ireland) / Ball. | John Barnes Wells, tenor with orchestra accompaniment. | Columbia. |
Geneviève / Cooper ; Tucker. | John B. Wells, tenor, Haydn Quartet with orchestra. | |
Sweet Genevieve / Cooper ; Tucker. | John Barnes Wells ; Hayden [i.e. Haydn] Quartet. | |
The Rosary Ethelbert Nevin. | Alan Turner; Victor Orchestra. | |
Beautiful isle of somewhere / Pounds ; Fearis. | John Barnes Wells, tenor with orchestra. | |
Sweet Genevieve / Cooper ; Tucker ; [performed by] John B. Wells and Haydn Quartet. Where the River Shannon flows / Russell ; [performed by] Harry Macdonough with orchestra. | On side A: John B. Wells and Haydn Quartet, vocals ; with orchestra. On side B: Harry Macdonough, vocals ; with orchestra. | |